- Check whether file is encoded in "UTF-8 with BOM" and run it through powershell.exe.
- Check whether file is encoded in **UTF-8 with BOM** and run it through powershell.exe.
- Copy the script code and paste it into [PowerShell ISE](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/components/ise/windows-powershell-integrated-scripting-environment--ise-).
- Copy the script code and paste it into [PowerShell ISE](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/scripting/components/ise/windows-powershell-integrated-scripting-environment--ise-).
- PowerShell and PowerShell ISE must be run with elevated privileges;
- Set PowerShell execution policy <code>Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Force</code> to be able to run .ps1 files.
- Read more about [execution policy](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/microsoft.powershell.core/about/about_execution_policies)
## FAQ
## FAQ
Read the code you run carefully. Some functions are presented as an example only. You must be aware of the meaning of the functions in the code. **If you're not sure what the script does, do not run it.**
Read the code you run carefully. Some functions are presented as an example only. You must be aware of the meaning of the functions in the code. **If you're not sure what the script does, do not run it.**
Some of functions can be run also on LTSB/LTSC and on older versions of Windows and PowerShell (also on 32bit systems).
Some of functions can be run also on LTSB/LTSC and on older versions of Windows and PowerShell (also on 32bit systems).