diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_el b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb96e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_el
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+[submenu] (Εφαρμογές)
+ [submenu] (Ανάπτυξη)
+ [exec] (CMake) {cmake-gui }
+ [exec] (Geany) {geany }
+ [exec] (Glade) {glade-3 }
+ [exec] (Meld) {meld }
+ [exec] (Poedit) {poedit }
+ [exec] (Qt4 Assistant) {assistant}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Designer) {designer}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Linguist) {linguist}
+ [exec] (RStudio) {/usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio }
+ [end] # (Ανάπτυξη)
+ [submenu] (Βοηθήματα)
+ [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
+ [exec] (KeePassX) {keepassx }
+ [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad }
+ [exec] (Xournal) {xournal }
+ [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
+ [exec] (Αναζήτηση για αρχεία...) {mate-search-tool}
+ [exec] (Διαχειριστής συμπιεσμένων αρχείων Engrampa) {engrampa }
+ [exec] (Εμφάνιση σελίδων εγχειριδίου) {gtkman salix}
+ [exec] (Λήψη στιγμιότυπου οθόνης) {mate-screenshot --interactive}
+ [end] # (Βοηθήματα)
+ [submenu] (Γραφείο)
+ [exec] (HTMLDOC) {htmldoc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Base) {libreoffice4.4 --base }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Calc) {libreoffice4.4 --calc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Impress) {libreoffice4.4 --impress }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Writer) {libreoffice4.4 --writer }
+ [exec] (calibre) {calibre }
+ [exec] (Εφαρμογή προβολής εγγράφων Atril) {atril }
+ [exec] (Λεξικό) {mate-dictionary}
+ [end] # (Γραφείο)
+ [submenu] (Γραφικά)
+ [exec] (E-book Viewer) {ebook-viewer }
+ [exec] (Gcolor2) {gcolor2}
+ [exec] (LRF Viewer) {lrfviewer }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Draw) {libreoffice4.4 --draw }
+ [exec] (Viewnior) {viewnior }
+ [exec] (Επεξεργαστής διαγραμμάτων Dia) {dia }
+ [exec] (Πρόγραμμα επεξεργασίας εικόνων GNU) {gimp-2.8 }
+ [exec] (Σάρωση) {simple-scan}
+ [end] # (Γραφικά)
+ [submenu] (Δίκτυο)
+ [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail }
+ [exec] (Firefox) {firefox }
+ [exec] (Transmission) {transmission-gtk }
+ [exec] (gFTP) {gftp }
+ [exec] (ownCloud desktop sync client) {/usr/bin/owncloud}
+ [exec] (Αποστολέας μηνυμάτων διαδικτύου Pidgin) {pidgin}
+ [end] # (Δίκτυο)
+ [submenu] (Εκπαίδευση)
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Math) {libreoffice4.4 --math }
+ [exec] (R) {xterm -e R}
+ [end] # (Εκπαίδευση)
+ [submenu] (Παιχνίδια)
+ [exec] (KEGS) {xterm -e aoss xkegs}
+ [end] # (Παιχνίδια)
+ [submenu] (Πολυμέσα)
+ [exec] (Asunder CD Ripper) {asunder}
+ [exec] (Audacity) {audacity }
+ [exec] (Ex Falso) {exfalso}
+ [exec] (Exaile) {exaile }
+ [exec] (GNOME MPlayer) {gnome-mplayer }
+ [exec] (Gaupol) {gaupol }
+ [exec] (ISO Master) {isomaster}
+ [exec] (Quod Libet) {quodlibet}
+ [end] # (Πολυμέσα)
+ [submenu] (Ρυθμίσεις)
+ [exec] (Qt4 Config) {qtconfig}
+ [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
+ [exec] (Διαχείριση ενέργειας) {mate-power-preferences}
+ [exec] (Διαχειριστής Bluetooth) {blueman-manager}
+ [end] # (Ρυθμίσεις)
+ [submenu] (Σύστημα)
+ [exec] (Dotnew) {gksu dotnew-gtk}
+ [exec] (Grsync) {/usr/bin/grsync -i }
+ [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
+ [exec] (Manage Printing) {/usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/}
+ [exec] (Sourcery - Διαχειριστής SlackBuild) {gksu sourcery}
+ [exec] (Ανάλυση χρήσης δίσκου) {mate-disk-usage-analyzer}
+ [exec] (Γλώσσα συστήματος) {gksu gtklocalesetup}
+ [exec] (Διαχειριστής Πακέτων Gslapt) {gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt}
+ [exec] (Επεξεργαστής dconf) {dconf-editor}
+ [exec] (Κάρτα ήχου ALSA) {gksu gtkalsasetup}
+ [exec] (Ονόματα υπολογιστών) {gksu gtkhostsetup}
+ [exec] (Παρακολούθηση αρχείων καταγραφών) {mate-system-log}
+ [exec] (Πληκτρολόγιο) {gksu gtkkeyboardsetup}
+ [exec] (Ρολόι συστήματος) {gksu gtkclocksetup}
+ [exec] (Στατιστικά ενέργειας) {mate-power-statistics}
+ [exec] (Τερματικό MATE) {mate-terminal}
+ [exec] (Υπηρεσίες συστήματος) {gksu gtkservicesetup}
+ [exec] (Χρήστες και ομάδες) {gksu gtkusersetup}
+ [end] # (Σύστημα)
+[end] # (Εφαρμογές)
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_en b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..37d85a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+[submenu] (Applications)
+ [submenu] (Accessories)
+ [exec] (Engrampa Archive Manager) {engrampa }
+ [exec] (GTKMan Manual Page Viewer) {gtkman salix}
+ [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
+ [exec] (KeePassX) {keepassx }
+ [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad }
+ [exec] (Search for Files...) {mate-search-tool}
+ [exec] (Take Screenshot) {mate-screenshot --interactive}
+ [exec] (Xournal) {xournal }
+ [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
+ [end] # (Accessories)
+ [submenu] (Development)
+ [exec] (CMake) {cmake-gui }
+ [exec] (Geany) {geany }
+ [exec] (Glade) {glade-3 }
+ [exec] (Meld) {meld }
+ [exec] (Poedit) {poedit }
+ [exec] (Qt4 Assistant) {assistant}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Designer) {designer}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Linguist) {linguist}
+ [exec] (RStudio) {/usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio }
+ [end] # (Development)
+ [submenu] (Education)
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Math) {libreoffice4.4 --math }
+ [exec] (R) {xterm -e R}
+ [end] # (Education)
+ [submenu] (Games)
+ [exec] (KEGS) {xterm -e aoss xkegs}
+ [end] # (Games)
+ [submenu] (Graphics)
+ [exec] (Dia Diagram Editor) {dia }
+ [exec] (E-book Viewer) {ebook-viewer }
+ [exec] (GNU Image Manipulation Program) {gimp-2.8 }
+ [exec] (Gcolor2) {gcolor2}
+ [exec] (LRF Viewer) {lrfviewer }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Draw) {libreoffice4.4 --draw }
+ [exec] (Simple Scan) {simple-scan}
+ [exec] (Viewnior) {viewnior }
+ [end] # (Graphics)
+ [submenu] (Multimedia)
+ [exec] (Asunder CD Ripper) {asunder}
+ [exec] (Audacity) {audacity }
+ [exec] (Ex Falso) {exfalso}
+ [exec] (Exaile) {exaile }
+ [exec] (GNOME MPlayer) {gnome-mplayer }
+ [exec] (Gaupol) {gaupol }
+ [exec] (ISO Master) {isomaster}
+ [exec] (Quod Libet) {quodlibet}
+ [end] # (Multimedia)
+ [submenu] (Network)
+ [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail }
+ [exec] (Firefox) {firefox }
+ [exec] (Pidgin Internet Messenger) {pidgin}
+ [exec] (Transmission) {transmission-gtk }
+ [exec] (gFTP) {gftp }
+ [exec] (ownCloud desktop sync client) {/usr/bin/owncloud}
+ [end] # (Network)
+ [submenu] (Office)
+ [exec] (Atril Document Viewer) {atril }
+ [exec] (Dictionary) {mate-dictionary}
+ [exec] (HTMLDOC) {htmldoc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Base) {libreoffice4.4 --base }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Calc) {libreoffice4.4 --calc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Impress) {libreoffice4.4 --impress }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Writer) {libreoffice4.4 --writer }
+ [exec] (calibre) {calibre }
+ [end] # (Office)
+ [submenu] (Settings)
+ [exec] (Bluetooth Manager) {blueman-manager}
+ [exec] (Power Management) {mate-power-preferences}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Config) {qtconfig}
+ [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
+ [end] # (Settings)
+ [submenu] (System)
+ [exec] (ALSA sound card) {gksu gtkalsasetup}
+ [exec] (Disk Usage Analyzer) {mate-disk-usage-analyzer}
+ [exec] (Dotnew) {gksu dotnew-gtk}
+ [exec] (Grsync) {/usr/bin/grsync -i }
+ [exec] (Gslapt Package Manager) {gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt}
+ [exec] (Hostnames) {gksu gtkhostsetup}
+ [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
+ [exec] (Keyboard) {gksu gtkkeyboardsetup}
+ [exec] (Log File Viewer) {mate-system-log}
+ [exec] (MATE Terminal) {mate-terminal}
+ [exec] (Manage Printing) {/usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/}
+ [exec] (Power Statistics) {mate-power-statistics}
+ [exec] (Sourcery SlackBuild Manager) {gksu sourcery}
+ [exec] (System clock) {gksu gtkclocksetup}
+ [exec] (System language) {gksu gtklocalesetup}
+ [exec] (System services) {gksu gtkservicesetup}
+ [exec] (Users and groups) {gksu gtkusersetup}
+ [exec] (dconf Editor) {dconf-editor}
+ [end] # (System)
+[end] # (Applications)
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons48_en b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons48_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c21b930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons48_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+[submenu] (Applications)
+ [submenu] (Accessories)
+ [exec] (Engrampa Archive Manager) {engrampa }
+ [exec] (GTKMan Manual Page Viewer) {gtkman salix}
+ [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
+ [exec] (KeePassX) {keepassx }
+ [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad }
+ [exec] (Search for Files...) {mate-search-tool}
+ [exec] (Take Screenshot) {mate-screenshot --interactive}
+ [exec] (Xournal) {xournal }
+ [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
+ [end] # (Accessories)
+ [submenu] (Development)
+ [exec] (CMake) {cmake-gui }
+ [exec] (Geany) {geany }
+ [exec] (Glade) {glade-3 }
+ [exec] (Meld) {meld }
+ [exec] (Poedit) {poedit }
+ [exec] (Qt4 Assistant) {assistant}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Designer) {designer}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Linguist) {linguist}
+ [exec] (RStudio) {/usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio }
+ [end] # (Development)
+ [submenu] (Education)
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Math) {libreoffice4.4 --math }
+ [exec] (R) {xterm -e R}
+ [end] # (Education)
+ [submenu] (Games)
+ [exec] (KEGS) {xterm -e aoss xkegs}
+ [end] # (Games)
+ [submenu] (Graphics)
+ [exec] (Dia Diagram Editor) {dia }
+ [exec] (E-book Viewer) {ebook-viewer }
+ [exec] (GNU Image Manipulation Program) {gimp-2.8 }
+ [exec] (Gcolor2) {gcolor2}
+ [exec] (LRF Viewer) {lrfviewer }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Draw) {libreoffice4.4 --draw }
+ [exec] (Simple Scan) {simple-scan}
+ [exec] (Viewnior) {viewnior }
+ [end] # (Graphics)
+ [submenu] (Multimedia)
+ [exec] (Asunder CD Ripper) {asunder}
+ [exec] (Audacity) {audacity }
+ [exec] (Ex Falso) {exfalso}
+ [exec] (Exaile) {exaile }
+ [exec] (GNOME MPlayer) {gnome-mplayer }
+ [exec] (Gaupol) {gaupol }
+ [exec] (ISO Master) {isomaster}
+ [exec] (Quod Libet) {quodlibet}
+ [end] # (Multimedia)
+ [submenu] (Network)
+ [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail }
+ [exec] (Firefox) {firefox }
+ [exec] (Pidgin Internet Messenger) {pidgin}
+ [exec] (Transmission) {transmission-gtk }
+ [exec] (gFTP) {gftp }
+ [exec] (ownCloud desktop sync client) {/usr/bin/owncloud}
+ [end] # (Network)
+ [submenu] (Office)
+ [exec] (Atril Document Viewer) {atril }
+ [exec] (Dictionary) {mate-dictionary}
+ [exec] (HTMLDOC) {htmldoc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Base) {libreoffice4.4 --base }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Calc) {libreoffice4.4 --calc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Impress) {libreoffice4.4 --impress }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Writer) {libreoffice4.4 --writer }
+ [exec] (calibre) {calibre }
+ [end] # (Office)
+ [submenu] (Settings)
+ [exec] (Bluetooth Manager) {blueman-manager}
+ [exec] (Power Management) {mate-power-preferences}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Config) {qtconfig}
+ [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
+ [end] # (Settings)
+ [submenu] (System)
+ [exec] (ALSA sound card) {gksu gtkalsasetup}
+ [exec] (Disk Usage Analyzer) {mate-disk-usage-analyzer}
+ [exec] (Dotnew) {gksu dotnew-gtk}
+ [exec] (Grsync) {/usr/bin/grsync -i }
+ [exec] (Gslapt Package Manager) {gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt}
+ [exec] (Hostnames) {gksu gtkhostsetup}
+ [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
+ [exec] (Keyboard) {gksu gtkkeyboardsetup}
+ [exec] (Log File Viewer) {mate-system-log}
+ [exec] (MATE Terminal) {mate-terminal}
+ [exec] (Manage Printing) {/usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/}
+ [exec] (Power Statistics) {mate-power-statistics}
+ [exec] (Sourcery SlackBuild Manager) {gksu sourcery}
+ [exec] (System clock) {gksu gtkclocksetup}
+ [exec] (System language) {gksu gtklocalesetup}
+ [exec] (System services) {gksu gtkservicesetup}
+ [exec] (Users and groups) {gksu gtkusersetup}
+ [exec] (dconf Editor) {dconf-editor}
+ [end] # (System)
+[end] # (Applications)
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons_en b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f611cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_icons_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+[submenu] (Applications)
+ [submenu] (Accessories)
+ [exec] (Engrampa Archive Manager) {engrampa }
+ [exec] (GTKMan Manual Page Viewer) {gtkman salix}
+ [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
+ [exec] (KeePassX) {keepassx }
+ [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad }
+ [exec] (Search for Files...) {mate-search-tool}
+ [exec] (Take Screenshot) {mate-screenshot --interactive}
+ [exec] (Xournal) {xournal }
+ [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
+ [end] # (Accessories)
+ [submenu] (Development)
+ [exec] (CMake) {cmake-gui }
+ [exec] (Geany) {geany }
+ [exec] (Glade) {glade-3 }
+ [exec] (Meld) {meld }
+ [exec] (Poedit) {poedit }
+ [exec] (Qt4 Assistant) {assistant}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Designer) {designer}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Linguist) {linguist}
+ [exec] (RStudio) {/usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio }
+ [end] # (Development)
+ [submenu] (Education)
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Math) {libreoffice4.4 --math }
+ [exec] (R) {xterm -e R}
+ [end] # (Education)
+ [submenu] (Games)
+ [exec] (KEGS) {xterm -e aoss xkegs}
+ [end] # (Games)
+ [submenu] (Graphics)
+ [exec] (Dia Diagram Editor) {dia }
+ [exec] (E-book Viewer) {ebook-viewer }
+ [exec] (GNU Image Manipulation Program) {gimp-2.8 }
+ [exec] (Gcolor2) {gcolor2}
+ [exec] (LRF Viewer) {lrfviewer }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Draw) {libreoffice4.4 --draw }
+ [exec] (Simple Scan) {simple-scan}
+ [exec] (Viewnior) {viewnior }
+ [end] # (Graphics)
+ [submenu] (Multimedia)
+ [exec] (Asunder CD Ripper) {asunder}
+ [exec] (Audacity) {audacity }
+ [exec] (Ex Falso) {exfalso}
+ [exec] (Exaile) {exaile }
+ [exec] (GNOME MPlayer) {gnome-mplayer }
+ [exec] (Gaupol) {gaupol }
+ [exec] (ISO Master) {isomaster}
+ [exec] (Quod Libet) {quodlibet}
+ [end] # (Multimedia)
+ [submenu] (Network)
+ [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail }
+ [exec] (Firefox) {firefox }
+ [exec] (Pidgin Internet Messenger) {pidgin}
+ [exec] (Transmission) {transmission-gtk }
+ [exec] (gFTP) {gftp }
+ [exec] (ownCloud desktop sync client) {/usr/bin/owncloud}
+ [end] # (Network)
+ [submenu] (Office)
+ [exec] (Atril Document Viewer) {atril }
+ [exec] (Dictionary) {mate-dictionary}
+ [exec] (HTMLDOC) {htmldoc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Base) {libreoffice4.4 --base }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Calc) {libreoffice4.4 --calc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Impress) {libreoffice4.4 --impress }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Writer) {libreoffice4.4 --writer }
+ [exec] (calibre) {calibre }
+ [end] # (Office)
+ [submenu] (Settings)
+ [exec] (Bluetooth Manager) {blueman-manager}
+ [exec] (Power Management) {mate-power-preferences}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Config) {qtconfig}
+ [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
+ [end] # (Settings)
+ [submenu] (System)
+ [exec] (ALSA sound card) {gksu gtkalsasetup}
+ [exec] (Disk Usage Analyzer) {mate-disk-usage-analyzer}
+ [exec] (Dotnew) {gksu dotnew-gtk}
+ [exec] (Grsync) {/usr/bin/grsync -i }
+ [exec] (Gslapt Package Manager) {gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt}
+ [exec] (Hostnames) {gksu gtkhostsetup}
+ [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
+ [exec] (Keyboard) {gksu gtkkeyboardsetup}
+ [exec] (Log File Viewer) {mate-system-log}
+ [exec] (MATE Terminal) {mate-terminal}
+ [exec] (Manage Printing) {/usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/}
+ [exec] (Power Statistics) {mate-power-statistics}
+ [exec] (Sourcery SlackBuild Manager) {gksu sourcery}
+ [exec] (System clock) {gksu gtkclocksetup}
+ [exec] (System language) {gksu gtklocalesetup}
+ [exec] (System services) {gksu gtkservicesetup}
+ [exec] (Users and groups) {gksu gtkusersetup}
+ [exec] (dconf Editor) {dconf-editor}
+ [end] # (System)
+[end] # (Applications)
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_nosubmenu_en b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_nosubmenu_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5bcb01b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/fluxbox_nosubmenu_en
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+[submenu] (Accessories)
+ [exec] (Engrampa Archive Manager) {engrampa }
+ [exec] (GTKMan Manual Page Viewer) {gtkman salix}
+ [exec] (Galculator) {galculator}
+ [exec] (KeePassX) {keepassx }
+ [exec] (Leafpad) {leafpad }
+ [exec] (Search for Files...) {mate-search-tool}
+ [exec] (Take Screenshot) {mate-screenshot --interactive}
+ [exec] (Xournal) {xournal }
+ [exec] (Zim Desktop Wiki) {zim}
+[end] # (Accessories)
+[submenu] (Development)
+ [exec] (CMake) {cmake-gui }
+ [exec] (Geany) {geany }
+ [exec] (Glade) {glade-3 }
+ [exec] (Meld) {meld }
+ [exec] (Poedit) {poedit }
+ [exec] (Qt4 Assistant) {assistant}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Designer) {designer}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Linguist) {linguist}
+ [exec] (RStudio) {/usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio }
+[end] # (Development)
+[submenu] (Education)
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Math) {libreoffice4.4 --math }
+ [exec] (R) {xterm -e R}
+[end] # (Education)
+[submenu] (Games)
+ [exec] (KEGS) {xterm -e aoss xkegs}
+[end] # (Games)
+[submenu] (Graphics)
+ [exec] (Dia Diagram Editor) {dia }
+ [exec] (E-book Viewer) {ebook-viewer }
+ [exec] (GNU Image Manipulation Program) {gimp-2.8 }
+ [exec] (Gcolor2) {gcolor2}
+ [exec] (LRF Viewer) {lrfviewer }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Draw) {libreoffice4.4 --draw }
+ [exec] (Simple Scan) {simple-scan}
+ [exec] (Viewnior) {viewnior }
+[end] # (Graphics)
+[submenu] (Multimedia)
+ [exec] (Asunder CD Ripper) {asunder}
+ [exec] (Audacity) {audacity }
+ [exec] (Ex Falso) {exfalso}
+ [exec] (Exaile) {exaile }
+ [exec] (GNOME MPlayer) {gnome-mplayer }
+ [exec] (Gaupol) {gaupol }
+ [exec] (ISO Master) {isomaster}
+ [exec] (Quod Libet) {quodlibet}
+[end] # (Multimedia)
+[submenu] (Network)
+ [exec] (Claws Mail) {claws-mail }
+ [exec] (Firefox) {firefox }
+ [exec] (Pidgin Internet Messenger) {pidgin}
+ [exec] (Transmission) {transmission-gtk }
+ [exec] (gFTP) {gftp }
+ [exec] (ownCloud desktop sync client) {/usr/bin/owncloud}
+[end] # (Network)
+[submenu] (Office)
+ [exec] (Atril Document Viewer) {atril }
+ [exec] (Dictionary) {mate-dictionary}
+ [exec] (HTMLDOC) {htmldoc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Base) {libreoffice4.4 --base }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Calc) {libreoffice4.4 --calc }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Impress) {libreoffice4.4 --impress }
+ [exec] (LibreOffice 4.4 Writer) {libreoffice4.4 --writer }
+ [exec] (calibre) {calibre }
+[end] # (Office)
+[submenu] (Settings)
+ [exec] (Bluetooth Manager) {blueman-manager}
+ [exec] (Power Management) {mate-power-preferences}
+ [exec] (Qt4 Config) {qtconfig}
+ [exec] (Screensaver) {xscreensaver-demo}
+[end] # (Settings)
+[submenu] (System)
+ [exec] (ALSA sound card) {gksu gtkalsasetup}
+ [exec] (Disk Usage Analyzer) {mate-disk-usage-analyzer}
+ [exec] (Dotnew) {gksu dotnew-gtk}
+ [exec] (Grsync) {/usr/bin/grsync -i }
+ [exec] (Gslapt Package Manager) {gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt}
+ [exec] (Hostnames) {gksu gtkhostsetup}
+ [exec] (Htop) {xterm -e htop}
+ [exec] (Keyboard) {gksu gtkkeyboardsetup}
+ [exec] (Log File Viewer) {mate-system-log}
+ [exec] (MATE Terminal) {mate-terminal}
+ [exec] (Manage Printing) {/usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/}
+ [exec] (Power Statistics) {mate-power-statistics}
+ [exec] (Sourcery SlackBuild Manager) {gksu sourcery}
+ [exec] (System clock) {gksu gtkclocksetup}
+ [exec] (System language) {gksu gtklocalesetup}
+ [exec] (System services) {gksu gtkservicesetup}
+ [exec] (Users and groups) {gksu gtkusersetup}
+ [exec] (dconf Editor) {dconf-editor}
+[end] # (System)
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/icewm_de b/tests/menus_correct/icewm_de
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e82212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/icewm_de
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+menu "Anwendungen" _none_ {
+ menu "Bildung" _none_ {
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Math" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --math
+ prog "R" _none_ xterm -e R
+ }
+ menu "Büro" _none_ {
+ prog "Atril Dokumentenbetrachter" _none_ atril
+ prog "HTMLDOC" _none_ htmldoc
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Base" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --base
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Calc" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --calc
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Impress" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --impress
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Writer" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --writer
+ prog "Wörterbuch" _none_ mate-dictionary
+ prog "calibre" _none_ calibre
+ }
+ menu "Einstellungen" _none_ {
+ prog "Bildschirmschoner" _none_ xscreensaver-demo
+ prog "Bluetooth-Manager" _none_ blueman-manager
+ prog "Energieverwaltung" _none_ mate-power-preferences
+ prog "Qt4 Config" _none_ qtconfig
+ }
+ menu "Entwicklung" _none_ {
+ prog "CMake" _none_ cmake-gui
+ prog "Geany" _none_ geany
+ prog "Glade" _none_ glade-3
+ prog "Meld" _none_ meld
+ prog "Poedit" _none_ poedit
+ prog "Qt4 Assistant" _none_ assistant
+ prog "Qt4 Designer" _none_ designer
+ prog "Qt4 Linguist" _none_ linguist
+ prog "RStudio" _none_ /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio
+ }
+ menu "Grafik" _none_ {
+ prog "Dia Diagrammeditor" _none_ dia
+ prog "E-book Viewer" _none_ ebook-viewer
+ prog "GNU Image Manipulation Program" _none_ gimp-2.8
+ prog "Gcolor2" _none_ gcolor2
+ prog "LRF Viewer" _none_ lrfviewer
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Draw" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --draw
+ prog "Simple Scan" _none_ simple-scan
+ prog "Viewnior" _none_ viewnior
+ }
+ menu "Multimedia" _none_ {
+ prog "Asunder" _none_ asunder
+ prog "Audacity" _none_ audacity
+ prog "Ex Falso" _none_ exfalso
+ prog "Exaile" _none_ exaile
+ prog "GNOME MPlayer" _none_ gnome-mplayer
+ prog "Gaupol" _none_ gaupol
+ prog "ISO Master" _none_ isomaster
+ prog "Quod Libet" _none_ quodlibet
+ }
+ menu "Netzwerk" _none_ {
+ prog "Claws Mail" _none_ claws-mail
+ prog "Firefox" _none_ firefox
+ prog "Pidgin Internet-Sofortnachrichtendienst" _none_ pidgin
+ prog "Transmission" _none_ transmission-gtk
+ prog "gFTP" _none_ gftp
+ prog "ownCloud desktop sync client" _none_ /usr/bin/owncloud
+ }
+ menu "Spiele" _none_ {
+ prog "KEGS" _none_ xterm -e aoss xkegs
+ }
+ menu "System" _none_ {
+ prog "ALSA Soundkarte" _none_ gksu gtkalsasetup
+ prog "Benutzerverwaltung" _none_ gksu gtkusersetup
+ prog "Dotnew" _none_ gksu dotnew-gtk
+ prog "Druckerverwaltung" _none_ /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/
+ prog "Energiestatistiken" _none_ mate-power-statistics
+ prog "Festplattenbelegung analysieren" _none_ mate-disk-usage-analyzer
+ prog "Grsync" _none_ /usr/bin/grsync -i
+ prog "Gslapt-Paketverwaltung" _none_ gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt
+ prog "Hostnamen" _none_ gksu gtkhostsetup
+ prog "Htop" _none_ xterm -e htop
+ prog "MATE-Terminal" _none_ mate-terminal
+ prog "Sourcery SlackBuild Manager" _none_ gksu sourcery
+ prog "Systemdienste" _none_ gksu gtkservicesetup
+ prog "Systemprotokollbetrachter" _none_ mate-system-log
+ prog "Systemsprache" _none_ gksu gtklocalesetup
+ prog "Systemuhrzeit" _none_ gksu gtkclocksetup
+ prog "Tastatur" _none_ gksu gtkkeyboardsetup
+ prog "dconf-Editor" _none_ dconf-editor
+ }
+ menu "Zubehör" _none_ {
+ prog "Bildschirmfoto aufnehmen" _none_ mate-screenshot --interactive
+ prog "Engrampa-Archivverwaltung" _none_ engrampa
+ prog "GTKMan Handbuchseiten-Betrachter" _none_ gtkman salix
+ prog "Galculator" _none_ galculator
+ prog "KeePassX" _none_ keepassx
+ prog "Leafpad" _none_ leafpad
+ prog "Nach Dateien suchen …" _none_ mate-search-tool
+ prog "Xournal" _none_ xournal
+ prog "Zim Desktop Wiki" _none_ zim
+ }
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/icewm_en b/tests/menus_correct/icewm_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b6edec2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/icewm_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+menu "Applications" _none_ {
+ menu "Accessories" _none_ {
+ prog "Engrampa Archive Manager" _none_ engrampa
+ prog "GTKMan Manual Page Viewer" _none_ gtkman salix
+ prog "Galculator" _none_ galculator
+ prog "KeePassX" _none_ keepassx
+ prog "Leafpad" _none_ leafpad
+ prog "Search for Files..." _none_ mate-search-tool
+ prog "Take Screenshot" _none_ mate-screenshot --interactive
+ prog "Xournal" _none_ xournal
+ prog "Zim Desktop Wiki" _none_ zim
+ }
+ menu "Development" _none_ {
+ prog "CMake" _none_ cmake-gui
+ prog "Geany" _none_ geany
+ prog "Glade" _none_ glade-3
+ prog "Meld" _none_ meld
+ prog "Poedit" _none_ poedit
+ prog "Qt4 Assistant" _none_ assistant
+ prog "Qt4 Designer" _none_ designer
+ prog "Qt4 Linguist" _none_ linguist
+ prog "RStudio" _none_ /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio
+ }
+ menu "Education" _none_ {
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Math" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --math
+ prog "R" _none_ xterm -e R
+ }
+ menu "Games" _none_ {
+ prog "KEGS" _none_ xterm -e aoss xkegs
+ }
+ menu "Graphics" _none_ {
+ prog "Dia Diagram Editor" _none_ dia
+ prog "E-book Viewer" _none_ ebook-viewer
+ prog "GNU Image Manipulation Program" _none_ gimp-2.8
+ prog "Gcolor2" _none_ gcolor2
+ prog "LRF Viewer" _none_ lrfviewer
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Draw" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --draw
+ prog "Simple Scan" _none_ simple-scan
+ prog "Viewnior" _none_ viewnior
+ }
+ menu "Multimedia" _none_ {
+ prog "Asunder CD Ripper" _none_ asunder
+ prog "Audacity" _none_ audacity
+ prog "Ex Falso" _none_ exfalso
+ prog "Exaile" _none_ exaile
+ prog "GNOME MPlayer" _none_ gnome-mplayer
+ prog "Gaupol" _none_ gaupol
+ prog "ISO Master" _none_ isomaster
+ prog "Quod Libet" _none_ quodlibet
+ }
+ menu "Network" _none_ {
+ prog "Claws Mail" _none_ claws-mail
+ prog "Firefox" _none_ firefox
+ prog "Pidgin Internet Messenger" _none_ pidgin
+ prog "Transmission" _none_ transmission-gtk
+ prog "gFTP" _none_ gftp
+ prog "ownCloud desktop sync client" _none_ /usr/bin/owncloud
+ }
+ menu "Office" _none_ {
+ prog "Atril Document Viewer" _none_ atril
+ prog "Dictionary" _none_ mate-dictionary
+ prog "HTMLDOC" _none_ htmldoc
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Base" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --base
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Calc" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --calc
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Impress" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --impress
+ prog "LibreOffice 4.4 Writer" _none_ libreoffice4.4 --writer
+ prog "calibre" _none_ calibre
+ }
+ menu "Settings" _none_ {
+ prog "Bluetooth Manager" _none_ blueman-manager
+ prog "Power Management" _none_ mate-power-preferences
+ prog "Qt4 Config" _none_ qtconfig
+ prog "Screensaver" _none_ xscreensaver-demo
+ }
+ menu "System" _none_ {
+ prog "ALSA sound card" _none_ gksu gtkalsasetup
+ prog "Disk Usage Analyzer" _none_ mate-disk-usage-analyzer
+ prog "Dotnew" _none_ gksu dotnew-gtk
+ prog "Grsync" _none_ /usr/bin/grsync -i
+ prog "Gslapt Package Manager" _none_ gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt
+ prog "Hostnames" _none_ gksu gtkhostsetup
+ prog "Htop" _none_ xterm -e htop
+ prog "Keyboard" _none_ gksu gtkkeyboardsetup
+ prog "Log File Viewer" _none_ mate-system-log
+ prog "MATE Terminal" _none_ mate-terminal
+ prog "Manage Printing" _none_ /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/
+ prog "Power Statistics" _none_ mate-power-statistics
+ prog "Sourcery SlackBuild Manager" _none_ gksu sourcery
+ prog "System clock" _none_ gksu gtkclocksetup
+ prog "System language" _none_ gksu gtklocalesetup
+ prog "System services" _none_ gksu gtkservicesetup
+ prog "Users and groups" _none_ gksu gtkusersetup
+ prog "dconf Editor" _none_ dconf-editor
+ }
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/jwm_en b/tests/menus_correct/jwm_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dadaf70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/jwm_en
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/jwm_fr b/tests/menus_correct/jwm_fr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..197a639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/jwm_fr
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+ mate-screenshot --interactive
+ gtkman salix
+ galculator
+ engrampa
+ keepassx
+ leafpad
+ mate-search-tool
+ xournal
+ zim
+ mate-dictionary
+ htmldoc
+ libreoffice4.4 --base
+ libreoffice4.4 --calc
+ libreoffice4.4 --impress
+ libreoffice4.4 --writer
+ atril
+ calibre
+ cmake-gui
+ geany
+ glade-3
+ meld
+ poedit
+ assistant
+ designer
+ linguist
+ /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio
+ ebook-viewer
+ gcolor2
+ lrfviewer
+ libreoffice4.4 --draw
+ simple-scan
+ viewnior
+ gimp-2.8
+ dia
+ claws-mail
+ firefox
+ pidgin
+ transmission-gtk
+ gftp
+ /usr/bin/owncloud
+ xterm -e aoss xkegs
+ asunder
+ audacity
+ exfalso
+ exaile
+ gnome-mplayer
+ gaupol
+ isomaster
+ quodlibet
+ blueman-manager
+ mate-power-preferences
+ qtconfig
+ xscreensaver-demo
+ mate-disk-usage-analyzer
+ gksu gtkalsasetup
+ gksu gtkkeyboardsetup
+ gksu dotnew-gtk
+ gksu gtkusersetup
+ /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/
+ gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt
+ /usr/bin/grsync -i
+ gksu gtkclocksetup
+ xterm -e htop
+ gksu gtklocalesetup
+ gksu gtkhostsetup
+ gksu gtkservicesetup
+ gksu sourcery
+ mate-power-statistics
+ mate-terminal
+ mate-system-log
+ dconf-editor
+ libreoffice4.4 --math
+ xterm -e R
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_dynamic_en b/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_dynamic_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ea06ec5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_dynamic_en
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+Dynamic {
+ Submenu = "Applications" {
+ Submenu = "Accessories" {
+ Entry = "Engrampa Archive Manager" { Actions = "Exec engrampa &" }
+ Entry = "GTKMan Manual Page Viewer" { Actions = "Exec gtkman salix &" }
+ Entry = "Galculator" { Actions = "Exec galculator &" }
+ Entry = "KeePassX" { Actions = "Exec keepassx &" }
+ Entry = "Leafpad" { Actions = "Exec leafpad &" }
+ Entry = "Search for Files..." { Actions = "Exec mate-search-tool &" }
+ Entry = "Take Screenshot" { Actions = "Exec mate-screenshot --interactive &" }
+ Entry = "Xournal" { Actions = "Exec xournal &" }
+ Entry = "Zim Desktop Wiki" { Actions = "Exec zim &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Development" {
+ Entry = "CMake" { Actions = "Exec cmake-gui &" }
+ Entry = "Geany" { Actions = "Exec geany &" }
+ Entry = "Glade" { Actions = "Exec glade-3 &" }
+ Entry = "Meld" { Actions = "Exec meld &" }
+ Entry = "Poedit" { Actions = "Exec poedit &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Assistant" { Actions = "Exec assistant &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Designer" { Actions = "Exec designer &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Linguist" { Actions = "Exec linguist &" }
+ Entry = "RStudio" { Actions = "Exec /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Education" {
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Math" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --math &" }
+ Entry = "R" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e R &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Games" {
+ Entry = "KEGS" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e aoss xkegs &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Graphics" {
+ Entry = "Dia Diagram Editor" { Actions = "Exec dia &" }
+ Entry = "E-book Viewer" { Actions = "Exec ebook-viewer &" }
+ Entry = "GNU Image Manipulation Program" { Actions = "Exec gimp-2.8 &" }
+ Entry = "Gcolor2" { Actions = "Exec gcolor2 &" }
+ Entry = "LRF Viewer" { Actions = "Exec lrfviewer &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Draw" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --draw &" }
+ Entry = "Simple Scan" { Actions = "Exec simple-scan &" }
+ Entry = "Viewnior" { Actions = "Exec viewnior &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Multimedia" {
+ Entry = "Asunder CD Ripper" { Actions = "Exec asunder &" }
+ Entry = "Audacity" { Actions = "Exec audacity &" }
+ Entry = "Ex Falso" { Actions = "Exec exfalso &" }
+ Entry = "Exaile" { Actions = "Exec exaile &" }
+ Entry = "GNOME MPlayer" { Actions = "Exec gnome-mplayer &" }
+ Entry = "Gaupol" { Actions = "Exec gaupol &" }
+ Entry = "ISO Master" { Actions = "Exec isomaster &" }
+ Entry = "Quod Libet" { Actions = "Exec quodlibet &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Network" {
+ Entry = "Claws Mail" { Actions = "Exec claws-mail &" }
+ Entry = "Firefox" { Actions = "Exec firefox &" }
+ Entry = "Pidgin Internet Messenger" { Actions = "Exec pidgin &" }
+ Entry = "Transmission" { Actions = "Exec transmission-gtk &" }
+ Entry = "gFTP" { Actions = "Exec gftp &" }
+ Entry = "ownCloud desktop sync client" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/owncloud &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Office" {
+ Entry = "Atril Document Viewer" { Actions = "Exec atril &" }
+ Entry = "Dictionary" { Actions = "Exec mate-dictionary &" }
+ Entry = "HTMLDOC" { Actions = "Exec htmldoc &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Base" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --base &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Calc" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --calc &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Impress" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --impress &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Writer" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --writer &" }
+ Entry = "calibre" { Actions = "Exec calibre &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Settings" {
+ Entry = "Bluetooth Manager" { Actions = "Exec blueman-manager &" }
+ Entry = "Power Management" { Actions = "Exec mate-power-preferences &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Config" { Actions = "Exec qtconfig &" }
+ Entry = "Screensaver" { Actions = "Exec xscreensaver-demo &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "System" {
+ Entry = "ALSA sound card" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkalsasetup &" }
+ Entry = "Disk Usage Analyzer" { Actions = "Exec mate-disk-usage-analyzer &" }
+ Entry = "Dotnew" { Actions = "Exec gksu dotnew-gtk &" }
+ Entry = "Grsync" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/grsync -i &" }
+ Entry = "Gslapt Package Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt &" }
+ Entry = "Hostnames" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkhostsetup &" }
+ Entry = "Htop" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e htop &" }
+ Entry = "Keyboard" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkkeyboardsetup &" }
+ Entry = "Log File Viewer" { Actions = "Exec mate-system-log &" }
+ Entry = "MATE Terminal" { Actions = "Exec mate-terminal &" }
+ Entry = "Manage Printing" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/ &" }
+ Entry = "Power Statistics" { Actions = "Exec mate-power-statistics &" }
+ Entry = "Sourcery SlackBuild Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu sourcery &" }
+ Entry = "System clock" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkclocksetup &" }
+ Entry = "System language" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtklocalesetup &" }
+ Entry = "System services" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkservicesetup &" }
+ Entry = "Users and groups" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkusersetup &" }
+ Entry = "dconf Editor" { Actions = "Exec dconf-editor &" }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_en b/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..08af2ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/pekwm_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+Submenu = "Applications" {
+ Submenu = "Accessories" {
+ Entry = "Engrampa Archive Manager" { Actions = "Exec engrampa &" }
+ Entry = "GTKMan Manual Page Viewer" { Actions = "Exec gtkman salix &" }
+ Entry = "Galculator" { Actions = "Exec galculator &" }
+ Entry = "KeePassX" { Actions = "Exec keepassx &" }
+ Entry = "Leafpad" { Actions = "Exec leafpad &" }
+ Entry = "Search for Files..." { Actions = "Exec mate-search-tool &" }
+ Entry = "Take Screenshot" { Actions = "Exec mate-screenshot --interactive &" }
+ Entry = "Xournal" { Actions = "Exec xournal &" }
+ Entry = "Zim Desktop Wiki" { Actions = "Exec zim &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Development" {
+ Entry = "CMake" { Actions = "Exec cmake-gui &" }
+ Entry = "Geany" { Actions = "Exec geany &" }
+ Entry = "Glade" { Actions = "Exec glade-3 &" }
+ Entry = "Meld" { Actions = "Exec meld &" }
+ Entry = "Poedit" { Actions = "Exec poedit &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Assistant" { Actions = "Exec assistant &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Designer" { Actions = "Exec designer &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Linguist" { Actions = "Exec linguist &" }
+ Entry = "RStudio" { Actions = "Exec /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Education" {
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Math" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --math &" }
+ Entry = "R" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e R &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Games" {
+ Entry = "KEGS" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e aoss xkegs &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Graphics" {
+ Entry = "Dia Diagram Editor" { Actions = "Exec dia &" }
+ Entry = "E-book Viewer" { Actions = "Exec ebook-viewer &" }
+ Entry = "GNU Image Manipulation Program" { Actions = "Exec gimp-2.8 &" }
+ Entry = "Gcolor2" { Actions = "Exec gcolor2 &" }
+ Entry = "LRF Viewer" { Actions = "Exec lrfviewer &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Draw" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --draw &" }
+ Entry = "Simple Scan" { Actions = "Exec simple-scan &" }
+ Entry = "Viewnior" { Actions = "Exec viewnior &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Multimedia" {
+ Entry = "Asunder CD Ripper" { Actions = "Exec asunder &" }
+ Entry = "Audacity" { Actions = "Exec audacity &" }
+ Entry = "Ex Falso" { Actions = "Exec exfalso &" }
+ Entry = "Exaile" { Actions = "Exec exaile &" }
+ Entry = "GNOME MPlayer" { Actions = "Exec gnome-mplayer &" }
+ Entry = "Gaupol" { Actions = "Exec gaupol &" }
+ Entry = "ISO Master" { Actions = "Exec isomaster &" }
+ Entry = "Quod Libet" { Actions = "Exec quodlibet &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Network" {
+ Entry = "Claws Mail" { Actions = "Exec claws-mail &" }
+ Entry = "Firefox" { Actions = "Exec firefox &" }
+ Entry = "Pidgin Internet Messenger" { Actions = "Exec pidgin &" }
+ Entry = "Transmission" { Actions = "Exec transmission-gtk &" }
+ Entry = "gFTP" { Actions = "Exec gftp &" }
+ Entry = "ownCloud desktop sync client" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/owncloud &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Office" {
+ Entry = "Atril Document Viewer" { Actions = "Exec atril &" }
+ Entry = "Dictionary" { Actions = "Exec mate-dictionary &" }
+ Entry = "HTMLDOC" { Actions = "Exec htmldoc &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Base" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --base &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Calc" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --calc &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Impress" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --impress &" }
+ Entry = "LibreOffice 4.4 Writer" { Actions = "Exec libreoffice4.4 --writer &" }
+ Entry = "calibre" { Actions = "Exec calibre &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "Settings" {
+ Entry = "Bluetooth Manager" { Actions = "Exec blueman-manager &" }
+ Entry = "Power Management" { Actions = "Exec mate-power-preferences &" }
+ Entry = "Qt4 Config" { Actions = "Exec qtconfig &" }
+ Entry = "Screensaver" { Actions = "Exec xscreensaver-demo &" }
+ }
+ Submenu = "System" {
+ Entry = "ALSA sound card" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkalsasetup &" }
+ Entry = "Disk Usage Analyzer" { Actions = "Exec mate-disk-usage-analyzer &" }
+ Entry = "Dotnew" { Actions = "Exec gksu dotnew-gtk &" }
+ Entry = "Grsync" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/grsync -i &" }
+ Entry = "Gslapt Package Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt &" }
+ Entry = "Hostnames" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkhostsetup &" }
+ Entry = "Htop" { Actions = "Exec xterm -e htop &" }
+ Entry = "Keyboard" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkkeyboardsetup &" }
+ Entry = "Log File Viewer" { Actions = "Exec mate-system-log &" }
+ Entry = "MATE Terminal" { Actions = "Exec mate-terminal &" }
+ Entry = "Manage Printing" { Actions = "Exec /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/ &" }
+ Entry = "Power Statistics" { Actions = "Exec mate-power-statistics &" }
+ Entry = "Sourcery SlackBuild Manager" { Actions = "Exec gksu sourcery &" }
+ Entry = "System clock" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkclocksetup &" }
+ Entry = "System language" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtklocalesetup &" }
+ Entry = "System services" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkservicesetup &" }
+ Entry = "Users and groups" { Actions = "Exec gksu gtkusersetup &" }
+ Entry = "dconf Editor" { Actions = "Exec dconf-editor &" }
+ }
diff --git a/tests/menus_correct/windowmaker_en b/tests/menus_correct/windowmaker_en
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cc10cc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/menus_correct/windowmaker_en
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+"Applications" MENU
+ "Accessories" MENU
+ "Engrampa Archive Manager" EXEC engrampa
+ "GTKMan Manual Page Viewer" EXEC gtkman salix
+ "Galculator" EXEC galculator
+ "KeePassX" EXEC keepassx
+ "Leafpad" EXEC leafpad
+ "Search for Files..." EXEC mate-search-tool
+ "Take Screenshot" EXEC mate-screenshot --interactive
+ "Xournal" EXEC xournal
+ "Zim Desktop Wiki" EXEC zim
+ "Accessories" END
+ "Development" MENU
+ "CMake" EXEC cmake-gui
+ "Geany" EXEC geany
+ "Glade" EXEC glade-3
+ "Meld" EXEC meld
+ "Poedit" EXEC poedit
+ "Qt4 Assistant" EXEC assistant
+ "Qt4 Designer" EXEC designer
+ "Qt4 Linguist" EXEC linguist
+ "RStudio" EXEC /usr/lib64/rstudio/bin/rstudio
+ "Development" END
+ "Education" MENU
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Math" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --math
+ "R" EXEC xterm -e R
+ "Education" END
+ "Games" MENU
+ "KEGS" EXEC xterm -e aoss xkegs
+ "Games" END
+ "Graphics" MENU
+ "Dia Diagram Editor" EXEC dia
+ "E-book Viewer" EXEC ebook-viewer
+ "GNU Image Manipulation Program" EXEC gimp-2.8
+ "Gcolor2" EXEC gcolor2
+ "LRF Viewer" EXEC lrfviewer
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Draw" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --draw
+ "Simple Scan" EXEC simple-scan
+ "Viewnior" EXEC viewnior
+ "Graphics" END
+ "Multimedia" MENU
+ "Asunder CD Ripper" EXEC asunder
+ "Audacity" EXEC audacity
+ "Ex Falso" EXEC exfalso
+ "Exaile" EXEC exaile
+ "GNOME MPlayer" EXEC gnome-mplayer
+ "Gaupol" EXEC gaupol
+ "ISO Master" EXEC isomaster
+ "Quod Libet" EXEC quodlibet
+ "Multimedia" END
+ "Network" MENU
+ "Claws Mail" EXEC claws-mail
+ "Firefox" EXEC firefox
+ "Pidgin Internet Messenger" EXEC pidgin
+ "Transmission" EXEC transmission-gtk
+ "gFTP" EXEC gftp
+ "ownCloud desktop sync client" EXEC /usr/bin/owncloud
+ "Network" END
+ "Office" MENU
+ "Atril Document Viewer" EXEC atril
+ "Dictionary" EXEC mate-dictionary
+ "HTMLDOC" EXEC htmldoc
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Base" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --base
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Calc" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --calc
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Impress" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --impress
+ "LibreOffice 4.4 Writer" EXEC libreoffice4.4 --writer
+ "calibre" EXEC calibre
+ "Office" END
+ "Settings" MENU
+ "Bluetooth Manager" EXEC blueman-manager
+ "Power Management" EXEC mate-power-preferences
+ "Qt4 Config" EXEC qtconfig
+ "Screensaver" EXEC xscreensaver-demo
+ "Settings" END
+ "System" MENU
+ "ALSA sound card" EXEC gksu gtkalsasetup
+ "Disk Usage Analyzer" EXEC mate-disk-usage-analyzer
+ "Dotnew" EXEC gksu dotnew-gtk
+ "Grsync" EXEC /usr/bin/grsync -i
+ "Gslapt Package Manager" EXEC gksu /usr/sbin/gslapt
+ "Hostnames" EXEC gksu gtkhostsetup
+ "Htop" EXEC xterm -e htop
+ "Keyboard" EXEC gksu gtkkeyboardsetup
+ "Log File Viewer" EXEC mate-system-log
+ "MATE Terminal" EXEC mate-terminal
+ "Manage Printing" EXEC /usr/bin/xdg-open http://localhost:631/
+ "Power Statistics" EXEC mate-power-statistics
+ "Sourcery SlackBuild Manager" EXEC gksu sourcery
+ "System clock" EXEC gksu gtkclocksetup
+ "System language" EXEC gksu gtklocalesetup
+ "System services" EXEC gksu gtkservicesetup
+ "Users and groups" EXEC gksu gtkusersetup
+ "dconf Editor" EXEC dconf-editor
+ "System" END
+"Applications" END