Browse Source provide --strip-comments option

With --strip-comments, remove any XML comments from the output.

Signed-off-by: Kyle J. McKay <>
Kyle J. McKay 5 years ago
  1. 46


@ -314,6 +314,8 @@ sub _main {
'validate-xml' => sub {$cli_opts{'validate-xml'} = 1},
'validate-xml-internal' => sub {$cli_opts{'validate-xml'} = 2},
'no-validate-xml' => sub {$cli_opts{'validate-xml'} = 0},
'stripcomments|strip-comments' => \$cli_opts{'stripcomments'},
'no-stripcomments|no-strip-comments' => sub {$cli_opts{'stripcomments'} = 0},
'absroot|a=s' => \$cli_opts{'absroot'},
'base|b=s' => \$cli_opts{'base'},
'htmlroot|r=s' => \$cli_opts{'htmlroot'},
@ -341,10 +343,13 @@ sub _main {
$options{sanitize} = $cli_opts{'sanitize'} if defined($cli_opts{'sanitize'});
$options{xmlcheck} = $options{sanitize} ? 2 : 0;
$options{xmlcheck} = $cli_opts{'validate-xml'} if defined($cli_opts{'validate-xml'});
$options{stripcomments} = $cli_opts{'stripcomments'} if defined($cli_opts{'stripcomments'});
die "--html4tags and --validate-xml are incompatible\n"
if $cli_opts{'html4tags'} && $options{xmlcheck} == 1;
die "--no-sanitize and --validate-xml-internal are incompatible\n"
if !$options{'sanitize'} && $options{xmlcheck} == 2;
die "--no-sanitize and --strip-comments are incompatible\n"
if !$options{'sanitize'} && $options{stripcomments};
if ($options{xmlcheck} == 1) {
eval { require XML::Simple; 1 } and $hasxml = 1 or $hasxml_err = $@;
eval { require XML::Parser; 1 } and $hasxmlp = 1 or $hasxmlp_err = $@ unless $hasxml;
@ -2511,8 +2516,8 @@ sub _SanitizeTags {
my $tstart = pos($text);
if ($text =~ /\G(<!--(?:[^-]|(?:-(?!-)))*-->)/gc) {
# pass "comments" through
$ans .= $1;
# pass "comments" through unless stripping them
$ans .= $1 unless $opt{stripcomments};
if ($text =~ /\G(<[^>]*>)/gc) {
@ -3184,6 +3189,8 @@ B<> [B<--help>] [B<--html4tags>] [B<--htmlroot>=I<prefix>]
--validate-xml check if output is valid XML
--validate-xml-internal fast basic check if output is valid XML
--no-validate-xml do not check output for valid XML
--strip-comments remove XML comments from output
--no-strip-comments do not remove XML comments (default)
--tabwidth=num expand tabs to num instead of 8
-a prefix | --absroot=prefix append abspath URLs to prefix
-b prefix | --base=prefix prepend prefix to fragment-only URLs
@ -3366,6 +3373,37 @@ B<--no-sanitize> is used in which case B<--no-validate-xml> is the
default option.
=item B<--strip-comments>
Strip XML comments from the output. Any XML comments encountered will
be omitted from the output if this option is given.
This option requires the B<--sanitize> option to be used (which is
the default).
However, note that the XML standard section 2.5 specifically prohibits
a C<--> sequence within an XML comment (i.e. C<--> cannot occur after
the comment start tag C<< <!-- >> unless it is immediately followed
by C<< > >> which makes it the comment end tag C<< --> >>).
In other words, S<C<< <!-- --> >>>, S<C<< <!-- - --> >>>, S<C<< <!----> >>>,
and S<C<< <!--- --> >>> are all valid XML comments, but S<C<< <!-----> >>>
and S<C<< <!-- ---> >>> are not!
As part of the "sanitation" process (triggered by the B<--sanitize>
option), any invalid tags have their leading C<< < >> escaped (to
C<< &#lt; >>) thus making them ordinary text and this I<includes>
invalid XML comments.
What this means is that the B<--strip-comments> option I<will not> remove
invalid XML comments (such as S<C<< <!-----> >>>)!
=item B<--no-strip-comments>
Do not strip XML comments from the output. This is the default.
=item B<--tabwidth>=I<num>
Expand tabs to I<num> character wide tab stop positions instead of the default
@ -3510,8 +3548,8 @@ Display the short-form version number.
Input contains only raw HTML/XHTML. All options other than
B<--html4tags>, B<--deprecated>, B<--sanitize> (on by default),
B<--validate-xml> and B<--validate-xml-internal> (and their B<--no-...>
variants) are ignored.
B<--strip-comments>, B<--validate-xml> and B<--validate-xml-internal>
(and their B<--no-...> variants) are ignored.
With this option, arbitrary HTML/XHTML input can be passed through
the sanitizer and/or validator. If sanitation is requested (the
