"ToolTip":"Unpin the \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\", or \"Mail\" shortcuts from the taskbar",
"ToolTip":"Unpin the \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\", or \"Mail\" shortcuts from the taskbar.",
@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@
"Region":"Start menu",
"Function":"PinToStart -Tiles",
"ToolTip":"Pin to Start the following shortcuts: Control Panel, Devices and Printers, PowerShell",
"ToolTip":"Pin to Start the following shortcuts: Control Panel, Devices and Printers, PowerShell.",
@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"Windows Cleanup\" scheduled task for cleaning up Windows unused files and updates. A native interactive toast notification pops up every 30 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work."
"ToolTip":"Create \"Windows Cleanup\" (main task) and \"Windows Cleanup Notification\" (task to generate a pop-up notification) tasks to clean up unused files and Windows updates in the Task Scheduler in the Sophia folder. A native notification prompting you to run the task will pop up before the cleanup begins. The task runs every 30 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"SoftwareDistribution\" scheduled task for cleaning up the %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download folder. The task will wait until the Windows Updates service finishes running. The task runs every 90 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work"
"ToolTip":"Create a \"SoftwareDistribution\" task to clean up the %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download folder where the installation files for all Windows updates are downloaded, in the Sophia folder in the Task Scheduler. The task will wait until the Windows Update service has finished running. The task runs every 90 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
@ -1718,7 +1718,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"Temp\" scheduled task for cleaning up the %TEMP% folder. Only files older than one day will be deleted. The task runs every 60 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work"
"ToolTip":"Create a \"Temp\" task in the Task Scheduler to clean up the %TEMP% folder. Only files older than one day will be deleted. The task runs every 60 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
@ -1886,6 +1886,20 @@
"Region":"Microsoft Defender & Security",
"ToolTip":"Enable DNS-over-HTTPS for IPv4. The valid IPv4 addresses:,,,,,"
"ToolTip":"Disable DNS-over-HTTPS for IPv4 (default value)."
"ToolTip":"Unpin the \"Microsoft Edge\" and \"Microsoft Store\" shortcuts from the taskbar",
"ToolTip":"Unpin the \"Microsoft Edge\" and \"Microsoft Store\" shortcuts from the taskbar.",
@ -606,6 +606,20 @@
"Region":"UI & Personalization",
"ToolTip":"Enable end task in taskbar by right click."
"ToolTip":"Disable end task in taskbar by right click (default value)."
"Region":"UI & Personalization",
@ -1575,7 +1589,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"Windows Cleanup\" scheduled task for cleaning up Windows unused files and updates. A native interactive toast notification pops up every 30 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work."
"ToolTip":"Create \"Windows Cleanup\" (main task) and \"Windows Cleanup Notification\" (task to generate a pop-up notification) tasks to clean up unused files and Windows updates in the Task Scheduler in the Sophia folder. A native notification prompting you to run the task will pop up before the cleanup begins. The task runs every 30 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
@ -1589,7 +1603,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"SoftwareDistribution\" scheduled task for cleaning up the %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download folder. The task will wait until the Windows Updates service finishes running. The task runs every 90 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work"
"ToolTip":"Create a \"SoftwareDistribution\" task to clean up the %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download folder where the installation files for all Windows updates are downloaded, in the Sophia folder in the Task Scheduler. The task will wait until the Windows Update service has finished running. The task runs every 90 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
@ -1603,7 +1617,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Create the \"Temp\" scheduled task for cleaning up the %TEMP% folder. Only files older than one day will be deleted. The task runs every 60 days. You have to enable Windows Script Host in order to make the function work"
"ToolTip":"Create a \"Temp\" task in the Task Scheduler to clean up the %TEMP% folder. Only files older than one day will be deleted. The task runs every 60 days. Windows Script Host must be enabled for the task to run."
"ToolTip":"Скрыть секунды в системных часах на панели задач (значение по умолчанию)"
"ToolTip":"Скрыть секунды в системных часах на панели задач (значение по умолчанию)."
"Region":"UI & Personalization",
"Function":"UnpinTaskbarShortcuts -Shortcuts",
"ToolTip":"Открепить ярлыки \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\" или \"Почта\" от панели задач",
"ToolTip":"Открепить ярлыки \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\" или \"Почта\" от панели задач.",
@ -840,11 +840,11 @@
"ToolTip":"Отобразить пользовательские папки в \"Этот компьютер\""
"ToolTip":"Отобразить пользовательские папки в \"Этот компьютер\"."
"ToolTip":"Скрыть пользовательские папки в \"Этот компьютер\""
"ToolTip":"Скрыть пользовательские папки в \"Этот компьютер\"."
@ -1544,7 +1544,7 @@
"Region":"Start menu",
"Function":"PinToStart -Tiles",
"ToolTip":"Закрепить на начальном экране следующие ярлыки: Панель управления, Устройства и принтеры, PowerShell",
"ToolTip":"Закрепить на начальном экране следующие ярлыки: Панель управления, Устройства и принтеры, PowerShell.",
@ -1690,7 +1690,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"Windows Cleanup\" по очистке неиспользуемых файлов и обновлений Windows в Планировщике заданий. Задание выполняется каждые 30 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
"ToolTip":"Создать задания \"Windows Cleanup\" (основное задание) и \"Windows Cleanup Notification\" (задание для создания всплывающего уведомления) по очистке неиспользуемых файлов и обновлений Windows в Планировщике заданий в папке Sophia. Перед началом очистки всплывет нативное уведомление Windows с предложением запустить задание. Задание выполняется каждые 30 дней. Для работы задания необходимо включить Windows Script Host."
@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"SoftwareDistribution\" по очистке папки %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download в Планировщике заданий. Задание будет ждать, пока служба обновлений Windows не закончит работу. Задание выполняется каждые 90 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"SoftwareDistribution\" по очистке папки %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download, куда скачиваются установочные файлы всех обновлений Windows, в папке Sophia в Планировщике заданий. Задание будет ждать, пока служба обновлений Windows не закончит работу. Задача выполняется каждые 90 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
"ToolTip":"Открепить ярлыки \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\" от панели задач",
"ToolTip":"Открепить ярлыки \"Microsoft Edge\", \"Microsoft Store\" от панели задач.",
@ -606,6 +606,20 @@
"Region":"UI & Personalization",
"ToolTip":"Включить завершение задачи на панели задач правой кнопкой мыши."
"ToolTip":"Выключить завершение задачи на панели задач правой кнопкой мыши (default value)."
"Region":"UI & Personalization",
@ -1575,7 +1589,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"Windows Cleanup\" по очистке неиспользуемых файлов и обновлений Windows в Планировщике заданий. Задание выполняется каждые 30 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
"ToolTip":"Создать задания \"Windows Cleanup\" (основное задание) и \"Windows Cleanup Notification\" (задание для создания всплывающего уведомления) по очистке неиспользуемых файлов и обновлений Windows в Планировщике заданий в папке Sophia. Перед началом очистки всплывет нативное уведомление Windows с предложением запустить задание. Задание выполняется каждые 30 дней. Для работы задания необходимо включить Windows Script Host."
@ -1589,7 +1603,7 @@
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"SoftwareDistribution\" по очистке папки %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download в Планировщике заданий. Задание будет ждать, пока служба обновлений Windows не закончит работу. Задание выполняется каждые 90 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
"ToolTip":"Создать задание \"SoftwareDistribution\" по очистке папки %SystemRoot%\\SoftwareDistribution\\Download, куда скачиваются установочные файлы всех обновлений Windows, в папке Sophia в Планировщике заданий. Задание будет ждать, пока служба обновлений Windows не закончит работу. Задача выполняется каждые 90 дней. Необходимо включить Windows Script Host для того, чтобы работала функция."
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# wsl --list --online relies on Internet connection too, so it's much convenient to parse DistributionInfo.json, rather than parse a cmd output
@ -10673,6 +10686,7 @@ function Install-WSL
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 10"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019 v5.8.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows 10 | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019 v5.8.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows 10 | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019 v5.8.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019 v5.8.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021 v5.18.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021 v5.18.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# wsl --list --online relies on Internet connection too, so it's much convenient to parse DistributionInfo.json, rather than parse a cmd output
@ -9555,6 +9568,7 @@ function Install-WSL
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021 v5.18.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021 v5.18.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.8 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.9 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# wsl --list --online relies on Internet connection too, so it's much convenient to parse DistributionInfo.json, rather than parse a cmd output
@ -10679,6 +10692,7 @@ function Install-WSL
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 10")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 10 (PowerShell 7)"
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.8 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.18.9 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# wsl --list --online relies on Internet connection too, so it's much convenient to parse DistributionInfo.json, rather than parse a cmd output
@ -10285,6 +10372,7 @@ function Install-WSL
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 11"
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.8 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.9 | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# wsl --list --online relies on Internet connection too, so it's much convenient to parse DistributionInfo.json, rather than parse a cmd output
@ -10305,6 +10378,7 @@ function Install-WSL
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
# We cannot use Get-Process -Id $PID as script might be invoked via Terminal with different $PID
Get-Process|Where-Object-FilterScript{(($_.ProcessName-eq"powershell")-or($_.ProcessName-eq"WindowsTerminal"))-and($_.MainWindowTitle-match"Sophia Script for Windows 11")}|ForEach-Object-Process{
Defaultpresetfilefor"Sophia Script for Windows 11 (PowerShell 7)"
@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.8 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle="Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.6.9 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([System.Char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([System.Char]0x00A9) farag, Inestic & lowl1f3, 2014$([System.Char]0x2013)2024"
@ -476,6 +476,14 @@ TaskbarCombine -Always
# Открепить ярлыки "Microsoft Edge", "Microsoft Store" от панели задач
# Enable end task in taskbar by right click
# Включить завершение задачи на панели задач правой кнопкой мыши
# Disable end task in taskbar by right click (default value)
# Выключить завершение задачи на панели задач правой кнопкой мыши (значение по умолчанию)
# TaskbarEndTask -Disable
# View the Control Panel icons by large icons
# Просмотр иконок Панели управления как: крупные значки