Script to setup Windows 10 1903
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949 lines
37 KiB

# Full Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](,
and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## 5.3.3 - 21.01.2020
## Windows 10 2004 (20H1)/20H2 (2009) | LTSC
Diff from v5.3.2
* Added the feature to run the script by specifying module functions as parameters
If you want to run the specific functions without editing the preset file you can run them as parameters now
.\Sophia.ps1 -Functions "FunctionName1 -Parameter", "FunctionName2 -Parameter"
* The quotation marks required.
* Bugfixed and improved the "WindowsCapabilities" function. Thx to [cheetoh](
* There is a bug in KVM with QEMU: enabling the "DefenderSandbox -Enabled" function causes VM to freeze up during the loading phase of Windows
* Read more in #120
* Updated description;
* Minor changes. :feelsgood:
* The full changelog for all years can be found [here](
## 5.3.2 - 16.01.2020
## Windows 10 2004 (20H1)/20H2 (2009) | LTSC
Diff from v5.3.1
* Updated "TelemetryService" function
* Renamed into "DiagTrackService";
* Added "Disable firewall rule for Unified Telemetry Client Outbound Traffic and block connection" feature.
* Closed #116
* To do it run manually
Get-NetFirewallRule -Group DiagTrack | Set-NetFirewallRule -Enabled False -Action Block
* Added online checking whether the current module version is the latest;
* Added "Disable Caps Lock" function;
* Swaped "disable"/"enable" arguments in the "AppsLanguageSwitch" function;
* Minor changes. :feelsgood:
## 5.3.1 - 22.12.2020
## Windows 10 2004 (20H1)/20H2 (2009)
Diff from v5.3
* Also uploaded the updated LTSC module version up to 5.0;
* Added a new logo on the main page. Logo made by [teahead](
* Added [PowerShell 7.1]( <img src="" width="30"> compatibility :trophy:
* Closed #70;
* Anyway sometimes pinning shortcuts via syspin do nothing. It's PS Core bug. :thinking:
* Fixed typo causing bug in ```CleanUpTask -Register``` function. Please re-register task;
* Added ```Logging``` function using the ```Start-Transcript``` cmdlet. Commented out by default.
* To stop logging just close the console or type ```Stop-Transcript```. The log will be being recorded into the script folder
* Added ```AppsLanguageSwitch``` function. Lets use a different input method for each app window. Thanks to [WindR](
* Updated the Italian translation. Closed #103. Thanks to @garf02;
* Updated syspin app up to the;
* Minor changes. :feelsgood:
* Added the New Year ```easter egg``` to the console title! :hand_over_mouth:
* It's the latest release this year. :hugs: Happy New Year! ![Image](
## 5.3 - 12.12.2020
## Windows 10 2004 (20H1)/20H2 (2009)
Diff from v5.2
* Some functions were updated and improved, especially
* ```ScheduledTasks```, ```WindowsFeatures```, ```WindowsCapabilities``` now support arguments to load pop-up dialog box;
* ```SetUserShellFolderLocation``` gets ```-Custom``` argument (commented out by default) to select a folder for the location of the user folders manually using a folder browser dialog. Closed #98;
* Fixed and changed method for saving code for creating the "Windows Cleanup" task in ```CleanUpTask``` function;
* There won't be any more AV false positives. Better to reregistre task again. Sometimes a toast didn't even load and the task runs forever. LOL
* Updated the ```Sophia.ps1``` preset file. Use the new one;
* Added Spanish localization :es:. Thanks to @AnxoMJ;
* Updated, improved and simplified all localizations. Thanks to all translators;
* Now available in: :uk: :cn: :de: :fr: :it: :ru: :ukraine: :tr: :es:
* Updated descriptions;
* Closed #101
* Minor changes. :feelsgood:
## 5.2 - 11.11.2020
## Windows 10 2004 (20H1)/2009 (20H2)
Diff from v5.1.1
* Code refactoring. Thx to [FrankSinatra 🏆]( & [iNNOKENTIY21 🏆](;
* Almost all functions were rewritten to accept arguments;
* e.g. ```DisableTelemetryServices``` and ```EnableTelemetryServices``` are now
TelemetryService -Disable
TelemetryService -Enable
* Updated the ```Sophia.ps1``` preset file. Use the new one!;
* Added localizations
* Chinese simplified (#79). Thanks to @JonathanChuyan;
* Italian (#80). Thanks to @garf02;
* Turkish (#82). Thanks to @v30xy;
* French. Thanks to [coleoptere2007](;
* Ukranian. Thanks to **lowlif3**;
* Now available in: Available in: <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="'s_Republic_of_China.svg" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/> <img src="" height="11px"/>
* Updated localizations;
* Closed #81, #83, #84, #85, #86, #87
* Minor changes.
Also guy from []( created a GUI wrapper for the script. Hope it'll help! 🗡️
## 5.1.1 - 09.10.2020
## Windows 10 2004/2009
Diff from v5.1 (2004/2009)
* Added the German localization. Thanks to [ERRASoft 🏆](;
* Updated localizations;
* Added manifest file;
* ```EnableWin32LongPaths``` function wasn't enabled as a default one;
* Functions updated
* ```DisableWindowsErrorReporting```;
* ```EnableWindowsErrorReporting```;
* ```DisableScheduledTasks```;
* ```EnableScheduledTasks```.
* Minor changes.
## 5.1 - 08.10.2020
## Windows 10 2004/2009
Diff from v5.0.1 (2004/2009)
* The script becomes fully translatable 🏆;
* The translations are moved to separate files ```Sophia.psd1```;
* To translate into your language you should
* Create a folder with the appropriate future localization name;
* Place the translation into this folder without changing the file name (```Sophia.psd1```)
* Thanks to [FrankSinatra]( & [westlife]( for the tip.
* "DisableSuggestedContent" function renamed into "DisableWhatsNewInWindows";
* "EnableSuggestedContent" function renamed into "EnableWhatsNewInWindows";
* Closed #65, #71, #72 thanks to [westlife](;
* Functions improved
* UninstallOneDrive;
* SetupWSL;
* DisableBackgroundUWPApps [westlife 🏆](;
* DisableReservedStorage.
* Functions simplified
* RemoveProtectedFolders;
* RemoveAppsControlledFolder;
* RemoveDefenderExclusionFolders;
* RemoveDefenderExclusionFiles.
* The preset file renamed into ```Sophia.ps1```;
* Comments;
* Minor changes.
## 5.0.1 - 25.09.2020
## Windows 10 2004/2009 **only**
Diff from v5.0.0 (2004/2009)
* The "SetTempPath" function;
* Fixed error ```There is a mismatch between the tag specified in the request and the tag present in the reparse point```
* Descriptions;
* Minor changes.
## 5.0 - 24.09.2020
## Windows 10 2004/2009 **only**
* The script has a new name: Windows 10 Sophia Script ❤️
* The Script was rewritten into module (about **270** functions) with a preset file!
* Now it should be ran via .\Preset.ps1
* Every tweak in a preset file has its' corresponding function to **restore the default settings**;
* Create your own preset file!
* Minor changes. No new features.
## 4.6 - 18.08.2020
## Windows 10 2004 | 1903/1909 | LTSC Enterprise 2019
Diff from v4.5.7
- **Fixed and improved translations and comments**. Closed <> & <>. Thanks a lot to @skycommand for the help with translation;
- Removed the "Group svchost.exe processes" section;
- To revert to the default changes rub
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control -Name SvcHostSplitThresholdInKB -PropertyType DWord -Value 3670016 -Force
# Restart required
- Removed the "Show the "File Explorer" and "Settings" folders on Start" section;
- Updated the "Turn off Delivery Optimization" section;
- To enable it run
New-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization\Settings -Name DownloadMode -PropertyType DWord -Value 0 -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-20\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\DeliveryOptimization\Settings -Name DownloadModeProvider -PropertyType DWord -Value 8 -Force
- Updated the "Turn off Windows features" section;
- The "Microsoft Print to PDF" feature was excluded from disabling;
- To revert to the proper values run
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Printing-PrintToPDFServices-Features # -NoRestart
- Updated the "Change the location of the user folders to %SystemDrive%" section;
- Added the ```RemoveDesktopINI``` argument to remove ```desktop.ini``` in the old user shell folder;
- Fixed wrong value in "Add the "Extract all" item to Windows Installer (.msi) context menu" section;
- To revert to the proper values run
New-ItemProperty -Path Registry::HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Msi.Package\shell\Extract -Name MUIVerb -PropertyType String -Value "@shell32.dll,-37514" -Force
- Updated the "Do not add the "- Shortcut" suffix to the file name of created shortcuts" section;
- Minor changes.
## 4.5.7 - 17.08.2020
## Windows 10 2004 | 1903/1909 | LTSC Enterprise 2019 Versions
Diff from v4.5.6 (2004)
- Removed "Turn off per-user services" section;
- Closed #50 & #52;
- To revert these services back run
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\PimIndexMaintenanceSvc -Name Start -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\PimIndexMaintenanceSvc -Name UserServiceFlags -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UnistoreSvc -Name Start -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UnistoreSvc -Name UserServiceFlags -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UserDataSvc -Name Start -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\UserDataSvc -Name UserServiceFlags -Force
# Restart required
- Updated "Turn on Windows 10 20H2 new Start style" section;
- Updated "Change %TEMP% environment variable path to the %SystemDrive%\Temp" section;
- Added prompt for choice;
- Added symbolic link creation;
- Closed #51.
- Create required folder
New-Item -Path $env:LOCALAPPDATA\Temp -ItemType Directory -Force
- Minor changes.
## Windows 10 LTSC Enterprise 2019 Version
- As I was asked many times, released the LTSC version;
- Closed #40 & #39;
- Minor changes.
## 4.5.6 - 03.08.2020
Diff from v4.5.5 (Windows 10 2004)
## Windows 10 2004 | 1903/1909 Version
- Added "Turn on Windows 10 20H2 new Start style" section. The new Start style described [here](;
- Added "Install the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)" section;
- Added new package "Microsoft.Photos.MediaEngineDLC" to the $UncheckedAppxPackages variable in "Uninstall UWP apps" section;
- region Edge removed (only for 1903/1909 Version);
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## Windows 10 LTSC Enterprise 2019 Version
- As I was asked many times, released the LTSC version;
- Closed #40 & #39;
- Minor changes.
## 4.5.5 - 07.07.2020
Diff from v4.5.4
- Closed #40 & #39
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.5.4 - 29.06.2020
Diff from v4.5.3 (Windows 10 2004)
- Updated "Turn off Cortana autostarting" section
- Updated "Create "Process Creation" Event Viewer Custom View" section
- Closed #37
- Removed "Uninstall all Xbox related UWP apps from all accounts" section because it's unnecassary
- Closed #36. Removed sections
- Show accent color on Start, taskbar, and action center
- Show accent color on the title bars and window borders
- Increase taskbar transparency
- Comments;
- Minor changes
## 4.5.3 - 23.06.2020
Diff from v4.5.2 (Windows 10 2004)
- Updated help section
- Updated "Turn off Cortana autostarting" section
- Added "Create "Process Creation" Event Viewer Custom View" section
- For this custom view to function, it is necessary to enable the following sections
- Turn on events auditing generated when a process is created or starts
- Include command line in process creation events
- This feature allows to conveniently track the creation of suspicious processes along with the process command line argument
- Go to Event Viewer - Custom View - Process Creation
- Minor changes
## 4.5.2 - 19.06.2020
Diff from v4.5.1 (Windows 10 2004)
- Removed sections due to Network troubleshooter is unable to start DPS service
- Stop event trace sessions
- Turn off the data collectors at the next computer restart
- To restore Network troubleshooter download attached DiagLog_EN.xml and execute in CMD
:: Restart needed
logman import -name "DiagLog" -xml "PathTo\DiagLog_EN.xml"
logman start "DiagLog"
- Updated "Turn on logging for all Windows PowerShell modules" section
- Fixed typo in registry path key creation
- To restore execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging\ModuleNames -Name EnableModuleLogging -Force
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\PowerShell\ModuleLogging -Name EnableModuleLogging -PropertyType DWord -Value 1 -Force
- Minor changes
## 4.5.1 - 17.06.2020
Diff from v4.5.0.1 (Windows 10 2004)
- Updated "Unpin all the Start tiles" section
- Now using another method to unpin all Start tiles
- Updated "Pin the shortcuts to Start" section
- Updated check for the internet connection
## - 11.06.2020
Diff from v4.5
- Updated "Remove Windows capabilities" section
- Moved Notepad from the $CheckedCapabilities variable to the $ExcludedCapabilities
- To restore uninstalled Notepad execute
Get-WindowsCapability -Online -Name Microsoft.Windows.Notepad* | Add-WindowsCapability -Online -Verbose
- Updated "Turn on hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling" section
- Added determining whether an OS is not installed on a virtual machine
## 4.5 - 10.06.2020
- Updated sections
- Stop event trace sessions;
- Turn off Windows features;
- Turn off background apps, except the followings...;
- Turn off and delete reserved storage after the next update installation;
- Hide the "Edit with Photos" item from the context menu;
- Hide the "Create a new video" item from the context menu;
- Hide the "Edit" item from the images context menu;
- Remove the "Bitmap image" item from the "New" context menu;
- Remove the "Rich Text Document" item from the "New" context menu.
- Added sections
- Turn on automatically save my restartable apps when sign out and restart them after sign in
- Turn off Cortana autostarting;
- Turn on hardware-accelerated GPU scheduling.
- Due to Microsoft Edge moved to Chromium rendering engine, the following sections was removed
- Remove Microsoft Edge shortcut from the Desktop;
- Do not allow Microsoft Edge to start and load the Start and New Tab page at Windows startup and each time Microsoft Edge is closed;
- To remove unnecessary key execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\TabPreloader -Name AllowTabPreloading -Force
- Do not allow Microsoft Edge to pre-launch at Windows startup, when the system is idle, and each time Microsoft Edge is closed;
- To remove unnecessary key execute unnecessary key execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\MicrosoftEdge\Main -Name AllowPrelaunch -Force
- Turn off Windows Defender SmartScreen for Microsoft Edge;
- To remove unnecessary key execute
$edge = (Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge).PackageFamilyName
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Classes\Local Settings\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AppContainer\Storage\$edge\MicrosoftEdge\PhishingFilter" -Name EnabledV9 -Force
- Turn off creation of an Edge shortcut on the desktop for each user profile;
- To remove unnecessary key execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer -Name DisableEdgeDesktopShortcutCreation -Force
- In Windows 10 the "Turn on automatic recommended troubleshooting and tell when problems get fixed" feature was renamed into "Run troubleshooters automatically, then notify"
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.4.1 - 02.06.2020
Diff from v4.4
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.4 - 02.06.2020
Diff from v4.3.0.1
- Updated links in the comment-based help section;
- Updated "Increase taskbar transparency" section
- Removed "ForceEffectMode" key, that blocked Windows 10 transparency effects
- To remove unnecessary key, execute
# Restart needed
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Dwm -Name ForceEffectMode -Force
- Updated "Change location of the user folders" section
- Added comment-based section;
- Added the ability to skip (#25)
- Updated "Uninstall UWP apps" section
- Added "Uninstall for All Users" button to the form (unchecked by default) (@oz-zo) to uninstall UWP apps from all account
- Add the "Run as different user" item to the .exe files types context menu
- Removed unnecessary keys
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## - 23.05.2020
Diff from v4.2.1
- Fixed bug in "Show accent color on Start, taskbar, and action center" section;
- The "Change location of the user folders" section was rewritten into interactive menu using up/down arrows and Enter key to make a selection (menu by [MaxKozlov](
- A user will be prompted to select the drive letter where the user folders will be moved programmatically
- Files will not be moved. Do it manually
- [Video](
- The task "Update cleanup" in the Task Scheduler renamed into "Windows Cleanup";
- Comments;
- Minor changes;
- Thanks [YuS_2]( and [westlife]( for the tips.
## 4.2.1 - 16.05.2020
- Now the form for removing capabilities and UWP apps will not be initialized if there are no elements for removal;
- Added for the all tasks in the Task Scheduler a description displayed in the "Description" section;
- Fixed bug in "Include command line in process creation events" section
- Minor changes;
- Thanks [4r0]( for found bugs.
## 4.2 - 12.05.2020
- Now the script will not be executed by PowerShell ISE;
- Moved from the "Read-Host" cmdlet to $Host.UI.PromptForChoice();
- Updated "Create a task in the Task Scheduler to start Windows cleaning up";
- A [toast notification]( will be activated before starting cleaning up;
- Now cleanmgr.exe window starts minimized;
- Now using DISM to clean up unused Windows updates instead of cleanmgr.exe
DISM.exe /Online /English /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /NoRestart
- Minor changes;
- Thanks [westlife]( for the tips.
## 4.1 - 03.05.2020
- The "Turn off Windows features" and "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts" sections moved from CLI to GUI!
- WPF form made by [oz-zo](, fixes by [westlife](
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.34 - 28.04.2020
- Added the "Create a restore point" section (#14 );
- Updated "Include command line in process creation events" section;
- Minor changes;
- Comments.
## 4.0.33 - 24.04.2020
- The "Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for apps" section moved from CLI to GUI
- Minor changes;
- Comments.
## 4.0.32 - 20.04.2020
- Comments;
- Added Internet connection test in "Pin the shortcuts to Start" section to ensure syspin.exe will be downloaded from GitHub. Anyway it can be loaded locally;
- The following sections transferred from CLI to GUI
- Turn on Controlled folder access and add protected folders;
- Allow an app through Controlled folder access;
- Add exclusion folder from Microsoft Defender Antivirus scanning;
- Add exclusion file from Windows Defender Antivirus scanning.
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.31 - 10.04.2020
- Improved "Uninstall OneDrive" section;
- Now it takes into account whether user signed in to OnedDrive;
- Added Xbox related apps to the exclusion list in "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts, except the followings..." section;
- Added "Uninstall all Xbox related UWP apps from all accounts" section;
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.30 - 08.04.2020
- Improved "Uninstall OneDrive" section. Thanks [westlife](;
- Added "Open Microsoft Store "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" page" section
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.29 - 05.04.2020
- Totally rewritten "Uninstall OneDrive" section
- "Turn off diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks" section
- Now the "FODCleanupTask" task, related to Windows Hello, does not turn off if device is a laptop
- "Remove Windows capabilities" section
- Now the "Hello.Face*" сapabilities, related to Windows Hello, does not removed if device is a laptop
- "Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Desktop" section
- "Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for apps" section
- "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts" section
- Now using "-Verbose" instead of "Write-Progress";
- Added "Realtek Audio Console" app to the exclusion
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.28 - 20.03.2020
- Added "Do not show sync provider notification" section;
- "Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Desktop" section. To return the original value execute
Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FolderDescriptions\{b7bede81-df94-4682-a7d8-57a52620b86f}" -Name RelativePath -Type String -Value Screenshots -Force
- Removed "Uninstall all provisioned UWP apps from System account, except the followings..." section
- Using the "-AllUsers" key, applications were already deleted from all accounts
- Fixed all en dashes (0x2013). Thanks to [YuS_2](;
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.27 - 18.03.2020
- "Uninstall OneDrive" section
- Now even after restarting File Explorer your opened folders will be restored
- "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts, except the followings..." section
- "Uninstall all provisioned UWP apps from System account, except the followings..." section
- Now displays progress bar while uninstalling
- Deleted "Checking whether the script was saved in UTF-8 with BOM encoding if it runs locally" section
- There is [no way]( for PowerShell to automatically determine the file encoding
- Anyway this code checks the encoding
if ($PSCommandPath)
$bytes = Get-Content -Path $PSCommandPath -Encoding Byte -Raw
if ($bytes[0] -ne 239 -and $bytes[1] -ne 187 -and $bytes[2] -ne 191)
Write-Warning -Message "The script wasn't saved in `"UTF-8 with BOM`" encoding"
- Comments
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.26 - 16.03.2020
- Do not allow apps to use advertising ID. To delete unnecessary key execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\AdvertisingInfo -Name Enabled -Force
- Turn on acrylic taskbar transparency;
- Added "Show me the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested" section;
- Added "Check for updates for UWP apps" section;
- Added "Do not suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows" section;
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.25 - 13.03.2020
- Added F5 pressing simulation to refresh the desktop
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.24 - 11.03.2020
- Turn on recycle bin files delete confirmation
- Now configuring without using policy. To delete unnecessary key execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer -Name ConfirmFileDelete -Force
- Turn off Delivery Optimization
- Now using cmdlets. To delete unnecessary key execute
Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeliveryOptimization -Force
- Rearranged "Set power management scheme for desktop and laptop" section
- Renamed sections
- "Turn off hibernate" to "Turn off hibernate for devices, except laptops"
- "Turn off location for this device" to "Turn off location access for this device"
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.23 - 06.03.2020
- Comments;
- Rewritten "Pin to Start the shortcuts" section;
- Now using [syspin.exe]( to pin shortcuts
- Hash (SHA256): 6967E7A3C2251812DD6B3FA0265FB7B61AADC568F562A98C50C345908C6E827
- Shorcuts pinned by default:
- Control Panel;
- Devices and Printers;
- Command Prompt.
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.22 - 03.03.2020
- Added Comment-Based Help;
- Fixed bug in a task to clear the $env:SystemRoot\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.21 - 25.02.2020
- Removed "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support (beta)" section due to instability. To recover execute
# Open Administrative Tab in Region
cmd.exe --% /c control intl.cpl,,1
# Change system locale
# Uncheck "Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support"
# Restart PC
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.20 - 21.02.2020
- Removed "Let Windows track app launches to improve Start menu and search results" section. To recover execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced -Name Start_TrackProgs -Force
- Removed "Turn off Windows Game Recording and Broadcasting" section. To recover execute
Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\GameDVR -Force
- Removed "Turn off Game Mode" section. To recover execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\GameBar -Name AllowAutoGameMode -Force
- Removed "Remove "Previous Versions" from file context menu" section. To recover execute
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Shell Extensions\Blocked" -Name "{596AB062-B4D2-4215-9F74-E9109B0A8153}" -Force
- Removed "Turn off "The Windows Filtering Platform has blocked a connection" message in "Windows Logs/Security"" section. To recover execute
auditpol /set /subcategory:"{0CCE9226-69AE-11D9-BED3-505054503030}" /success:enable /failure:enable
- Added
- "Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support (beta)";
- "Turn on logging for all Windows PowerShell modules";
- "Turn on logging of all PowerShell script input to the Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational event log";
- "Turn on events auditing generated when a process is created or starts".
- Comments
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.19 - 17.02.2020
- Uploaded file with UTF-8 with BOM encoding by default;
- Added "Checking the file encoding if it runs locally" section;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.18 - 11.02.2020
- Fixed typo in "Unpin all Start menu tiles section;
- Updated "Uninstall OneDrive" section;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.17 - 10.02.2020
- Now using "switch" operator in the interactive prompts;
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.16 - 04.02.2020
- Added OS edition detection to add proper value for the "AllowTelemetry" registry key.;
- "Stop event trace sessions" section;
- "Set the operating system diagnostic data level" section;
- "Unpin all Start menu tiles" section;
- Now it's possible to skip unpinning all Start menu tiles
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.15 - 31.01.2020
- Added "Include command line in progress creation events" section;
- Added "Let track app launches to improve Start menu and search results" section;
- Removed "Do not let track app launches to improve Start menu and search results" section;
- Added "Stop event trace sessions" section;
- Updated "Turn off the data collectors at the next computer restart" section;
- Updated "Turn off diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks" section. Some tasks has been removed from the list. To recover execute
$tasks = @(
"MNO Metadata Parser"
Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName $tasks | Enable-ScheduledTask
- Comments
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.14 - 15.11.2019
- Comments;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.13 - 11.11.2019
- Added the detections of the OS bitness and PowerShell session;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.12 - 08.11.2019
- Sections rearranged
- Comments
- Removed unnecessary "Turn off Cortana" section. To remove the key execute
Remove-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Search" -Force
- Removed unnecessary "Turn on Retpoline patch against Spectre v2" section;
- Removed unnecessary "Turn on firewall & network protection" section;
- "Enable System Restore" section redone into "Remove Shadow copies (restoration points)"
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.11 - 05.11.2019
"Uninstall UWP apps" section.
## 4.0.10 - 22.10.2019
- Improved "Turn off Windows features" and "Turn off default background apps, except the followings..." sections
- Total runtime reduced by ~ 10 sec.
## 4.0.9 - 21.10.2019
- Ready for Windows 10 November 2019 Update;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.8 - 11.10.2019
- The "Save screenshots by pressing Win+PrtScr to the Desktop" section was moved to the "Set location of the "Desktop", "Documents" "Downloads" "Music", "Pictures", and "Videos"" section
- Fixes saving a screenshot when it was saved in the old desktop folder if the path to the desktop was changed after that.
- Reorganized the "UI & Personalization" directive
- Translations
- Removed unnecessary keys in the "OneDrive" section. To remove them, execute
Remove-Item -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive -Force
Remove-ItemProperty -Path HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\OneDrive -Name DisablePersonalSync -Force
- Removed "Remove printers" section;
- Added "Sticky Notes" app to the exclusion list of a "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts except" section;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.7 - 08.10.2019
- Added "Lock App" app to the exclusion list of a "Turn off default background apps except" section;
- Fixes freeze when trying to open a link from lock screen when Windows spotlight enabled. To fix execute:
$LockApp = (Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.PackageFamilyName -like "Microsoft.LockApp*"}).PackageFamilyName
$LockApp = $LockApp.Split(",")[0]
Remove-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\BackgroundAccessApplications\$LockApp" -Name * -Force
Write-Host "Restart required"
- Removed "Remove printers" section;
- Added "Sticky Notes" app to the exclusion list of a "Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts except" section;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.6- 04.10.2019
- Added "Allow an app through Controlled folder access";
- Reorganized the tweaks, dividing into 11 categories:
- Privacy;
- UI & Personalization;
- OneDrive;
- System;
- Start menu;
- Edge;
- UWP apps;
- Windows Game Recording;
- Scheduled tasks;
- Microsoft Defender;
- Context menu;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.5 - 16.09.2019
- Added "Set the encoding to UTF-8 without BOM for the PowerShell session";
- `ping.exe | Out-Null` used due to output is encoded with the default encoding despite changes (bug in .NET);
- Descriptions;
- Open shortcut to the Command Prompt from Start menu as Administrator;
- Added
New-ItemProperty -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\DataCollection -Name AllowTelemetry -PropertyType DWord -Value 3 -Force
command to "Turn on automatic recommended troubleshooting and tell when problems get fixed" section due to the diagnostic data level needs to be set to "Full" in order to work;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.4 - 09.09.2019
- Added "#Requires -RunAsAdministrator" statement;
- Removed all diagnostics tracking services except "DiagTrack";
Get-Service -Name DusmSvc | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
Get-Service -Name SSDPSRV | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
Get-Service -Name DusmSvc, SSDPSRV | Start-Service
- Added check whether the PC is a work station when applying the patch against Spectre v2;
- Added calculator to exceptions for uninstalling UWP applications;
- Added forced focus on the file open dialog;
- Minor changes.
## 4.0.3 - 02.09.2019
Removed Get-ResolvedPath function from script due to lack of need;
Fixed typo in "Show Task Manager details" section.
## 4.0.2 - 31.08.2019
Removed CDPSvc service from list due to Night ligth doesn't start.
Revert service backTurn the service back on:
Get-Service -Name CDPSvc | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic
Get-Service -Name CDPSvc | Start-Service
## 4.0.1 - 29.08.2019
Fixed loop in "Set "High performance" in graphics performance preference for apps"
## 4.0.0 - 20.08.2019
- Turn off diagnostics tracking services,
- Uninstall all UWP apps from all accounts except,
- Turn off diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks;
- The foreach instruction is no longer used;
- Increased processing speed
- Import Start menu layout from pre-saved reg file;
- Now it's possible to select a file to import through OpenFileDialog
- Turn on Windows Sandbox;
- Changed the method for determining if a Hyper-V service is enabled
- Fixed typo in "Turn on Windows Sandbox"
- Minor changes.