@ -1,9 +1,9 @@ |
<# |
The PowerShell script is a set of tweaks for fine-tuning Windows 10 and automating the routine tasks. |
"Windows 10 Setup Script" is a set of tweaks for OS fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks. |
Supported Windows versions: |
Windows 10 18362/18363 (1903/1909) x64 only. Tested on Pro/Enterprise editions. |
Windows 10 1903/1909 (19H1/19H2), 18362/18363 build, x64 only. Tested on Pro/Enterprise editions. |
Check whether file is encoded in UTF-8 with BOM. |
PowerShell must be run with elevated privileges; |
@ -18,13 +18,14 @@ |
PS C:\> & '.\Win 10.ps1' |
Version: v4.0.34 |
Date: 28.04.2020 |
Version: v4.1 |
Date: 03.05.2020 |
Written by: farag |
Thanks to all http://forum.ru-board.com members involved |
Ask a question on |
- http://forum.ru-board.com/topic.cgi?forum=62&topic=30617#15 |
- https://habr.com/en/post/465365/ |
- https://4pda.ru/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=523489&view=findpost&p=95909388 |
- https://forums.mydigitallife.net/threads/powershell-script-setup-windows-10.80139/ |
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Windows10/comments/ctg8jw/powershell_script_setup_windows_10/ |
Copyright (c) 2020 farag |
@ -35,8 +36,7 @@ |
#Requires -RunAsAdministrator |
#Requires -Version 5 |
#region Preparation |
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest |
#region Check |
Clear-Host |
# Get information about the current culture settings |
@ -79,9 +79,11 @@ if (-not ([IntPtr]::Size -eq 8)) |
} |
break |
} |
#endregion Preparation |
#endregion Check |
#region Begin |
Set-StrictMode -Version Latest |
# Сlear $Error variable |
# Очистка переменной $Error |
$Error.Clear() |
@ -133,12 +135,12 @@ do |
} |
# Set system restore point creation frequency to 5 minutes |
# Установить частоту создания точек восстановления на 5 минут |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" -Name SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency -PropertyType DWord -Value 5 -Force |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" -Name SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency -PropertyType DWord -Value 5 -Force |
# Descriptive name format for the restore point: <day of weekend>, <Month> <date>, <year> <time> |
# Формат описания точки восстановления: <день недели>, <дата> <месяц> <год> <время> |
$CheckpointDescription = (Get-Date).GetDateTimeFormats()[13] |
Checkpoint-Computer -Description $CheckpointDescription -RestorePointType MODIFY_SETTINGS |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" -Name SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency -PropertyType DWord -Value 1440 -Force |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\SystemRestore" -Name SystemRestorePointCreationFrequency -PropertyType DWord -Value 1440 -Force |
} |
"N" |
{ |
@ -329,7 +331,6 @@ $tasks = @( |
# XblGameSave Standby Task |
"XblGameSaveTask" |
) |
# If device is not a laptop |
# Если устройство не является ноутбуком |
if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).PCSystemType -ne 2) |
@ -995,16 +996,26 @@ $WindowsOptionalFeatures = @( |
"WorkFolders-Client" |
) |
Disable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName $WindowsOptionalFeatures -NoRestart |
# Remove Windows capabilities |
# Удалить дополнительные компоненты Windows |
$Capabilities = @( |
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore |
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework |
# Windows capabilities array list to remove |
# Массив имен дополнительных компонентов Windows для удаления |
$Capabilities = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null) |
# Windows capabilities that will be checked to remove by default |
# Дополнительные компоненты Windows, которые будут отмечены на удаление по умолчанию |
$CheckedCapabilities = @( |
# Microsoft Quick Assist |
# Быстрая поддержка (Майкрософт) |
"App.Support.QuickAssist*" |
# Windows Media Player |
# Проигрыватель Windows Media |
"Media.WindowsMediaPlayer*" |
) |
# If device is not a laptop |
# Если устройство не является ноутбуком |
@ -1012,11 +1023,169 @@ if ((Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem).PCSystemType -ne 2) |
{ |
# Windows Hello Face |
# Распознавание лиц Windows Hello |
$Capabilities += "Hello.Face*" |
$CheckedCapabilities += "Hello.Face*" |
} |
#endregion Variables |
#region XAML Markup |
[xml]$XAML = ' |
<Window |
xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" |
xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" |
Name="Window" Title="Packages to uninstall" |
MinHeight="450" MinWidth="400" |
SizeToContent="Width" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" |
TextOptions.TextFormattingMode="Display" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" |
FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="12" ShowInTaskbar="False"> |
<Window.Resources> |
<Style TargetType="StackPanel"> |
<Setter Property="Orientation" Value="Horizontal"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="CheckBox"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="10, 10, 5, 10"/> |
<Setter Property="IsChecked" Value="True"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="TextBlock"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="5, 10, 10, 10"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="Button"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="20"/> |
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="10"/> |
</Style> |
</Window.Resources> |
<Grid> |
<Grid.RowDefinitions> |
<RowDefinition Height="*"/> |
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> |
</Grid.RowDefinitions> |
<ScrollViewer Name="Scroll" Grid.Row="0" |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" |
VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> |
<StackPanel Name="PanelContainer" Orientation="Vertical"/> |
</ScrollViewer> |
<Button Name="Button" Grid.Row="1" Content="Uninstall"/> |
</Grid> |
</Window> |
' |
#endregion XAML Markup |
$Reader = (New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNodeReader -ArgumentList $XAML) |
$GUI = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($Reader) |
$XAML.SelectNodes("//*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]]") | ForEach-Object -Process { |
Set-Variable -Name ($_.Name) -Value $GUI.FindName($_.Name) -Scope Global |
} |
#region Functions |
function Get-CheckboxClicked |
{ |
[CmdletBinding()] |
param |
( |
[Parameter( |
Mandatory = $true, |
ValueFromPipeline = $true |
)] |
[ValidateNotNull()] |
$CheckBox |
) |
$Capability = $CheckBox.Parent.Children[1].Text |
if ($CheckBox.IsChecked) |
{ |
[void]$Capabilities.Add($Capability) |
} |
else |
{ |
[void]$Capabilities.Remove($Capability) |
} |
if ($Capabilities.Count -gt 0) |
{ |
$Button.IsEnabled = $true |
} |
else |
{ |
$Button.IsEnabled = $false |
} |
} |
$OFS = "|" |
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cmatch $Capabilities} | Remove-WindowsCapability -Online |
$OFS = " " |
function DeleteButton |
{ |
[void]$Window.Close() |
$OFS = "|" |
Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cmatch $Capabilities} | Remove-WindowsCapability -Online |
$OFS = " " |
} |
function Add-CapabilityControl |
{ |
[CmdletBinding()] |
param |
( |
[Parameter( |
Mandatory = $true, |
ValueFromPipeline = $true |
)] |
[ValidateNotNull()] |
[string]$Capability |
) |
$CheckBox = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox |
$CheckBox.Add_Click({Get-CheckboxClicked -CheckBox $_.Source}) |
$TextBlock = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock |
$TextBlock.Text = $Capability |
$StackPanel = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel |
[void]$StackPanel.Children.Add($CheckBox) |
[void]$StackPanel.Children.Add($TextBlock) |
[void]$PanelContainer.Children.Add($StackPanel) |
$CheckBox.IsChecked = $false |
if ($CheckedCapabilities | Where-Object -FilterScript {$Capability -like $_}) |
{ |
$CheckBox.IsChecked = $true |
# If package checked, add to the array list to remove |
# Если пакет выделен, то добавить в массив для удаления |
[void]$Capabilities.Add($Capability) |
} |
} |
#endregion Functions |
#region Events Handlers |
# Window Loaded Event |
$Window.Add_Loaded({ |
# Windows capabilities that will be shown in the GUI |
# Дополнительные компоненты Windows, которые будут выводиться в GUI |
$ExcludedCapabilities = @( |
# Language components |
# Языковые компоненты |
"Language\." |
# Mail, contacts, and calendar sync component |
# Компонент синхронизации почты, контактов и календаря. |
"OneCoreUAP\.OneSync" |
) |
$OFS = "|" |
(Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object -FilterScript {($_.State -eq "Installed") -and ($_.Name -cnotmatch $ExcludedCapabilities)}).Name | ForEach-Object -Process { |
Add-CapabilityControl -Capability $_ |
} |
$OFS = " " |
}) |
# Button Click Event |
$Button.Add_Click({DeleteButton}) |
#endregion Events Handlers |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Verbose -Message "GUI открывается..." -Verbose |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Verbose "GUI opening..." -Verbose |
} |
$GUI.ShowDialog() | Out-Null |
# Turn on updates for other Microsoft products |
# Включить автоматическое обновление для других продуктов Microsoft |
@ -1669,100 +1838,6 @@ if (-not (Test-Path -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsMitigation)) |
} |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsMitigation -Name UserPreference -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force |
# Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for apps |
# Установить параметры производительности графики для отдельных приложений на "Высокая производительность" |
if (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.AdapterDACType -ne "Internal" -and $null -ne $_.AdapterDACType}) |
{ |
do |
{ |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Host "`nЧтобы добавить приложение, для которого будет установлена настройка производительности графики" |
Write-Host "на `"Высокая производительность`", введите букву: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " или " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host ", чтобы пропустить" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nТакже, чтобы пропустить, нажмите Enter" -NoNewline |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Host "`nTo add an app for which the graphics performance preference" |
Write-Host "will be set to `"High performance`" type: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " or " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " to skip" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nAlso press Enter to skip" -NoNewline |
} |
$Prompt = Read-Host -Prompt " " |
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Prompt)) |
{ |
break |
} |
else |
{ |
switch ($Prompt) |
{ |
"Y" |
{ |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences)) |
{ |
New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences -Force |
} |
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms |
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog |
if ($RU) |
{ |
$OpenFileDialog.Filter = "*.exe|*.exe|Все файлы (*.*)|*.*" |
} |
else |
{ |
$OpenFileDialog.Filter = "*.exe|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*" |
} |
$OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = "$env:ProgramFiles}" |
$OpenFileDialog.Multiselect = $false |
# Focus on open file dialog |
# Перевести фокус на диалог открытия файла |
$tmp = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{TopMost = $true} |
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog($tmp) |
if ($OpenFileDialog.FileName) |
{ |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences -Name $OpenFileDialog.FileName -PropertyType String -Value "GpuPreference=2;" -Force |
} |
} |
"N" {} |
Default |
{ |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Host "`nНеправильная буква." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host "`nЧтобы добавить приложение, для которого будет установлена настройка производительности графики" |
Write-Host "на `"Высокая производительность`", введите букву: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " или " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host ", чтобы пропустить" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nТакже, чтобы пропустить, нажмите Enter" -NoNewline |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Host "`nInvalid letter." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host "`nTo add an app for which the graphics performance preference" |
Write-Host "will be set to `"High performance`" type: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " or " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " to skip" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nAlso press Enter to skip" -NoNewline |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
while ($Prompt -ne "N") |
} |
# Launch folder in a separate process |
# Запускать окна с папками в отдельном процессе |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name SeparateProcess -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force |
@ -1974,8 +2049,8 @@ if ($OpenFileDialog.FileName) |
# Глагол "Закрепить на начальном экране" недоступен для control.exe, поэтому необходимо создать ярлык |
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell |
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut("$env:SystemRoot\System32\$ControlPanelLocalizedName.lnk") |
$shortcut.TargetPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\control.exe" |
$shortcut.Save() |
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\control.exe" |
$Shortcut.Save() |
$Arguments = @" |
"$env:SystemRoot\System32\$ControlPanelLocalizedName.lnk" "51201" |
"@ |
@ -1997,10 +2072,10 @@ if ($OpenFileDialog.FileName) |
} |
$shell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell |
$shortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut("$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start menu\Programs\System Tools\$DevicesAndPrintersLocalizedName.lnk") |
$shortcut.TargetPath = "control" |
$shortcut.Arguments = "printers" |
$shortCut.IconLocation = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\DeviceCenter.dll" |
$shortcut.Save() |
$Shortcut.TargetPath = "control" |
$Shortcut.Arguments = "printers" |
$Shortcut.IconLocation = "$env:SystemRoot\system32\DeviceCenter.dll" |
$Shortcut.Save() |
# Pause for 3 sec, unless the "Devices and Printers" shortcut won't displayed in the Start menu |
# Пауза на 3 с, иначе ярлык "Устройства и принтеры" не будет отображаться в меню "Пуск" |
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3 |
@ -2054,13 +2129,27 @@ New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer |
#endregion Edge |
#region UWP apps |
# Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts, except the followings... |
# App packages will not be installed when new user accounts are created |
# Retrieve UWP apps package names by (Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers).Name command |
# Удалить все UWP-приложения из всех учетных записей, кроме следующих... |
# Приложения не будут установлены при создании новых учетных записей |
# Получите имена пакетов UWP-приложений с помощью команды (Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers).Name |
$ExcludedAppxPackages = @( |
<# |
Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts |
GUI with the ability to select the package to remove |
App packages will not be installed when new user accounts are created |
Add UWP apps packages names to the $UnchekedAppXPackages array list by retrieving their packages names with (Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers).Name command |
Удалить все UWP-приложения из всех учетных записей |
GUI с возможностью выбрать пакет для удаления |
Приложения не будут установлены при создании новых учетных записей |
Добавьте имена пакетов UWP-приложений в массив $UnchekedAppXPackages, получив их имена пакетов с помощью команды (Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers).Name |
#> |
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationCore, PresentationFramework |
#region Variables |
# UWP-apps array list to remove |
# Массив имен UWP-приложений для удаления |
$AppxPackages = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList($null) |
# UWP-apps that won't be checked to remove by default |
# UWP-приложения, которые не будут отмечены на удаление по умолчанию |
$UncheckedAppxPackages = @( |
# AMD Radeon UWP panel |
# UWP-панель AMD Radeon |
"AdvancedMicroDevicesInc*" |
@ -2070,20 +2159,12 @@ $ExcludedAppxPackages = @( |
# UWP-панель Intel |
"AppUp.IntelGraphicsControlPanel" |
"AppUp.IntelGraphicsExperience" |
# Microsoft Desktop App Installer |
"Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller" |
# Sticky Notes |
# Записки |
"Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes" |
# Screen Sketch |
# Набросок на фрагменте экрана |
"Microsoft.ScreenSketch" |
# Microsoft Store |
"Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp" |
"Microsoft.WindowsStore" |
# Web Media Extensions |
# Расширения для интернет-мультимедиа |
"Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions" |
# Photos and Video Editor |
# Фотографии и Видеоредактор |
"Microsoft.Windows.Photos" |
@ -2110,16 +2191,181 @@ $ExcludedAppxPackages = @( |
# Realtek Audio Console |
"RealtekSemiconductorCorp.RealtekAudioControl" |
) |
$OFS = "|" |
Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cnotmatch $ExcludedAppxPackages} | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Verbose |
$OFS = " " |
#endregion Variables |
#region XAML Markup |
[xml]$XAML = ' |
<Window |
xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation" |
xmlns:x="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml" |
Name="Window" Title="Packages to uninstall" |
MinHeight="450" MinWidth="400" |
SizeToContent="Width" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" |
TextOptions.TextFormattingMode="Display" SnapsToDevicePixels="True" |
FontFamily="Segoe UI" FontSize="12" ShowInTaskbar="False"> |
<Window.Resources> |
<Style TargetType="StackPanel"> |
<Setter Property="Orientation" Value="Horizontal"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="CheckBox"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="10, 10, 5, 10"/> |
<Setter Property="IsChecked" Value="True"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="TextBlock"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="5, 10, 10, 10"/> |
</Style> |
<Style TargetType="Button"> |
<Setter Property="Margin" Value="20"/> |
<Setter Property="Padding" Value="10"/> |
</Style> |
</Window.Resources> |
<Grid> |
<Grid.RowDefinitions> |
<RowDefinition Height="*"/> |
<RowDefinition Height="Auto"/> |
</Grid.RowDefinitions> |
<ScrollViewer Name="Scroll" Grid.Row="0" |
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Disabled" |
VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"> |
<StackPanel Name="PanelContainer" Orientation="Vertical"/> |
</ScrollViewer> |
<Button Name="Button" Grid.Row="1" Content="Uninstall"/> |
</Grid> |
</Window> |
' |
#endregion XAML Markup |
$Reader = (New-Object -TypeName System.Xml.XmlNodeReader -ArgumentList $XAML) |
$GUI = [Windows.Markup.XamlReader]::Load($Reader) |
$XAML.SelectNodes("//*[@*[contains(translate(name(.),'n','N'),'Name')]]") | ForEach-Object -Process { |
Set-Variable -Name ($_.Name) -Value $GUI.FindName($_.Name) -Scope Global |
} |
#region Functions |
function Get-CheckboxClicked |
{ |
[CmdletBinding()] |
param |
( |
[Parameter( |
Mandatory = $true, |
ValueFromPipeline = $true |
)] |
[ValidateNotNull()] |
$CheckBox |
) |
$AppxName = $CheckBox.Parent.Children[1].Text |
if ($CheckBox.IsChecked) |
{ |
[void]$AppxPackages.Add($AppxName) |
} |
else |
{ |
[void]$AppxPackages.Remove($AppxName) |
} |
if ($AppxPackages.Count -gt 0) |
{ |
$Button.IsEnabled = $true |
} |
else |
{ |
$Button.IsEnabled = $false |
} |
} |
function DeleteButton |
{ |
[void]$Window.Close() |
$OFS = "|" |
Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cmatch $AppxPackages} | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Verbose |
$OFS = " " |
} |
function Add-AppxControl |
{ |
[CmdletBinding()] |
param |
( |
[Parameter( |
Mandatory = $true, |
ValueFromPipeline = $true |
)] |
[ValidateNotNull()] |
[string]$AppxName |
) |
$CheckBox = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.CheckBox |
$CheckBox.Add_Click({Get-CheckboxClicked -CheckBox $_.Source}) |
$TextBlock = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.TextBlock |
$TextBlock.Text = $AppxName |
$StackPanel = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Controls.StackPanel |
[void]$StackPanel.Children.Add($CheckBox) |
[void]$StackPanel.Children.Add($TextBlock) |
[void]$PanelContainer.Children.Add($StackPanel) |
if ($UncheckedAppxPackages.Contains($AppxName)) |
{ |
$CheckBox.IsChecked = $false |
# Exit function, item is not checked |
# Выход из функции, если элемент не выделен |
return |
} |
# If package checked, add to the array list to uninstall |
# Если пакет выделен, то добавить в массив для удаления |
[void]$AppxPackages.Add($AppxName) |
} |
#endregion Functions |
#region Events Handlers |
# Window Loaded Event |
$Window.Add_Loaded({ |
# UWP-apps that won't be shown in the form |
# UWP-приложения, которые не будут выводиться в форме |
$ExcludedAppxPackages = @( |
# Microsoft Desktop App Installer |
"Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller" |
# Microsoft Store |
"Microsoft.StorePurchaseApp" |
"Microsoft.WindowsStore" |
# Web Media Extensions |
# Расширения для интернет-мультимедиа |
"Microsoft.WebMediaExtensions" |
) |
$OFS = "|" |
(Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cnotmatch $ExcludedAppxPackages}).Name | ForEach-Object -Process { |
Add-AppxControl -AppxName $_ |
} |
$OFS = " " |
}) |
# Button Click Event |
$Button.Add_Click({DeleteButton}) |
#endregion Events Handlers |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Verbose -Message "GUI открывается..." -Verbose |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Verbose "GUI opening..." -Verbose |
} |
$GUI.ShowDialog() | Out-Null |
<# |
Open Microsoft Store "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" page |
The extension can be installed without Microsoft account |
"Movies & TV" app required |
# Open Microsoft Store "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" page |
# The extension can be installed without Microsoft account |
# "Movies & TV" app required |
# Открыть страницу "Расширения для видео HEVC от производителя устройства" в Microsoft Store |
# Расширение может быть установлено без учетной записи Microsoft |
# Для работы необходимо приложение "Кино и ТВ" |
Открыть страницу "Расширения для видео HEVC от производителя устройства" в Microsoft Store |
Расширение может быть установлено без учетной записи Microsoft |
Для работы необходимо приложение "Кино и ТВ" |
#> |
if (Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.ZuneVideo) |
{ |
Start-Process -FilePath ms-windows-store://pdp/?ProductId=9n4wgh0z6vhq |
@ -2140,10 +2386,13 @@ New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\System\GameConfigStore -Name GameDVR_Enabled -Prope |
# Отключить советы Xbox Game Bar |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\GameBar -Name ShowStartupPanel -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force |
# Uninstall all Xbox related UWP apps from all accounts |
# App packages will not be installed when new user accounts are created |
# Удалить все UWP-приложения, связанные с Xbox, из всех учетных записей |
# Приложения не будут установлены при создании новых учетных записей |
<# |
Uninstall all Xbox related UWP apps from all accounts |
App packages will not be installed when new user accounts are created |
Удалить все UWP-приложения, связанные с Xbox, из всех учетных записей |
Приложения не будут установлены при создании новых учетных записей |
#> |
$XboxAppxPackages = @( |
# Xbox Identity Provider |
# Поставщик удостоверений Xbox |
@ -2163,6 +2412,100 @@ $XboxAppxPackages = @( |
$OFS = "|" |
Get-AppxPackage -PackageTypeFilter Bundle -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -cmatch $XboxAppxPackages} | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers -Verbose |
$OFS = " " |
# Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for apps |
# Установить параметры производительности графики для отдельных приложений на "Высокая производительность" |
if (Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.AdapterDACType -ne "Internal" -and $null -ne $_.AdapterDACType}) |
{ |
do |
{ |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Host "`nЧтобы добавить приложение, для которого будет установлена настройка производительности графики" |
Write-Host "на `"Высокая производительность`", введите букву: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " или " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host ", чтобы пропустить" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nТакже, чтобы пропустить, нажмите Enter" -NoNewline |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Host "`nTo add an app for which the graphics performance preference" |
Write-Host "will be set to `"High performance`" type: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " or " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " to skip" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nAlso press Enter to skip" -NoNewline |
} |
$Prompt = Read-Host -Prompt " " |
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Prompt)) |
{ |
break |
} |
else |
{ |
switch ($Prompt) |
{ |
"Y" |
{ |
if (-not (Test-Path -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences)) |
{ |
New-Item -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences -Force |
} |
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms |
$OpenFileDialog = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog |
if ($RU) |
{ |
$OpenFileDialog.Filter = "*.exe|*.exe|Все файлы (*.*)|*.*" |
} |
else |
{ |
$OpenFileDialog.Filter = "*.exe|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*" |
} |
$OpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = "$env:ProgramFiles}" |
$OpenFileDialog.Multiselect = $false |
# Focus on open file dialog |
# Перевести фокус на диалог открытия файла |
$tmp = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.Form -Property @{TopMost = $true} |
$OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog($tmp) |
if ($OpenFileDialog.FileName) |
{ |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\DirectX\UserGpuPreferences -Name $OpenFileDialog.FileName -PropertyType String -Value "GpuPreference=2;" -Force |
} |
} |
"N" {} |
Default |
{ |
if ($RU) |
{ |
Write-Host "`nНеправильная буква." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host "`nЧтобы добавить приложение, для которого будет установлена настройка производительности графики" |
Write-Host "на `"Высокая производительность`", введите букву: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " или " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host ", чтобы пропустить" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nТакже, чтобы пропустить, нажмите Enter" -NoNewline |
} |
else |
{ |
Write-Host "`nInvalid letter." -ForegroundColor Yellow |
Write-Host "`nTo add an app for which the graphics performance preference" |
Write-Host "will be set to `"High performance`" type: " |
Write-Host "[Y]es" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " or " -NoNewline |
Write-Host "[N]o" -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline |
Write-Host " to skip" -NoNewline |
Write-Host "`nAlso press Enter to skip" -NoNewline |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
while ($Prompt -ne "N") |
} |
#endregion Gaming |
#region Scheduled tasks |
@ -2170,7 +2513,7 @@ $OFS = " " |
# The task runs every 90 days |
# Создать задачу в Планировщике задач по очистке обновлений Windows |
# Задача выполняется каждые 90 дней |
$keys = @( |
$VolumeCaches = @( |
# Delivery Optimization Files |
# Файлы оптимизации доставки |
"Delivery Optimization Files", |
@ -2193,9 +2536,9 @@ $keys = @( |
# Файлы журнала обновления Windows |
"Windows Upgrade Log Files" |
) |
foreach ($key in $keys) |
foreach ($VolumeCache in $VolumeCaches) |
{ |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\$key" -Name StateFlags1337 -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 -Force |
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\$VolumeCache" -Name StateFlags1337 -PropertyType DWord -Value 2 -Force |
} |
$action = New-ScheduledTaskAction -Execute "cleanmgr.exe" -Argument "/sagerun:1337" |
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger -Daily -DaysInterval 90 -At 9am |
@ -2622,7 +2965,7 @@ auditpol /set /subcategory:"{0CCE922B-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030}" /success:ena |
$ProcessCreation = auditpol /get /subcategory:"{0CCE922B-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030}" /r | ConvertFrom-Csv | Select-Object "Inclusion Setting" |
if ($ProcessCreation."Inclusion Setting" -ne "No Auditing") |
{ |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit -Name ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force |
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\Audit -Name ProcessCreationIncludeCmdLine_Enabled -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force |
} |
# Turn on logging for all Windows PowerShell modules |