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7 years ago
" =============================================================================
" Name: Tango2
" Purpose: Another colour scheme using the Tango colour palette
" Maintainer: Pranesh Srinivasan
" Last Modified: Saturday 04 October 2008 02:06:26 AM IST
" =============================================================================
" Inspired from some Gnome renditions of the Tango colour scheme.
" =============================================================================
" Preamble
" =============================================================================
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax-on")
syntax reset
let colors_name = "tango2"
" =============================================================================
" Vim >= 7.0 specific colours
" =============================================================================
if version >= 700
" No support for cursor line yet
" hi CursorLine term=underline cterm=underline guibg=#111133
" hi CursorColoumn
" hi MatchParen
" hi Pmenu
" hi PmenuSel
" =============================================================================
" General colours
" =============================================================================
hi Normal guibg=#2E3436 guifg=#eeeeec
hi Cursor gui=none guibg=White guifg=Black
hi Folded guibg=#4D585B guibg=#d2d2d2
" No fold column support yet
" hi FoldColumn guifg=Orange guibg=DarkBlue
" =============================================================================
" Syntax highlighting
" =============================================================================
hi Comment gui=italic guifg=#6d7e8a ctermfg=Grey
hi Todo term=bold guifg=#EBC450
hi Constant guifg=#8ae234
hi Type guifg=#8AE234
hi Function gui=bold guifg=#9BCF8D
hi Statement guifg=#729FCF
hi Identifier guifg=#AD7FA8
hi PreProc guifg=#e9ba6e
hi Special term=underline guifg=#5EAFE5
hi Search guibg=#81ABBD
" hi QtClass guifg=Orange ctermfg=LightBlue