- Change %TEMP% environment variable path to %SystemDrive%\Temp
- Change location of the user folders programmatically (without moving user files) within interactive menu using up/down arrows and Enter key to make a selection
- "Desktop";
- "Documents";
@ -24,46 +19,23 @@
- "Music";
- "Pictures"
- "Videos.
- Uninstall UWP apps from all accounts with exception apps list with pop-up form written in WPF;
- Turn off Windows features;
- Remove Windows capabilities with pop-up form written in [WPF](https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Setup-Script/raw/master/Images/Img-3.png);
- Create a Windows cleaning up task in the Task Scheduler;
- Create tasks in the Task Scheduler to clear
- %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download
- %TEMP%
- Unpin all Start menu tiles;
- Pin shortcuts to Start menu using [syspin.exe](http://www.technosys.net/products/utils/pintotaskbar)
- Turn on Controlled folder access and add protected folders using dialog menu;
- Add exclusion folder from Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning using dialog menu;
- Add exclusion file from Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning using dialog menu;
- Refresh desktop icons, environment variables and taskbar without restarting File Explorer;
- Many more File Explorer and context menu "deep" tweaks.
| 1903 | 19H1 | May 2019 Update |18362|x64 only|Home/Pro/Enterprise|
## FAQ
Read the code you run carefully. Some functions are presented as an example only. You must be aware of the meaning of the functions in the code. **If you're not sure what the script does, do not run it**.
**Strongly recommended to run the script after fresh installation**. Some of functions can be run also on LTSB/LTSC and on older versions of Windows and PowerShell (not recommended to run on the x86 systems).
## GUI version (C#)
Still [Cooking](https://github.com/farag2/Windows-10-Setup-Script/tree/GUI-dev)