Funny and useful scripts
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
5.5 KiB

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open qw/:std :encoding(utf8)/;
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
use Gtk3 '-init';
use Glib 'TRUE', 'FALSE';
my %window_params = (
title => [ 'yt-dlp GUI' ], icon_name => [ 'youtube' ],
position => [ 'center' ], border_width => [ 20 ],
resizable => [ FALSE ], default_size => [ 480, 240 ],
my @labels = (
{ e => undef, label => 'Video URL:', control => 'url' },
{ e => undef, label => 'Title:', control => 'title' },
{ e => undef, label => 'Resolution:', control => 'resolution' },
{ e => undef, label => 'Scale:', control => 'scale' },
my %grids = (
buttons => { e => undef, properties => { column_spacing => 8,
row_spacing => 8, halign => 'end', valign => 'end' } },
checkboxes => { e => undef, properties => { column_spacing => 8,
row_spacing => 8, hexpand => TRUE } },
main => { e => undef, properties => { column_spacing => 8,
row_spacing => 8, hexpand => TRUE } }
my %controls = (
url => { e => undef, type => 'Entry', width => 2,
properties => { halign => 'fill', hexpand => TRUE } },
title => { e => undef, type => 'Entry', width => 3,
properties => { halign => 'fill', hexpand => TRUE } },
resolution => { e => undef, type => 'ComboBoxText', width => 1,
properties => { halign => 'start', hexpand => FALSE } },
scale => { e => undef, type => 'ComboBoxText', width => 1,
properties => { halign => 'start', hexpand => FALSE } },
my %checkboxes = (
ontop => { e => undef, o => 1, label => 'On-Top',
opt => ' --ontop' },
border => { e => undef, o => 2, label => 'Without borders',
opt => ' --no-border' },
alldesk => { e => undef, o => 3, label => 'On all workspaces',
opt => ' --on-all-workspaces' },
my $chk_rows = 3;
my %buttons = (
get_info => Gtk3::Button->new_from_icon_name("gtk-find", 4),
cancel => Gtk3::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-cancel"),
ok => Gtk3::Button->new_from_stock("gtk-ok")
my ($url, $title) = ('', '');
my $wnd = undef;
sub _ui {
$wnd = Gtk3::Window::new();
my $sr = undef;
my $t = undef;
my @x = [];
my $x = undef;
foreach my $k ( keys %window_params ) {
$sr = 'set_' . $k;
@x = map { $_ } @{$window_params{$k}};
$wnd->$sr(map { defined $_ ? $_ : () } $x[0],
map { defined $_ ? $_ : () } $x[1] );
my $vbox = Gtk3::Box->new('vertical', 8);
foreach my $k ( keys %grids ) {
$grids{$k}{e} = Gtk3::Grid->new();
foreach my $p ( keys %{$grids{$k}{properties}} ) {
$sr = 'set_' . $p;
$x = $grids{$k}{properties}{$p};
$vbox->pack_start($grids{main}{e}, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
$vbox->pack_start($grids{buttons}{e}, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#labels; $i++) {
$labels[$i]{e} = Gtk3::Label->new($labels[$i]{label});
$grids{main}{e}->attach($labels[$i]{e}, 0, $i, 1, 1);
$t = 'Gtk3::' . $controls{$labels[$i]{control}}{type};
$controls{$labels[$i]{control}}{e} = $t->new();
foreach my $k ( keys %{$controls{$labels[$i]{control}}{properties}} ) {
$sr = 'set_' . $k;
$x = $controls{$labels[$i]{control}}{properties}{$k};
$labels[$i]{e}, 'right',
$controls{$labels[$i]{control}}{width}, 1);
$controls{$labels[0]{control}}{e}, 'right', 1, 1);
$grids{buttons}{e}->attach($buttons{ok}, 0, 0, 1, 1);
$grids{buttons}{e}->attach($buttons{cancel}, 1, 0, 1, 1);
$grids{main}{e}->attach($grids{checkboxes}{e}, 2, 2, 1, 4);
my @k = (
sort { $checkboxes{$a}{o} <=> $checkboxes{$b}{o} } keys %checkboxes );
while ( my ($i, $k) = each @k ) {
$checkboxes{$k}{e} = Gtk3::CheckButton->new_with_label(
int($i / $chk_rows), $i % $chk_rows, 1, 1);
foreach ( "x0.5", "x1", "x2" ) { $controls{scale}{e}->append_text($_); }
$buttons{get_info}->signal_connect( clicked => \&_get_info );
$buttons{cancel}->signal_connect( clicked => sub { $wnd->destroy } );
$buttons{ok}->signal_connect( clicked => \&_play );
$wnd->signal_connect( destroy => sub { Gtk3->main_quit } );
sub _get_info {
$url = $controls{url}{e}->get_text();
if ( $url ne '' ) {
$title = qx{yt-dlp --no-warnings --quiet --get-title "$url"};
if ( $title ne '' ) {
my @out = qx{yt-dlp --no-warnings --quiet --list-formats "$url" | grep -v "audio" | awk '\$2=="mp4" {print \$3}' | uniq | awk -F'x' '{print \$2"p"}'};
foreach ( @out ) {
$_ =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
$controls{resolution}{e}->append_text( $_ );
} else {$controls{title}{e}->set_text("Error: "); }
} else { $controls{title}{e}->set_text("Error: Empty url."); }
sub _play {
if ( $url ne '' ) {
my $resolution = $controls{resolution}{e}->get_active_text();
$resolution =~ s/p$//;
my $scale = $controls{scale}{e}->get_active_text();
$scale =~ s/^x//;
my $options = '--no-terminal';
foreach my $k ( keys %checkboxes ) {
if ( $checkboxes{$k}{e}->get_active ) {
$options .= $checkboxes{$k}{opt};
$options .= ' --window-scale=' . $scale;
$options .= " --ytdl-format=\"bv*[height<=$resolution]+ba/b[height<=$resolution] / wv*+ba/w\"";
my $cmd = "mpv $options $url";
{ exec ($cmd) }; print STDERR "Couldn't exec mpv: $!";
exit 0;