@ -278,6 +278,7 @@ sub _main {
'deprecated' ,
'deprecated' ,
'htmlroot|r=s' ,
'htmlroot|r=s' ,
'imageroot|i=s' ,
'imageroot|i=s' ,
'wiki|w:s' ,
'tabwidth|tab-width=s' ,
'tabwidth|tab-width=s' ,
'stylesheet|style-sheet' ,
'stylesheet|style-sheet' ,
'no-stylesheet|no-style-sheet' ,
'no-stylesheet|no-style-sheet' ,
@ -323,6 +324,18 @@ sub _main {
if ( $ cli_opts { 'imageroot' } ) { # Use image URL prefix
if ( $ cli_opts { 'imageroot' } ) { # Use image URL prefix
$ options { img_prefix } = $ cli_opts { 'imageroot' } ;
$ options { img_prefix } = $ cli_opts { 'imageroot' } ;
if ( exists $ cli_opts { 'wiki' } ) { # Enable wiki links
my $ wpat = $ cli_opts { 'wiki' } ;
defined ( $ wpat ) or $ wpat = "" ;
my $ wopt = "s" ;
if ( $ wpat =~ /^(.*?)%\{([0-9A-Za-z]*)\}(.*)$/ ) {
$ options { wikipat } = $ 1 . "%{}" . $ 3 ;
$ wopt = $ 2 ;
} else {
$ options { wikipat } = $ wpat . "%{}.html" ;
$ options { wikiopt } = { map ( { $ _ = > 1 } split ( // , lc ( $ wopt ) ) ) } ;
if ( $ cli_opts { 'stylesheet' } ) { # Display the style sheet
if ( $ cli_opts { 'stylesheet' } ) { # Display the style sheet
$ options { show_styles } = 1 ;
$ options { show_styles } = 1 ;
@ -794,20 +807,74 @@ sub _ProcessWikiLink {
my ( $ link_text , $ link_loc ) = @ _ ;
my ( $ link_text , $ link_loc ) = @ _ ;
if ( defined ( $ link_loc ) &&
if ( defined ( $ link_loc ) &&
( $ link_loc =~ m {^#\S*$} || $ link_loc =~ m {^(?:http|ftp)s?://\S+$}i ) ) {
( $ link_loc =~ m {^#\S*$} || $ link_loc =~ m {^(?:http|ftp)s?://\S+$}i ) ) {
# Just rewrite it to [...](...) form
# Return the new link
return "[" . $ link_text . "](" . $ link_loc . ")" ;
return _MakeATag ( $ link_loc , $ link_text ) ;
my $ sloc ;
if ( ! defined ( $ link_loc ) &&
if ( ! defined ( $ link_loc ) &&
( $ sloc = _strip ( $ link_text ) ) =~ m {^(?:http|ftp)s?://\S+$}i ) {
( $ link_loc = _strip ( $ link_text ) ) =~ m {^(?:http|ftp)s?://\S+$}i ) {
# Just rewrite it to [...](...) form
# Return the new link
return "[" . $ link_text . "](" . $ sloc . ")" ;
return _MakeATag ( $ link_loc , $ link_text ) ;
return undef if $ link_loc eq "" || $ link_text eq "" ;
if ( $ link_loc =~ /^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9+.-]*:/os ) {
# Unrecognized scheme
return undef ;
if ( $ opt { wikipat } ) {
my $ o = $ opt { wikiopt } ;
my $ qsfrag = "" ;
my $ base = $ link_loc ;
if ( $ link_loc =~ /^(.*?)([?#].*)$/os ) {
( $ base , $ qsfrag ) = ( $ 1 , $ 2 ) ;
$ base = _wxform ( $ base ) ;
my $ result = $ opt { wikipat } ;
$ result =~ s/%\{\}/$base/ ;
if ( $ qsfrag =~ /^([^#]*)(#.+)$/os ) {
my ( $ q , $ f ) = ( $ 1 , $ 2 ) ;
#$f = _wxform($f) if $f =~ / /;
$ qsfrag = $ q . $ f ;
$ result . = $ qsfrag ;
use bytes ;
$ result =~ s/%(?![0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/%25/sog ;
if ( $ o - > { r } ) {
$ result =~
s/([\x00-\x1F <>"{}|\\^`x7F])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/soge ;
} else {
$ result =~
s/([\x00-\x1F <>"{}|\\^`\x7F-\xFF])/sprintf("%%%02X",ord($1))/soge ;
$ result =~ s/(%(?![0-9A-F]{2})[0-9A-Fa-f]{2})/uc($1)/soge ;
# Return the new link
return _MakeATag ( $ result , $ link_text ) ;
# We don't handle any other wiki-style links yet
# leave it alone
return undef ;
return undef ;
sub _wxform {
my $ w = shift ;
my $ o = $ opt { wikiopt } ;
$ w =~ s{[.][^./]*$} {} if $ o - > { s } ;
$ w =~ tr { / } { } if $ o - > { f } ;
$ w =~ s{/+} {/}gos if ! $ o - > { f } && ! $ o - > { v } ;
if ( $ o - > { d } ) {
$ w =~ tr { } { - } ;
$ w =~ s/-+/-/gos unless $ o - > { v } ;
} else {
$ w =~ tr { } { _ } ;
$ w =~ s/_+/_/gos unless $ o - > { v } ;
$ w = uc ( $ w ) if $ o - > { u } ;
$ w = lc ( $ w ) if $ o - > { l } ;
return $ w ;
# Return a suitably encoded <a...> tag string
# Return a suitably encoded <a...> tag string
# On input NONE of $url, $text or $title should be xmlencoded
# On input NONE of $url, $text or $title should be xmlencoded
# but $url should already be url-encoded if needed, but NOT g_escape_table'd
# but $url should already be url-encoded if needed, but NOT g_escape_table'd
@ -2496,6 +2563,7 @@ B<Markdown.pl> [B<--help>] [B<--html4tags>] [B<--htmlroot>=I<prefix>]
to prefix
to prefix
- i prefix | - - imageroot = prefix append relative img URLs to
- i prefix | - - imageroot = prefix append relative img URLs to
- w [ wikipat ] | - - wiki [ = wikipat ] activate wiki links using wikipat
- V | - - version show version , authors , license
- V | - - version show version , authors , license
and copyright
and copyright
- s | - - shortversion show just the version number
- s | - - shortversion show just the version number
@ -2584,6 +2652,86 @@ Any non-absolute URLs have I<prefix> prepended (overriding the B<-r> prefix
if any ) but only if they end in an image suffix .
if any ) but only if they end in an image suffix .
= item B <-w> [ I <wikipat> ] , B <--wiki> [ = I <wikipat> ]
Activate wiki links . Any link enclosed in double brackets ( e . g . "[[link]]" ) is
considered a wiki link . By default only absolute URL and fragment links are
allowed in the "wiki link style" format . Any other double - bracketed strings
are left unmolested .
If this option is given , all other wiki links are enabled as well . Any
non - absolute URL or fragment links will be transformed into a link using
I <wikipat> where the default I <wikipat> if none is given is C <%{s}.html> .
If the given I <wikipat> does not contain a C <%{...}> placeholder sequence
then it will automatically have C <%{s}.html> suffixed to it .
The C <...> part of the C <%{...}> sequence specifies zero or more case - insensitive
single - letter options with the following effects:
= over
= item B <d>
Convert spaces to dashes ( ASCII 0x2D ) instead of underscore ( ASCII 0x5F ) . Note
that if this option is given then runs of multiple dashes will be converted to
a single dash I <instead> but runs of multiple underscores will be left untouched .
= item B <f>
Flatten the resulting name by replacing forward slashes ( ASCII 0x2F ) as well .
They will be converted to underscores unless the C <d> option is given ( in which
case they will be converted to dashes ) . This conversion takes place before
applying the runs - of - multiple reduction .
= item B <l>
Convert link target ( excluding any query string and / or fragment ) to lowercase .
Takes precedence over any C <u> option , but specifically excludes C <%> - escapes
which are always UPPERCASE hexadecimal .
= item B <r>
Leave raw UTF - 8 characters in the result . Normally anything not allowed
directly in a URL ends up URL - encoded . With this option , raw valid UTF - 8
sequences will be left untouched . Use with care .
= item B <s>
After ( temporarily ) removing any query string and / or fragment , strip any final
"dot" suffix so long as it occurs after the last slash ( if any slash was present
before applying the C <f> option ) . The "dot" ( ASCII 0x2E ) and all following
characters ( if any ) are removed .
= item B <u>
Convert link target ( excluding any query string and / or fragment ) to UPPERCASE .
= item B <v>
Leave runs - of - multiple characters alone ( aka "verbatim" ) . Does not affect
any of the other options except by eliminating the runs - of - multple reduction
step . Also does I <not> inhibit the initial whitespace trimming .
= back
The URL target of the wiki link is created by first trimming whitespace
( starting and ending whitespace is removed and all other runs of consecutive
whitespace are replaced with a single space ) from the wiki link target ,
removing ( temporarily ) any query string and / or fragment , if no options are
present , spaces are converted to underscores ( C <_> ) and runs of multiple
consecutive underscores are replaced with a single underscore ( ASCII 0x5F ) .
Finally , the I <wikipat> string gets its first placeholder ( the C <%{...}>
sequence ) replaced with this computed value and the original query string
and / or fragment is re - appended ( if any were originally present ) and
URL - encoding is applied as needed to produce the actual final target URL .
See above option descriptions for possible available modifications .
One of the commonly used hosting platforms does something substantially similar
to using C <%{dfrsv}> as the placeholder .
= item B <-V> , B <--version>
= item B <-V> , B <--version>
Display Markdown ' s version number and copyright information .
Display Markdown ' s version number and copyright information .