File: README.TXT for 'Sophia Script Wrapper' created by
Created for farag2 Windows 10 Sophia Script:
Please read this document to understand how to use this program. now works with the farag team.
This program create a PowerShell script file that you can run to tweak/'Debloat' Windows 10 based on farag2
Windows 10 Sophia Script. It serves as a front-end GUI for the Sophia script (Wrapper).
The options are arranged in different tabs and there is a Default preset in the Options menu so you can debloat a
set of options. You can choose the Default preset first and then add your own choices. You can also create your own
radiobutton presets and share. There is also a ‘Opposite’ menu choice to select the alternate radiobutton choices.
This is good to revert the changes into a script to run. There are ToolTips balloon message popu