.dot files collection for FreeBSD host
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83 lines
2.8 KiB

" Name Of File: brookstream.vim.
" Description: Gvim colorscheme, works best with version 6.1 GUI .
" Maintainer: Peter Bäckström.
" Creator: Peter Bäckström.
" URL: http://www.brookstream.org (Swedish).
" Credits: Inspiration from the darkdot scheme.
" Last Change: Friday, April 13, 2003.
" Installation: Drop this file in your $VIMRUNTIME/colors/ directory.
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="brookstream"
hi Normal gui=none guibg=#000000 guifg=#bbbbbb
hi Cursor guibg=#44ff44 guifg=#000000
hi Directory guifg=#44ffff
hi DiffAdd guibg=#080808 guifg=#ffff00
hi DiffDelete guibg=#080808 guifg=#444444
hi DiffChange guibg=#080808 guifg=#ffffff
hi DiffText guibg=#080808 guifg=#bb0000
hi ErrorMsg guibg=#880000 guifg=#ffffff
hi Folded guifg=#000088
hi IncSearch guibg=#000000 guifg=#bbcccc
hi LineNr guibg=#050505 guifg=#4682b4
hi ModeMsg guifg=#ffffff
hi MoreMsg guifg=#44ff44
hi NonText guifg=#4444ff
hi Question guifg=#ffff00
hi SpecialKey guifg=#4444ff
hi StatusLine gui=none guibg=#2f4f4f guifg=#ffffff
hi StatusLineNC gui=none guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#000000
hi Title guifg=#ffffff
hi Visual gui=none guibg=#bbbbbb guifg=#000000
hi WarningMsg guifg=#ffff00
" syntax highlighting groups ----------------------------------------
hi Comment guifg=#696969
hi Constant guifg=#00aaaa
hi Identifier guifg=#00e5ee
hi Statement guifg=#00ffff
hi PreProc guifg=#8470ff
hi Type guifg=#ffffff
hi Special gui=none guifg=#87cefa
hi Underlined gui=bold guifg=#4444ff
hi Ignore guifg=#444444
hi Error guibg=#000000 guifg=#bb0000
hi Todo guibg=#aa0006 guifg=#fff300
hi Operator gui=none guifg=#00bfff
hi Function guifg=#1e90ff
hi String gui=None guifg=#4682b4
hi Boolean guifg=#9bcd9b
"hi link Character Constant
"hi link Number Constant
"hi link Boolean Constant
"hi link Float Number
"hi link Conditional Statement
"hi link Label Statement
"hi link Keyword Statement
"hi link Exception Statement
"hi link Repeat Statement
"hi link Include PreProc
"hi link Define PreProc
"hi link Macro PreProc
"hi link PreCondit PreProc
"hi link StorageClass Type
"hi link Structure Type
"hi link Typedef Type
"hi link Tag Special
"hi link Delimiter Special
"hi link SpecialComment Special
"hi link Debug Special
"hi link FoldColumn Folded
"- end of colorscheme -----------------------------------------------