Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
492 lines
16 KiB
492 lines
16 KiB
'use strict';
/*eslint-env browser*/
/*global $, _*/
var mdurl = require('mdurl');
var hljs = require('highlight.js/lib/highlight.js');
hljs.registerLanguage('actionscript', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/actionscript'));
hljs.registerLanguage('apache', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/apache'));
hljs.registerLanguage('armasm', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/armasm'));
hljs.registerLanguage('xml', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/xml'));
hljs.registerLanguage('asciidoc', require('highlight.js/lib//languages/asciidoc'));
hljs.registerLanguage('avrasm', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/avrasm'));
hljs.registerLanguage('bash', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/bash'));
hljs.registerLanguage('clojure', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/clojure'));
hljs.registerLanguage('cmake', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/cmake'));
hljs.registerLanguage('coffeescript', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/coffeescript'));
hljs.registerLanguage('cpp', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/cpp'));
hljs.registerLanguage('arduino', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/arduino'));
hljs.registerLanguage('css', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/css'));
hljs.registerLanguage('diff', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/diff'));
hljs.registerLanguage('django', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/django'));
hljs.registerLanguage('dockerfile', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/dockerfile'));
hljs.registerLanguage('ruby', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/ruby'));
hljs.registerLanguage('fortran', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/fortran'));
hljs.registerLanguage('glsl', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/glsl'));
hljs.registerLanguage('go', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/go'));
hljs.registerLanguage('groovy', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/groovy'));
hljs.registerLanguage('handlebars', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/handlebars'));
hljs.registerLanguage('haskell', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/haskell'));
hljs.registerLanguage('ini', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/ini'));
hljs.registerLanguage('java', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/java'));
hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript'));
hljs.registerLanguage('json', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/json'));
hljs.registerLanguage('less', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/less'));
hljs.registerLanguage('lisp', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/lisp'));
hljs.registerLanguage('livescript', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/livescript'));
hljs.registerLanguage('lua', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/lua'));
hljs.registerLanguage('makefile', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/makefile'));
hljs.registerLanguage('matlab', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/matlab'));
hljs.registerLanguage('mipsasm', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/mipsasm'));
hljs.registerLanguage('perl', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/perl'));
hljs.registerLanguage('nginx', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/nginx'));
hljs.registerLanguage('objectivec', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/objectivec'));
hljs.registerLanguage('php', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/php'));
hljs.registerLanguage('python', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/python'));
hljs.registerLanguage('rust', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/rust'));
hljs.registerLanguage('scala', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/scala'));
hljs.registerLanguage('scheme', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/scheme'));
hljs.registerLanguage('scss', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/scss'));
hljs.registerLanguage('smalltalk', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/smalltalk'));
hljs.registerLanguage('stylus', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/stylus'));
hljs.registerLanguage('swift', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/swift'));
hljs.registerLanguage('tcl', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/tcl'));
hljs.registerLanguage('latex', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/latex'));
hljs.registerLanguage('typescript', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/typescript'));
hljs.registerLanguage('verilog', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/verilog'));
hljs.registerLanguage('vhdl', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/vhdl'));
hljs.registerLanguage('yaml', require('highlight.js/lib/languages/yaml'));
var mdHtml, mdSrc, permalink, scrollMap;
var defaults = {
html: false, // Enable HTML tags in source
xhtmlOut: false, // Use '/' to close single tags (<br />)
breaks: false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into <br>
langPrefix: 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks
linkify: true, // autoconvert URL-like texts to links
typographer: true, // Enable smartypants and other sweet transforms
// options below are for demo only
_highlight: true,
_strict: false,
_view: 'html' // html / src / debug
defaults.highlight = function (str, lang) {
var esc = mdHtml.utils.escapeHtml;
try {
if (!defaults._highlight) {
throw 'highlighting disabled';
if (lang && lang !== 'auto' && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
return '<pre class="hljs language-' + esc(lang.toLowerCase()) + '"><code>' +
hljs.highlight(lang, str, true).value +
} else if (lang === 'auto') {
var result = hljs.highlightAuto(str);
/*eslint-disable no-console*/
console.log('highlight language: ' + result.language + ', relevance: ' + result.relevance);
return '<pre class="hljs language-' + esc(result.language) + '"><code>' +
result.value +
} catch (__) { /**/ }
return '<pre class="hljs"><code>' + esc(str) + '</code></pre>';
function setOptionClass(name, val) {
if (val) {
$('body').addClass('opt_' + name);
} else {
$('body').removeClass('opt_' + name);
function setResultView(val) {
$('body').addClass('result-as-' + val);
defaults._view = val;
function mdInit() {
if (defaults._strict) {
mdHtml = window.markdownit('commonmark');
mdSrc = window.markdownit('commonmark');
} else {
mdHtml = window.markdownit(defaults)
.use(require('markdown-it-container'), 'warning')
mdSrc = window.markdownit(defaults)
.use(require('markdown-it-container'), 'warning')
// Beautify output of parser for html content
mdHtml.renderer.rules.table_open = function () {
return '<table class="table table-striped">\n';
// Replace emoji codes with images
mdHtml.renderer.rules.emoji = function (token, idx) {
return window.twemoji.parse(token[idx].content);
// Inject line numbers for sync scroll. Notes:
// - We track only headings and paragraphs on first level. That's enough.
// - Footnotes content causes jumps. Level limit filter it automatically.
function injectLineNumbers(tokens, idx, options, env, slf) {
var line;
if (tokens[idx].map && tokens[idx].level === 0) {
line = tokens[idx].map[0];
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'line');
tokens[idx].attrSet('data-line', String(line));
return slf.renderToken(tokens, idx, options, env, slf);
mdHtml.renderer.rules.paragraph_open = mdHtml.renderer.rules.heading_open = injectLineNumbers;
function setHighlightedlContent(selector, content, lang) {
if (window.hljs) {
$(selector).html(window.hljs.highlight(lang, content).value);
} else {
function updateResult() {
var source = $('.source').val();
// Update only active view to avoid slowdowns
// (debug & src view with highlighting are a bit slow)
if (defaults._view === 'src') {
setHighlightedlContent('.result-src-content', mdSrc.render(source), 'html');
} else if (defaults._view === 'debug') {
JSON.stringify(mdSrc.parse(source, { references: {} }), null, 2),
} else { /*defaults._view === 'html'*/
// reset lines mapping cache on content update
scrollMap = null;
try {
if (source) {
// serialize state - source and options
permalink.href = '#md3=' + mdurl.encode(JSON.stringify({
source: source,
defaults: _.omit(defaults, 'highlight')
}), '-_.!~', false);
} else {
permalink.href = '';
} catch (__) {
permalink.href = '';
// Build offsets for each line (lines can be wrapped)
// That's a bit dirty to process each line everytime, but ok for demo.
// Optimizations are required only for big texts.
function buildScrollMap() {
var i, offset, nonEmptyList, pos, a, b, lineHeightMap, linesCount,
acc, sourceLikeDiv, textarea = $('.source'),
sourceLikeDiv = $('<div />').css({
position: 'absolute',
visibility: 'hidden',
height: 'auto',
width: textarea[0].clientWidth,
'font-size': textarea.css('font-size'),
'font-family': textarea.css('font-family'),
'line-height': textarea.css('line-height'),
'white-space': textarea.css('white-space')
offset = $('.result-html').scrollTop() - $('.result-html').offset().top;
_scrollMap = [];
nonEmptyList = [];
lineHeightMap = [];
acc = 0;
textarea.val().split('\n').forEach(function (str) {
var h, lh;
if (str.length === 0) {
h = parseFloat(sourceLikeDiv.css('height'));
lh = parseFloat(sourceLikeDiv.css('line-height'));
acc += Math.round(h / lh);
linesCount = acc;
for (i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) { _scrollMap.push(-1); }
_scrollMap[0] = 0;
$('.line').each(function (n, el) {
var $el = $(el), t = $'line');
if (t === '') { return; }
t = lineHeightMap[t];
if (t !== 0) { nonEmptyList.push(t); }
_scrollMap[t] = Math.round($el.offset().top + offset);
_scrollMap[linesCount] = $('.result-html')[0].scrollHeight;
pos = 0;
for (i = 1; i < linesCount; i++) {
if (_scrollMap[i] !== -1) {
a = nonEmptyList[pos];
b = nonEmptyList[pos + 1];
_scrollMap[i] = Math.round((_scrollMap[b] * (i - a) + _scrollMap[a] * (b - i)) / (b - a));
return _scrollMap;
// Synchronize scroll position from source to result
var syncResultScroll = _.debounce(function () {
var textarea = $('.source'),
lineHeight = parseFloat(textarea.css('line-height')),
lineNo, posTo;
lineNo = Math.floor(textarea.scrollTop() / lineHeight);
if (!scrollMap) { scrollMap = buildScrollMap(); }
posTo = scrollMap[lineNo];
scrollTop: posTo
}, 100, 'linear');
}, 50, { maxWait: 50 });
// Synchronize scroll position from result to source
var syncSrcScroll = _.debounce(function () {
var resultHtml = $('.result-html'),
scrollTop = resultHtml.scrollTop(),
textarea = $('.source'),
lineHeight = parseFloat(textarea.css('line-height')),
if (!scrollMap) { scrollMap = buildScrollMap(); }
lines = Object.keys(scrollMap);
if (lines.length < 1) {
line = lines[0];
for (i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) {
if (scrollMap[lines[i]] < scrollTop) {
line = lines[i];
scrollTop: lineHeight * line
}, 100, 'linear');
}, 50, { maxWait: 50 });
function loadPermalink() {
if (!location.hash) { return; }
var cfg, opts;
try {
if (/^#md3=/.test(location.hash)) {
cfg = JSON.parse(mdurl.decode(location.hash.slice(5), mdurl.decode.componentChars));
} else if (/^#md64=/.test(location.hash)) {
cfg = JSON.parse(window.atob(location.hash.slice(6)));
} else if (/^#md=/.test(location.hash)) {
cfg = JSON.parse(decodeURIComponent(location.hash.slice(4)));
} else {
if (_.isString(cfg.source)) {
} catch (__) {
opts = _.isObject(cfg.defaults) ? cfg.defaults : {};
// copy config to defaults, but only if key exists
// and value has the same type
_.forOwn(opts, function (val, key) {
if (!_.has(defaults, key)) { return; }
// Legacy, for old links
if (key === '_src') {
defaults._view = val ? 'src' : 'html';
if ((_.isBoolean(defaults[key]) && _.isBoolean(val)) ||
(_.isString(defaults[key]) && _.isString(val))) {
defaults[key] = val;
// sanitize for sure
if ([ 'html', 'src', 'debug' ].indexOf(defaults._view) === -1) {
defaults._view = 'html';
// Init on page load
$(function () {
// highlight snippet
if (window.hljs) {
$('pre.code-sample code').each(function (i, block) {
// Activate tooltips
$('._tip').tooltip({ container: 'body' });
// Set default option values and option listeners
_.forOwn(defaults, function (val, key) {
if (key === 'highlight') { return; }
var el = document.getElementById(key);
if (!el) { return; }
var $el = $(el);
if (_.isBoolean(val)) {
$el.prop('checked', val);
$el.on('change', function () {
var value = Boolean($el.prop('checked'));
setOptionClass(key, value);
defaults[key] = value;
setOptionClass(key, val);
} else {
$el.on('change update keyup', function () {
defaults[key] = String($(el).val());
permalink = document.getElementById('permalink');
// Setup listeners
$('.source').on('keyup paste cut mouseup', _.debounce(updateResult, 300, { maxWait: 500 }));
$('.source').on('touchstart mouseover', function () {
$('.source').on('scroll', syncResultScroll);
$('.result-html').on('touchstart mouseover', function () {
$('.result-html').on('scroll', syncSrcScroll);
$('.source-clear').on('click', function (event) {
$(document).on('click', '[data-result-as]', function (event) {
var view = $(this).data('resultAs');
if (view) {
// only to update permalink
// Need to recalculate line positions on window resize
$(window).on('resize', function () {
scrollMap = null;