# Configuration file for Tint2 Taskbar panel # # Background config ############################################################################## # ID 1 == Panel == rounded = 0 border_width = 0 background_color = #D9D8D6 60 border_color = #757172 80 # ID 2 == Task == rounded = 3 border_width = 1 background_color = #F7F1DA 60 border_color = #757172 80 # ID 3 == Active Task == rounded = 3 border_width = 1 background_color = #80AFBF 60 border_color = #355564 80 # ID 4 == Urgent Task == rounded = 3 border_width = 1 background_color = #D24939 60 border_color = #D24939 80 # ID 5 == Iconified Task == rounded = 3 border_width = 1 background_color = #F7F1DA 30 border_color = #757172 50 # ID 6 == System Tray == rounded = 0 border_width = 0 background_color = #4B758B 60 border_color = #757172 80 # ID 7 == Tooltip == rounded = 3 border_width = 1 background_color = #F7F1DA 60 border_color = #757172 80 # Panel config ############################################################################## panel_window_name = tint2_main_panel panel_background_id = 1 panel_items = LST panel_monitor = all panel_dock = 0 panel_position = bottom right horizontal panel_layer = top panel_size = 1726 32 panel_margin = 0 0 panel_padding = 0 0 0 strut_policy = follow_size disable_transparency = 0 font_shadow = 0 wm_menu = 1 autohide = 0 autohide_show_timeout = 0.3 autohide_hide_timeout = 1.6 autohide_height = 2 # Taskbar config ############################################################################## taskbar_background_id = 0 taskbar_active_background_id = 0 taskbar_mode = single_desktop taskbar_padding = 3 3 2 taskbar_name = 0 taskbar_name_padding = 0 taskbar_name_background_id = 0 taskbar_name_active_background_id = 0 taskbar_name_font = Liberation Sans 9 taskbar_name_font_color = #000000 100 taskbar_name_active_font_color = #000000 100 # Tasks urgent_nb_of_blink = 7 task_icon = 1 task_text = 1 task_centered = 0 task_maximum_size = 200 22 task_padding = 5 5 task_background_id = 2 task_active_background_id = 3 task_urgent_background_id = 4 task_iconified_background_id = 5 # Task Icons task_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_active_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_urgent_icon_asb = 100 0 0 task_iconified_icon_asb = 70 0 0 # Fonts task_font = Liberation Sans 9 task_font_color = #000000 100 task_active_font_color = #000000 100 task_urgent_font_color = #D24939 100 task_iconified_font_color = #000000 60 font_shadow = 0 # System Tray ############################################################################## systray = 1 systray_background_id = 6 systray_padding = 4 4 4 systray_sort = right2left systray_icon_size = 0 systray_icon_asb = 100 0 0 # Tooltips ############################################################################## tooltip = 1 tooltip_background_id = 7 tooltip_padding = 4 4 tooltip_show_timeout = 0.5 tooltip_hide_timeout = 1 tooltip_font = Liberation Sans 9 tooltip_font_color = #000000 100 # Start Menu button with Launcher ############################################################################## launcher_background_id = 0 launcher_icon_theme = Faience launcher_padding = 4 0 2 launcher_icon_size = 22 launcher_icon_asb = 100 0 0 launcher_tooltip = 1 launcher_item_app = /usr/home/cyrax/.config/tint2/launcher/menu.desktop # Mouse mouse_middle = none mouse_right = close mouse_scroll_up = toggle mouse_scroll_down = iconify # End of config