ErrorReporting -Disable;Turn off the Windows Error Reporting;
ErrorReporting -Enable;Turn on the Windows Error Reporting (default value);
WindowsFeedback -Disable;Change the Windows feedback frequency to "Never";
WindowsFeedback -Enable;Change the Windows Feedback frequency to "Automatically" (default value);
ScheduledTasks -Disable;Turn off the diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks;
ScheduledTasks -Enable;Turn on the diagnostics tracking scheduled tasks (default value);
SigninInfo -Disable;Do not use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device and reopen apps after an update or restart;
SigninInfo -Enable;Use sign-in info to automatically finish setting up device and reopen apps after an update or restart (default value);
LanguageListAccess -Disable;Do not let websites provide locally relevant content by accessing language list;
LanguageListAccess -Enable;Let websites provide locally relevant content by accessing language list (default value);
AdvertisingID -Disable;Do not allow apps to use advertising ID;
AdvertisingID -Enable;Allow apps to use advertising ID (default value);
ShareAcrossDevices -Disable;Do not let apps on other devices open and message apps on this device, and vice versa;
ShareAcrossDevices -Enable;Let apps on other devices open and message apps on this device, and vice versa (default value);
WindowsWelcomeExperience -Hide;Hide the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested;
WindowsWelcomeExperience -Show;Show the Windows welcome experiences after updates and occasionally when I sign in to highlight what's new and suggested (default value);
WindowsTips -Enable;Get tip, trick, and suggestions as you use Windows (default value);
WindowsTips -Disable;Do not get tip, trick, and suggestions as you use Windows;
SettingsSuggestedContent -Hide;Hide the suggested content in the Settings app;
SettingsSuggestedContent -Show;Show the suggested content in the Settings app (default value);
AppsSilentInstalling -Disable;Turn off the automatic installing suggested apps;
AppsSilentInstalling -Enable;Turn on the automatic installing suggested apps (default value);
WhatsNewInWindows -Disable;Do not suggest ways I can finish setting up my device to get the most out of Windows;
AdminApprovalMode -Disable;Choose when to be notified about changes to your computer: never notify;
AdminApprovalMode -Enable;Choose when to be notified about changes to your computer: notify me only when apps try to make changes to my computer (default value);
MappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess -Enable;Turn on access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled;
MappedDrivesAppElevatedAccess -Disable;Turn off access to mapped drives from app running with elevated permissions with Admin Approval Mode enabled (default value);
RecommendedTroubleshooting -Automatic;Run troubleshooters automatically, then notify. In order this feature to work the OS level of diagnostic data gathering will be set to "Optional diagnostic data" and the error reporting feature will be turned on;
RecommendedTroubleshooting -Default;Ask me before running troubleshooters (default value). In order this feature to work the OS level of diagnostic data gathering will be set to "Optional diagnostic data" and the error reporting feature will be turned on;
EnableWSL2;Download and install the Linux kernel update package. Set WSL 2 as the default version when installing a new Linux distribution. Run the function only after WSL installed and PC restart;
UninstallUWPApps;Uninstall UWP apps using the pop-up dialog box. If the "For All Users" is checked apps packages will not be installed for new users. The "For All Users" checkbox isn't checked by default;
UninstallUWPApps -ForAllUsers;Uninstall UWP apps using the pop-up dialog box. If the "For All Users" is checked apps packages will not be installed for new users. The "For All Users" checkbox checked by default;
RestoreUWPApps;Restore the default UWP apps using the pop-up dialog box. UWP apps can be restored only if they were uninstalled only for the current user;
InstallHEIF;Open Microsoft Store "HEVC Video Extensions from Device Manufacturer" page to install this extension manually to be able to open .heic and .heif image formats. The extension can be installed without Microsoft account;
CleanUpTask -Register;Create the "Windows Cleanup" scheduled task for cleaning up unused files and Windows updates;
CleanUpTask -Delete;Delete the "Windows Cleanup" scheduled task for cleaning up unused files and Windows updates;
SoftwareDistributionTask -Register;Create the "SoftwareDistribution" scheduled task for cleaning up the %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder;
SoftwareDistributionTask -Delete;Delete the "SoftwareDistribution" scheduled task for cleaning up the %SystemRoot%\SoftwareDistribution\Download folder;
TempTask -Register;Create the "Temp" scheduled task for cleaning up the %TEMP% folder;
TempTask -Delete;Delete the "Temp" scheduled task for cleaning up the %TEMP% folder
AddProtectedFolders;Enable Controlled folder access and add protected folders;
RemoveProtectedFolders;Remove all added protected folders;
AddAppControlledFolder;Allow an app through Controlled folder access;
RemoveAllowedAppsControlledFolder;Remove all allowed apps through Controlled folder access;
AddDefenderExclusionFolder;Add a folder to the exclusion from Microsoft Defender scanning;
RemoveDefenderExclusionFolders;Remove all excluded folders from Microsoft Defender scanning;
AddDefenderExclusionFile;Add a file to the exclusion from Microsoft Defender scanning;
RemoveDefenderExclusionFiles;Remove all excluded files from Microsoft Defender scanning;
NetworkProtection -Enable;Enable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection;
NetworkProtection -Disable;Disable Microsoft Defender Exploit Guard network protection (default value);
PUAppsDetection -Enable;Enable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them;
PUAppsDetection -Disable;Disable detection for potentially unwanted applications and block them (default value);
DefenderSandbox -Enable;Enable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender;
DefenderSandbox -Disable;Disable sandboxing for Microsoft Defender (default value);
DismissMSAccount;Dismiss Microsoft Defender offer in the Windows Security about signing in Microsoft account;
DismissSmartScreenFilter;Dismiss Microsoft Defender offer in the Windows Security about turning on the SmartScreen filter for Microsoft Edge;
AuditProcess -Enable;Enable events auditing generated when a process is created or starts;
AuditProcess -Disable;Disable events auditing generated when a process is created or starts (default value);
AuditCommandLineProcess -Enable;Include command line in process creation events. In order this feature to work events auditing will be enabled ("AuditProcess -Enable" function);
AuditCommandLineProcess -Disable;Do not include command line in process creation events (default value);
EventViewerCustomView -Enable;Create "Process Creation" Event Viewer Custom View. In order this feature to work events auditing ("AuditProcess -Enable" function) and command line in process creation events will be enabled;
MultipleInvokeContext -Enable;Enable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" context menu items for more than 15 items selected;
MultipleInvokeContext -Disable;Disable the "Open", "Print", and "Edit" context menu items for more than 15 items selected (default value);
UseStoreOpenWith -Hide;Hide the "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" item in the "Open with" dialog;
UseStoreOpenWith -Show;Show the "Look for an app in the Microsoft Store" item in the "Open with" dialog (default value);
PreviousVersionsPage -Hide;Hide the "Previous Versions" tab from files and folders context menu and also the "Restore previous versions" context menu item;
PreviousVersionsPage -Show;Show the "Previous Versions" tab from files and folders context menu and also the "Restore previous versions" context menu item (default value)