@ -1,22 +1,48 @@
// Accepts input of any filename, ie. node test.js README.md
// node test.js -r README.md (Checks whole file)
// node test.js -r README.md -d temp.md (Checks just the diff)
const fs = require ( 'fs' ) ;
//let colors = require('colors/safe');
const chalk = require ( 'chalk' ) ;
let licenses = new Set ( ) ;
let pr = false ;
let readme ;
let diff ;
let log = '{\n' ;
let issuelog = ' "message": "#### Syntax Issues\\n\\n Name | Entry\\n----|----------------------\\n' ;
let fails = ''
const file = fs . readFileSync ( process . argv [ 2 ] , 'utf8' ) ; // Reads argv into var file
//Parse the command options and set the pr var
function parseArgs ( args ) {
if ( args . indexOf ( '-r' , 2 ) > 0 ) {
readme = fs . readFileSync ( args [ args . indexOf ( '-r' , 2 ) + 1 ] , 'utf8' )
if ( args . indexOf ( '-d' , 2 ) > 0 ) {
pr = true ;
diff = fs . readFileSync ( args [ args . indexOf ( '-d' , 2 ) + 1 ] , 'utf8' ) ;
if ( pr === true ) {
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` Running on PR. README.md: ${ args [ args . indexOf ( '-r' , 2 ) + 1 ] } diff: ${ args [ args . indexOf ( '-d' , 2 ) + 1 ] } ` ) )
function entryFilter ( md ) { // Function to find lines with entries
// Function to find lines with entries
function entryFilter ( md ) {
const linepatt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[.*`/ ;
return linepatt . test ( md ) ;
function split ( text ) { // Function to split lines into array
// Function to find lines with licenses
function licenseFilter ( md ) {
const linepatt = /^- `.*` - .*/ ;
return linepatt . test ( md )
// Function to split lines into array
function split ( text ) {
return text . split ( /\r?\n/ ) ;
function findPattern ( text ) { // All entries should match this pattern. If matches pattern returns true.
// All entries should match this pattern. If matches pattern returns true.
function findPattern ( text ) {
const patt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[.*?\]\(.*?\) (`⚠` )?- .{0,249}?\.( \(\[(Demo|Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\)(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))?(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))*\))? \`.*?\` \`.*?\`$/ ;
if ( patt . test ( text ) === true ) {
return true ;
@ -24,47 +50,182 @@ function findPattern(text) { // All entries should match this pattern. If match
return false ;
function entryErrorCheck ( md ) {
const namepatt = /^\s{0,2}-\s\[(.*?)\]/ ; // regex pattern to find name of entryArray
const entries = split ( md ) ; // Inserts each line into the entries array
// Parses SPDX identifiers from list of licenses
function parseLicense ( md ) {
const patt = /^- `(.*)` - .*/
return patt . exec ( md ) [ 1 ]
//Tests '- [Name](http://homepage/)'
function testMainLink ( text ) {
let testA = /(^ {0,2}- \[.*?\]\(.*\))(?=.?-? ?\w)/ ;
const testA1 = /(- \[.*?\]?\(?.*?\)?)( .*$)/ ;
if ( testA . test ( text ) === false ) {
let a1 = testA1 . exec ( text ) [ 2 ] ;
return chalk . red . underline ( text . replace ( a1 , '' ) )
return chalk . green ( testA . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] )
//Tests '`⚠` - Short description, less than 250 characters.'
function testDescription ( text ) {
const testB = /( - .*\. )(?:(\(?\[?|\`))/ ;
const testA1 = /(- \[.*?\]?\(?.*?\)?)( .*$)/ ;
const testB2 = /((\(\[|\`).*$)/ ;
if ( testB . test ( text ) === false ) {
let b1 = testA1 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] ;
let b2 = testB2 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] ;
return chalk . red . underline ( text . replace ( b1 , '' ) . replace ( b2 , '' ) )
return chalk . green ( testB . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] )
//If present, tests '([Demo](http://url.to/demo), [Source Code](http://url.of/source/code), [Clients](https://url.to/list/of/related/clients-or-apps))'
function testSrcDemCli ( text ) {
let testC = text . search ( /\(\[|\)\,|\)\)/ ) ;
let testD = /(?<=\w. )(\(\[(Demo|Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\)(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))?(, \[(Source Code|Clients)\]\([^)]*\))*\))(?= \`?)/ ;
const testD1 = /(^.*\.)(?= )/ ;
const testD2 = /(\`.*\` \`.*\`$)/ ;
if ( ( testC > - 1 ) && ( testD . test ( text ) === false ) ) {
let d1 = testD1 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] ;
let d2 = testD2 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] ;
return chalk . red . underline ( text . replace ( d1 + ' ' , '' ) . replace ( d2 , '' ) )
} else if ( testC > - 1 ) {
return chalk . green ( testD . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] )
return ""
// Tests '`License` `Language`'
function testLangLic ( text ) {
const testD2 = /(\`.*\` \`.*\`$)/ ;
let testE = testD2 . test ( text ) ;
const testE1 = /(^[^`]*)/ ;
if ( testE === false ) {
let e1 = testE1 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] ;
return chalk . red . underline ( text . replace ( e1 , '' ) )
return chalk . green ( testD2 . exec ( text ) [ 1 ] )
//Runs all the syntax tests...
function findError ( text ) {
let res
res = testMainLink ( text )
res += testDescription ( text )
res += testSrcDemCli ( text )
res += testLangLic ( text )
return res + ` \n `
//Check if license is in the list of licenses.
function testLicense ( md ) {
const regex = /.*\`(.*)\` \`.*\`$/ ;
return licenses . has ( regex . exec ( md ) [ 1 ] )
//Parses name from entry
function parseName ( md ) {
const regex = /^\W*(.*?)\W/
return regex . exec ( md ) [ 1 ]
function entryErrorCheck ( ) {
const lines = split ( readme ) ; // Inserts each line into the entries array
let totalFail = 0 ;
let totalPass = 0 ;
let total = 0 ;
const entryArray = [ ] ;
if ( entries [ 0 ] === "" ) {
console . log ( "0 Entries" )
let failed = [ ] ;
let entries = [ ] ;
let diffEntries = [ ] ;
if ( lines [ 0 ] === "" ) {
console . log ( chalk . red ( "0 Entries Found" ) )
process . exit ( 0 )
for ( let i = 0 , len = entries . length ; i < len ; i += 1 ) { // Loop to create array of objects
entryArray [ i ] = new Object ;
entryArray [ i ] . raw = entries [ i ] ;
if ( entryFilter ( entries [ i ] ) === true ) { // filter out lines that don't start with * [)
total += 1 ;
entryArray [ i ] . name = namepatt . exec ( entries [ i ] ) [ 1 ] ; // Parses name of entry
entryArray [ i ] . pass = findPattern ( entries [ i ] ) ; // Tests against known patterns
if ( entryArray [ i ] . pass === true ) { // If entry passes increment totalPass counter
totalPass += 1 ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < lines . length ; i ++ ) { // Loop through array of lines
if ( entryFilter ( lines [ i ] ) === true ) { // filter out lines that don't start with * [)
e = { } ;
e . raw = lines [ i ] ;
e . line = i
entries . push ( e ) ;
} else if ( licenseFilter ( lines [ i ] ) === true ) {
licenses . add ( parseLicense ( lines [ i ] ) )
if ( pr === true ) {
console . log ( chalk . cyan ( "Only testing the diff from the PR." ) )
const diffLines = split ( diff ) ; // Inserts each line of diff into an array
for ( let l of diffLines ) {
if ( entryFilter ( l ) === true ) { // filter out lines that don't start with * [)
e = { } ;
e . raw = l ;
diffEntries . push ( e ) ;
} else if ( licenseFilter ( l ) === true ) {
licenses . add ( parseLicense ( l ) )
total = diffEntries . length
for ( let e of diffEntries ) {
e . pass = true
e . name = parseName ( e . raw )
if ( ! findPattern ( e . raw ) ) {
e . highlight = findError ( e . raw ) ;
e . pass = false ;
console . log ( ` ${ e . highlight } ` )
e . licenseTest = testLicense ( e . raw ) ;
if ( e . licenseTest === false ) {
e . pass = false ;
console . log ( chalk . yellow ( ` ${ e . name } 's license is not on License list. ` ) )
if ( e . pass ) {
totalPass ++
} else {
totalFail ++
} else {
console . log ( chalk . cyan ( "Testing entire README.md" ) )
total = entries . length
for ( let e of entries ) {
e . pass = true
e . name = parseName ( e . raw )
if ( ! findPattern ( e . raw ) ) {
e . highlight = findError ( e . raw ) ;
e . pass = false ;
console . log ( ` ${ chalk . yellow ( e . line ) } ${ e . highlight } ` )
e . licenseTest = testLicense ( e . raw ) ;
if ( e . licenseTest === false ) {
e . pass = false ;
console . log ( chalk . yellow ( ` ${ e . line } ${ e . name } 's license is not on License list. ` ) )
if ( e . pass ) {
totalPass ++
} else {
console . log ( ` ${ entryArray [ i ] . name } Failed. ` ) ; // If entry fails increment totalFail counter and append error to issuelog
// entryArray[i].error = findError(entries[i]) //WIP
totalFail += 1 ;
issuelog += ` ${ entryArray [ i ] . name } | ${ entries [ i ] } \\ n ` ;
fails += ` ${ entries [ i ] } \n \n ` ;
totalFail ++
if ( totalFail > 0 ) { // Logs # passed & failed to console, and failures to syntaxcheck.json
console . log ( ` ${ totalFail } Failed, ${ totalPass } Passed, of ${ total } \n ----------------------------- ` ) ;
console . log ( fails )
log += ` "error": true, \n "title": "Found ${ totalFail } entries with syntax error(s).", \n ` ;
fs . writeFileSync ( 'syntaxcheck.json' , ` ${ log } ${ issuelog } " \n } ` ) ;
if ( totalFail > 0 ) {
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` \n ----------------------------- \n ` ) )
console . log ( chalk . green ( "The portion of the entry with an error " ) + chalk . underline . red ( "will be underlined and RED" ) + ` \n ` )
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` \n ----------------------------- \n ` ) )
console . log ( chalk . red ( ` ${ totalFail } Failed, ` ) + chalk . green ( ` ${ totalPass } Passed, ` ) + chalk . blue ( ` of ${ total } ` ) )
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` \n ----------------------------- \n ` ) )
process . exit ( 1 ) ;
} else { // Logs # of entries passed to console and error: false to syntaxcheck.json
console . log ( ` ${ totalFail } Failed, ${ totalPass } Passed, of ${ total } \n ` ) ;
log += ' "error": false\n}' ;
fs . writeFileSync ( 'syntaxcheck.json' , log ) ;
process . exit ( 0 ) ;
} else {
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` \n ----------------------------- \n ` ) )
console . log ( chalk . green ( ` ${ totalPass } Passed of ${ total } ` ) )
console . log ( chalk . blue ( ` \n ----------------------------- \n ` ) )
process . exit ( 0 )
entryErrorCheck ( file ) ;
parseArgs ( process . argv )
entryErrorCheck ( ) ;