Dmitry Nefedov
4 years ago
committed by
1 changed files with 0 additions and 174 deletions
@ -1,174 +0,0 @@ |
#region Protection |
Checkings -Warning; |
CreateRestorePoint |
#region Privacy & Telemetry |
TelemetryService -Disable; |
DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal; |
ErrorReporting -Disable; |
WindowsFeedback -Disable; |
ScheduledTasks -Disable; |
SigninInfo -Disable; |
LanguageListAccess -Disable; |
AdvertisingID -Disable; |
ShareAcrossDevices -Disable; |
WindowsWelcomeExperience -Hide; |
WindowsTips -Enable; |
SettingsSuggestedContent -Hide; |
AppsSilentInstalling -Disable; |
WhatsNewInWindows -Disable; |
TailoredExperiences -Disable; |
BingSearch -Disable |
#region UI & Personalization |
ThisPC -Show; |
CheckBoxes -Disable; |
HiddenItems -Enable; |
FileExtensions -Show; |
MergeConflicts -Show; |
OpenFileExplorerTo -ThisPC; |
CortanaButton -Hide; |
OneDriveFileExplorerAd -Hide; |
TaskViewButton -Hide; |
PeopleTaskbar -Hide; |
SecondsInSystemClock -Show; |
SnapAssist -Disable; |
FileTransferDialog -Detailed; |
FileExplorerRibbon -Expanded; |
RecycleBinDeleteConfirmation -Enable; |
3DObjects -Hide; |
QuickAccessFrequentFolders -Hide; |
QuickAccessRecentFiles -Hide; |
WindowsInkWorkspace -Hide; |
TrayIcons -Show; |
MeetNow -Hide; |
UnpinTaskbarShortcuts -Shortcuts Edge, Store, Mail; |
WindowsColorScheme -Dark; |
AppMode -Dark; |
NewAppInstalledNotification -Hide; |
FirstLogonAnimation -Disable; |
JPEGWallpapersQuality -Max; |
TaskManagerWindow -Expanded; |
RestartNotification -Show; |
ShortcutsSuffix -Disable; |
PrtScnSnippingTool -Enable; |
AppsLanguageSwitch -Disable; |
ControlPanelView -LargeIcons; |
TaskbarSearch -Hide |
#region OneDrive |
OneDrive -Uninstall |
#region System |
StorageSense -Enable; |
StorageSenseFrequency -Month; |
StorageSenseTempFiles -Enable; |
StorageSenseRecycleBin -Enable; |
Hibernate -Disable; |
Win32LongPathLimit -Disable; |
BSoDStopError -Enable; |
AdminApprovalMode -Disable; |
MappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess -Enable; |
DeliveryOptimization -Disable; |
WaitNetworkStartup -Enable; |
WindowsManageDefaultPrinter -Disable; |
WindowsFeatures -Disable; |
WindowsCapabilities -Uninstall; |
UpdateMicrosoftProducts -Enable; |
PowerPlan -High; |
LatestInstalled.NET -Enable; |
PCTurnOffDevice -Disable; |
SetInputMethod -English; |
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop; |
RecommendedTroubleshooting -Automatic; |
FoldersLaunchSeparateProcess -Enable; |
ReservedStorage -Disable; |
F1HelpPage -Disable; |
NumLock -Enable; |
StickyShift -Disable; |
Autoplay -Disable; |
ThumbnailCacheRemoval -Disable; |
SaveRestartableApps -Enable; |
NetworkDiscovery -Enable; |
SmartActiveHours -Enable; |
DeviceRestartAfterUpdate -Enable; |
SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root |
#region WSL |
#region Start menu |
RecentlyAddedApps -Hide; |
AppSuggestions -Hide; |
RunPowerShellShortcut -Elevated; |
PinToStart -Tiles ControlPanel,DevicesPrinters,PowerShell |
#region UWP apps |
UninstallUWPApps; |
HEIF -Install; |
CortanaAutostart -Disable; |
BackgroundUWPApps -Disable; |
CheckUWPAppsUpdates |
#region Gaming |
XboxGameBar -Disable; |
XboxGameTips -Disable; |
SetAppGraphicsPerformance; |
GPUScheduling -Enable |
#region Scheduled tasks |
CleanupTask -Register; |
SoftwareDistributionTask -Register; |
TempTask -Register |
#region Microsoft Defender & Security |
AddProtectedFolders; |
AddAppControlledFolder; |
AddDefenderExclusionFolder; |
AddDefenderExclusionFile; |
NetworkProtection -Enable; |
PUAppsDetection -Enable; |
DefenderSandbox -Enable; |
DismissMSAccount; |
DismissSmartScreenFilter; |
AuditProcess -Enable; |
AuditCommandLineProcess -Enable; |
EventViewerCustomView -Enable; |
PowerShellModulesLogging -Enable; |
PowerShellScriptsLogging -Enable; |
AppsSmartScreen -Disable; |
SaveZoneInformation -Disable; |
WindowsScriptHost -Disable; |
WindowsSandbox -Enable |
#region Context menu |
MSIExtractContext -Add; |
CABInstallContext -Add; |
RunAsDifferentUserContext -Add; |
CastToDeviceContext -Hide; |
ShareContext -Hide; |
EditWithPhotosContext -Hide; |
CreateANewVideoContext -Hide; |
ImagesEditContext -Hide; |
PrintCMDContext -Hide; |
IncludeInLibraryContext -Hide; |
SendToContext -Hide; |
BitLockerContext -Hide; |
BitmapImageNewContext -Remove; |
RichTextDocumentNewContext -Remove; |
CompressedFolderNewContext -Remove; |
MultipleInvokeContext -Enable; |
UseStoreOpenWith -Hide; |
PreviousVersionsPage -Hide |
<#end#> |
Reference in new issue