@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
File: README.TXT for 'Sophia Script Wrapper v2.0' created by https://benchtweakgaming.com/2020/10/10/windows-10-debloat-tool/ |
File: README.TXT for 'Sophia Script Wrapper v2.1' created by https://benchtweakgaming.com/2020/10/10/windows-10-debloat-tool/ |
Created for farag2 Windows 10 Sophia Script: https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Sophia-Script |
@ -26,22 +26,17 @@ and run it using the following commands. |
Launch PowerShell (Run as administrator) and navigate to where your script is. |
1. Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force |
2. ./Sophia.ps1 |
2. .\Sophia.ps1 |
------------- |
The '.txt' files are stored in a folder 'Config'. There are currently 2 languages for ToolTips: English and Russian |
stored in 'Localizations' folder. |
The all settings are stored in JSON file stored in a folder 'Config'. There are currently 2 languages for ToolTips: |
English and Russian in JSON. More will be added later. Please help with translations for everyone to use. |
►Sophia Script Wrapper.exe : The GUI program. |
►data.txt : Contains the options (function names) to select from (usually only 2 options that |
something is Enable or Disable). Notice the sections ‘#region Xxx’ and how a semi |
colon separate the function commands. The last command option in each section does |
not have a semi colon. Add or substract from the set. |
►dataltsc.txt : LTSC version of data.txt |
►default.txt : Contains Default preset to debloat. Click this preset from Option menu in program. |
►tooltip.txt : Contains ToolTips for each option. |
►README.txt : This documentation. |
►Sophia Script Wrapper.exe: The GUI program. |
►config.json: JSON that contains the options (function names), Sophia preset and Windows Default preset. |
ToolTips in EN and RU. LTSC version. |
►README.txt: This documentation. |
------------ |
@ -51,10 +46,10 @@ button is disabled) and must run your script manually via PowerShell command lin |
------------ |
►Sophia.ps1 : farag2 Original Windows PowerShell Script |
►Sophia.psd1 : farag2 Windows PowerShell Data File |
►Sophia.psm1 : farag2 Windows PowerShell Script Module |
►Functions.ps1 : farag2 Windows PowerShell Script to run functions with tab autocompletion |
►Sophia.ps1: farag2 Original Windows PowerShell Script |
►Sophia.psd1: farag2 Windows PowerShell Data File |
►Sophia.psm1: farag2 Windows PowerShell Script Module |
►Functions.ps1: farag2 Windows PowerShell Script to run functions with tab autocompletion |
The 'Localizations' folder contains folders that are localized language files for prompts during the PowerShell |
execution each with a PowerShell Data File 'Sophia.psd1'. |
@ -65,7 +60,6 @@ execution each with a PowerShell Data File 'Sophia.psd1'. |
►fr-FR |
►hu-HU |
►it-IT |
►pt-BR |
►ru-RU |
►tr-TR |
►uk-UA |