Browse Source support more list markers

Upper and lower case latters and roman numerals may
now be used as well as a ')' instead of a '.' to
terminate the marker.

The style sheet must be included for the ')' to
show otherwise it will display as a '.' instead.

Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <>
Kyle J. McKay 8 years ago
  1. 356
  2. 5
  3. 92


@ -970,14 +970,121 @@ sub _DoHeaders {
my ($marker_ul, $marker_ol, $marker_any);
my ($marker_ul, $marker_ol, $marker_any, $roman_numeral);
# Re-usable patterns to match list item bullets and number markers:
$roman_numeral = qr/(?:
$marker_ul = qr/[*+-]/o;
$marker_ol = qr/\d+[.]/o;
$marker_ol = qr/(?:\d+|[A-Za-z]|$roman_numeral)[.\)]/o;
$marker_any = qr/(?:$marker_ul|$marker_ol)/o;
sub _GetListMarkerType {
my ($list_type, $list_marker, $first_marker) = @_;
return "" unless $list_type && $list_marker && lc($list_type) eq "ol";
unless ($list_marker =~ /^[IiVvXx][.\)]?$/ &&
# these are roman unless $first_marker type is 'a' or 'A'
defined($first_marker) &&
lc(_GetListMarkerType($list_type, $first_marker)) eq 'a') {
return "I" if $list_marker =~ /^[IVX]/;
return "i" if $list_marker =~ /^[ivx]/;
return "A" if $list_marker =~ /^[A-Z]/;
return "a" if $list_marker =~ /^[a-z]/;
return "1";
sub _GetListItemClass {
my ($list_type, $list_marker, $first_marker) = @_;
my $list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType($list_type, $list_marker, $first_marker);
return "" unless $list_marker_type =~ /^[IiAa1]$/ && $list_marker =~ /.\)$/;
return "upper-roman" if $list_marker_type eq "I";
return "lower-roman" if $list_marker_type eq "i";
return "upper-alpha" if $list_marker_type eq "A";
return "lower-alpha" if $list_marker_type eq "a";
return "decimal";
my %_roman_number_table;
%_roman_number_table = (
i => 1,
ii => 2,
iii => 3,
iv => 4,
v => 5,
vi => 6,
vii => 7,
viii => 8,
ix => 9,
x => 10,
xi => 11,
xii => 12,
xiii => 13,
xiv => 14,
xv => 15,
xvi => 16,
xvii => 17,
xviii => 18,
xix => 19,
xx => 20,
xxi => 21,
xxii => 22,
xxiii => 23,
xxiv => 24,
xxv => 25,
xxvi => 26,
xxvii => 27
sub _GetMarkerIntegerNum {
my ($list_marker_type, $marker_val) = @_;
my $ans = &{sub{
return 0 + $marker_val if $list_marker_type eq "1";
$list_marker_type = lc($list_marker_type);
$marker_val = lc($marker_val);
return ord($marker_val) - ord("a") + 1 if $list_marker_type eq "a";
return 1 unless $list_marker_type eq "i";
defined($_roman_number_table{$marker_val}) and
return $_roman_number_table{$marker_val};
return 1;
return $ans if $ans == 0 && $list_marker_type eq "1";
return $ans >= 1 ? $ans : 1;
sub _IncrList {
my ($from, $to, $extra) = @_;
$extra = defined($extra) ? " $extra" : "";
my $result = "";
while ($from + 10 <= $to) {
$result .= "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-10\"></span>\n";
$from += 10;
while ($from + 5 <= $to) {
$result .= "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-5\"></span>\n";
$from += 5;
while ($from + 2 <= $to) {
$result .= "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-2\"></span>\n";
$from += 2;
while ($from < $to) {
$result .= "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr\"></span>\n";
return $result;
sub _DoLists {
# Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
@ -987,17 +1094,17 @@ sub _DoLists {
my $less_than_indent = $indent - 1;
my $less_than_double_indent = 2 * $indent - 1;
# Re-usable pattern to match any entirel ul or ol list:
# Re-usable pattern to match any entire ul or ol list:
my $whole_list = qr{
( # $1 = whole list
( # $2
( # $1 (or $_[0]) = whole list
( # $2 (or $_[1])
[ ]{0,$less_than_indent}
(${marker_any}) # $3 = first list item marker
(${marker_any}) # $3 (or $_[2]) = first list item marker
[ ]+
( # $4
( # $4 (or $_[3])
@ -1009,6 +1116,36 @@ sub _DoLists {
my $list_item_sub = sub {
my $list = $_[0];
my $list_type = ($_[2] =~ m/$marker_ul/) ? "ul" : "ol";
my $list_class = "";
my $list_incr = "";
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g;
my ($result, $first_marker, $fancy) = _ProcessListItems($list_type, $list);
my $list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType($list_type, $first_marker);
if ($list_marker_type) {
$first_marker =~ s/[.\)]$//;
my $first_marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum($list_marker_type, $first_marker);
$list_marker_type = $list_marker_type eq "1" ? "" : " type=\"$list_marker_type\"";
if ($fancy) {
$list_class = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol\"";
my $start = $first_marker_num;
$start = 10 if $start > 10;
$start = 5 if $start > 5 && $start < 10;
$start = 1 if $start > 1 && $start < 5;
$list_marker_type .= " start=\"$start\"" unless $start == 1;
$list_incr = _IncrList($start, $first_marker_num);
} else {
$list_marker_type .= " start=\"$first_marker_num\"" unless $first_marker_num == 1;
$result = "<$list_type$list_marker_type$list_class>\n$list_incr" . $result . "</$list_type>\n";
# We use a different prefix before nested lists than top-level lists.
# See extended comment in _ProcessListItems().
@ -1029,21 +1166,16 @@ sub _DoLists {
# Note: (kjm) With the addition of the two-of-the-same-kind-in-a-row-
# starts-a-list-at-the-top-level rule the two patterns really are somewhat
# different now.
# different now, but the duplication has pretty much been eliminated via
# use of a separate sub which has the side-effect of making the below
# two cases much easier to grok all at once.
if ($g_list_level) {
$text =~ s{
my $list = $1;
my $list_type = ($3 =~ m/$marker_ul/) ? "ul" : "ol";
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g;
my $result = _ProcessListItems($list_type, $list, $marker_any);
$result = "<$list_type>\n" . $result . "</$list_type>\n";
&$list_item_sub($1, $2, $3, $4);
else {
@ -1062,18 +1194,10 @@ sub _DoLists {
my $list = $1;
my $list_type = ($3 =~ m/$marker_ul/) ? "ul" : "ol";
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g;
my $result = _ProcessListItems($list_type, $list, $marker_any);
$result = "<$list_type>\n" . $result . "</$list_type>\n";
&$list_item_sub($1, $2, $3, $4);
return $text;
@ -1086,8 +1210,6 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
my $list_type = shift;
my $list_str = shift;
my $marker_any = shift;
# The $g_list_level global keeps track of when we're inside a list.
# Each time we enter a list, we increment it; when we leave a list,
@ -1111,25 +1233,83 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
# starting cardinal number; e.g. "1." or "a.".
my $marker_kind = $list_type eq "ul" ? $marker_ul : $marker_ol;
my $first_marker;
my $first_marker_type;
my $first_marker_num;
my $fancy;
my $skipped;
my $typechanged;
my $next_num = 1;
# trim trailing blank lines:
$list_str =~ s/\n{2,}\z/\n/;
$list_str =~ s{
my $result = "";
my $oldpos = 0;
pos($list_str) = 0;
while ($list_str =~ m{\G # start where we left off
(\n)? # leading line = $1
(^[ ]*) # leading whitespace = $2
($marker_any) [ ] ([ ]*) # list marker = $3 leading item space = $4
((?s:.+?) # list item text = $5
(?= \n* (?: \z | \2 $marker_any [ ]))
my $item = $5;
}cgmx) {
my $leading_line = $1;
my $leading_space = $2;
my $list_marker = $3;
my $list_marker_len = length($list_marker);
my $leading_item_space = $4;
my $liclass = '';
my $checkbox = '';
if ($-[0] > $oldpos) {
$result .= substr($list_str, $oldpos, $-[0] - $oldpos); # Sort-of $`
$oldpos = $-[0]; # point at start of this entire match
if ($list_marker !~ /$marker_kind/) {
# Wrong marker kind, "fix up" the marker to a correct "lazy" marker
# But keep the old length in $list_marker_len
$list_marker = $list_type eq "ul" ? "*" : "1.";
# Now grab the rest of this item's data upto but excluding the next
# list marker at the SAME indent level, but sublists must be INCLUDED
my $item = "";
while ($list_str =~ m{\G
((?:.+?)(?:\n{1,2})) # list item text = $1
(?= \n* (?: \z | # end of string OR
(^[ ]*) # leading whitespace = $2
($marker_any) # next list marker = $3
([ ]+) )) # one or more spaces after marker = $4
}cgmxs) {
# If $3 has a left edge that is at the left edge of the previous
# marker OR $3 has a right edge that is at the right edge of the
# previous marker then we stop; otherwise we go on
$item .= substr($list_str, $-[0], $+[0] - $-[0]); # $&
last if !defined($4) || length($2) == length($leading_space) ||
length($2) + length($3) == length($leading_space) + $list_marker_len;
# move along, you're not the marker droid we're looking for...
$item .= substr($list_str, $+[0], $+[4] - $+[0]);
pos($list_str) = $+[4]; # ...move along over the marker droid
# Remember where we parked
$oldpos = pos($list_str);
# Process the $list_marker $item
my $liatt = '';
my $checkbox = '';
my $incr = '';
if (!defined($first_marker)) {
$first_marker = $list_marker;
$first_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType($list_type, $first_marker);
if ($first_marker_type) {
(my $marker_val = $first_marker) =~ s/[.\)]$//;
$first_marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum($first_marker_type, $marker_val);
$next_num = $first_marker_num;
$skipped = 1 if $next_num != 1;
if ($list_type eq "ul" && !$leading_item_space && $item =~ /^\[([ xX])\] +(.*)$/s) {
my $checkmark = lc $1;
$item = $2;
@ -1139,8 +1319,26 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
} else {
($checkbox_class, $checkbox_val) = ("checkbox-off", "&#160;");
$liclass = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}$checkbox_class\"";
$liatt = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}$checkbox_class\"";
$checkbox = "<span><span></span></span><span></span><span>[<tt>$checkbox_val</tt>]&#160;</span>";
} else {
$liatt = _GetListItemClass($list_type, $list_marker, $first_marker);
if (lc($list_type) eq "ol" && defined($first_marker)) {
my $styled = $fancy = 1 if $liatt;
my $list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType($list_type, $list_marker, $first_marker);
my $sfx = lc($list_marker_type) eq uc($list_marker_type) ? "" :
(lc($list_marker_type) eq $list_marker_type ? "-lc" : "-uc");
$liatt = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}li$sfx\"" if $liatt ne "";
$typechanged = 1 if $list_marker_type ne $first_marker_type;
$list_marker =~ s/[.\)]$//;
my $marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum($list_marker_type, $list_marker);
$marker_num = $next_num if $marker_num < $next_num;
$skipped = 1 if $next_num < $marker_num;
$incr = _IncrList($next_num, $marker_num, "incrlevel=$g_list_level");
$liatt = " value=\"$marker_num\"$liatt" if $fancy || $skipped;
$liatt = " type=\"$list_marker_type\"$liatt" if $styled || $typechanged;
$next_num = $marker_num + 1;
if ($leading_line or ($item =~ m/\n{2,}/)) {
@ -1153,15 +1351,26 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
$item = _RunSpanGamut($item);
"<li$liclass>" . $checkbox . $item . "</li>\n";
# Append to $result
$result .= "$incr<li$liatt>" . $checkbox . $item . "</li>\n";
if ($fancy) {
# remove "incrlevel=$g_list_level " parts
$result =~ s{<span incrlevel=$g_list_level class="$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr((?:-\d{1,2})?)">}
{<span class="$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr$1">}g;
} else {
# remove the $g_list_level incr spans entirely
$result =~ s{<span incrlevel=$g_list_level class="$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr(?:-\d{1,2})?"></span>\n}{}g;
# Anything left over (similar to $') goes into result
$result .= substr($list_str, pos($list_str));
return $list_str;
return ($result, $first_marker, $fancy);
sub _DoCodeBlocks {
# Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks.
@ -1608,6 +1817,68 @@ div.%(base)code-bt > pre, div.%(base)code > pre {
overflow: auto;
ol.%(base)ol {
counter-reset: %(base)item;
ol.%(base)ol[start="0"] {
counter-reset: %(base)item -1;
ol.%(base)ol[start="5"] {
counter-reset: %(base)item 4;
ol.%(base)ol[start="10"] {
counter-reset: %(base)item 9;
ol.%(base)ol > span.%(base)ol-incr {
counter-increment: %(base)item;
ol.%(base)ol > span.%(base)ol-incr-2 {
counter-increment: %(base)item 2;
ol.%(base)ol > span.%(base)ol-incr-5 {
counter-increment: %(base)item 5;
ol.%(base)ol > span.%(base)ol-incr-10 {
counter-increment: %(base)item 10;
ol.%(base)ol > li {
counter-increment: %(base)item;
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc {
list-style-type: none;
display: block;
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc:before {
position: absolute;
text-align: right;
white-space: nowrap;
margin-left: -9ex;
width: 9ex;
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li[type="1"]:before {
content: counter(%(base)item, decimal) ")\A0 \A0 ";
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc[type="i"]:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc[type="I"]:before {
content: counter(%(base)item, lower-roman) ")\A0 \A0 ";
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc[type="I"]:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc[type="i"]:before {
content: counter(%(base)item, upper-roman) ")\A0 \A0 ";
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc[type="a"]:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-lc[type="A"]:before {
content: counter(%(base)item, lower-alpha) ")\A0 \A0 ";
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc[type="A"]:before,
ol.%(base)ol > li.%(base)li-uc[type="a"]:before {
content: counter(%(base)item, upper-alpha) ")\A0 \A0 ";
li.%(base)checkbox-off {
list-style-type: none;
@ -1765,8 +2036,9 @@ Display the short-form version number.
=item B<--stylesheet>
Include the fancy style sheet at the beginning of the output. This style
sheet makes fancy checkboxes and list numbering work. Without it things
will still look fine except that the fancy stuff won't be there.
sheet makes fancy checkboxes and makes a right parenthesis C<)> show instead
of a C<.> for ordered lists that use them. Without it things will still look
fine except that the fancy stuff won't be there.
Use this option with no other arguments and redirect standard input to
/dev/null to get just the style sheet and nothing else.


@ -163,8 +163,9 @@ all produce the same output:
Ordered (numbered) lists use regular numbers, followed by periods, as
list markers:
Ordered (numbered or lettered) lists use regular numbers (or letters or
roman numerals), followed by periods (or right parentheses), as list
1. Red
2. Green


@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Markdown: Syntax
* [Headers][]
* [Blockquotes][]
* [Lists][]
* [Style Sheet][]
* [Code Blocks][]
* [Horizontal Rules][]
* [Span Elements][]
@ -327,7 +328,8 @@ Quote Level from the Text menu.
Markdown supports ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
Markdown supports ordered (numbered, lettered or roman numeraled)
and unordered (bulleted) lists.
Unordered lists use asterisks, pluses, and hyphens -- interchangably
-- as list markers:
@ -348,15 +350,19 @@ and:
- Green
- Blue
Ordered lists use numbers followed by periods:
Ordered lists use numbers or letters or roman numerals followed by a
period or right parenthesis `)`:
1. Bird
2. McHale
3. Parish
It's important to note that the actual numbers you use to mark the
list have no effect on the HTML output Markdown produces. The HTML
Markdown produces from the above list is:
It's important to note that the actual numbers (or letters or roman
numerals) you use to mark the list *do* have an effect on the HTML
output Markdown produces, but only if you skip ahead and/or change
the list marker style.
The HTML Markdown produces from the above list is:
@ -376,14 +382,50 @@ or even:
1. McHale
8. Parish
you'd get the exact same HTML output. The point is, if you want to,
you can use ordinal numbers in your ordered Markdown lists, so that
the numbers in your source match the numbers in your published HTML.
But if you want to be lazy, you don't have to.
you'd get the exact same HTML output in the first case, but in the
second case the numbers would be in the sequence 3, 4 and 8 because
you are only allowed to skip ahead (and the first item in the list
must be numbered at least 0 [or `a`, `i`, etc.]).
The point is, if you want to, you can use ordinal numbers in your
ordered Markdown lists, so that the numbers in your source match the
numbers in your published HTML. But if you want to be lazy, you don't
have to.
The style of the list marker is determined by the first list item.
If the first list item uses numbers the list style will be `decimal`.
If the first list item uses a roman numeral then the list style will
be either `lower-roman` or `upper-roman` depending on the case used.
Similarly for any non-roman letter you get `lower-alpha` or `upper-alpha`.
However, if later list items change the style, an attempt is made to
modify the list item style for that item which should be effective in
just about any browser available today.
Similarly if a list item "skips ahead" an attempt is made to skip the
list number ahead which again should be effective in just about any
browser available today.
A right parenthesis ')' may be used in place of the `.` for any of the
numbering styles but it requires the [style sheet][] to be included or
you will end up just seeing `.` instead. For example this list:
a) Alpha
b) Beta
c) Gamma
will end up being displayed like this without the [style sheet][]:
a. Alpha
b. Beta
c. Gamma
If you do use lazy list numbering, however, you should still start the
list with the number 1. At some point in the future, Markdown may support
starting ordered lists at an arbitrary number.
list with the number 1 (or letter A or a or roman numeral I or i) or even
a higher number if desired and then stick with that number (or letter) for
the rest of the items. Since you may only skip forward in the numbering,
the items will end up numbered (or "lettered") starting with the value
used for the first item.
List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented by
up to three spaces. List markers must be followed by one or more spaces.
@ -481,6 +523,34 @@ line. To avoid this, you can backslash-escape the period:
1986\. What a great season.
Markdown tries to be smart about this and requires either a blank line
before something that looks like a list item or requires that a list
definition is already active or requires that two lines in a row look
like list items in order for Markdown to recognize a list item.
So the above, by itself without the escaped ".", will not start a list
when it's outside of any list unless it's preceded by a blank line or
immediately followed by another line that looks like a list item (either
of the same kind or of a sublist).
Style Sheet
If an unordered list item begins with `[ ]` or `[x]` then its bullet will
be suppressed and a nice checkbox shown instead. In order for the fancy
checkboxes to show the markdown style sheet must be included.
It may be included in the output with the `--show-stylesheet` option.
To get just the style sheet, run `` with no arguments with the
input redirected to `/dev/null`. Without the style sheet these items
will show normally (i.e. with a bullet and as `[ ]` or `[x]`).
Ordered lists that make use of a `)` instead of a `.` to terminate the
marker also require the style sheet otherwise they will display with
the normal `.` marker termination.
Code Blocks
