* Для граждан СНГ добавил перевод пожертвований с помощью [ЮMoney](https://yoomoney.ru/to/4100116615568835), используя прямой перевод с карты;
* Updated the `UnpinTaskbarEdgeStore` function again;
* Fixed bug when calling this function before `UninstallUWPApps` breaks the retrieval of the localized UWP apps packages names;
* Refixed #145
* The `TempFolders` and the `OneDrive` functions update
* `TempFolders` totally rewritten using the `MoveFileExA` [function](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winbase/nf-winbase-movefileexa)
* Now with the `MOVEFILE_DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT` flag all unremovable files and folder will be removed after reboot (log off) automatically. After that the temporary scheduled task will create a symobolic link and remove itself;