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7 years ago
" gVim color file for working with files in GDL/VCG format.
" Works nice in conjunction with gdl.vim
" (see www.vim.org or www.aisee.com)
" Works fine for C/C++, too.
" Author : Alexander A. Evstyugov-Babaev <alex@absint.com>
" Version: 0.2 for gVim/Linux,
" tested with gVim 6.3.25 under Ubuntu Linux (Warty)
" by Jo Vermeulen <jo@lumumba.luc.ac.be>
" Date : January 25th 2005
set background=dark
hi clear
if exists("syntax_on")
syntax reset
let g:colors_name="aiseered"
hi Normal guifg=lightred guibg=#600000
hi Cursor guifg=bg guibg=fg
hi ErrorMsg guibg=red ctermfg=1
hi Search term=reverse ctermfg=darkred ctermbg=lightred guibg=lightred guifg=#060000
hi Comment guifg=#ffffff
hi Constant guifg=#88ddee
hi String guifg=#ffcc88
hi Character guifg=#ffaa00
hi Number guifg=#88ddee
hi Identifier guifg=#cfcfcf
hi Statement guifg=#eeff99 gui=bold
hi PreProc guifg=firebrick1 gui=italic
hi Type guifg=#88ffaa gui=none
hi Special guifg=#ffaa00
hi SpecialChar guifg=#ffaa00
hi StorageClass guifg=#ddaacc
hi Error guifg=red guibg=white