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05.12.2021 6.0.8

Dmitry Nefedov 3 years ago
  1. 4
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Functions.ps1
  2. 48
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1
  13. 6
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Module/Sophia.psm1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Sophia.ps1
  15. 8
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Functions.ps1
  16. 11
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1
  27. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Manifest/Sophia.psd1
  28. 13
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Module/Sophia.psm1
  29. 24
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Sophia.ps1
  30. 6
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Functions.ps1
  31. BIN
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Libraries/Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll
  32. BIN
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Libraries/WinRT.Runtime.dll
  33. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1
  34. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1
  35. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1
  37. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1
  40. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1
  41. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1
  42. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1
  43. 1
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1
  44. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Manifest/Sophia.psd1
  45. 49
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Module/Sophia.psm1
  46. 19
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Sophia.ps1
  47. 6
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Functions.ps1
  48. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Manifest/Sophia.psd1
  49. 47
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Module/Sophia.psm1
  50. 19
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Sophia.ps1
  51. 6
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Functions.ps1
  52. BIN
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Libraries/Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll
  53. BIN
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Libraries/WinRT.Runtime.dll
  54. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1
  55. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1
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      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1
  65. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Manifest/Sophia.psd1
  66. 69
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Module/Sophia.psm1
  67. 21
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Sophia.ps1
  68. 6
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Functions.ps1
  69. 2
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Manifest/Sophia.psd1
  70. 69
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Module/Sophia.psm1
  71. 19
      Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Sophia.ps1
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Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Functions.ps1

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v5.2.17
Date: 23.11.2021
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
Sophia -Functions <tab>
Sophia -Functions temp<tab>
Sophia -Functions "DiagTrackService -Disable", "DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal", UninstallUWPApps
Sophia -Functions "DiagTrackService -Disable", "DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal"
Set execution policy to be able to run scripts only in the current PowerShell session:

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,40 +1,42 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Das Skript unterstützt nur Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Das Skript unterstützt Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Das Skript unterstützt Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UpdateWarning = Das kumulative Windows 10-Update wurde installiert: {0}. Unterstütztes kumulatives Update: 1348 und höher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Die PowerShell-Sitzung wird in einem eingeschränkten Sprachmodus ausgeführt
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Der angemeldete Benutzer hat keine Administratorrechte
UnsupportedPowerShell = Sie versuchen, ein Skript über PowerShell {0}.{1} auszuführen. Führen Sie das Skript in der entsprechenden PowerShell-Version aus
UnsupportedPowerShell = Sie versuchen ein Skript über PowerShell {0}.{1} auszuführen. Das Skript in der entsprechenden PowerShell-Version ausführen
UnsupportedISE = Das Skript unterstützt nicht die Ausführung über Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Wahrscheinlich wurde Ihr Betriebssystem über die Win 10 Tweaker-Hintertür infiziert
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Die Stabilität des Windows-Betriebssystems kann durch die Verwendung des Windows10Debloater PowerShell-Skripts von Sycnex beeinträchtigt worden sein. Installieren Sie vorsorglich das gesamte Betriebssystem neu
UnsupportedRelease = Neue Version gefunden
CustomizationWarning = \nHaben Sie alle Funktionen in der voreingestellten Datei Sophia.ps1 angepasst, bevor Sie Sophia Script ausführen?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Kontrollierter Ordnerzugriff deaktiviert
ScheduledTasks = Geplante Aufgaben
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows Eigenschaften
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Optionale Eigenschaften
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows-Features
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Optionale Features
EnableHardwareVT = Virtualisierung in UEFI aktivieren
UserShellFolderNotEmpty = Im Ordner "{0}" befinden sich noch Dateien \nVerschieben Sie sie manuell an einen neuen Ort
RetrievingDrivesList = Abrufen der Laufwerksliste...
RetrievingDrivesList = Laufwerksliste abrufen
DriveSelect = Wählen Sie das Laufwerk aus, in dessen Stammverzeichnis der Ordner "{0}" erstellt werden soll
CurrentUserFolderLocation = Der aktuelle Speicherort des Ordners "{0}" lautet: "{1}"
UserFolderRequest = Möchten Sie den Speicherort des Ordners "{0}" ändern?
UserFolderSelect = Wählen Sie einen Ordner für den Ordner "{0}"
UserDefaultFolder = Möchten Sie den Speicherort des "{0}"-Ordners auf den Standardwert ändern?
UserDefaultFolder = Möchten Sie den Speicherort des Ordners "{0}" auf den Standardwert ändern?
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Bevorzugte Grafikleistung
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Möchten Sie die Einstellung der Grafikleistung einer App Ihrer Wahl auf "Hohe Leistung" setzen?
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Möchten Sie die Einstellung der Grafikleistung einer App Ihrer Wahl auf "Hohe Leistung" einstellen?
TaskNotificationTitle = Benachrichtigung
CleanupTaskNotificationTitle = Wichtige informationen
CleanupTaskDescription = Bereinigung ungenutzter Windows-Dateien und -Updates mit der integrierten Datenträgerbereinigung
CleanupTaskNotificationEventTitle = Aufgabe ausführen, um nicht verwendete Windows-Dateien und -Updates zu bereinigen?
CleanupTaskNotificationEvent = Die Datenträgerbereinigung dauert nicht lange. Das nächste Mal wird die Benachrichtigung in 30 Tagen angezeigt
CleanupTaskNotificationSnoozeInterval = Wählen Sie einen Erinnerungsintervall
CleanupNotificationTaskDescription = Bereinigung ungenutzter Windows-Dateien und -Updates mit der integrierten Datenträgerbereinigung
SoftwareDistributionTaskNotificationEvent = Der Cache von Windows Update wurde erfolgreich gelöscht
CleanupTaskNotificationTitle = Wichtige Informationen
CleanupTaskDescription = Bereinigung von nicht verwendeten Windows-Dateien und Updates mit der integrierten Festplattenbereinigung
CleanupTaskNotificationEventTitle = Aufgabe zum Bereinigen nicht verwendeter Windows-Dateien und -Updates ausführen?
CleanupTaskNotificationEvent = Die Bereinigung von Windows wird nicht lange dauern. Das nächste Mal wird diese Benachrichtigung in 30 Tagen erscheinen
CleanupTaskNotificationSnoozeInterval = Ein Erinnerungsintervall auswählen
CleanupNotificationTaskDescription = Popup-Benachrichtigung zur Erinnerung an die Bereinigung von nicht verwendeten Windows-Dateien und Updates
SoftwareDistributionTaskNotificationEvent = Der Windows Update-Cache wurde erfolgreich gelöscht
TempTaskNotificationEvent = Der Ordner mit den temporären Dateien wurde erfolgreich bereinigt
FolderTaskDescription = Die Bereinigung des Ordners "{0}"
EventViewerCustomViewName = Prozess-Erstellung
EventViewerCustomViewDescription = Ereignisse zur Prozesserstellung und Befehlszeilen-Auditierung
RestartWarning = Achten Sie darauf, Ihren PC neu zu starten
FolderTaskDescription = Ordner "{0}" bereinigen
EventViewerCustomViewName = Prozesserstellung
EventViewerCustomViewDescription = Prozesserstellungen und Befehlszeilen-Auditing-Ereignisse
RestartWarning = Sicherstellen, dass Sie Ihren PC neu starten
ErrorsLine = Zeile
ErrorsFile = Datei
ErrorsMessage = Fehler/Warnungen
@ -42,11 +44,11 @@ Add = Hinzufügen
AllFilesFilter = Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*
Browse = Durchsuchen
Change = Ändern
DialogBoxOpening = Anzeigen des Dialogfensters...
DialogBoxOpening = Anzeigen des Dialogfensters
Disable = Deaktivieren
Enable = Aktivieren
EXEFilesFilter = *.exe|*.exe|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*
FolderSelect = Wählen Sie einen Ordner aus
FolderSelect = Einen Ordner auswählen
FilesWontBeMoved = Dateien werden nicht verschoben
FourHours = 4 Stunden
HalfHour = 30 Minuten
@ -54,15 +56,15 @@ Install = Installieren
Minute = 1 Minute
NoData = Nichts anzuzeigen
NoInternetConnection = Keine Internetverbindung
RestartFunction = Bitte starten Sie die Funktion "{0}" neu
RestartFunction = Bitte die Funktion "{0}" neustarten
NoResponse = Eine Verbindung mit {0} konnte nicht hergestellt werden
No = Nein
Yes = Ja
Open = Öffnen
Patient = Bitte Warten...
Patient = Bitte warten
Restore = Wiederherstellen
Run = Starten
SelectAll = Wählen Sie Alle
SelectAll = Alle auswählen
Skip = Überspringen
Skipped = Übersprungen
FileExplorerRestartPrompt = \nManchmal muss der Datei-Explorer neu gestartet werden, damit die Änderungen wirksam werden

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = The script supports Windows 10 x64 only
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = The PowerShell session in running in a limited language mode
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = The logged-on user doesn't have admin rights
UnsupportedPowerShell = You're trying to run script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Run the script in the appropriate PowerShell version
UnsupportedISE = The script doesn't support running via Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probably your OS was infected via the Win 10 Tweaker backdoor
Windows10DebloaterWarning = The Windows OS stability may have been compromised by using Sycnex's Windows10Debloater PowerShell script. Preventively, reinstall the entire OS
UnsupportedRelease = A new version found
CustomizationWarning = \nHave you customized every function in the Sophia.ps1 preset file before running Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Controlled folder access disabled

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = El script sólo es compatible con Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = El script es compatible con versión Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = El script es compatible con versión Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sesión de PowerShell ejecutada en modo de lenguaje limitado
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = El usuario que inició sesión no tiene derechos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Estás intentando ejecutar el script a través de PowerShell {0}.{1}. Ejecute el script en la versión apropiada de PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = El script no es compatible con la ejecución a través de Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probablemente su sistema operativo fue infectado a través del backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La estabilidad del sistema operativo Windows puede haberse visto comprometida al utilizar el script PowerShell Windows10Debloater de Sycnex. De forma preventiva, reinstale todo el sistema operativo
UnsupportedRelease = Una nueva versión encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \n¿Ha personalizado todas las funciones del archivo predeterminado Sophia.ps1 antes de ejecutar Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Acceso a la carpeta controlada deshabilitado

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Le script supporte uniquement Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Le script supporte le version Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Le script supporte le version Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La session PowerShell s'exécute dans un mode de langue limité
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utilisateur connecté n'a pas de droits d'administrateur
UnsupportedPowerShell = Vous essayez d'exécuter le script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Exécutez le script dans la version appropriée de PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Le script ne supporte pas l'exécution via Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Votre système d'exploitation a probablement été infecté par la porte dérobée Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La stabilité de l'OS Windows peut avoir été compromise par l'utilisation du script PowerShell Windows10Debloater de Sycnex. De manière préventive, réinstallez l'ensemble de l'OS
UnsupportedRelease = Nouvelle version trouvée
CustomizationWarning = \nAvez-vous personnalisé chaque fonction du fichier de préréglage Sophia.ps1 avant d'exécuter Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Contrôle d'accès aux dossiers désactivé

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = A szkript csak a Windows 10 64 bites verziót támogatja
UnsupportedOSBuild = A szkript támogatja a Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC kiadást
UnsupportedOSBuild = A szkript támogatja a Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019 kiadást
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A PowerShell munkamenet korlátozott nyelvi üzemmódban fut
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = A bejelentkezett felhasználó nem rendelkezik admin jogokkal
UnsupportedPowerShell = A PowerShell {0}.{1} segítségével próbálja futtatni a szkriptet. Futtassa a szkriptet a megfelelő PowerShell-verzióban
UnsupportedISE = A szkript nem támogatja a Windows PowerShell ISE futtatását
Win10TweakerWarning = Valószínűleg az operációs rendszerét a Win 10 Tweaker backdoor segítségével fertőzték meg
Windows10DebloaterWarning = A Windows operációs rendszer stabilitását veszélyeztethette a Sycnex Windows10Debloater PowerShell szkriptje. Megelőzésképpen telepítse újra a teljes operációs rendszert
UnsupportedRelease = Új verzió érhető el
CustomizationWarning = \nSzemélyre szabott minden opciót a Sophia.ps1 preset fájlban, mielőtt futtatni kívánja a Sophia szkriptet?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Vezérelt mappához való hozzáférés kikapcsolva

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Lo script supporta solo Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Lo script supporta Windows 10 versione 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Lo script supporta Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La sessione PowerShell è in esecuzione in una modalità di lingua limitata
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utente connesso non ha i diritti di amministratore
UnsupportedPowerShell = Stai cercando di eseguire lo script tramite PowerShell {0}.{1}. Esegui lo script nella versione di PowerShell appropriata
UnsupportedISE = Lo script non supporta l'esecuzione tramite Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probabilmente il tuo sistema operativo è stato infettato tramite la backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La stabilità del sistema operativo Windows potrebbe essere stata compromessa dall'utilizzo dello script PowerShell Windows10Debloater di Sycnex. Preventivamente, reinstallare l'intero sistema operativo
UnsupportedRelease = Nuova versione trovata
CustomizationWarning = \nSono state personalizzate tutte le funzioni nel file delle preimpostazioni Sophia.ps1 prima di eseguire Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = l'accesso alle cartelle controllata disattivata

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = O script suporta somente Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = O script suporta versões Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = O script suporta versões Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A sessão PowerShell em funcionamento em um modo de linguagem limitada
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = O usuário logado não tem direitos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Você está tentando executar o script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Execute o script na versão apropriada do PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = O guião não suporta a execução através do Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probabilmente il tuo sistema operativo è stato infettato tramite la backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = A estabilidade do sistema operacional Windows pode ter sido comprometida pela utilização do script Windows10Debloater PowerShell da Sycnex. Preventivamente, reinstale todo o sistema operacional
UnsupportedRelease = Nova versão encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \nVocê personalizou todas as funções no arquivo de predefinição Sophia.ps1 antes de executar o Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Acesso controlado a pasta desativada

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сессия PowerShell работает в ограниченном режиме
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Текущий вошедший пользователь не обладает правами администратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Вы пытаетесь запустить скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустите скрипт в соответствующей версии PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Скрипт не поддерживает работу через Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Ваша ОС, возможно, через бэкдор в Win 10 Tweaker была заражена трояном
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Стабильность Вашей ОС могла быть нарушена использованием скрипта Windows10Debloater от Sycnex. В целях профилактики переустановите ОС
UnsupportedRelease = Обнаружена новая версия
CustomizationWarning = \nВы настроили все функции в пресет-файле Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Контролируемый доступ к папкам выключен

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,17 +1,18 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Bu betik sadece Windows 10 x64 destekliyor
UnsupportedOSBuild = Bu betik sadece Windows 10 1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Bu betik sadece Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sınırlı bir dil modunda çalışan PowerShell oturumu
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Oturum açan kullanıcının yönetici hakları yok
UnsupportedPowerShell = Komut dosyasını PowerShell {0}.{1} aracılığıyla çalıştırmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Komut dosyasını uygun PowerShell sürümünde çalıştırın
UnsupportedISE = Komut dosyası, Windows PowerShell ISE üzerinden çalıştırmayı desteklemiyor
Win10TweakerWarning = Muhtemelen işletim sisteminize Win 10 Tweaker arka kapısı yoluyla bulaştı
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Windows işletim sistemi kararlılığı, Sycnex'in Windows10Debloater PowerShell betiği kullanılarak tehlikeye atılmış olabilir. Önleyici olarak, tüm işletim sistemini yeniden yükleyin
UnsupportedRelease = Yeni sürüm bulundu
CustomizationWarning = \nSophia Script'i çalıştırmadan önce Sophia.ps1 ön ayar dosyasındaki her işlevi özelleştirdiniz mi?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Kontrollü klasör erişimi devre dışı bırakıldı
ScheduledTasks = Zamanlanan görevler
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows özellikleri
OptionalFeaturesTitle = İsteğe bağlı özellikler
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Características do Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Opsiyonel özellikler
EnableHardwareVT = UEFI'dan sanallaştırmayı aktifleştirin
UserShellFolderNotEmpty = "{0}" klasöründe bazı dosyalar kaldı. \nKendiniz yeni konuma taşıyın
RetrievingDrivesList = Sürücü listesi alınıyor...

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 1809 версії Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сесія PowerShell працює в обмеженому режимі
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Поточний увійшов користувач не володіє правами адміністратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Ви намагаєтеся запустити скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустіть скрипт у відповідній версії PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Скрипт не підтримує роботу через Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Ваша ОС, можливо, через бекдор в Win 10 Tweaker заражена трояном
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Стабільність вашої ОС могла бути порушена використанням скрипту Windows10Debloater від Sycnex. З метою профілактики перевстановіть ОС
UnsupportedRelease = Виявлено нову версію
CustomizationWarning = \nВи налаштували всі функції в пресет-файлі Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Контрольований доступ до папок вимкнений

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = 该脚本仅支持Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = 该脚本支持Windows 10版本1809 Enterprise LTSC
UnsupportedOSBuild = 该脚本支持Windows 10版本Enterprise LTSC 2019
UnsupportedLanguageMode = PowerShell会话在有限的语言模式下运行
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = 登录的用户没有管理员的权利
UnsupportedPowerShell = 你想通过PowerShell {0}.{1}运行脚本在适当的PowerShell版本中运行该脚本
UnsupportedISE = 该脚本不支持通过Windows PowerShell ISE运行
Win10TweakerWarning = 可能你的操作系统是通过Win 10 Tweaker后门感染的
Windows10DebloaterWarning = 使用Sycnex的Windows10Debloater PowerShell脚本Windows操作系统的稳定性可能已经受到影响预防性地重新安装整个操作系统
UnsupportedRelease = 找到新版本
CustomizationWarning = \n在运行Sophia Script之前您是否已自定义Sophia.ps1预设文件中的每个函数
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = 受控文件夹访问已禁用

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v5.2.17
Date: 23.11.2021
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -2844,7 +2844,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -9108,7 +9108,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019/Sophia.ps1

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2019"
Version: v5.2.17
Date: 23.11.2021
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -19,11 +19,10 @@
.EXAMPLE Run the script by specifying the module functions as an argument
.\Sophia.ps1 -Functions "DiagTrackService -Disable", "DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal", UninstallUWPApps
.\Sophia.ps1 -Functions "DiagTrackService -Disable", "DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal"
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 10 version
@ -648,7 +647,7 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Functions.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function Sophia
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -130,5 +130,5 @@ Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia -Functions <tab>" -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia -Functions temp<tab>" -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message "Sophia -Functions `"DiagTrackService -Disable`", `"DiagnosticDataLevel -Minimal`"" -Verbose
Write-Information -MessageData "" -InformationAction Continue
Write-Verbose -Message "UninstallUWPApps, `"PinToStart -UnpinAll`"" -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message "`"PinToStart -UnpinAll`"" -Verbose
Write-Verbose -Message "`"Set-Association -ProgramPath ```"%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe```" -Extension .txt -Icon ```"%ProgramFiles%\Notepad++\notepad++.exe,0```"`"" -Verbose

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Das Skript unterstützt nur Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Das Skript unterstützt Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2-Versionen
UpdateWarning = Das kumulative Windows 10-Update wurde installiert: {0}. Unterstütztes kumulatives Update: 1151 und höher
UnsupportedOSBuild = Das Skript unterstützt Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Das kumulative Windows 10-Update wurde installiert: {0}. Unterstütztes kumulatives Update: 1348 und höher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Die PowerShell-Sitzung wird in einem eingeschränkten Sprachmodus ausgeführt
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Der angemeldete Benutzer hat keine Administratorrechte
UnsupportedPowerShell = Sie versuchen ein Skript über PowerShell {0}.{1} auszuführen. Das Skript in der entsprechenden PowerShell-Version ausführen
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Neue Version gefunden
CustomizationWarning = \nHaben Sie alle Funktionen in der voreingestellten Datei Sophia.ps1 angepasst, bevor Sie Sophia Script ausführen?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Kontrollierter Ordnerzugriff deaktiviert
ScheduledTasks = Geplante Aufgaben
OneDriveUninstalling = OneDrive deinstallieren
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive installieren
OneDriveDownloading = OneDrive herunterladen ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = Die "{0}"-Funktion wird nur angewendet, wenn die Voreinstellung so konfiguriert ist, dass OneDrive entfernt wird, andernfalls wird die Backup-Funktionalität für die Ordner "Desktop" und "Bilder" in OneDrive unterbrochen
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows-Features
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Optionale Features
EnableHardwareVT = Virtualisierung in UEFI aktivieren
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Wählen Sie einen Ordner für den Or
UserDefaultFolder = Möchten Sie den Speicherort des Ordners "{0}" auf den Standardwert ändern?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Dieser Vorgang wird nicht unterstützt, wenn reservierter Speicher verwendet wird\nBitte führen Sie die Funktion "{0}" nach dem PC-Neustart erneut aus
ShortcutPinning = Die Verknüpfung "{0}" wird an Start angeheftet
UninstallUWPForAll = Für alle Benutzer
UWPAppsTitle = UWP-Apps
HEVCDownloading = HEVC-Videoerweiterungen vom Gerätehersteller herunterladen ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Bevorzugte Grafikleistung
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Möchten Sie die Einstellung der Grafikleistung einer App Ihrer Wahl auf "Hohe Leistung" einstellen?
TaskNotificationTitle = Benachrichtigung

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = The script supports Windows 10 x64 only
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2 versions
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 cumulative update installed: {0}. Supported cumulative update: 1151 and higher
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 cumulative update installed: {0}. Supported cumulative update: 1348 and higher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = The PowerShell session in running in a limited language mode
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = The logged-on user doesn't have admin rights
UnsupportedPowerShell = You're trying to run script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Run the script in the appropriate PowerShell version
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = A new version found
CustomizationWarning = \nHave you customized every function in the Sophia.ps1 preset file before running Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Controlled folder access disabled
ScheduledTasks = Scheduled tasks
OneDriveUninstalling = Uninstalling OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = Installing OneDrive...
OneDriveDownloading = Downloading OneDrive... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = The "{0}" function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove OneDrive, otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows features
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Optional features
EnableHardwareVT = Enable Virtualization in UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Select a folder for the "{0}" folder
UserDefaultFolder = Would you like to change the location of the "{0}" folder to the default value?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = This operation is not supported when reserved storage is in use\nPlease re-run the "{0}" function again after PC restart
ShortcutPinning = The "{0}" shortcut is being pinned to Start...
UninstallUWPForAll = For all users
UWPAppsTitle = UWP apps
HEVCDownloading = Downloading HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Graphics performance preference
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Would you like to set the graphics performance setting of an app of your choice to "High performance"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notification

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = El script sólo es compatible con Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = El script es compatible con versión Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2
UpdateWarning = Actualización acumulativa de Windows 10 instalada: {0}. Actualización acumulativa soportada: 1151 y superior
UnsupportedOSBuild = El script es compatible con versión Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Actualización acumulativa de Windows 10 instalada: {0}. Actualización acumulativa soportada: 1348 y superior
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sesión de PowerShell ejecutada en modo de lenguaje limitado
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = El usuario que inició sesión no tiene derechos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Estás intentando ejecutar el script a través de PowerShell {0}.{1}. Ejecute el script en la versión apropiada de PowerShell
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Una nueva versión encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \n¿Ha personalizado todas las funciones del archivo predeterminado Sophia.ps1 antes de ejecutar Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Acceso a la carpeta controlada deshabilitado
ScheduledTasks = Tareas programadas
OneDriveUninstalling = Desinstalar OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = Instalación de OneDrive...
OneDriveDownloading = Descargando OneDrive... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = La función "{0}" se aplicará sólo si el preajuste está configurado para eliminar OneDrive, de lo contrario la funcionalidad de copia de seguridad para las carpetas "Escritorio" e "Imágenes" en OneDrive se rompe
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Características de Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Características opcionales
EnableHardwareVT = Habilitar la virtualización en UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Seleccione una carpeta para la carpe
UserDefaultFolder = ¿Le gustaría cambiar la ubicación de la carpeta "{0}" para el valor por defecto?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Esta operación no es compatible cuando el almacenamiento reservada está en uso\nPor favor, vuelva a ejecutar la función "{0}" después de reiniciar el PC
ShortcutPinning = El acceso directo "{0}" está siendo clavado en Start...
UninstallUWPForAll = Para todos los usuarios
UWPAppsTitle = Aplicaciones UWP
HEVCDownloading = Descargando HEVC Vídeo Extensiones del Fabricante del dispositivo... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Preferencia de rendimiento gráfico
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = ¿Le gustaría establecer la configuración de rendimiento gráfico de una aplicación de su elección a "alto rendimiento"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notificación

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Le script supporte uniquement Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Le script supporte les versions Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2
UpdateWarning = La mise à jour cumulative de Windows 10 est installée : {0}. Mise à jour cumulative prise en charge : 1151 et plus
UnsupportedOSBuild = Le script supporte les versions Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = La mise à jour cumulative de Windows 10 est installée : {0}. Mise à jour cumulative prise en charge: 1348 et plus
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La session PowerShell s'exécute dans un mode de langue limité
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utilisateur connecté n'a pas de droits d'administrateur
UnsupportedPowerShell = Vous essayez d'exécuter le script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Exécutez le script dans la version appropriée de PowerShell
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Nouvelle version trouvée
CustomizationWarning = \nAvez-vous personnalisé chaque fonction du fichier de préréglage Sophia.ps1 avant d'exécuter Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Contrôle d'accès aux dossiers désactivé
ScheduledTasks = Tâches planifiées
OneDriveUninstalling = Désinstalltion de OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = Installation de OneDrive...
OneDriveDownloading = Téléchargement de OneDrive... ~33 Mo
OneDriveWarning = La fonction "{0}" sera appliquée uniquement si le préréglage est configuré pour supprimer OneDrive, sinon la fonctionnalité de sauvegarde des dossiers "Desktop" et "Pictures" dans OneDrive s'interrompt.
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Fonctionnalités
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Fonctionnalités optionnelles
EnableHardwareVT = Activer la virtualisation dans UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Sélectionnez un dossier pour le dos
UserDefaultFolder = Voulez vous changer est placé le dossier "{0}" à sa valeur par défaut?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Cette opération n'est pas suppportée le stockage réservé est en cours d'utilisation\nVeuillez réexécuter la fonction "{0}" après le redémarrage du PC
ShortcutPinning = Le raccourci "{0}" est épinglé sur Démarrer...
UninstallUWPForAll = Pour tous les utilisateurs
UWPAppsTitle = Applications UWP
HEVCDownloading = Téléchargement de Extensions vidéo HEVC du fabricant de l'appareil... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Préférence de performances graphiques
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Souhaitez-vous définir le paramètre de performances graphiques d'une application de votre choix sur "Haute performance"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notification

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = A szkript csak a Windows 10 64 bites verziót támogatja
UnsupportedOSBuild = A szkript támogatja a Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2 verziókat
UpdateWarning = A Windows 10 összesített frissítése telepítve: {0}. Támogatott kumulatív frissítés: 1151 és magasabb verziószámok
UnsupportedOSBuild = A szkript támogatja a Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = A Windows 10 összesített frissítése telepítve: {0}. Támogatott kumulatív frissítés: 1348 és magasabb verziószámok
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A PowerShell munkamenet korlátozott nyelvi üzemmódban fut
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = A bejelentkezett felhasználó nem rendelkezik admin jogokkal
UnsupportedPowerShell = A PowerShell {0}.{1} segítségével próbálja futtatni a szkriptet. Futtassa a szkriptet a megfelelő PowerShell-verzióban
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Új verzió érhető el
CustomizationWarning = \nSzemélyre szabott minden opciót a Sophia.ps1 preset fájlban, mielőtt futtatni kívánja a Sophia szkriptet?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Vezérelt mappához való hozzáférés kikapcsolva
ScheduledTasks = Ütemezett feladatok
OneDriveUninstalling = OneDrive eltávolítása...
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive telepítése...
OneDriveDownloading = OneDrive letöltése... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = A "{0}" funkció csak akkor kerül alkalmazásra, ha az előbeállítás a OneDrive eltávolítására van beállítva, különben a OneDrive "Desktop" és "Pictures" mappáinak biztonsági mentési funkciója megszakad.
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows szolgáltatások
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Opcionális szolgáltatások
EnableHardwareVT = Virtualizáció engedélyezése UEFI-ben
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Válasszon ki egy könyvtárat a "{0
UserDefaultFolder = Szeretné visszaállítani a "{0}" könyvtár helyét a gyári értékekre?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Ez a művelet nem hajtható végre, amíg a fenntartott tárhely használatban van\nPonovno pokrenite funkciju "{0}" nakon ponovnog pokretanja računala
ShortcutPinning = A gyorsindító ikon "{0}" Startmenüre helyezése...
UninstallUWPForAll = Az összes felhasználó számára
UWPAppsTitle = UWP Alkalmazások
HEVCDownloading = A HEVC Videobővítmények letöltése a gyártói oldalról... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Grafikus teljesítmény tulajdonság
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Szeretné megváltoztatni a grafikus teljesítmény beállítást az ön által kiválasztott alkalmazásban "Nagy teljesítményre"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Értesítés

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Lo script supporta solo Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Lo script supporta Windows 10, 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2 versioni
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 cumulative update installato: {0}. Aggiornamento cumulativo supportato: 1151 e superiore
UnsupportedOSBuild = Lo script supporta Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 cumulative update installato: {0}. Aggiornamento cumulativo supportato: 1348 e superiore
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La sessione PowerShell è in esecuzione in una modalità di lingua limitata
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utente connesso non ha i diritti di amministratore
UnsupportedPowerShell = Stai cercando di eseguire lo script tramite PowerShell {0}.{1}. Esegui lo script nella versione di PowerShell appropriata
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Nuova versione trovata
CustomizationWarning = \nSono state personalizzate tutte le funzioni nel file delle preimpostazioni Sophia.ps1 prima di eseguire Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = l'accesso alle cartelle controllata disattivata
ScheduledTasks = Attività pianificate
OneDriveUninstalling = Disinstalla OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = Installazione di OneDrive...
OneDriveDownloading = Download di OneDrive... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = La funzione "{0}" sarà applicata solo se il preset è configurato per rimuovere OneDrive, altrimenti la funzionalità di backup per le cartelle "Desktop" e "Pictures" in OneDrive si interrompe
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Funzionalità di Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Caratteristiche opzionali
EnableHardwareVT = Abilita virtualizzazione in UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Selezionare una cartella per la cart
UserDefaultFolder = Volete cambiare la posizione della cartella "{0}" al valore di default?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Questa operazione non è supportata quando stoccaggio riservata è in uso\nSi prega di eseguire nuovamente la funzione "{0}" dopo il riavvio del PC
ShortcutPinning = Il collegamento "{0}" è stato bloccato per iniziare...
UninstallUWPForAll = Per tutti gli utenti
UWPAppsTitle = UWP Apps
HEVCDownloading = Il download HEVC Video estensioni da dispositivo Produttore... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Preferenza per le prestazioni grafiche
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Volete impostare l'impostazione prestazioni grafiche di un app di vostra scelta per "performance High"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notifica

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = O script suporta somente Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = O script suporta versões Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2
UpdateWarning = Atualização cumulativa do Windows 10 instalado: {0}. Actualização acumulada suportada: 1151 e superior
UnsupportedOSBuild = O script suporta versões Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Atualização cumulativa do Windows 10 instalado: {0}. Actualização acumulada suportada: 1348 e superior
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A sessão PowerShell em funcionamento em um modo de linguagem limitada
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = O usuário logado não tem direitos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Você está tentando executar o script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Execute o script na versão apropriada do PowerShell
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Nova versão encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \nVocê personalizou todas as funções no arquivo de predefinição Sophia.ps1 antes de executar o Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Acesso controlado a pasta desativada
ScheduledTasks = Tarefas agendadas
OneDriveUninstalling = Desinstalar OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = Instalar o OneDrive...
OneDriveDownloading = Baixando OneDrive... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = A função "{0}" será aplicada somente se a predefinição for configurada para remover o OneDrive, caso contrário a funcionalidade de backup para as pastas "Desktop" e "Pictures" no OneDrive quebra
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Recursos do Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Recursos opcionais
EnableHardwareVT = Habilitar virtualização em UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Selecione uma pasta para a pasta "{0
UserDefaultFolder = Gostaria de alterar a localização da pasta "{0}" para o valor padrão?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Esta operação não é suportada quando o armazenamento reservada está em uso\nFavor executar novamente a função "{0}" após o reinício do PC
ShortcutPinning = O atalho "{0}" está sendo fixado no Iniciar...
UninstallUWPForAll = Para todos os usuários...
UWPAppsTitle = Apps UWP
HEVCDownloading = Baixando HEVC Vídeo Extensões de Dispositivo Fabricante... ~ 2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Preferência de desempenho gráfico
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Gostaria de definir a configuração de performance gráfica de um app de sua escolha para "alta performance"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Notificação

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 версии 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2
UpdateWarning = Установленный накопительный пакет обновления Windows 10: {0}. Поддерживаемый накопительный пакет обновления: 1151 и выше
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Установленный накопительный пакет обновления Windows 10: {0}. Поддерживаемый накопительный пакет обновления: 1348 и выше
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сессия PowerShell работает в ограниченном режиме
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Текущий вошедший пользователь не обладает правами администратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Вы пытаетесь запустить скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустите скрипт в соответствующей версии PowerShell
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Обнаружена новая ве
CustomizationWarning = \nВы настроили все функции в пресет-файле Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Контролируемый доступ к папкам выключен
ScheduledTasks = Запланированные задания
OneDriveUninstalling = Удаление OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive устанавливается...
OneDriveDownloading = Скачивается OneDrive... ~33 МБ
OneDriveWarning = Функция "{0}" будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive, иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Компоненты Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Дополнительные компоненты
EnableHardwareVT = Включите виртуализацию в UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Выберите папку для "
UserDefaultFolder = Хотите изменить расположение папки "{0}" на значение по умолчанию?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Операция не поддерживается, пока используется зарезервированное хранилище\nПожалуйста, повторно запустите функцию "{0}" после перезагрузки
ShortcutPinning = Ярлык "{0}" закрепляется на начальном экране...
UninstallUWPForAll = Для всех пользователей
UWPAppsTitle = UWP-приложения
HEVCDownloading = Скачивается расширения для видео HEVC от производителя устройства... ~2,8 МБ
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Настройка производительности графики
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Установить для любого приложения по вашему выбору настройки производительности графики на "Высокая производительность"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Уведомление

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Bu betik sadece Windows 10 x64 destekliyor
UnsupportedOSBuild = Komut dosyası, Windows 10 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2 sürümlerini destekler
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 toplu güncelleştirmesi yüklendi: {0}. Desteklenen toplu güncelleme: 1151 ve üstü
UnsupportedOSBuild = Komut dosyası, Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Windows 10 toplu güncelleştirmesi yüklendi: {0}. Desteklenen toplu güncelleme: 1348 ve üstü
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sınırlı bir dil modunda çalışan PowerShell oturumu
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Oturum açan kullanıcının yönetici hakları yok
UnsupportedPowerShell = Komut dosyasını PowerShell {0}.{1} aracılığıyla çalıştırmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Komut dosyasını uygun PowerShell sürümünde çalıştırın
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Yeni sürüm bulundu
CustomizationWarning = \nSophia Script'i çalıştırmadan önce Sophia.ps1 ön ayar dosyasındaki her işlevi özelleştirdiniz mi?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Kontrollü klasör erişimi devre dışı bırakıldı
ScheduledTasks = Zamanlanan görevler
OneDriveUninstalling = OneDrive kaldırılıyor...
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive kuruluyor...
OneDriveDownloading = OneDrive indiriliyor... ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = "{0}" işlevi yalnızca ön ayar OneDrive'ı kaldıracak şekilde yapılandırılırsa uygulanır, aksi takdirde OneDrive'daki "Masaüstü" ve "Resimler" klasörleri için yedekleme işlevi bozulur
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Características do Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Opsiyonel özellikler
EnableHardwareVT = UEFI'dan sanallaştırmayı aktifleştirin
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = "{0}" klasörü için bir klasör se
UserDefaultFolder = "{0}" klasörünün konumunu varsayılan değerle değiştirmek ister misiniz?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Ayrılmış depolama kullanımdayken bu işlem desteklenmez\nBilgisayar yeniden başlatıldıktan sonra lütfen "{0}" işlevini yeniden çalıştırın
ShortcutPinning = "{0}" kısayolu Başlangıç sekmesine sabitlendi...
UninstallUWPForAll = Bütün kullanıcılar için
UWPAppsTitle = UWP Uygulamaları
HEVCDownloading = "Cihaz Üreticisinden HEVC Video Uzantıları" İndiriliyor... ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Grafik performans tercihi
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Seçtiğiniz bir uygulamanın grafik performansı ayarını "Yüksek performans" olarak belirlemek ister misiniz?
TaskNotificationTitle = Bildirim

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 версії 2004/20H2/21H1/21H2
UpdateWarning = Встановлений зведене оновлення Windows 10: {0}. Підтримуваний накопичувальний пакет оновлення: 1151 і вище
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = Встановлений зведене оновлення Windows 10: {0}. Підтримуваний накопичувальний пакет оновлення: 1348 і вище
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сесія PowerShell працює в обмеженому режимі
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Поточний увійшов користувач не володіє правами адміністратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Ви намагаєтеся запустити скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустіть скрипт у відповідній версії PowerShell
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = Виявлено нову версі
CustomizationWarning = \nВи налаштували всі функції в пресет-файлі Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = Контрольований доступ до папок вимкнений
ScheduledTasks = Заплановані задачі
OneDriveUninstalling = Видалення OneDrive...
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive встановлюється...
OneDriveDownloading = Завантажується OneDrive... ~33 МБ
OneDriveWarning = Функція "{0}" буде застосована тільки в разі, якщо в пресете налаштоване щоб видалити програму OneDrive, інакше ламається функціонал резервного копіювання для папок "Робочий стіл" і "Зображення" в OneDrive
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Компоненти Windows
OptionalFeaturesTitle = Додаткові компоненти
EnableHardwareVT = Увімкніть віртуалізацію в UEFI
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = Виберіть папку для "
UserDefaultFolder = Хочете змінити розташування папки "{0}" на значення за замовчуванням?
ReservedStorageIsInUse = Операція не підтримується, поки використовується зарезервоване сховище\nБудь ласка, повторно запустіть функцію "{0}" після перезавантаження
ShortcutPinning = Ярлик "{0}" закріплюється на початковому екрані...
UninstallUWPForAll = Для всіх користувачів
UWPAppsTitle = Програми UWP
HEVCDownloading = Завантаження "Розширення відео HEVC від виробника пристрою"... ~2,8 МБ
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = Налаштування продуктивності графіки
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = Встановити для будь-якої програми за вашим вибором налаштування продуктивності графіки на "Висока продуктивність"?
TaskNotificationTitle = Cповіщення

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBitness = 该脚本仅支持Windows 10 x64
UnsupportedOSBuild = 该脚本支持Windows 10版本2004/20H2/21H1/21H2和更高版本
UpdateWarning = 安装了Windows 10累积更新{0}. 支持的累积更新1151及以上
UnsupportedOSBuild = 该脚本支持Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021
UpdateWarning = 安装了Windows 10累积更新{0}. 支持的累积更新1348及以上
UnsupportedLanguageMode = PowerShell会话在有限的语言模式下运行
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = 登录的用户没有管理员的权利
UnsupportedPowerShell = 你想通过PowerShell {0}.{1}运行脚本在适当的PowerShell版本中运行该脚本
@ -12,10 +12,6 @@ UnsupportedRelease = 找到新版本
CustomizationWarning = \n在运行Sophia Script之前您是否已自定义Sophia.ps1预设文件中的每个函数
ControlledFolderAccessDisabled = 受控文件夹访问已禁用
ScheduledTasks = 计划任务
OneDriveUninstalling = 卸载OneDrive
OneDriveInstalling = OneDrive正在安装
OneDriveDownloading = 正在下载OneDrive ~33 MB
OneDriveWarning = 只有当预设被配置为删除OneDrive时才会应用"{0}"功能否则OneDrive中的 "桌面 " "图片 "文件夹的备份功能就会中断
WindowsFeaturesTitle = Windows功能
OptionalFeaturesTitle = 可选功能
EnableHardwareVT = UEFI中开启虚拟化
@ -28,9 +24,6 @@ UserFolderSelect = 为“{0}”文件夹选择一个文
UserDefaultFolder = 您想将{0}文件夹的位置更改为默认值吗
ReservedStorageIsInUse = 保留存储空间正在使用时不支持此操作\n请在电脑重启后重新运行"{0}"功能
ShortcutPinning = {0}快捷方式将被固定到开始菜单
UninstallUWPForAll = 对于所有用户
UWPAppsTitle = UWP应用
HEVCDownloading = 下载HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer ~2,8 MB
GraphicsPerformanceTitle = 图形性能偏好
GraphicsPerformanceRequest = 是否将所选应用程序的图形性能设置设为"高性能"
TaskNotificationTitle = 通知

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Manifest/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
RootModule = '..\Module\Sophia.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.6'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.7'
GUID = '109cc881-c42b-45af-a74a-550781989d6a'
Author = 'Dmitry "farag" Nefedov'
Copyright = '(c) 2014—2021 farag & Inestic. All rights reserved'

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -3183,7 +3183,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -7281,7 +7281,7 @@ function InstallVCRedistx64
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
@ -7451,6 +7451,9 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
# Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager).AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 7, "")
#endregion WSL
@ -10242,7 +10245,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021/Sophia.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 10 LTSC 2021"
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 10 versions
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -695,19 +694,12 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default
Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application
Otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive,
иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
# Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
# Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop
# Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr in the Pictures folder (default value)
@ -849,10 +841,10 @@ InstallVCRedistx64
#region WSL
Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму
Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр "При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" в Центре обновлении Windows
Параметр "При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" будет включен автоматически в Центре обновлении Windows, чтобы получать обновления ядра
#endregion WSL

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Functions.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function Sophia
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Libraries/Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll

Binary file not shown.

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Libraries/WinRT.Runtime.dll

Binary file not shown.

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Der angemeldete Benutzer hat keine A
UnsupportedPowerShell = Sie versuchen ein Skript über PowerShell {0}.{1} auszuführen. Das Skript in der entsprechenden PowerShell-Version ausführen
UnsupportedISE = Das Skript unterstützt nicht die Ausführung über Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Wahrscheinlich wurde Ihr Betriebssystem über die Win 10 Tweaker-Hintertür infiziert
Windows10DebloaterWarning = The Windows OS stability may have been compromised by using Sycnex's Windows10Debloater PowerShell script. Preventively, reinstall the entire OS
PowerShellLibraries = Im Ordner "Libraries" befinden sich keine Dateien. Bitte das Archiv erneut herunterladen
UnsupportedRelease = Neue Version gefunden
CustomizationWarning = \nHaben Sie alle Funktionen in der voreingestellten Datei Sophia.ps1 angepasst, bevor Sie Sophia Script ausführen?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = The logged-on user doesn't have admi
UnsupportedPowerShell = You're trying to run script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Run the script in the appropriate PowerShell version
UnsupportedISE = The script doesn't support running via Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probably your OS was infected via the Win 10 Tweaker backdoor
Windows10DebloaterWarning = The Windows OS stability may have been compromised by using Sycnex's Windows10Debloater PowerShell script. Preventively, reinstall the entire OS
PowerShellLibraries = There are no files in the Libraries folder. Please, re-download the archive
UnsupportedRelease = A new version found
CustomizationWarning = \nHave you customized every function in the Sophia.ps1 preset file before running Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = El usuario que inició sesión no ti
UnsupportedPowerShell = Estás intentando ejecutar el script a través de PowerShell {0}.{1}. Ejecute el script en la versión apropiada de PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = El script no es compatible con la ejecución a través de Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probablemente su sistema operativo fue infectado a través del backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La estabilidad del sistema operativo Windows puede haberse visto comprometida al utilizar el script PowerShell Windows10Debloater de Sycnex. De forma preventiva, reinstale todo el sistema operativo
PowerShellLibraries = No hay archivos en la carpeta Bibliotecas. Por favor, vuelva a descargar el archivo
UnsupportedRelease = Una nueva versión encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \n¿Ha personalizado todas las funciones del archivo predeterminado Sophia.ps1 antes de ejecutar Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utilisateur connecté n'a pas de d
UnsupportedPowerShell = Vous essayez d'exécuter le script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Exécutez le script dans la version appropriée de PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Le script ne supporte pas l'exécution via Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Votre système d'exploitation a probablement été infecté par la porte dérobée Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La stabilité de l'OS Windows peut avoir été compromise par l'utilisation du script PowerShell Windows10Debloater de Sycnex. De manière préventive, réinstallez l'ensemble de l'OS
PowerShellLibraries = Il n'y a pas de fichiers dans le dossier Bibliothèques. Veuillez retélécharger l'archive
UnsupportedRelease = Nouvelle version trouvée
CustomizationWarning = \nAvez-vous personnalisé chaque fonction du fichier de préréglage Sophia.ps1 avant d'exécuter Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = A bejelentkezett felhasználó nem r
UnsupportedPowerShell = A PowerShell {0}.{1} segítségével próbálja futtatni a szkriptet. Futtassa a szkriptet a megfelelő PowerShell-verzióban
UnsupportedISE = A szkript nem támogatja a Windows PowerShell ISE futtatását
Win10TweakerWarning = Valószínűleg az operációs rendszerét a Win 10 Tweaker backdoor segítségével fertőzték meg
Windows10DebloaterWarning = A Windows operációs rendszer stabilitását veszélyeztethette a Sycnex Windows10Debloater PowerShell szkriptje. Megelőzésképpen telepítse újra a teljes operációs rendszert
PowerShellLibraries = A Libraries mappában nincsenek fájlok. Kérjük, töltse le újra az archívumot
UnsupportedRelease = Új verzió érhető el
CustomizationWarning = \nSzemélyre szabott minden opciót a Sophia.ps1 preset fájlban, mielőtt futtatni kívánja a Sophia szkriptet?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utente connesso non ha i diritti d
UnsupportedPowerShell = Stai cercando di eseguire lo script tramite PowerShell {0}.{1}. Esegui lo script nella versione di PowerShell appropriata
UnsupportedISE = Lo script non supporta l'esecuzione tramite Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probabilmente il tuo sistema operativo è stato infettato tramite la backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = La stabilità del sistema operativo Windows potrebbe essere stata compromessa dall'utilizzo dello script PowerShell Windows10Debloater di Sycnex. Preventivamente, reinstallare l'intero sistema operativo
PowerShellLibraries = Non ci sono file nella cartella Libraries. Per favore, scarica di nuovo l'archivio
UnsupportedRelease = Nuova versione trovata
CustomizationWarning = \nSono state personalizzate tutte le funzioni nel file delle preimpostazioni Sophia.ps1 prima di eseguire Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = O usuário logado não tem direitos
UnsupportedPowerShell = Você está tentando executar o script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Execute o script na versão apropriada do PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = O guião não suporta a execução através do Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Probabilmente il tuo sistema operativo è stato infettato tramite la backdoor Win 10 Tweaker
Windows10DebloaterWarning = A estabilidade do sistema operacional Windows pode ter sido comprometida pela utilização do script Windows10Debloater PowerShell da Sycnex. Preventivamente, reinstale todo o sistema operacional
PowerShellLibraries = Não existem ficheiros na pasta Bibliotecas. Por favor, volte a descarregar o arquivo
UnsupportedRelease = Nova versão encontrada
CustomizationWarning = \nVocê personalizou todas as funções no arquivo de predefinição Sophia.ps1 antes de executar o Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Текущий вошедший по
UnsupportedPowerShell = Вы пытаетесь запустить скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустите скрипт в соответствующей версии PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Скрипт не поддерживает работу через Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Ваша ОС, возможно, через бэкдор в Win 10 Tweaker была заражена трояном
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Стабильность Вашей ОС могла быть нарушена использованием скрипта Windows10Debloater от Sycnex. В целях профилактики переустановите ОС
PowerShellLibraries = В папке Libraries отсутствутствуют файлы. Пожалуйста, перекачайте архив
UnsupportedRelease = Обнаружена новая версия
CustomizationWarning = \nВы настроили все функции в пресет-файле Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Oturum açan kullanıcının yöneti
UnsupportedPowerShell = Komut dosyasını PowerShell {0}.{1} aracılığıyla çalıştırmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Komut dosyasını uygun PowerShell sürümünde çalıştırın
UnsupportedISE = Komut dosyası, Windows PowerShell ISE üzerinden çalıştırmayı desteklemiyor
Win10TweakerWarning = Muhtemelen işletim sisteminize Win 10 Tweaker arka kapısı yoluyla bulaştı
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Windows işletim sistemi kararlılığı, Sycnex'in Windows10Debloater PowerShell betiği kullanılarak tehlikeye atılmış olabilir. Önleyici olarak, tüm işletim sistemini yeniden yükleyin
PowerShellLibraries = Kitaplıklar klasöründe dosya yok. Lütfen arşivi yeniden indirin
UnsupportedRelease = Yeni sürüm bulundu
CustomizationWarning = \nSophia Script'i çalıştırmadan önce Sophia.ps1 ön ayar dosyasındaki her işlevi özelleştirdiniz mi?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Поточний увійшов ко
UnsupportedPowerShell = Ви намагаєтеся запустити скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустіть скрипт у відповідній версії PowerShell
UnsupportedISE = Скрипт не підтримує роботу через Windows PowerShell ISE
Win10TweakerWarning = Ваша ОС, можливо, через бекдор в Win 10 Tweaker заражена трояном
Windows10DebloaterWarning = Стабільність вашої ОС могла бути порушена використанням скрипту Windows10Debloater від Sycnex. З метою профілактики перевстановіть ОС
PowerShellLibraries = У папці «Бібліотеки» немає файлів. Будь ласка, повторно завантажте архів
UnsupportedRelease = Виявлено нову версію
CustomizationWarning = \nВи налаштували всі функції в пресет-файлі Sophia.ps1 перед запуском Sophia Script?

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1

@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ LoggedInUserNotAdmin = 登录的用户没有管理员的权
UnsupportedPowerShell = 你想通过PowerShell {0}.{1}运行脚本在适当的PowerShell版本中运行该脚本
UnsupportedISE = 该脚本不支持通过Windows PowerShell ISE运行
Win10TweakerWarning = 可能你的操作系统是通过Win 10 Tweaker后门感染的
Windows10DebloaterWarning = 使用Sycnex的Windows10Debloater PowerShell脚本Windows操作系统的稳定性可能已经受到影响预防性地重新安装整个操作系统
PowerShellLibraries = Libraries文件夹中没有文件请重新下载该档案
UnsupportedRelease = 找到新版本
CustomizationWarning = \n在运行Sophia Script之前您是否已自定义Sophia.ps1预设文件中的每个函数

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Manifest/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
RootModule = '..\Module\Sophia.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.6'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.7'
GUID = 'aa0b47a7-1770-4b5d-8c9f-cc6c505bcc7a'
Author = 'Dmitry "farag" Nefedov'
Copyright = '(c) 2014—2021 farag & Inestic. All rights reserved'

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ function Checkings
# Check whether the OS was infected by Win 10 Tweaker
# Check whether the OS was infected by Win 10 Tweaker's trojan
if (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:\Software\Win 10 Tweaker")
@ -3499,7 +3499,7 @@ function OneDrive
Stop-Process -Name FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Getting link to the OneDriveSetup.exe and its' argument(s)
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/",",/")).Split(",").Trim()
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/", ",/")).Split(",").Trim()
if ($OneDriveSetup.Count -eq 2)
Start-Process -FilePath $OneDriveSetup[0] -ArgumentList $OneDriveSetup[1..1] -Wait
@ -3539,7 +3539,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %OneDrive%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:OneDrive -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
if (-not ("WinAPI.DeleteFiles" -as [type]))
@ -3560,7 +3560,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $env:OneDrive
@ -3582,22 +3581,11 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Terminate the File Explorer process
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
Stop-Process -Name explorer -Force
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Restoring closed folders
foreach ($Script:OpenedFolder in $Script:OpenedFolders)
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force
# Attempt to unregister FileSyncShell64.dll and remove
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\amd64\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
foreach ($FileSyncShell64dll in $FileSyncShell64dlls.FullName)
Start-Process -FilePath regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/u /s $FileSyncShell64dll" -Wait
@ -3625,7 +3613,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if (Test-Path -Path $OpenedFolder)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $OpenedFolder
@ -3682,7 +3669,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Remove invalid chars
[xml]$OneDriveXML = $Content -replace "", ""
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url[-1]
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url
$DownloadsFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $OneDriveURL
@ -4017,7 +4004,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -6685,7 +6672,7 @@ public static string GetString(uint strId)
WinPrtScrFolder -Default
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove OneDrive,
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
@ -6714,7 +6701,12 @@ function WinPrtScrFolder
if ((Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Sophia.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false)
# Get the name of a preset (e.g Sophia.ps1) regardless it was named
$PresetName = Split-Path -Path ((Get-PSCallStack).Position | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Text -eq "WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop"}).File -Leaf
# Check whether a preset contains the "OneDrive -Uninstall" string uncommented out
$OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented = (Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\$PresetName -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false
$OneDriveInstalled = Get-Package -Name "Microsoft OneDrive" -ProviderName Programs -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented -or (-not $OneDriveInstalled))
$DesktopFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name Desktop
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F}" -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $DesktopFolder -Force
@ -8171,7 +8163,7 @@ function InstallVCRedistx64
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
@ -8341,6 +8333,9 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
# Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager).AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 7, "")
#endregion WSL
@ -8841,7 +8836,7 @@ function UninstallUWPApps
#region Variables
# The following UWP apps will have their checkboxes unchecked
$UncheckedAppxPackages = @(
# AMD Radeon UWP panel
# AMD Radeon Software
# Intel Graphics Control Center
@ -9662,7 +9657,7 @@ function HEIF
DisableKeepAlive = $true
UseBasicParsing = $true
if (-not (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).StatusDescription)
if (-not (Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters).StatusDescription)
@ -12529,7 +12524,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10 PowerShell 7/Sophia.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 10 (PowerShell 7)"
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 10 versions
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -773,18 +772,18 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default
Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
Otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive,
иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive или приложение уже удалено,
иначе в OneDrive ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения"
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop
@ -938,10 +937,10 @@ InstallVCRedistx64
#region WSL
Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму
Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр "При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" в Центре обновлении Windows
Параметр "При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" будет включен автоматически в Центре обновлении Windows, чтобы получать обновления ядра
#endregion WSL

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Functions.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function Sophia
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Manifest/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
RootModule = '..\Module\Sophia.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.6'
ModuleVersion = '5.12.7'
GUID = '109cc881-c42b-45af-a74a-550781989d6a'
Author = 'Dmitry "farag" Nefedov'
Copyright = '(c) 2014—2021 farag & Inestic. All rights reserved'

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -3482,7 +3482,7 @@ function OneDrive
Stop-Process -Name FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Getting link to the OneDriveSetup.exe and its' argument(s)
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/",",/")).Split(",").Trim()
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/", ",/")).Split(",").Trim()
if ($OneDriveSetup.Count -eq 2)
Start-Process -FilePath $OneDriveSetup[0] -ArgumentList $OneDriveSetup[1..1] -Wait
@ -3522,7 +3522,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %OneDrive%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:OneDrive -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
if (-not ("WinAPI.DeleteFiles" -as [type]))
@ -3543,7 +3543,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $env:OneDrive
@ -3565,22 +3564,11 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Terminate the File Explorer process
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
Stop-Process -Name explorer -Force
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Restoring closed folders
foreach ($Script:OpenedFolder in $Script:OpenedFolders)
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force
# Attempt to unregister FileSyncShell64.dll and remove
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\amd64\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
foreach ($FileSyncShell64dll in $FileSyncShell64dlls.FullName)
Start-Process -FilePath regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/u /s $FileSyncShell64dll" -Wait
@ -3608,7 +3596,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if (Test-Path -Path $OpenedFolder)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $OpenedFolder
@ -3663,7 +3650,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Remove invalid chars
[xml]$OneDriveXML = $Content -replace "", ""
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url[-1]
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url
$DownloadsFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $OneDriveURL
@ -3992,7 +3979,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -6652,7 +6639,7 @@ public static string GetString(uint strId)
WinPrtScrFolder -Default
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove OneDrive,
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
@ -6681,7 +6668,12 @@ function WinPrtScrFolder
if ((Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Sophia.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false)
# Get the name of a preset (e.g Sophia.ps1) regardless it was named
$PresetName = Split-Path -Path ((Get-PSCallStack).Position | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Text -eq "WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop"}).File -Leaf
# Check whether a preset contains the "OneDrive -Uninstall" string uncommented out
$OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented = (Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\$PresetName -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false
$OneDriveInstalled = Get-Package -Name "Microsoft OneDrive" -ProviderName Programs -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented -or (-not $OneDriveInstalled))
$DesktopFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name Desktop
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F}" -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $DesktopFolder -Force
@ -8138,7 +8130,7 @@ function InstallVCRedistx64
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
@ -8308,6 +8300,9 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
# Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager).AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 7, "")
#endregion WSL
@ -8798,8 +8793,8 @@ function UninstallUWPApps
#region Variables
# The following UWP apps will have their checkboxes unchecked
$UncheckedAppxPackages = @(
# AMD Radeon UWP panel
# AMD Radeon Software
# Intel Graphics Control Center
@ -12469,7 +12464,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 10/Sophia.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 10"
Version: v5.12.6
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v5.12.7
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 10 versions
@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.6 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 10 v5.12.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -773,18 +772,18 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default
Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
Otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive,
иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive или приложение уже удалено,
иначе в OneDrive ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения"
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop
@ -938,10 +937,10 @@ InstallVCRedistx64
#region WSL
Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму
Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр "При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" в Центре обновлении Windows
Параметр "При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" будет включен автоматически, чтобы получать обновления ядра
#endregion WSL

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Functions.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function Sophia
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.8 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Libraries/Microsoft.Windows.SDK.NET.dll

Binary file not shown.

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Libraries/WinRT.Runtime.dll

Binary file not shown.

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/de-DE/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Das Skript unterstützt Windows 11 2004/20H2/21H1-Versionen und höher
UpdateWarning = Ihr Windows 11-Build: {0}.{1}. Unterstützter Build: 22000.282 und höher
UpdateWarning = Ihr Windows 11-Build: {0}.{1}. Unterstützter Build: 22000.318 und höher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Die PowerShell-Sitzung wird in einem eingeschränkten Sprachmodus ausgeführt
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Der angemeldete Benutzer hat keine Administratorrechte
UnsupportedPowerShell = Sie versuchen ein Skript über PowerShell {0}.{1} auszuführen. Das Skript in der entsprechenden PowerShell-Version ausführen

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/en-US/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = The script supports Windows 11 21H2 version and higher
UpdateWarning = Your Windows 11 build: {0}.{1}. Supported build: 22000.282 and higher
UpdateWarning = Your Windows 11 build: {0}.{1}. Supported build: 22000.318 and higher
UnsupportedLanguageMode = The PowerShell session in running in a limited language mode
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = The logged-on user doesn't have admin rights
UnsupportedPowerShell = You're trying to run script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Run the script in the appropriate PowerShell version

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/es-ES/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = El script es compatible con versión Windows 11 21H2 y superiores
UpdateWarning = Su build de Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Compilación compatible: 22000.282 y superiores
UpdateWarning = Su build de Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Compilación compatible: 22000.318 y superiores
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sesión de PowerShell ejecutada en modo de lenguaje limitado
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = El usuario que inició sesión no tiene derechos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Estás intentando ejecutar el script a través de PowerShell {0}.{1}. Ejecute el script en la versión apropiada de PowerShell

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/fr-FR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Le script supporte les versions Windows 11 21H2 et ultérieures
UpdateWarning = Votre version de Windows 11 : {0}.{1}. Version prise en charge : 22000.282 et ultérieures
UpdateWarning = Votre version de Windows 11 : {0}.{1}. Version prise en charge : 22000.318 et ultérieures
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La session PowerShell s'exécute dans un mode de langue limité
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utilisateur connecté n'a pas de droits d'administrateur
UnsupportedPowerShell = Vous essayez d'exécuter le script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Exécutez le script dans la version appropriée de PowerShell

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/hu-HU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = A szkript a Windows 11 21H2 és újabb kiadásokat támogatja
UpdateWarning = Az Ön Windows 11 építése: {0}.{1}. Támogatott build: 22000.282 és magasabb verziószámok
UpdateWarning = Az Ön Windows 11 építése: {0}.{1}. Támogatott build: 22000.318 és magasabb verziószámok
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A PowerShell munkamenet korlátozott nyelvi üzemmódban fut
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = A bejelentkezett felhasználó nem rendelkezik admin jogokkal
UnsupportedPowerShell = A PowerShell {0}.{1} segítségével próbálja futtatni a szkriptet. Futtassa a szkriptet a megfelelő PowerShell-verzióban

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/it-IT/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Lo script supporta Windows 11, 21H2 versioni e superiori
UpdateWarning = La tua build di Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Build supportata: 22000.282 e successive
UpdateWarning = La tua build di Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Build supportata: 22000.318 e successive
UnsupportedLanguageMode = La sessione PowerShell è in esecuzione in una modalità di lingua limitata
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = L'utente connesso non ha i diritti di amministratore
UnsupportedPowerShell = Stai cercando di eseguire lo script tramite PowerShell {0}.{1}. Esegui lo script nella versione di PowerShell appropriata

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/pt-BR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = O script suporta versões Windows 11 21H2 e superior
UpdateWarning = La tua build di Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Build supportata: 22000.282 e successive
UpdateWarning = La tua build di Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Build supportata: 22000.318 e successive
UnsupportedLanguageMode = A sessão PowerShell em funcionamento em um modo de linguagem limitada
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = O usuário logado não tem direitos de administrador
UnsupportedPowerShell = Você está tentando executar o script via PowerShell {0}.{1}. Execute o script na versão apropriada do PowerShell

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/ru-RU/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт поддерживает только Windows 11 21H2 и выше
UpdateWarning = Ваш билд Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Поддерживаемый билд: 22000.282 и выше
UpdateWarning = Ваш билд Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Поддерживаемый билд: 22000.318 и выше
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сессия PowerShell работает в ограниченном режиме
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Текущий вошедший пользователь не обладает правами администратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Вы пытаетесь запустить скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустите скрипт в соответствующей версии PowerShell

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/tr-TR/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Bu betik sadece Windows 11 21H2 sürüm ve üstünü destekliyor
UpdateWarning = Windows 11 yapınız: {0}.{1}. Desteklenen yapı: 22000.282 ve üstünü destekliyor
UpdateWarning = Windows 11 yapınız: {0}.{1}. Desteklenen yapı: 22000.318 ve üstünü destekliyor
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Sınırlı bir dil modunda çalışan PowerShell oturumu
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Oturum açan kullanıcının yönetici hakları yok
UnsupportedPowerShell = Komut dosyasını PowerShell {0}.{1} aracılığıyla çalıştırmaya çalışıyorsunuz. Komut dosyasını uygun PowerShell sürümünde çalıştırın

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/uk-UA/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = Скрипт підтримує тільки Windows 11 версії 21H2 та вище
UpdateWarning = Ваш білд Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Підтримуваний білд: 22000.282 та вище
UpdateWarning = Ваш білд Windows 11: {0}.{1}. Підтримуваний білд: 22000.318 та вище
UnsupportedLanguageMode = Сесія PowerShell працює в обмеженому режимі
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = Поточний увійшов користувач не володіє правами адміністратора
UnsupportedPowerShell = Ви намагаєтеся запустити скрипт в PowerShell {0}.{1}. Запустіть скрипт у відповідній версії PowerShell

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Localizations/zh-CN/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
UnsupportedOSBuild = 该脚本支持Windows 11版本21H2和更高版本
UpdateWarning = 您的Windows 11构建{0}.{1}支持的构建22000.282和更高版本
UpdateWarning = 您的Windows 11构建{0}.{1}支持的构建22000.318和更高版本
UnsupportedLanguageMode = PowerShell会话在有限的语言模式下运行
LoggedInUserNotAdmin = 登录的用户没有管理员的权利
UnsupportedPowerShell = 你想通过PowerShell {0}.{1}运行脚本在适当的PowerShell版本中运行该脚本

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Manifest/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
RootModule = '..\Module\Sophia.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '6.0.7'
ModuleVersion = '6.0.8'
GUID = '109cc881-c42b-45af-a74a-550781989d6a'
Author = 'Dmitry "farag" Nefedov'
Copyright = '(c) 2014—2021 farag & Inestic. All rights reserved'

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -3230,7 +3230,7 @@ function OneDrive
Stop-Process -Name FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Getting link to the OneDriveSetup.exe and its' argument(s)
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/",",/")).Split(",").Trim()
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/", ",/")).Split(",").Trim()
if ($OneDriveSetup.Count -eq 2)
Start-Process -FilePath $OneDriveSetup[0] -ArgumentList $OneDriveSetup[1..1] -Wait
@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %OneDrive%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:OneDrive -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
if (-not ("WinAPI.DeleteFiles" -as [type]))
@ -3291,7 +3291,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $env:OneDrive
@ -3313,22 +3312,11 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Terminate the File Explorer process
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
Stop-Process -Name explorer -Force
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Restoring closed folders
foreach ($Script:OpenedFolder in $Script:OpenedFolders)
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force
# Attempt to unregister FileSyncShell64.dll and remove
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\amd64\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
foreach ($FileSyncShell64dll in $FileSyncShell64dlls.FullName)
Start-Process -FilePath regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/u /s $FileSyncShell64dll" -Wait
@ -3356,7 +3344,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if (Test-Path -Path $OpenedFolder)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $OpenedFolder
@ -3413,7 +3400,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Remove invalid chars
[xml]$OneDriveXML = $Content -replace "", ""
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url[-1]
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url
$DownloadsFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $OneDriveURL
@ -3748,7 +3735,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -6413,7 +6400,7 @@ public static string GetString(uint strId)
WinPrtScrFolder -Default
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove OneDrive,
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
@ -6442,7 +6429,12 @@ function WinPrtScrFolder
if ((Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Sophia.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false)
# Get the name of a preset (e.g Sophia.ps1) regardless it was named
$PresetName = Split-Path -Path ((Get-PSCallStack).Position | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Text -eq "WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop"}).File -Leaf
# Check whether a preset contains the "OneDrive -Uninstall" string uncommented out
$OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented = (Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\$PresetName -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false
$OneDriveInstalled = Get-Package -Name "Microsoft OneDrive" -ProviderName Programs -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented -or (-not $OneDriveInstalled))
$DesktopFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name Desktop
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F}" -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $DesktopFolder -Force
@ -7869,17 +7861,29 @@ function DefaultTerminalApp
if (Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.WindowsTerminal)
if (-not (Test-Path -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup))
if (-not (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup"))
New-Item -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Force
New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Force
# Find the current GUID of Windows Terminal
Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\PackagedCom\Package\$PackageFullName\Class" | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $_.PSPath -Name ServerId) -eq 0)
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value $_.PSChildName -Force
if ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $_.PSPath -Name ServerId) -eq 1)
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value $_.PSChildName -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value "{06EC847C-C0A5-46B8-92CB-7C92F6E35CD5}" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value "{86633F1F-6454-40EC-89CE-DA4EBA977EE2}" -Force
Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" -Force
@ -7926,7 +7930,7 @@ function InstallVCRedistx64
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
@ -8096,6 +8100,9 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
# Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager).AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 7, "")
#endregion WSL
@ -8218,7 +8225,7 @@ function UninstallUWPApps
#region Variables
# The following UWP apps will have their checkboxes unchecked
$UncheckedAppxPackages = @(
# AMD Radeon UWP panel
# AMD Radeon Software
# Intel Graphics Control Center
@ -9075,7 +9082,7 @@ function HEIF
SslProtocol = "Tls13"
UseBasicParsing = $true
if (-not (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).StatusDescription)
if (-not (Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters).StatusDescription)
@ -11913,7 +11920,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11 PowerShell 7/Sophia.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 11"
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -23,12 +23,11 @@
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 11 version
Version: 21H2
Build: 22000.282
Build: 22000.318
Editions: Home/Pro/Enterprise
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.7 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.8 (PowerShell 7) | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -736,18 +735,18 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default
Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
Otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive,
иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive или приложение уже удалено,
иначе в OneDrive ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения"
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop
@ -898,10 +897,10 @@ InstallVCRedistx64
#region WSL
Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму
Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр "При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" в Центре обновлении Windows
Параметр "При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" будет включен автоматически в Центре обновлении Windows, чтобы получать обновления ядра
#endregion WSL

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Functions.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
The TAB completion for functions and their arguments
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ function Sophia
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.8 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Manifest/Sophia.psd1

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
RootModule = '..\Module\Sophia.psm1'
ModuleVersion = '6.0.7'
ModuleVersion = '6.0.8'
GUID = '109cc881-c42b-45af-a74a-550781989d6a'
Author = 'Dmitry "farag" Nefedov'
Copyright = '(c) 2014—2021 farag & Inestic. All rights reserved'

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Module/Sophia.psm1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Sophia Script is a PowerShell module for Windows 10 & Windows 11 fine-tuning and automating the routine tasks
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -3213,7 +3213,7 @@ function OneDrive
Stop-Process -Name FileCoAuth -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
# Getting link to the OneDriveSetup.exe and its' argument(s)
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/",",/")).Split(",").Trim()
[string[]]$OneDriveSetup = ($UninstallString -Replace("\s*/", ",/")).Split(",").Trim()
if ($OneDriveSetup.Count -eq 2)
Start-Process -FilePath $OneDriveSetup[0] -ArgumentList $OneDriveSetup[1..1] -Wait
@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA%\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %OneDrive%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:OneDrive -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
if (-not ("WinAPI.DeleteFiles" -as [type]))
@ -3274,7 +3274,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $env:OneDrive
@ -3296,22 +3295,11 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Terminate the File Explorer process
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
Stop-Process -Name explorer -Force
Start-Sleep -Seconds 3
# Restoring closed folders
foreach ($Script:OpenedFolder in $Script:OpenedFolders)
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon" -Name AutoRestartShell -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force
# Attempt to unregister FileSyncShell64.dll and remove
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\amd64\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
$FileSyncShell64dlls = Get-ChildItem -Path "$OneDriveFolder\*\FileSyncShell64.dll" -Force
foreach ($FileSyncShell64dll in $FileSyncShell64dlls.FullName)
Start-Process -FilePath regsvr32.exe -ArgumentList "/u /s $FileSyncShell64dll" -Wait
@ -3339,7 +3327,6 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
if (Test-Path -Path $OpenedFolder)
# Invoke-Item doesn't work
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $OpenedFolder
@ -3394,7 +3381,7 @@ public static bool MarkFileDelete (string sourcefile)
# Remove invalid chars
[xml]$OneDriveXML = $Content -replace "", ""
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url[-1]
$OneDriveURL = ($OneDriveXML).root.update.amd64binary.url
$DownloadsFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
$Parameters = @{
Uri = $OneDriveURL
@ -3723,7 +3710,7 @@ function TempFolder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
# If there are some files or folders left in $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp
# If there are some files or folders left in %LOCALAPPDATA\Temp%
if ((Get-ChildItem -Path $env:TEMP -Force -ErrorAction Ignore | Measure-Object).Count -ne 0)
@ -6380,7 +6367,7 @@ public static string GetString(uint strId)
WinPrtScrFolder -Default
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove OneDrive,
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
@ -6409,7 +6396,12 @@ function WinPrtScrFolder
if ((Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\Sophia.ps1 -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false)
# Get the name of a preset (e.g Sophia.ps1) regardless it was named
$PresetName = Split-Path -Path ((Get-PSCallStack).Position | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Text -eq "WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop"}).File -Leaf
# Check whether a preset contains the "OneDrive -Uninstall" string uncommented out
$OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented = (Get-Content -Path $PSScriptRoot\..\$PresetName -Encoding UTF8 -Force | Select-String -SimpleMatch "OneDrive -Uninstall").Line.StartsWith("#") -eq $false
$OneDriveInstalled = Get-Package -Name "Microsoft OneDrive" -ProviderName Programs -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
if ($OneDriveUninstallFunctionUncommented -or (-not $OneDriveInstalled))
$DesktopFolder = Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name Desktop
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders" -Name "{B7BEDE81-DF94-4682-A7D8-57A52620B86F}" -PropertyType ExpandString -Value $DesktopFolder -Force
@ -7836,17 +7828,29 @@ function DefaultTerminalApp
if (Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.WindowsTerminal)
if (-not (Test-Path -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup))
if (-not (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup"))
New-Item -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Force
New-Item -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Force
# Find the current GUID of Windows Terminal
Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Classes\PackagedCom\Package\$PackageFullName\Class" | ForEach-Object -Process {
if ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $_.PSPath -Name ServerId) -eq 0)
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value $_.PSChildName -Force
if ((Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path $_.PSPath -Name ServerId) -eq 1)
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value $_.PSChildName -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value "{06EC847C-C0A5-46B8-92CB-7C92F6E35CD5}" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value "{86633F1F-6454-40EC-89CE-DA4EBA977EE2}" -Force
Remove-Item -Path HKCU:\Console\%%Startup -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationConsole -PropertyType String -Value "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%%Startup" -Name DelegationTerminal -PropertyType String -Value "{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" -Force
@ -7893,7 +7897,7 @@ function InstallVCRedistx64
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" Windows Update setting will be enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
@ -8063,6 +8067,9 @@ public static extern bool SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hWnd);
# Force move the WPF form to the foreground
$Form.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
# Receive updates for other Microsoft products when you update Windows
(New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager).AddService2("7971f918-a847-4430-9279-4a52d1efe18d", 7, "")
#endregion WSL
@ -8175,7 +8182,7 @@ function UninstallUWPApps
#region Variables
# The following UWP apps will have their checkboxes unchecked
$UncheckedAppxPackages = @(
# AMD Radeon UWP panel
# AMD Radeon Software
# Intel Graphics Control Center
@ -9020,7 +9027,7 @@ function HEIF
DisableKeepAlive = $true
UseBasicParsing = $true
if (-not (Invoke-RestMethod @Parameters).StatusDescription)
if (-not (Invoke-WebRequest @Parameters).StatusDescription)
@ -11855,7 +11862,7 @@ public static void PostMessage()
if (Test-Path -Path $Script:OpenedFolder)
Invoke-Item -Path $Script:OpenedFolder
Start-Process -FilePath explorer -ArgumentList $Script:OpenedFolder

Sophia Script/Sophia Script for Windows 11/Sophia.ps1

@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
Default preset file for "Sophia Script for Windows 11"
Version: v6.0.7
Date: 23.11.2021
Version: v6.0.8
Date: 05.12.2021
Copyright (c) 20142021 farag
Copyright (c) 20192021 farag & Inestic
@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
.EXAMPLE Download and expand the latest Sophia Script version archive (without running) according which Windows and PowerShell versions it is run on
irm | iex
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri | Invoke-Expression
Supported Windows 11 version
@ -71,7 +70,7 @@ param
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.7 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
$Host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Sophia Script for Windows 11 v6.0.8 | Made with $([char]::ConvertFromUtf32(0x1F497)) of Windows | $([char]0x00A9) farag & Inestic, 2014$([char]0x2013)2021"
Remove-Module -Name Sophia -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
Import-Module -Name $PSScriptRoot\Manifest\Sophia.psd1 -PassThru -Force
@ -736,18 +735,18 @@ SetUserShellFolderLocation -Root
Изменить расположение пользовательских папок на значения по умолчанию
Пользовательские файлы и папки не будут перемещены в новое расположение. Переместите их вручную
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %%USERPROFILE%
По умолчанию они располагаются в папке %USERPROFILE%
# SetUserShellFolderLocation -Default
Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr on the Desktop
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application
The function will be applied only if the preset is configured to remove the OneDrive application, or the app was already uninstalled
Otherwise the backup functionality for the "Desktop" and "Pictures" folders in OneDrive breaks
Сохранять скриншоты по нажатию Win+PrtScr на рабочий столе
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive,
иначе ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения" в OneDrive
Функция будет применена только в случае, если в пресете настроено удаление приложения OneDrive или приложение уже удалено,
иначе в OneDrive ломается функционал резервного копирования для папок "Рабочий стол" и "Изображения"
WinPrtScrFolder -Desktop
@ -907,10 +906,10 @@ InstallVCRedistx64
#region WSL
Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form
To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: "Receive updates for other Microsoft products"
The "Receive updates for other Microsoft products" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates
Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму
Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр "При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" в Центре обновлении Windows
Параметр "При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт" будет включен автоматически в Центре обновлении Windows, чтобы получать обновления ядра
#endregion WSL


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Aktiviert das Windows Subsystem für Linux (WSL), installiert die neueste Version des WSL-Linux-Kernels und eine Linux-Distribution über ein Popup-Formular"
"ToolTip": "Aktiviert das Windows Subsystem für Linux (WSL), installiert die neueste Version des WSL-Linux-Kernels und eine Linux-Distribution über ein Popup-Formular. Die Einstellung \"Updates für andere Microsoft-Produkte empfangen\" wird automatisch aktiviert, um Kernel-Updates zu erhalten"


@ -1353,7 +1353,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Aktiviert das Windows Subsystem für Linux (WSL), installiert die neueste Version des WSL-Linux-Kernels und eine Linux-Distribution über ein Popup-Formular"
"ToolTip": "Aktiviert das Windows Subsystem für Linux (WSL), installiert die neueste Version des WSL-Linux-Kernels und eine Linux-Distribution über ein Popup-Formular. Die Einstellung \"Updates für andere Microsoft-Produkte empfangen\" wird automatisch aktiviert, um Kernel-Updates zu erhalten"


@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form. To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: \"Receive updates for other Microsoft products\""
"ToolTip": "Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form. The \"Receive updates for other Microsoft products\" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates"


@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form. To receive kernel updates, enable the Windows Update setting: \"Receive updates for other Microsoft products\""
"ToolTip": "Enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), install the latest WSL Linux kernel version, and a Linux distribution using a pop-up form. The \"Receive updates for other Microsoft products\" setting will enabled automatically to receive kernel updates"


@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Habilite el Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL), instale la última versión del kernel de WSL Linux y una distribución de Linux mediante un formulario emergente"
"ToolTip": "Habilite el Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL), instale la última versión del kernel de WSL Linux y una distribución de Linux mediante un formulario emergente. El ajuste \"Recibir actualizaciones para otros productos de Microsoft\" se activará automáticamente para recibir las actualizaciones del kernel"


@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Habilite el Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL), instale la última versión del kernel de WSL Linux y una distribución de Linux mediante un formulario emergente"
"ToolTip": "Habilite el Subsistema de Windows para Linux (WSL), instale la última versión del kernel de WSL Linux y una distribución de Linux mediante un formulario emergente. El ajuste \"Recibir actualizaciones para otros productos de Microsoft\" se activará automáticamente para recibir las actualizaciones del kernel"


@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
"tabOneDrive": "OneDrive",
"tabSystem": "Sistema",
"tabWSL": "WSL",
"tabStartMenu": "Menú Inicio",
"tabStartMenu": "Menu de inicio",
"tabUWP": "UWP Apps",
"tabGaming": "Juego de azar",
"tabScheduledTasks": "Tareas programadas",


@ -1407,7 +1407,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Habilite o subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL), instale a versão mais recente do kernel WSL Linux e uma distribuição Linux usando um formulário pop-up. Para receber atualizações do kernel, habilite a configuração do Windows Update: \"Receber atualizações para outros produtos Microsoft\""
"ToolTip": "Habilite o subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL), instale a versão mais recente do kernel WSL Linux e uma distribuição Linux usando um formulário pop-up. A configuração \"Receber atualizações para outros produtos Microsoft\" permitirá receber automaticamente as atualizações do kernel"


@ -1340,7 +1340,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Habilite o subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL), instale a versão mais recente do kernel WSL Linux e uma distribuição Linux usando um formulário pop-up. Para receber atualizações do kernel, habilite a configuração do Windows Update: \"Receber atualizações para outros produtos Microsoft\""
"ToolTip": "Habilite o subsistema Windows para Linux (WSL), instale a versão mais recente do kernel WSL Linux e uma distribuição Linux usando um formulário pop-up. A configuração \"Receber atualizações para outros produtos Microsoft\" permitirá receber automaticamente as atualizações do kernel"


@ -1406,7 +1406,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму. Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр \"При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт\" в Центре обновлении Windows"
"ToolTip": "Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму. Параметр \"При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт\" будет включен автоматически, чтобы получать обновления ядра"


@ -1338,7 +1338,7 @@
"Arg": {
"Zero": {
"Tag": "",
"ToolTip": "Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму. Чтобы получать обновления ядра, включите параметр \"При обновлении Windows поулчать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт\" в Центре обновлении Windows"
"ToolTip": "Установить подсистему Windows для Linux (WSL), последний пакет обновления ядра Linux и дистрибутив Linux, используя всплывающую форму. Параметр \"При обновлении Windows получать обновления для других продуктов Майкрософт\" будет включен автоматически, чтобы получать обновления ядра"


Binary file not shown.