Browse Source provide urlfunc hook and helpers

Provide a new urlfunc hook that can inspect/change all urls that
are in "a" "href" attributes and "img" "src" attributes.

Make the new SplitURL and unescapeXML routines exportable (@EXPORT_OK)
and rename the old escape function to be escapeXML and make
it exportable (@EXPORT_OK) too.

Add some nice comments to each of the newly exportable functions.

Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <>
Kyle J. McKay 4 years ago
  1. 147


@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr looks_like_number);
my ($hasxml, $hasxml_err); BEGIN { ($hasxml, $hasxml_err) = (0, "") }
my ($hasxmlp, $hasxmlp_err); BEGIN { ($hasxmlp, $hasxmlp_err) = (0, "") }
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(Markdown ProcessRaw GenerateStyleSheet SetWikiOpts);
@EXPORT_OK = qw(Markdown ProcessRaw GenerateStyleSheet SetWikiOpts SplitURL
escapeXML unescapeXML);
$INC{__PACKAGE__.'.pm'} = $INC{basename(__FILE__)} unless exists $INC{__PACKAGE__.'.pm'};
close(DATA) if fileno(DATA);
@ -669,7 +670,8 @@ sub ProcessRaw {
# sanitize => any-false-value (no action), any-true-value (sanitize).
# note that an xmlcheck value of 2 or a true value of
# stripcomments always forces sanitize to activate.
# stripcomments or a urlfunc value that is a CODE ref
# always forces sanitize to activate.
# tag attributes are sanitized by removing all "questionable"
# attributes (such as script attributes, unknown attributes
# and so forth) and normalizing the remaining ones (i.e.
@ -709,6 +711,30 @@ sub ProcessRaw {
# empty_element_suffix => " />" or ">"
# will be forced to " />" if not valid or defined.
# effective for both ProcessRaw and Markdown.
# urlfunc => if set to a CODE ref, the function will be called with
# seven arguments like so:
# $result = &$urlfunc($iresult, \%opts, $tag, $uhost, $uabs, $q, $f)
# where on input $iresult is the result that would be produced
# if no urlfunc was provided and on output $result will be
# used as url value. $tag is either "img" or "a" to indicate the
# source of the url. $uhost.$uabs is the result of stripping off
# any query string and/or fragment from $iresult. $q contains either
# an empty string or the stripped off query string and $f contains
# an empty string or the stripped off fragment if they were originally
# present where a non-empty $q always starts with '?' and a non-empty
# $f always starts with '#'. $uhost contains the scheme and
# host+port if present (it may be the empty string). $uabs contains
# the path portion which may or may not start with a "/" depending on
# whether or not it's a relative path. The $iresult value is related
# to the other arguments like so:
# $iresult = $uhost . $uabs . $q . $f;
# All values passed to the urlfunc function have already been HTML
# unescaped and the returned value will be automatically HTML escaped.
# Any provided urlfunc should treat the %opts HASH as
# read-only. Modifying the %opts HASH in urlfunc will
# likely result in unpredictable behavior! Don't do it!
# If urlfunc is set to a CODE ref then tags will also always be
# sanitized.
# The remaining key value pairs are ignored by ProcessRaw and are only
# effective when using Markdown or _main
@ -786,8 +812,8 @@ sub ProcessRaw {
# $iresult =~ s/%\{\}.+$/%{}/ if ref($io) eq "HASH";
# $iresult = s/%\{\}/$wbase/;
# $iresult .= $qf;
# Any provided wikifunc should treat the %options HASH as
# read-only. Modifying the %options HASH in wikifunc will
# Any provided wikifunc should treat the %opts HASH as
# read-only. Modifying the %opts HASH in wikifunc will
# likely result in unpredictable behavior! Don't do it!
# Special handling for abs_prefix, url_prefix, img_prefix and/or base_prefix
@ -827,6 +853,7 @@ sub _SanitizeOpts {
$o->{xmlcheck} = 2 if $o->{xmlcheck} > 2;
$o->{sanitize} = 1 if $o->{stripcomments} && !$o->{sanitize};
$o->{sanitize} = 1 if $o->{xmlcheck} == 2 && !$o->{sanitize};
$o->{sanitize} = 1 if ref($o->{urlfunc}) eq 'CODE' && !$o->{sanitize};
# this is gross, but having the globals avoids unnecessary slowdown
if ($o->{sanitize} && $o->{xmlcheck} == 2) {
@ -1884,7 +1911,7 @@ sub _DoImages {
sub _EncodeAttText {
my $text = shift;
defined($text) or return undef;
$text = _HTMLEncode(_strip($text));
$text = escapeXML(_strip($text));
# We've got to encode these to avoid conflicting
# with italics, bold and strike through.
$text =~ s!([*_~:])!$g_escape_table{$1}!g;
@ -3207,12 +3234,12 @@ sub _Sanitize {
if (substr($s,0,1) ne "=") {
# it's one of "those" attributes (e.g. compact) or not
# _SanitizeAtt will fix it up if it is
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '""', $ok, $seenatt);
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '""', $ok, $seenatt, $tt);
if ($tag =~ /\G([\042\047])((?:(?!\1)(?!<).)*)\1\s*/gcs) {
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, $1.$2.$1, $ok, $seenatt);
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, $1.$2.$1, $ok, $seenatt, $tt);
@ -3221,7 +3248,7 @@ sub _Sanitize {
# trim trailing \s+ and magically add the missing quote
my ($q, $v) = ($1, $2);
$v =~ s/\s+$//;
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, $q.$v.$q, $ok, $seenatt);
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, $q.$v.$q, $ok, $seenatt, $tt);
@ -3229,12 +3256,12 @@ sub _Sanitize {
# auto quote it
my $v = $1;
$v =~ s/\042/&quot;/go;
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '"'.$v.'"', $ok, $seenatt);
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '"'.$v.'"', $ok, $seenatt, $tt);
# give it an empty value
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '""', $ok, $seenatt);
$out .= _SanitizeAtt($a, '""', $ok, $seenatt, $tt);
my $sfx = substr($tag, pos($tag));
@ -3281,7 +3308,19 @@ sub _SanitizeAtt {
if ($lcattval{$att}) {
return $att."="._SanitizeAttValue(lc($_[1]))." ";
} else {
return $att."="._SanitizeAttValue($_[1])." ";
my $satt = _SanitizeAttValue($_[1]);
if (ref($opt{urlfunc}) eq 'CODE' &&
(($_[4] eq "a" && $att eq "href") ||
($_[4] eq "img" && $att eq "src")) ) {
my ($lq,$v,$rq);
$lq = substr($satt, 0, 1);
$rq = substr($satt, -1, 1);
$v = unescapeXML(substr($satt, 1, length($satt)-2));
my ($uhost, $upath, $uq, $uf) = SplitURL($v);
$v = &{$opt{urlfunc}}($v, \%opt, $_[4], $uhost, $upath, $uq, $uf);
$satt = $lq . escapeXML($v) . $rq;
return $att."=".$satt." ";
@ -3289,9 +3328,9 @@ sub _SanitizeAtt {
sub _SanitizeAttValue {
my $v = shift;
if ($v =~ /^([\042\047])(.*?)\1$/) {
return $1._HTMLEncode($2).$1;
return $1.escapeXML($2).$1;
} else {
return '"'._HTMLEncode($v).'"';
return '"'.escapeXML($v).'"';
@ -3332,7 +3371,14 @@ my $oops_entities;
BEGIN { $oops_entities = qr/(?:lt|gt|amp|quot|apos|nbsp)/io; }
sub _HTMLEncode {
# $_[0] => the value to XML escape
# returns the XML escaped value
# Encodes the five required entites (amp,lt,gt,quot,apos)
# while preserving any pre-existing entities which means that
# calling this repeatedly on already-escaped text should return
# it unchanged (i.e. it's idempotent).
sub escapeXML {
my $text = shift;
# Treat these accidents as though they had the needed ';'
@ -3352,6 +3398,72 @@ sub _HTMLEncode {
# $_[0] => value to be unescaped
# returns unescaped value
# The five required XML entities (amp,lt,gt,quot,apos) plus nbsp
# are decoded as well as decimal (#d+) and hexadecimal (#xh+).
# While the escapeXML function tries to be idempotent when presented
# with an already-escaped string, this function is NOT necessarily
# idempotent when presented with an already decoded string unless it's
# been decoded to the point there are no more recognizable entities left.
# In other words given a string such as:
# &amp;amp;amp;amp;
# Each call will only decode one layer of escaping and it will take four
# successive calls to finally end up with just "&".
sub unescapeXML {
my $text = shift;
# Treat these accidents as though they had the needed ';'
$text =~ s/&($oops_entities)(?![A-Za-z0-9=;])/&$1;/go;
$text =~ s/&[qQ][uU][oO][tT];/\042/gso;
$text =~ s/&[aA][pP][oO][sS];/\047/gso;
$text =~ s/&[gG][tT];/>/gso;
$text =~ s/&[lL][tT];/</gso;
$text =~ s/&[nN][bB][sS][pP];/&#160;/gso;
$text =~ s{&([aA][mM][pP]|\#\d+|\#x[0-9a-fA-F]+);}{
local $_=$1;
lc($_) eq 'amp' ? '&' :
/^#(\d+)$/ ? chr($1) :
/^#[xX](.*)$/ ? chr(hex($1)) :
return $text;
# $_[0] => the input URL to split
# $_[1] => if a true value, call unescapeXML before splitting
# returns array:
# [0] => scheme, name+password, host, port ("" if not present)
# [1] => path in url (starts with "/" if absolute otherwise relative)
# [2] => query string ("" if not present otherwise starts with "?")
# [3] => fragment ("" if not present otherwise starts with "#")
# The returned value recovers the (possibly unescapeXML'd) input
# string by simply concatenating the returned array elements.
sub SplitURL {
my ($url, $unesc) = @_;
$unesc and $url = unescapeXML($url);
my ($sh, $p, $q, $f) = ("", "", "", "");
if ($url =~ m{^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9.+-]*:)(//.*)$}os) {
$sh = $1;
$url = $2;
if ($url =~ m{^(//[^/?#]*)((?:[/?#].*)?)$}os) {
$sh .= $1;
$url = $2;
($p, $q, $f) = $url =~ m{^([^?#]*)((?:[?][^#]*)?)((?:[#].*)?)$}os;
return ($sh, $p, $q, $f);
sub _EncodeAmps {
my $text = shift;
@ -4555,10 +4667,7 @@ This rudimentary example approximates running
S<C< --stub --wiki>>
on the input (files if given, standard input if not).
use Markdown qw(Markdown SetWikiOpts GenerateStyleSheet);
# just enough XML escaping
sub escxml {local $_ = shift; s/&/&amp;/g; s/</&lt;/g; return $_}
use Markdown qw(Markdown SetWikiOpts GenerateStyleSheet escapeXML);
my $string;
{local $/; $string = <>;}
@ -4566,7 +4675,7 @@ on the input (files if given, standard input if not).
SetWikiOpts(\%opts, ""); # enable default --wiki processing
my $xhtml = Markdown($string, \%opts);
print "<html xmlns=\"\">\n",
"<body style=\"text-align:center\">\n",
"<div style=\"".
