@ -234,12 +237,12 @@ if (-not ("WinAPI.ForegroundWindow" -as [type]))
Get-Process-Nameexplorer|Where-Object-FilterScript{$_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows $([System.Environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major)"}|ForEach-Object-Process{
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ Or use an old-style format without the TAB functions autocomplete (the quotation
* Download the always latest Sophia Script archive by invoking (`not as administrator too`) in PowerShell
irm script.sophi.app | iex
irm script.sophi.app -useb | iex
* The command will download and expand the latest Sophia Script archive (`without running`) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on. If you run it on, e.g., Windows 11 via PowerShell 5.1, it will download Sophia Script for `Windows 11 PowerShell 5.1`.