@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function InitialActions
[Net.ServicePointManager] :: SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType] :: Tls12
# Import PowerShell 5.1 modules
Import-Module -Name Microsoft . PowerShell . Management , PackageManagement , Appx -UseWindowsPowerShell
Import-Module -Name Microsoft . PowerShell . Management , PackageManagement , Appx , DISM -UseWindowsPowerShell
# Extract strings from %SystemRoot%\System32\shell32.dll using its number
# https://github.com/SamuelArnold/StarKill3r/blob/master/Star%20Killer/Star%20Killer/bin/Debug/Scripts/SANS-SEC505-master/scripts/Day1-PowerShell/Expand-IndirectString.ps1
@ -212,8 +212,6 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
" Ghost Toolbox " = " $ env:SystemRoot\System32\migwiz\dlmanifests\run.ghost.cmd "
# https://win10tweaker.ru
" Win 10 Tweaker " = " HKCU:\Software\Win 10 Tweaker "
# https://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=50519
" Modern Tweaker " = " Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\shell\Modern Cleaner "
# https://boosterx.ru
BoosterX = " $ env:ProgramFiles\GameModeX\GameModeX.exe "
# https://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=14285&start=400#11
@ -234,6 +232,8 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
WinClean = " $ env:ProgramFiles\WinClean Plus Apps "
# https://github.com/Atlas-OS/Atlas
AtlasOS = " $ env:SystemRoot\AtlasModules "
# https://www.gearupbooster.com
" GearUP Booster " = " $ {env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\GearUPBooster "
foreach ( $Tweaker in $Tweakers . Keys )
@ -267,13 +267,15 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Check whether Windows was broken by 3rd party harmful tweakers and trojans
$Tweakers = @ {
# https://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=62&topic=30617&start=1600#14
AutoSettingsPS = " $( Get-Item -Path `" HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender \ Exclusions \ Paths `" | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Property -match `" AutoSettingsPS `" } ) "
AutoSettingsPS = " $( Get-Item -Path `" HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows Defender \ Exclusions \ Paths `" | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Property -match `" AutoSettingsPS `" } ) "
# Flibustier custom Windows image
Flibustier = " $( Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ . NETFramework \ Performance -Name * flibustier ) "
Flibustier = " $( Get-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ . NETFramework \ Performance -Name * flibustier ) "
# https://github.com/hellzerg/optimizer
Optimizer = " $( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path `" HKCU : \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ MuiCache `" ) . PSObject . Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Value -eq `" optimizer `" } ) "
Optimizer = " $( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path `" HKCU : \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ MuiCache `" ) . PSObject . Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Value -eq `" optimizer `" } ) "
# https://github.com/builtbybel/Winpilot
Winpilot = " $( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path `" HKCU : \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ MuiCache `" ) . PSObject . Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Value -eq `" Winpilot `" } ) "
Winpilot = " $( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path `" HKCU : \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ MuiCache `" ) . PSObject . Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Value -eq `" Winpilot `" } ) "
# https://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=5&topic=50519
" Modern Tweaker " = " $( ( Get-ItemProperty -Path `" HKCU : \ Software \ Classes \ Local Settings \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Shell \ MuiCache `" ) . PSObject . Properties | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Value -eq `" Modern Tweaker `" } ) "
foreach ( $Tweaker in $Tweakers . Keys )
@ -294,8 +296,6 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21295
# Import PowerShell 5.1 DISM module
Import-Module -Name DISM -UseWindowsPowerShell
Get-WindowsEdition -Online
catch [System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException]
@ -306,7 +306,7 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Check whether Windows Feature Experience Pack was removed by harmful tweakers
if ( -not ( Get-AppxPackage -Name MicrosoftWindows . Client . CBS ) )
@ -598,6 +598,18 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
if ( ( Get-WindowsEdition -Online ) . Edition -notmatch " EnterpriseS " )
# Will be removed when Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC will be released officially this Autumn along side with 24H2
Write-Warning -Message " You're using a leaked Windows 11 Enterprise LTSC image. The official release set to November. "
Write-Verbose -Message " https://t.me/sophia_chat " -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message " https://discord.gg/sSryhaEv79 " -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message " https://github.com/farag2/Sophia-Script-for-Windows#system-requirements " -Verbose
# Detect Windows build version
switch ( ( Get-CimInstance -ClassName CIM_OperatingSystem ) . BuildNumber )
@ -4717,10 +4729,6 @@ function OneDrive
$Install ,
[ Parameter (
Mandatory = $true ,
ParameterSetName = " Install "
) ]
@ -4729,7 +4737,9 @@ function OneDrive
" Uninstall "
[string] $UninstallString = Get-Package -Name " Microsoft OneDrive " -ProviderName Programs -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ . Meta . Attributes [ " UninstallString " ] }
# {$_.Meta.Attributes["UninstallString"]} is broken
[xml] $UninstallString = Get-Package -Name " Microsoft OneDrive " -ProviderName Programs -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ . SwidTagText }
[string] $UninstallString = $UninstallString . SoftwareIdentity . Meta . UninstallString
if ( -not $UninstallString )
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
@ -4890,11 +4900,11 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if ( $AllUsers )
# Install OneDrive for all users
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ System32 \ OneDriveSetup . exe -ArgumentList " /allusers " -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ System32 \ OneDriveSetup . exe -ArgumentList " /allusers "
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ System32 \ OneDriveSetup . exe -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ System32 \ OneDriveSetup . exe
@ -4929,7 +4939,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Remove invalid chars
[xml] $OneDriveXML = $Content -replace "  " , " "
$OneDriveURL = ( $OneDriveXML ) . root . update . amd64binary . url | Select-Object -Index 1
$OneDriveURL = $OneDriveXML . root . update . amd64binary . url | Select-Object -Index 1
$DownloadsFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path " HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders " -Name " {374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B} "
$Parameters = @ {
Uri = $OneDriveURL
@ -4942,7 +4952,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if ( $AllUsers )
# Install OneDrive for all users to %ProgramFiles%
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ SysWOW64 \ OneDriveSetup . exe -ArgumentList " /allusers " -Wait
Start-Process -FilePath $env:SystemRoot \ SysWOW64 \ OneDriveSetup . exe -ArgumentList " /allusers "
@ -5201,296 +5211,6 @@ function Hibernation
The % TEMP % environment variable path
. PARAMETER SystemDrive
Change the % TEMP % environment variable path to % SystemDrive % \ Temp
Change the % TEMP % environment variable path to % LOCALAPPDATA % \ Temp
TempFolder -SystemDrive
TempFolder -Default
function TempFolder
[ Parameter (
Mandatory = $true ,
ParameterSetName = " SystemDrive "
) ]
$SystemDrive ,
[ Parameter (
Mandatory = $true ,
ParameterSetName = " Default "
) ]
switch ( $PSCmdlet . ParameterSetName )
" SystemDrive "
if ( ( Get-LocalUser | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Enabled } ) . Count -gt 1 )
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $Localization . Skipped -Verbose
# PowerShell 5.1 (7.5 too) interprets 8.3 file name literally, if an environment variable contains a non-Latin word
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21070
if ( ( Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP ) . FullName -eq " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " )
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $Localization . Skipped -Verbose
# Restart the Printer Spooler service (Spooler)
Restart-Service -Name Spooler -Force
# Stop OneDrive processes
Stop-Process -Name OneDrive , FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $env:SystemDrive \ Temp ) )
New-Item -Path $env:SystemDrive \ Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# Cleaning up folders
Remove-Item -Path $env:SystemRoot \ Temp -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP -Force | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . LinkType -ne " SymbolicLink " } | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp ) )
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ( ( Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object ) . Count -ne 0 )
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-movefileexa
# The system does not move the file until the operating system is restarted
# The system moves the file immediately after AUTOCHK is executed, but before creating any paging files
$Signature = @ {
Namespace = " WinAPI "
Name = " DeleteFiles "
Language = " CSharp "
CompilerOptions = $CompilerOptions
MemberDefinition = @ "
public enum MoveFileFlags
[ DllImport ( " kernel32.dll " , SetLastError = true , CharSet = CharSet . Unicode ) ]
static extern bool MoveFileEx ( string lpExistingFileName , string lpNewFileName , MoveFileFlags dwFlags ) ;
public static bool MarkFileDelete ( string sourcefile )
return MoveFileEx ( sourcefile , null , MoveFileFlags . MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT ) ;
" @
if ( -not ( " WinAPI.DeleteFiles " -as [type] ) )
Add-Type @Signature
Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# If files are in use remove them at the next boot
Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | ForEach-Object -Process { [WinAPI.DeleteFiles] :: MarkFileDelete ( $_ . FullName ) }
$SymbolicLinkTask = @ "
Get-ChildItem -Path `$ env : LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -Recurse -Force | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
Get-Item -Path `$ env : LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -Force | Where-Object -FilterScript { `$ _ . LinkType -ne " "" SymbolicLink "" " } | Remove-Item -Recurse -Force
New-Item -Path `$ env : LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value `$ env : SystemDrive \ Temp -Force
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName SymbolicLink -Confirm : `$ false
" @
# Create a temporary scheduled task to create a symbolic link to the %SystemDrive%\Temp folder
# We cannot create a schedule task if %COMPUTERNAME% is equal to %USERNAME%, so we have to use a "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$env:USERNAME" method
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21377
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute powershell . exe -Argument " -WindowStyle Hidden -Command $ SymbolicLinkTask "
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogon -User $env:USERNAME
$Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Compatibility Win8
$Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId " $ env:COMPUTERNAME\ $ env:USERNAME " -RunLevel Highest
$Parameters = @ {
TaskName = " SymbolicLink "
Principal = $Principal
Action = $Action
Settings = $Settings
Trigger = $Trigger
Register-ScheduledTask @Parameters -Force
# Create a symbolic link to the %SystemDrive%\Temp folder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -ItemType SymbolicLink -Value $env:SystemDrive \ Temp -Force
# Change the %TEMP% environment variable path to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
# The additional registry key creating are needed to fix the property type of the keys: SetEnvironmentVariable creates them with the "String" type instead of "ExpandString" as by default
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " User " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " Machine " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " Process " )
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Environment -Name TMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $env:SystemDrive \ Temp -Force
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " User " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " Machine " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:SystemDrive\Temp " , " Process " )
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Environment -Name TEMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $env:SystemDrive \ Temp -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment " -Name TMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $env:SystemDrive \ Temp -Force
" Default "
# PowerShell 5.1 (7.5 too) interprets 8.3 file name literally, if an environment variable contains a non-Latin word
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21070
if ( ( Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP ) . FullName -eq " $ env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp " )
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $Localization . Skipped -Verbose
# Restart the Printer Spooler service (Spooler)
Restart-Service -Name Spooler -Force
# Stop OneDrive processes
Stop-Process -Name OneDrive , FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Remove a symbolic link to the %SystemDrive%\Temp folder
if ( Get-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . LinkType -eq " SymbolicLink " } )
( Get-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -Force ) . Delete ( )
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $env:SystemRoot \ Temp ) )
New-Item -Path $env:SystemRoot \ Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp ) )
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA \ Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# Removing folders
# PowerShell 5.1 (7.5 too) interprets 8.3 file name literally, if an environment variable contains a non-Latin word
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21070
Remove-Item -Path $ ( ( Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP ) . FullName ) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ( ( Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object ) . Count -ne 0 )
# https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-movefileexa
# The system does not move the file until the operating system is restarted
# The system moves the file immediately after AUTOCHK is executed, but before creating any paging files
$Signature = @ {
Namespace = " WinAPI "
Name = " DeleteFiles "
Language = " CSharp "
CompilerOptions = $CompilerOptions
MemberDefinition = @ "
public enum MoveFileFlags
[ DllImport ( " kernel32.dll " , SetLastError = true , CharSet = CharSet . Unicode ) ]
static extern bool MoveFileEx ( string lpExistingFileName , string lpNewFileName , MoveFileFlags dwFlags ) ;
public static bool MarkFileDelete ( string sourcefile )
return MoveFileEx ( sourcefile , null , MoveFileFlags . MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT ) ;
" @
if ( -not ( " WinAPI.DeleteFiles " -as [type] ) )
Add-Type @Signature
# PowerShell 5.1 (7.5 too) interprets 8.3 file name literally, if an environment variable contains a non-Latin word
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21070
Remove-Item -Path $ ( ( Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP ) . FullName ) -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# If files are in use remove them at the next boot
Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Recurse -Force | ForEach-Object -Process { [WinAPI.DeleteFiles] :: MarkFileDelete ( $_ . FullName ) }
# PowerShell 5.1 (7.5 too) interprets 8.3 file name literally, if an environment variable contains a non-Latin word
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21070
$TempFolder = ( Get-Item -Path $env:TEMP ) . FullName
$TempFolderCleanupTask = @ "
Remove-Item -Path " $ TempFolder " -Recurse -Force
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName TemporaryTask -Confirm : `$ false
" @
# Create a temporary scheduled task to clean up the temporary folder
# We cannot create a schedule task if %COMPUTERNAME% is equal to %USERNAME%, so we have to use a "$env:COMPUTERNAME\$env:USERNAME" method
# https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/21377
$Action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute powershell . exe -Argument " -WindowStyle Hidden -Command $ TempFolderCleanupTask "
$Trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -AtLogon -User $env:USERNAME
$Settings = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet -Compatibility Win8
$Principal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal -UserId " $ env:COMPUTERNAME\ $ env:USERNAME " -RunLevel Highest
$Parameters = @ {
TaskName = " TemporaryTask "
Principal = $Principal
Action = $Action
Settings = $Settings
Trigger = $Trigger
Register-ScheduledTask @Parameters -Force
# Change the %TEMP% environment variable path to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp " , " User " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:SystemRoot\TEMP " , " Machine " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TMP " , " $ env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp " , " Process " )
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Environment -Name TMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value " %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp " -Force
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp " , " User " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:SystemRoot\TEMP " , " Machine " )
[Environment] :: SetEnvironmentVariable ( " TEMP " , " $ env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp " , " Process " )
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Environment -Name TEMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value " %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp " -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment " -Name TMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value " %SystemRoot%\TEMP " -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment " -Name TEMP -PropertyType ExpandString -Value " %SystemRoot%\TEMP " -Force
The Windows 260 character path limit
@ -8157,6 +7877,24 @@ function RecommendedTroubleshooting
New-Item -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsMitigation -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsMitigation -Name UserPreference -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
# Set Windows level of diagnostic data gathering to "Optional diagnostic data"
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack ) )
New-Item -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ DataCollection -Name MaxTelemetryAllowed -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack -Name ShowedToastAtLevel -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
Set-Policy -Scope Computer -Path SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -Type DWORD -Value 3
# Turn on Windows Error Reporting
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName QueueReporting | Enable-ScheduledTask
Remove-ItemProperty -Path " HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting " -Name Disabled -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Get-Service -Name WerSvc | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
Get-Service -Name WerSvc | Start-Service
" Default "
@ -8167,24 +7905,6 @@ function RecommendedTroubleshooting
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ WindowsMitigation -Name UserPreference -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 -Force
# Set Windows level of diagnostic data gathering to "Optional diagnostic data"
if ( -not ( Test-Path -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack ) )
New-Item -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ DataCollection -Name MaxTelemetryAllowed -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU : \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Diagnostics \ DiagTrack -Name ShowedToastAtLevel -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
Set-Policy -Scope Computer -Path SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -Type DWORD -Value 1
# Turn on Windows Error Reporting
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName QueueReporting | Enable-ScheduledTask
Remove-ItemProperty -Path " HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting " -Name Disabled -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Get-Service -Name WerSvc | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
Get-Service -Name WerSvc | Start-Service
@ -10467,7 +10187,7 @@ function Install-WSL
UseBasicParsing = $true
Verbose = $true
( Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters ) . Distributions | ForEach-Object -Process {
$Distros = ( Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters ) . Distributions | ForEach-Object -Process {
[PSCustomObject] @ {
" Distro " = $_ . FriendlyName
" Alias " = $_ . Name
@ -11185,326 +10905,6 @@ function UninstallUWPApps
Restore the default UWP apps
UWP apps can be restored only if they were uninstalled for the current user
https : / / github . com / microsoft / CsWinRT
https : / / www . nuget . org / packages / Microsoft . Windows . SDK . NET . Ref
Load the WinRT . Runtime . dll and Microsoft . Windows . SDK . NET . dll assemblies in the current session in order to get localized UWP apps names
Current user
function RestoreUWPApps
Add-Type -AssemblyName " $ PSScriptRoot\..\bin\WinRT.Runtime.dll "
Add-Type -AssemblyName " $ PSScriptRoot\..\bin\Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll "
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore , PresentationFramework
#region Variables
#region XAML Markup
# The section defines the design of the upcoming dialog box
[xml] $XAML = @ "
< Window
xmlns = " http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation "
xmlns : x = " http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml "
Name = " Window "
MinHeight = " 400 " MinWidth = " 410 "
SizeToContent = " Width " WindowStartupLocation = " CenterScreen "
TextOptions . TextFormattingMode = " Display " SnapsToDevicePixels = " True "
FontFamily = " Candara " FontSize = " 16 " ShowInTaskbar = " True "
Background = " #F1F1F1 " Foreground = " #262626 " >
< Window . Resources >
< Style TargetType = " StackPanel " >
< Setter Property = " Orientation " Value = " Horizontal " / >
< Setter Property = " VerticalAlignment " Value = " Top " / >
< / Style >
< Style TargetType = " CheckBox " >
< Setter Property = " Margin " Value = " 10, 13, 10, 10 " / >
< Setter Property = " IsChecked " Value = " True " / >
< / Style >
< Style TargetType = " TextBlock " >
< Setter Property = " Margin " Value = " 0, 10, 10, 10 " / >
< / Style >
< Style TargetType = " Button " >
< Setter Property = " Margin " Value = " 20 " / >
< Setter Property = " Padding " Value = " 10 " / >
< Setter Property = " IsEnabled " Value = " False " / >
< / Style >
< Style TargetType = " Border " >
< Setter Property = " Grid.Row " Value = " 1 " / >
< Setter Property = " CornerRadius " Value = " 0 " / >
< Setter Property = " BorderThickness " Value = " 0, 1, 0, 1 " / >
< Setter Property = " BorderBrush " Value = " #000000 " / >
< / Style >
< Style TargetType = " ScrollViewer " >
< Setter Property = " HorizontalScrollBarVisibility " Value = " Disabled " / >
< Setter Property = " BorderBrush " Value = " #000000 " / >
< Setter Property = " BorderThickness " Value = " 0, 1, 0, 1 " / >
< / Style >
< / Window . Resources >
< Grid >
< Grid . RowDefinitions >
< RowDefinition Height = " Auto " / >
< RowDefinition Height = " * " / >
< RowDefinition Height = " Auto " / >
< / Grid . RowDefinitions >
< Grid Grid . Row = " 0 " >
< Grid . ColumnDefinitions >
< ColumnDefinition Width = " * " / >
< ColumnDefinition Width = " * " / >
< / Grid . ColumnDefinitions >
< StackPanel Name = " PanelSelectAll " Grid . Column = " 0 " HorizontalAlignment = " Left " >
< CheckBox Name = " CheckBoxSelectAll " IsChecked = " False " / >
< TextBlock Name = " TextBlockSelectAll " Margin = " 10,10, 0, 10 " / >
< / StackPanel >
< / Grid >
< Border >
< ScrollViewer >
< StackPanel Name = " PanelContainer " Orientation = " Vertical " / >
< / ScrollViewer >
< / Border >
< Button Name = " ButtonRestore " Grid . Row = " 2 " / >
< / Grid >
< / Window >
" @
#endregion XAML Markup
$Form = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader] :: Load ( ( New-Object -TypeName System . Xml . XmlNodeReader -ArgumentList $XAML ) )
$XAML . SelectNodes ( " //*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]] " ) | ForEach-Object -Process {
Set-Variable -Name ( $_ . Name ) -Value $Form . FindName ( $_ . Name )
$Window . Title = $Localization . UWPAppsTitle
$ButtonRestore . Content = $Localization . Restore
# Extract the localized "Select all" string from shell32.dll
$TextBlockSelectAll . Text = [WinAPI.GetStrings] :: GetString ( 31276 )
$ButtonRestore . Add_Click ( { ButtonRestoreClick } )
$CheckBoxSelectAll . Add_Click ( { CheckBoxSelectAllClick } )
#endregion Variables
#region Functions
function Get-AppxManifest
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
# Extract the localized "Please wait..." string from shell32.dll
Write-Verbose -Message ( [WinAPI.GetStrings] :: GetString ( 12612 ) ) -Verbose
# You cannot retrieve packages using -PackageTypeFilter Bundle, otherwise you won't get the InstallLocation attribute. It can be retrieved only by comparing with $Bundles
$Bundles = ( Get-AppXPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers ) . Name
$AppxPackages = @ ( Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . PackageUserInformation -match " Staged " } | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Name -in $Bundles } )
# The Bundle packages contains no Microsoft Teams
if ( Get-AppxPackage -Name MSTeams -AllUsers )
$AppxPackages + = Get-AppxPackage -Name MSTeams -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . PackageUserInformation -match " Staged " }
$PackagesIds = [Windows.Management.Deployment.PackageManager] :: new ( ) . FindPackages ( ) | Select-Object -Property DisplayName -ExpandProperty Id | Select-Object -Property Name , DisplayName
foreach ( $AppxPackage in $AppxPackages )
$PackageId = $PackagesIds | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ . Name -eq $AppxPackage . Name }
if ( -not $PackageId )
[PSCustomObject] @ {
Name = $AppxPackage . Name
PackageFullName = $AppxPackage . PackageFullName
DisplayName = $PackageId . DisplayName
AppxManifest = " $( $AppxPackage . InstallLocation ) \AppxManifest.xml "
function Add-Control
[ CmdletBinding ( ) ]
[ Parameter (
Mandatory = $true ,
ValueFromPipeline = $true
) ]
[ ValidateNotNull ( ) ]
foreach ( $Package in $Packages )
$CheckBox = New-Object -TypeName System . Windows . Controls . CheckBox
$CheckBox . Tag = $Package . AppxManifest
$TextBlock = New-Object -TypeName System . Windows . Controls . TextBlock
if ( $Package . DisplayName )
$TextBlock . Text = $Package . DisplayName
$TextBlock . Text = $Package . Name
$StackPanel = New-Object -TypeName System . Windows . Controls . StackPanel
$StackPanel . Children . Add ( $CheckBox ) | Out-Null
$StackPanel . Children . Add ( $TextBlock ) | Out-Null
$PanelContainer . Children . Add ( $StackPanel ) | Out-Null
$CheckBox . IsChecked = $true
$PackagesToRestore . Add ( $Package . AppxManifest )
$CheckBox . Add_Click ( { CheckBoxClick } )
function ButtonRestoreClick
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
# Extract the localized "Please wait..." string from shell32.dll
Write-Verbose -Message ( [WinAPI.GetStrings] :: GetString ( 12612 ) ) -Verbose
$Window . Close ( ) | Out-Null
$Parameters = @ {
Register = $true
ForceApplicationShutdown = $true
ForceUpdateFromAnyVersion = $true
DisableDevelopmentMode = $true
Verbose = $true
$PackagesToRestore | Add-AppxPackage @Parameters
function CheckBoxClick
$CheckBox = $_ . Source
if ( $CheckBox . IsChecked )
$PackagesToRestore . Add ( $CheckBox . Tag ) | Out-Null
$PackagesToRestore . Remove ( $CheckBox . Tag )
function CheckBoxSelectAllClick
$CheckBox = $_ . Source
if ( $CheckBox . IsChecked )
$PackagesToRestore . Clear ( )
foreach ( $Item in $PanelContainer . Children . Children )
if ( $Item -is [System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox] )
$Item . IsChecked = $true
$PackagesToRestore . Add ( $Item . Tag )
$PackagesToRestore . Clear ( )
foreach ( $Item in $PanelContainer . Children . Children )
if ( $Item -is [System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox] )
$Item . IsChecked = $false
function ButtonRestoreSetIsEnabled
if ( $PackagesToRestore . Count -gt 0 )
$ButtonRestore . IsEnabled = $true
$ButtonRestore . IsEnabled = $false
#endregion Functions
$PackagesToRestore = [Collections.Generic.List[string]] :: new ( )
$AppXPackages = Get-AppxManifest
$AppXPackages | Add-Control
if ( $AppxPackages . Count -eq 0 )
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $Localization . NoData -Verbose
Write-Information -MessageData " " -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message $Localization . DialogBoxOpening -Verbose
#region Sendkey function
# Emulate the Backspace key sending to prevent the console window to freeze
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500
Add-Type -AssemblyName System . Windows . Forms
Get-Process | Where-Object -FilterScript { ( ( $_ . ProcessName -eq " powershell " ) -or ( $_ . ProcessName -eq " WindowsTerminal " ) ) -and ( $_ . MainWindowTitle -match " Sophia Script for Windows 11 " ) } | ForEach-Object -Process {
# Show window, if minimized
[WinAPI.ForegroundWindow] :: ShowWindowAsync ( $_ . MainWindowHandle , 10 )
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Force move the console window to the foreground
[WinAPI.ForegroundWindow] :: SetForegroundWindow ( $_ . MainWindowHandle )
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
# Emulate the Backspace key sending to prevent the console window to freeze
[System.Windows.Forms.SendKeys] :: SendWait ( " {BACKSPACE 1} " )
#endregion Sendkey function
if ( $PackagesToRestore . Count -gt 0 )
$ButtonRestore . IsEnabled = $true
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Window . Add_Loaded ( { $Window . Activate ( ) } )
$Form . ShowDialog ( ) | Out-Null
Cortana autostarting
@ -14239,7 +13639,7 @@ function UseStoreOpenWith
# Remove all policies in order to make changes visible in UI only if it's possible
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Explorer -Name NoUseStoreOpenWith -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM : \ Software \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Explorer -Name NoUseStoreOpenWith -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Set-Policy -Scope Computer -Path SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Explorer -Name NoUseStoreOpenWith -Type CLEAR
switch ( $PSCmdlet . ParameterSetName )