Script to setup Windows 10 1903
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77 lines
6.0 KiB

ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = The script supports Windows 10 x64 only
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 cumulative update installed: {0}. Supported cumulative update: 1348 and higher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = The PowerShell session in running in a limited language mode
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = The logged-on user doesn't have admin rights
UnsupportedPowerShell = You're trying to run script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Run the script in the appropriate PowerShell version
UnsupportedISE = The script doesn't support running via Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probably your OS was infected via the Win 10 Tweaker backdoor
Windows10DebloaterWarning = The Windows OS stability may have been compromised by using Sycnex's Windows10Debloater PowerShell script. Preventively, reinstall the entire OS
RebootPending = The PC is waiting to be restarted
UnsupportedRelease = A new version found
CustomizationWarning = \nHave you customized every function in the {0} preset file before running Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Controlled folder access disabled
ScheduledTasks = Scheduled tasks
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows features
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Optional features
EnableHardwareVT = Enable Virtualization in UEFI
UserShellFolderNotEmpty = Some files left in the "{0}" folder. Move them manually to a new location
RetrievingDrivesList = Retrieving drives list...
DriveSelect = Select the drive within the root of which the "{0}" folder will be created
CurrentUserFolderLocation = The current "{0}" folder location: "{1}"
UserFolderRequest = Would you like to change the location of the "{0}" folder?
UserFolderSelect = Select a folder for the "{0}" folder
UserDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the "{0}" folder to the default value?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = This operation is not supported when reserved storage is in use\nPlease re-run the "{0}" function again after PC restart
ShortcutPinning = The "{0}" shortcut is being pinned to Start...
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Graphics performance preference
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Would you like to set the graphics performance setting of an app of your choice to "High performance"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notification
CleanupTaskNotificationTitle = Important Information
CleanupTaskDescription = Cleaning up Windows unused files and updates using built-in Disk cleanup app
CleanupTaskNotificationEventTitle = Run task to clean up Windows unused files and updates?
CleanupTaskNotificationEvent = Windows cleanup won't take long. Next time this notification will appear in 30 days
CleanupTaskNotificationSnoozeInterval = Select a Reminder Interval
CleanupNotificationTaskDescription = Pop-up notification reminder about cleaning up Windows unused files and updates
SoftwareDistributionTaskNotificationEvent = The Windows update cache successfully deleted
TempTaskNotificationEvent = The temp files folder successfully cleaned up
FolderTaskDescription = The {0} folder cleanup
EventViewerCustomViewName = Process Creation
EventViewerCustomViewDescription = Process creation and command-line auditing events
RestartWarning = Make sure to restart your PC
ErrorsLine = Line
ErrorsFile = File
ErrorsMessage = Errors/Warnings
Add = Add
AllFilesFilter = All Files (*.*)|*.*
Browse = Browse
Change = Change
DialogBoxOpening = Displaying the dialog box...
Disable = Disable
Enable = Enable
EXEFilesFilter = *.exe|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*
FolderSelect = Select a folder
FilesWontBeMoved = Files will not be moved
FourHours = 4 hours
HalfHour = 30 minutes
Install = Install
Minute = 1 minute
NoData = Nothing to display
NoInternetConnection = No Internet connection
RestartFunction = Please re-run the "{0}" function
NoResponse = A connection could not be established with {0}
No = No
Yes = Yes
Open = Open
Patient = Please wait...
Restore = Restore
Run = Run
SelectAll = Select all
Skip = Skip
Skipped = Skipped
FileExplorerRestartPrompt = \nSometimes in order for the changes to take effect the File Explorer process has to be restarted
TelegramGroupTitle = Join our official Telegram group
TelegramChannelTitle = Join our official Telegram channel
Uninstall = Uninstall