@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ use Scalar::Util qw(refaddr looks_like_number);
my ( $ hasxml , $ hasxml_err ) ; BEGIN { ( $ hasxml , $ hasxml_err ) = ( 0 , "" ) }
my ( $ hasxmlp , $ hasxmlp_err ) ; BEGIN { ( $ hasxmlp , $ hasxmlp_err ) = ( 0 , "" ) }
@ ISA = qw( Exporter ) ;
@ EXPORT_OK = qw( Markdown ) ;
@ EXPORT_OK = qw( Markdown ProcessRaw GenerateStyleSheet SetWikiOpts ) ;
$ INC { __PACKAGE__ . '.pm' } = $ INC { basename ( __FILE__ ) } unless exists $ INC { __PACKAGE__ . '.pm' } ;
close ( DATA ) if fileno ( DATA ) ;
@ -3769,6 +3769,116 @@ the usage and options are shown.
= back
Markdown can be used as a Perl module and can be "use" d like so:
use Markdown qw( ... ) ;
Or like so:
BEGIN { require "Markdown.pl" && Markdown - > import ( qw( ... ) ) }
where the C <...> part is the list of desired imports .
The Markdown module does not export any functions by default .
The C <Markdown.pm> file is a symbolic link to C <Markdown.pl> .
= head2 Markdown module functions
Any of these functions may be imported , but none of them
are imported by default .
= over
= item * $ result = Markdown:: Markdown ( $ string [ , options ... ] )
Converts Markdown - format C <$string> to UTF - 8 encoded XHTML and
returns it .
The C <options...> may be either a single HASH ref or one or more
pairs of C << key = > value >> .
See the comments for the C <_SanitizeOpts> function for a list of
possible option keys .
= item * $ result = Markdown:: ProcessRaw ( $ string [ , options ... ] )
Converts raw XHTML in C <$string> to XHTML and returns it .
The C <options...> may be either a single HASH ref or one or more
pairs of C << key = > value >> .
See the comments for the C <_SanitizeOpts> function for a list of
possible option keys .
This function provides the ability to apply the internal XML
validation and sanitation functionality to arbitrary XHTML without
performing any of the Markdown format interpretation .
= item * $ stylesheet = Markdown:: GenerateStyleSheet ( [ $ prefix ] )
Returns an XHTML style sheet that supports the fancy Markdown styles
such as checkboxes and right parenthesis lists .
All of the style class names have C <$prefix> prepended .
If C <$prefix> is omitted or C <undef> then the default S <"_markdown-">
prefix will be used which is the same default prefix that the
C <Markdown> function uses .
The returned string value consists of a C << < style type = "text/css" > >>
tag , the contents of the style sheet and ends with a C << </style> >> tag .
= item * Markdown:: SetWikiOpts ( $ hashref , $ wikioption )
The value of C <$wikioption> should be the value of the C <wikipat> value
from the B <--wiki> option . Use the empty string S <""> to enable wiki
links using the defaults and use C <undef> to disable wiki links .
The C <wikipat> and C <wikiopt> keys in C <$hashref> will both be
affected by this call and they should be passed in to the Markdown
function as options to enable processing of wiki links .
The simplest way to do this is simply to pass a HASH ref as the
second argument to the Markdown function after having used this
function on it to properly set the C <wikipat> and C <wikiopt>
keys and values .
= back
= head2 Example
This rudimentary example approximates running
S < C < Markdown . pl - - stub - - wiki >>
on the input ( files if given , standard input if not ) .
use Markdown qw( Markdown SetWikiOpts GenerateStyleSheet ) ;
# just enough XML escaping
sub escxml { local $ _ = shift ; s/&/&/g ; s/</</g ; return $ _ }
my $ string ;
{ local $/ ; $ string = < > ; }
my % opts = ( h1 = > "default title" ) ;
SetWikiOpts ( \ % opts , "" ) ; # enable default --wiki processing
my $ xhtml = Markdown ( $ string , \ % opts ) ;
print "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">\n" ,
"<head>\n<title>" . escxml ( $ opts { h1 } ) . "</title>\n" ,
GenerateStyleSheet ( ) , "</head>\n" ,
"<body style=\"text-align:center\">\n" ,
"<div style=\"" .
"display:inline-block;text-align:left;max-width:42pc\">\n" ,
$ xhtml , "</div></body></html>\n" ;
Z < > See the F <README> file for detailed release notes for this version .