@ -970,14 +970,121 @@ sub _DoHeaders {
my ( $ marker_ul , $ marker_ol , $ marker_any ) ;
my ( $ marker_ul , $ marker_ol , $ marker_any , $ roman_numeral ) ;
# Re-usable patterns to match list item bullets and number markers:
$ roman_numeral = qr / ( ? :
[ IiVvXx ] | [ Ii ] { 2 , 3 } | [ Ii ] [ VvXx ] | [ VvXx ] [ Ii ] { 1 , 3 } | [ Xx ] [ Vv ] [ Ii ] { 0 , 3 } |
[ Xx ] [ Ii ] [ VvXx ] | [ Xx ] { 2 } [ Ii ] { 0 , 3 } | [ Xx ] { 2 } [ Ii ] ? [ Vv ] | [ Xx ] { 2 } [ Vv ] [ Ii ] { 1 , 2 } ) / ox ;
$ marker_ul = qr/[*+-]/ o ;
$ marker_ol = qr/\d+[.]/ o ;
$ marker_ol = qr/(?: \d+|[A-Za-z]|$roman_numeral) [.\) ]/ o ;
$ marker_any = qr/(?:$marker_ul|$marker_ol)/ o ;
sub _GetListMarkerType {
my ( $ list_type , $ list_marker , $ first_marker ) = @ _ ;
return "" unless $ list_type && $ list_marker && lc ( $ list_type ) eq "ol" ;
unless ( $ list_marker =~ /^[IiVvXx][.\)]?$/ &&
# these are roman unless $first_marker type is 'a' or 'A'
defined ( $ first_marker ) &&
lc ( _GetListMarkerType ( $ list_type , $ first_marker ) ) eq 'a' ) {
return "I" if $ list_marker =~ /^[IVX]/ ;
return "i" if $ list_marker =~ /^[ivx]/ ;
return "A" if $ list_marker =~ /^[A-Z]/ ;
return "a" if $ list_marker =~ /^[a-z]/ ;
return "1" ;
sub _GetListItemClass {
my ( $ list_type , $ list_marker , $ first_marker ) = @ _ ;
my $ list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType ( $ list_type , $ list_marker , $ first_marker ) ;
return "" unless $ list_marker_type =~ /^[IiAa1]$/ && $ list_marker =~ /.\)$/ ;
return "upper-roman" if $ list_marker_type eq "I" ;
return "lower-roman" if $ list_marker_type eq "i" ;
return "upper-alpha" if $ list_marker_type eq "A" ;
return "lower-alpha" if $ list_marker_type eq "a" ;
return "decimal" ;
my % _roman_number_table ;
% _roman_number_table = (
i = > 1 ,
ii = > 2 ,
iii = > 3 ,
iv = > 4 ,
v = > 5 ,
vi = > 6 ,
vii = > 7 ,
viii = > 8 ,
ix = > 9 ,
x = > 10 ,
xi = > 11 ,
xii = > 12 ,
xiii = > 13 ,
xiv = > 14 ,
xv = > 15 ,
xvi = > 16 ,
xvii = > 17 ,
xviii = > 18 ,
xix = > 19 ,
xx = > 20 ,
xxi = > 21 ,
xxii = > 22 ,
xxiii = > 23 ,
xxiv = > 24 ,
xxv = > 25 ,
xxvi = > 26 ,
xxvii = > 27
) ;
sub _GetMarkerIntegerNum {
my ( $ list_marker_type , $ marker_val ) = @ _ ;
my $ ans = & { sub {
return 0 + $ marker_val if $ list_marker_type eq "1" ;
$ list_marker_type = lc ( $ list_marker_type ) ;
$ marker_val = lc ( $ marker_val ) ;
return ord ( $ marker_val ) - ord ( "a" ) + 1 if $ list_marker_type eq "a" ;
return 1 unless $ list_marker_type eq "i" ;
defined ( $ _roman_number_table { $ marker_val } ) and
return $ _roman_number_table { $ marker_val } ;
return 1 ;
} } ;
return $ ans if $ ans == 0 && $ list_marker_type eq "1" ;
return $ ans >= 1 ? $ ans : 1 ;
sub _IncrList {
my ( $ from , $ to , $ extra ) = @ _ ;
$ extra = defined ( $ extra ) ? " $extra" : "" ;
my $ result = "" ;
while ( $ from + 10 <= $ to ) {
$ result . = "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-10\"></span>\n" ;
$ from += 10 ;
while ( $ from + 5 <= $ to ) {
$ result . = "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-5\"></span>\n" ;
$ from += 5 ;
while ( $ from + 2 <= $ to ) {
$ result . = "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr-2\"></span>\n" ;
$ from += 2 ;
while ( $ from < $ to ) {
$ result . = "<span$extra class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr\"></span>\n" ;
+ + $ from ;
return $ result ;
sub _DoLists {
# Form HTML ordered (numbered) and unordered (bulleted) lists.
@ -987,17 +1094,17 @@ sub _DoLists {
my $ less_than_indent = $ indent - 1 ;
my $ less_than_double_indent = 2 * $ indent - 1 ;
# Re-usable pattern to match any entirel ul or ol list:
# Re-usable pattern to match any entire ul or ol list:
my $ whole_list = qr{
( # $1 = whole list
( # $2
( # $1 (or $_[0]) = whole list
( # $2 (or $_[1])
( ? <= \ n )
[ ] { 0 , $ less_than_indent }
( $ { marker_any } ) # $3 = first list item marker
( $ { marker_any } ) # $3 (or $_[2]) = first list item marker
[ ] +
( ? s: . + ? )
( # $4
( # $4 (or $_[3])
\ z
\ n { 2 , }
@ -1009,6 +1116,36 @@ sub _DoLists {
} mx ;
my $ list_item_sub = sub {
my $ list = $ _ [ 0 ] ;
my $ list_type = ( $ _ [ 2 ] =~ m/$marker_ul/ ) ? "ul" : "ol" ;
my $ list_class = "" ;
my $ list_incr = "" ;
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$ list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g ;
my ( $ result , $ first_marker , $ fancy ) = _ProcessListItems ( $ list_type , $ list ) ;
my $ list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType ( $ list_type , $ first_marker ) ;
if ( $ list_marker_type ) {
$ first_marker =~ s/[.\)]$// ;
my $ first_marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum ( $ list_marker_type , $ first_marker ) ;
$ list_marker_type = $ list_marker_type eq "1" ? "" : " type=\"$list_marker_type\"" ;
if ( $ fancy ) {
$ list_class = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}ol\"" ;
my $ start = $ first_marker_num ;
$ start = 10 if $ start > 10 ;
$ start = 5 if $ start > 5 && $ start < 10 ;
$ start = 1 if $ start > 1 && $ start < 5 ;
$ list_marker_type . = " start=\"$start\"" unless $ start == 1 ;
$ list_incr = _IncrList ( $ start , $ first_marker_num ) ;
} else {
$ list_marker_type . = " start=\"$first_marker_num\"" unless $ first_marker_num == 1 ;
$ result = "<$list_type$list_marker_type$list_class>\n$list_incr" . $ result . "</$list_type>\n" ;
$ result ;
} ;
# We use a different prefix before nested lists than top-level lists.
# See extended comment in _ProcessListItems().
@ -1029,21 +1166,16 @@ sub _DoLists {
# Note: (kjm) With the addition of the two-of-the-same-kind-in-a-row-
# starts-a-list-at-the-top-level rule the two patterns really are somewhat
# different now.
# different now, but the duplication has pretty much been eliminated via
# use of a separate sub which has the side-effect of making the below
# two cases much easier to grok all at once.
if ( $ g_list_level ) {
$ text =~ s {
$ whole_list
} {
my $ list = $ 1 ;
my $ list_type = ( $ 3 =~ m/$marker_ul/ ) ? "ul" : "ol" ;
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$ list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g ;
my $ result = _ProcessListItems ( $ list_type , $ list , $ marker_any ) ;
$ result = "<$list_type>\n" . $ result . "</$list_type>\n" ;
$ result ;
& $ list_item_sub ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 3 , $ 4 ) ;
} egmx ;
else {
@ -1062,18 +1194,10 @@ sub _DoLists {
$ whole_list
} {
my $ list = $ 1 ;
my $ list_type = ( $ 3 =~ m/$marker_ul/ ) ? "ul" : "ol" ;
# Turn double returns into triple returns, so that we can make a
# paragraph for the last item in a list, if necessary:
$ list =~ s/\n\n/\n\n\n/g ;
my $ result = _ProcessListItems ( $ list_type , $ list , $ marker_any ) ;
$ result = "<$list_type>\n" . $ result . "</$list_type>\n" ;
$ result ;
& $ list_item_sub ( $ 1 , $ 2 , $ 3 , $ 4 ) ;
} egmx ;
return $ text ;
@ -1086,8 +1210,6 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
my $ list_type = shift ;
my $ list_str = shift ;
my $ marker_any = shift ;
# The $g_list_level global keeps track of when we're inside a list.
# Each time we enter a list, we increment it; when we leave a list,
@ -1111,25 +1233,83 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
# starting cardinal number; e.g. "1." or "a.".
$ g_list_level + + ;
my $ marker_kind = $ list_type eq "ul" ? $ marker_ul : $ marker_ol ;
my $ first_marker ;
my $ first_marker_type ;
my $ first_marker_num ;
my $ fancy ;
my $ skipped ;
my $ typechanged ;
my $ next_num = 1 ;
# trim trailing blank lines:
$ list_str =~ s/\n{2,}\z/\n/ ;
$ list_str =~ s {
my $ result = "" ;
my $ oldpos = 0 ;
pos ( $ list_str ) = 0 ;
while ( $ list_str =~ m { \ G # s t a r t w h e r e w e l e f t o f f
( \ n ) ? # leading line = $1
( ^ [ ] * ) # leading whitespace = $2
( $ marker_any ) [ ] ( [ ] * ) # list marker = $3 leading item space = $4
( ( ? s: . + ? ) # list item text = $5
( ? : \ n { 1 , 2 } ) )
( ? = \ n * ( ? : \ z | \ 2 $ marker_any [ ] ) )
} {
my $ item = $ 5 ;
} cgmx ) {
my $ leading_line = $ 1 ;
my $ leading_space = $ 2 ;
my $ list_marker = $ 3 ;
my $ list_marker_len = length ( $ list_marker ) ;
my $ leading_item_space = $ 4 ;
my $ liclass = '' ;
my $ checkbox = '' ;
if ( $- [ 0 ] > $ oldpos ) {
$ result . = substr ( $ list_str , $ oldpos , $- [ 0 ] - $ oldpos ) ; # Sort-of $`
$ oldpos = $- [ 0 ] ; # point at start of this entire match
if ( $ list_marker !~ /$marker_kind/ ) {
# Wrong marker kind, "fix up" the marker to a correct "lazy" marker
# But keep the old length in $list_marker_len
$ list_marker = $ list_type eq "ul" ? "*" : "1." ;
# Now grab the rest of this item's data upto but excluding the next
# list marker at the SAME indent level, but sublists must be INCLUDED
my $ item = "" ;
while ( $ list_str =~ m { \ G
( ( ? : . + ? ) ( ? : \ n { 1 , 2 } ) ) # list item text = $1
( ? = \ n * ( ? : \ z | # end of string OR
( ^ [ ] * ) # leading whitespace = $2
( $ marker_any ) # next list marker = $3
( [ ] + ) ) ) # one or more spaces after marker = $4
} cgmxs ) {
# If $3 has a left edge that is at the left edge of the previous
# marker OR $3 has a right edge that is at the right edge of the
# previous marker then we stop; otherwise we go on
$ item . = substr ( $ list_str , $- [ 0 ] , $+ [ 0 ] - $- [ 0 ] ) ; # $&
last if ! defined ( $ 4 ) || length ( $ 2 ) == length ( $ leading_space ) ||
length ( $ 2 ) + length ( $ 3 ) == length ( $ leading_space ) + $ list_marker_len ;
# move along, you're not the marker droid we're looking for...
$ item . = substr ( $ list_str , $+ [ 0 ] , $+ [ 4 ] - $+ [ 0 ] ) ;
pos ( $ list_str ) = $+ [ 4 ] ; # ...move along over the marker droid
# Remember where we parked
$ oldpos = pos ( $ list_str ) ;
# Process the $list_marker $item
my $ liatt = '' ;
my $ checkbox = '' ;
my $ incr = '' ;
if ( ! defined ( $ first_marker ) ) {
$ first_marker = $ list_marker ;
$ first_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType ( $ list_type , $ first_marker ) ;
if ( $ first_marker_type ) {
( my $ marker_val = $ first_marker ) =~ s/[.\)]$// ;
$ first_marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum ( $ first_marker_type , $ marker_val ) ;
$ next_num = $ first_marker_num ;
$ skipped = 1 if $ next_num != 1 ;
if ( $ list_type eq "ul" && ! $ leading_item_space && $ item =~ /^\[([ xX])\] +(.*)$/s ) {
my $ checkmark = lc $ 1 ;
$ item = $ 2 ;
@ -1139,8 +1319,26 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
} else {
( $ checkbox_class , $ checkbox_val ) = ( "checkbox-off" , " " ) ;
$ liclass = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}$checkbox_class\"" ;
$ liatt = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}$checkbox_class\"" ;
$ checkbox = "<span><span></span></span><span></span><span>[<tt>$checkbox_val</tt>] </span>" ;
} else {
$ liatt = _GetListItemClass ( $ list_type , $ list_marker , $ first_marker ) ;
if ( lc ( $ list_type ) eq "ol" && defined ( $ first_marker ) ) {
my $ styled = $ fancy = 1 if $ liatt ;
my $ list_marker_type = _GetListMarkerType ( $ list_type , $ list_marker , $ first_marker ) ;
my $ sfx = lc ( $ list_marker_type ) eq uc ( $ list_marker_type ) ? "" :
( lc ( $ list_marker_type ) eq $ list_marker_type ? "-lc" : "-uc" ) ;
$ liatt = " class=\"$opt{style_prefix}li$sfx\"" if $ liatt ne "" ;
$ typechanged = 1 if $ list_marker_type ne $ first_marker_type ;
$ list_marker =~ s/[.\)]$// ;
my $ marker_num = _GetMarkerIntegerNum ( $ list_marker_type , $ list_marker ) ;
$ marker_num = $ next_num if $ marker_num < $ next_num ;
$ skipped = 1 if $ next_num < $ marker_num ;
$ incr = _IncrList ( $ next_num , $ marker_num , "incrlevel=$g_list_level" ) ;
$ liatt = " value=\"$marker_num\"$liatt" if $ fancy || $ skipped ;
$ liatt = " type=\"$list_marker_type\"$liatt" if $ styled || $ typechanged ;
$ next_num = $ marker_num + 1 ;
if ( $ leading_line or ( $ item =~ m/\n{2,}/ ) ) {
@ -1153,15 +1351,26 @@ sub _ProcessListItems {
$ item = _RunSpanGamut ( $ item ) ;
"<li$liclass>" . $ checkbox . $ item . "</li>\n" ;
} egmx ;
# Append to $result
$ result . = "$incr<li$liatt>" . $ checkbox . $ item . "</li>\n" ;
if ( $ fancy ) {
# remove "incrlevel=$g_list_level " parts
$ result =~ s{<span incrlevel=$g_list_level class="$opt{style_prefix} o l - i n c r ((?:-\d{1,2}) ? ) " > }
{ < span class = "$opt{style_prefix}ol-incr$1" > } g ;
} else {
# remove the $g_list_level incr spans entirely
$ result =~ s{<span incrlevel=$g_list_level class="$opt{style_prefix} o l - i n c r (?:-\d{1,2}) ? " > </span> \ n } { } g ;
# Anything left over (similar to $') goes into result
$ result . = substr ( $ list_str , pos ( $ list_str ) ) ;
$ g_list_level - - ;
return $ list_str ;
return ( $ result , $ first_marker , $ fancy ) ;
sub _DoCodeBlocks {
# Process Markdown `<pre><code>` blocks.
@ -1608,6 +1817,68 @@ div.%(base)code-bt > pre, div.%(base)code > pre {
overflow: auto ;
ol . % ( base ) ol {
counter - reset : % ( base ) item ;
ol . % ( base ) ol [ start = "0" ] {
counter - reset : % ( base ) item - 1 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol [ start = "5" ] {
counter - reset : % ( base ) item 4 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol [ start = "10" ] {
counter - reset : % ( base ) item 9 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > span . % ( base ) ol - incr {
counter - increment: % ( base ) item ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > span . % ( base ) ol - incr - 2 {
counter - increment: % ( base ) item 2 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > span . % ( base ) ol - incr - 5 {
counter - increment: % ( base ) item 5 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > span . % ( base ) ol - incr - 10 {
counter - increment: % ( base ) item 10 ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li {
counter - increment: % ( base ) item ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc {
list - style - type: none ;
display: block ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li:before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc : before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc : before {
position: absolute ;
text - align: right ;
white - space: nowrap ;
margin - left: - 9 ex ;
width: 9 ex ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li [ type = "1" ] : before {
content: counter ( % ( base ) item , decimal ) ")\A0 \A0 " ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc [ type = "i" ] : before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc [ type = "I" ] : before {
content: counter ( % ( base ) item , lower - roman ) ")\A0 \A0 " ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc [ type = "I" ] : before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc [ type = "i" ] : before {
content: counter ( % ( base ) item , upper - roman ) ")\A0 \A0 " ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc [ type = "a" ] : before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - lc [ type = "A" ] : before {
content: counter ( % ( base ) item , lower - alpha ) ")\A0 \A0 " ;
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc [ type = "A" ] : before ,
ol . % ( base ) ol > li . % ( base ) li - uc [ type = "a" ] : before {
content: counter ( % ( base ) item , upper - alpha ) ")\A0 \A0 " ;
li . % ( base ) checkbox - on ,
li . % ( base ) checkbox - off {
list - style - type: none ;
@ -1765,8 +2036,9 @@ Display the short-form version number.
= item B <--stylesheet>
Include the fancy style sheet at the beginning of the output . This style
sheet makes fancy checkboxes and list numbering work . Without it things
will still look fine except that the fancy stuff won ' t be there .
sheet makes fancy checkboxes and makes a right parenthesis C <)> show instead
of a C <.> for ordered lists that use them . Without it things will still look
fine except that the fancy stuff won ' t be there .
Use this option with no other arguments and redirect standard input to
/dev/ null to get just the style sheet and nothing else .