Browse Source process YAML front matter

Process any YAML front matter that may be present by default.

Provide copious options to control how any YAML front matter that
may be present will be handled including the ability to completely
disable YAML front matter processing altogether.

Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <>
Kyle J. McKay 4 years ago
  1. 278


@ -285,6 +285,27 @@ sub _strip {
my %_yamlmode;
BEGIN {%_yamlmode = (
disable => 0,
reveal => 1,
enable => 1,
conceal => 1,
show => -1,
unknown => -1,
strip => -1
my %_yamlvis;
BEGIN {%_yamlvis = (
disable => 0,
reveal => 1,
enable => -1,
conceal => 0,
show => 1,
unknown => -1,
strip => 0
#### BBEdit/command-line text filter interface ##########################
sub _main {
local *ARGV = \@_;
@ -333,6 +354,7 @@ sub _main {
'stylesheet|style-sheet' => \$cli_opts{'stylesheet'},
'no-stylesheet|no-style-sheet' => sub {$cli_opts{'stylesheet'} = 0},
'stub' => \$cli_opts{'stub'},
'yaml:s' => \$cli_opts{'yaml'},
defined($cli_opts{'raw'}) or $cli_opts{'raw'} = 0;
my $stub = 0;
@ -401,6 +423,12 @@ sub _main {
$options{show_styles} = $cli_opts{'stylesheet'} if defined($cli_opts{'stylesheet'});
$options{show_styles} = 1 if $stub && !defined($options{show_styles});
$options{tab_width} = 8 unless defined($options{tab_width});
my $ym = $cli_opts{'yaml'};
defined($ym) && $ym ne "" or $ym = "enable";
my $lcym = lc($ym);
exists($_yamlmode{$lcym}) or die "invalid --yaml= value '$ym'\n";
$options{yamlmode} = $_yamlmode{$lcym};
$options{yamlvis} = $_yamlvis{$lcym};
my $hdrf = sub {
my $out = "";
@ -551,7 +579,7 @@ sub _trimerr {
sub _PrepareInput {
my $input = shift;
my ($input,$parseyaml) = @_;
defined $input or $input = "";
use bytes;
@ -566,7 +594,43 @@ sub _PrepareInput {
# Standardize line endings:
$output =~ s{\r\n}{\n}g; # DOS to Unix
$output =~ s{\r}{\n}g; # Mac to Unix
return $output;
# Extract YAML front matter if requested
my $yaml = undef;
if ($parseyaml) {
$yaml = {};
if ($output =~ /^---[ \t]*(?:\n|\z)/g) {
until ($output =~ /\G(?:(?:(?:---)|(?:\.\.\.))[ \t]*(?:\n|\z)|\z)/gc) {
next if $output =~ m"\G[ \t]*(?:#[^\n]*)?\n"gc; # skip comment lines
next if $output =~ m"\G[ \t]*(?:#[^\n]*)\z"gc; # skip final no EOL comment
last unless $output =~ /\G([^\n]+)(?:\n|\z)/gc;
my $yl = $1;
if ($yl =~ /^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z_0-9.-]*):[ \t]+(.*)$/os) {
my ($k, $v) = ($1, $2);
$yaml->{lc($k)} = _YAMLvalue($2);
$output = substr($output, pos($output));
return wantarray ? ($output, $yaml) : $output;
sub _YAMLvalue {
my $v = shift;
$v =~ s/^\s+//;
if (substr($v, 0, 1) eq '"') {
# only $ and/or @ present issues, map them
$v =~ tr/\@\$/\036\037/;
eval '{$v='.$v."\n}1" or $v = undef;
$v =~ tr/\036\037/\@\$/ if defined($v);
} else {
$v =~ s"#.*$""os;
$v =~ s/\s+$//os;
$v ne "" or $v = undef;
return $v;
@ -656,6 +720,22 @@ sub ProcessRaw {
# note that _main actually adds the style sheet (when
# requested); use GenerateStyleSheet to retrieve the
# fancy style sheet when calling Markdown directly.
# yamlmode => 0 (no YAML processing), > 0 (YAML on), < 0 (YAML ignore)
# if 0, the YAML front matter processor is completely
# disabled and any YAML front matter that might be present
# will be treated as markup. if > 0 any YAML front matter
# will be processed and any recognized options applied.
# if < 0 any YAML front matter will be parsed but no
# options will be applied at all. When != 0 the parsed
# YAML front matter can be retrieved via the 'yaml' key.
# yamlvis => 0 (invisible), > 0 (visible), < 0 (vis if unknown)
# if yamlmode == 0 then yamlvis has no effect. if > 0
# then any parsed YAML front matter options will be shown
# in the formatted output. if 0 then NO YAML front
# matter options will be shown in the formatted output.
# if < 0 then YAML front matter options will be shown in
# the formatted output only if there are any unrecognized
# options present.
# keepabs => any-false-value (no action), any-true-value (keep)
# if true, any absolute path URLs remaining after applying
# any abs_prefix value will be kept and not be subject
@ -721,7 +801,17 @@ sub ProcessRaw {
# note that literal <h1>...</h1> values are NOT picked up.
# will be left unchanged if no Markdown-style H1 detected.
# note that the value is NOT xml escaped but should be
# before embedding in an XHTML document.
# before embedding in an XHTML document. If yamlmode > 0
# and a 'title' value has been encountered, then this
# will be set to that 'title' value instead (and the
# 'title' key and value will still be present in %$yaml).
# yaml => if yamlmode is != 0 then this will be set to a HASH
# ref containing any parsed YAML front matter or left
# unchanged if no YAML front matter was found. If the
# parsed YAML front matter contains only whitespace and/or
# comments then this will be set to a HASH ref that has
# no keys or values.
sub _SanitizeOpts {
my $o = shift; # hashref
@ -775,6 +865,43 @@ sub _SanitizeOpts {
# picked up and stored (which will not happen if the key
# already exists).
delete $o->{h1};
# Default is to silently strip any YAML front matter
# Same comment about "yaml" key as above for "h1" key
$o->{yamlmode} = -1 unless looks_like_number($o->{yamlmode});
$o->{yamlvis} = 0 unless looks_like_number($o->{yamlvis});
delete $o->{yaml};
my %_yamlopts;
BEGIN {%_yamlopts = map({$_ => 1} qw(
sub _HasUnknownYAMLOptions {
do { return 1 unless exists($_yamlopts{$_}) } foreach keys(%{$_[0]});
return 0;
sub _ApplyYAMLOpts {
my ($yaml, $opt) = @_;
if (defined($yaml->{display_metadata}) && $opt->{yamlvis} < 0) {
# ignore display_metadata except in --yaml=enable mode
$opt->{yamlvis} = _YAMLTrueValue($yaml->{display_metadata}) ? 1 : 0;
$opt->{h1} = $yaml->{title} if defined($yaml->{title});
sub _YAMLTrueValue {
my $v = shift;
defined($v) or $v = "";
$v = lc($v);
return !($v eq "" || $v eq "0" || $v eq "false" || $v eq "disable" || $v eq "off" || $v eq "no");
@ -806,7 +933,7 @@ sub Markdown {
# _EscapeSpecialChars(), so that any *'s or _'s in the <a>
# and <img> tags get encoded.
my $text = _PrepareInput(shift);
my $text = shift;
# Any remaining arguments after the first are options; either a single
# hashref or a list of name, value pairs. See _SanitizeOpts comments.
@ -832,6 +959,10 @@ sub Markdown {
my $yaml;
($text, $yaml) = _PrepareInput($text, $opt{yamlmode});
_ApplyYAMLOpts($yaml, \%opt) if ref($yaml) eq "HASH" && $opt{yamlmode} > 0;
# Clear the globals. If we don't clear these, you get conflicts
# from other articles when generating a page which contains more than
# one article (e.g. an index page that shows the N most recent
@ -883,11 +1014,35 @@ sub Markdown {
$text = _SanitizeTags($text, $opt{xmlcheck} == 2, 1) if $opt{sanitize};
if (defined($opt{h1}) && $opt{h1} ne "" && ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {
if (ref($_[0]) eq "HASH") {
if (defined($opt{h1}) && $opt{h1}) {
${$_[0]}{h1} = $opt{h1};
return $text;
${$_[0]}{yaml} = $yaml if ref($yaml) eq "HASH";
my $yamltable = "";
if (ref($yaml) eq "HASH" && %$yaml && $opt{yamlmode} && $opt{yamlvis}) {
if ($opt{yamlvis} > 0 || _HasUnknownYAMLOptions($yaml)) {
my ($hrows, $drows) = ("", "");
foreach (sort(keys(%$yaml))) {
my $v = $yaml->{$_};
my $rspn = '';
if (defined($v)) {
$v =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$v =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$drows .= "<td>" . $v . "</td>\n";
} else {
$rspn = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}yaml-undef-value\" rowspan=\"2\" valign=\"top\"";
$hrows .= "<th$rspn>" . $_ . "</th>\n";
$yamltable = "<table class=\"$opt{style_prefix}yaml-table\" border=\"1\">\n" .
return $yamltable.$text;
@ -3429,6 +3584,19 @@ table.%(base)table, table.%(base)table th, table.%(base)table td {
border-spacing: 0;
border: thin solid;
table.%(base)yaml-table {
border-collapse: collapse;
table.%(base)yaml-table * {
border: thin solid;
table.%(base)yaml-table th {
text-align: center;
table.%(base)yaml-table th, table.%(base)yaml-table td {
padding-left: 0.5ex;
padding-right: 0.5ex;
ol.%(base)ol {
counter-reset: %(base)item;
@ -3590,6 +3758,7 @@ B<> [B<--help>] [B<--html4tags>] [B<--htmlroot>=I<prefix>]
-r prefix | --htmlroot=prefix append relative non-img URLs to prefix
-i prefix | --imageroot=prefix append relative img URLs to prefix
-w [wikipat] | --wiki[=wikipat] activate wiki links using wikipat
--yaml[=(enable|disable|strip|...)] select YAML front matter processing
-V | --version show version, authors, license
and copyright
-s | --shortversion show just the version number
@ -3979,6 +4148,103 @@ One of the commonly used wiki platforms does something similar to using C<%{%}>
as the placeholder.
=item B<--yaml>[=I<yamlmode>]
Select YAML front matter processing. The optional I<yamlmode> value
must be one of the following:
=item B<enable>
Recognize any YAML front matter and apply any options specified
therein. If any unrecognized options are present, the options will
also be shown in the formatted output.
This is the default I<yamlmode> if omitted.
=item B<disable>
No YAML front matter processing at all takes place. If YAML front
matter is present, it will be treated as regular non-YAML markup
text to be processed.
=item B<strip>
If YAML front matter is present, it will be stripped and completely
ignored before beginning to process the rest of the input.
In this mode, any options in the YAML front matter that would have
otherwise been recognized will I<not have any effect!>
=item B<show>
If YAML front matter is present and contains anything other than
comments, the non-comments parts will be shown in the formatted
In this mode, any options in the YAML front matter that would have
otherwise been recognized will I<not have any effect!>
This is a show-only mode.
=item B<reveal>
This mode works just like the B<enable> mode except that if the
YAML front matter contains anything other than comments, then
I<all> of the non-comments parts will be shown in the formatted
In this mode, any recognized options in the YAML front matter I<are>
processed the same way they would be in the B<enable> mode except
that any option to suppress the B<reveal> mode is ignored.
=item B<conceal>
This mode works just like the B<enable> mode except that no options
are ever shown in the formatted output regardless of whether or not
there are any unrecognized options present.
In this mode, any recognized options in the YAML front matter I<are>
processed the same way they would be in the B<enable> mode except
that any option to suppress the B<conceal> mode is ignored.
=item B<unknown>
This mode works just like the B<show> mode if any unrecognized
YAML front matter options are present. Otherwise it works like
the B<strip> mode.
In this mode, any options in the YAML front matter that would have
otherwise been recognized will I<not have any effect!>
If B<--raw>, B<--raw-xml> or B<--raw-html> has been specified then
the default if no B<--yaml> option has been given is B<--yaml=disable>.
Otherwise the default if no B<--yaml> option has been given is
Note that only a limited subset of YAML is recognized. Specifically
only comments, and top-level single-line S<C<key: value>> items
where key must be plain (i.e. non-quoted), start with a letter or
underscore and contain only letters, underscores, hyphens (C<->),
periods (C<.>) and digits. Keys are case-insensitive (i.e. converted
to lowercase). As with YAML, at least one whitespace is required
between the ":" and the value (unless it's the empty value).
Values may be either plain or double-quoted (single-quoted is not
recognized). The double-quoted style may use C-style character
escape codes but may not extend past the end of the line.
For YAML front matter to be recognized, the very first line of the
document must be exactly three hyphens (C<--->). The YAML terminates
when a line of three hyphens (C<--->) or a line of three periods
(C<...>) or the end of the file is encountered. Of course the YAML
mode must also be something I<other> than B<--yaml=disable>.
=item B<-V>, B<--version>
Display Markdown's version number and copyright information.
