Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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Regression tests for link backtracking optimizations:
[[some unrelated text [link]
[link]: foo
<p>[[some unrelated text <a href="foo">link</a></p>
[[some unrelated text [[link]]
[[link]]: foo
<p>[[some unrelated text <a href="foo">[link]</a></p>
This is not a valid emphasis, because \n considered a whitespace:
Link label has priority over emphasis (not covered by commonmark tests):
<p><a href="">**link</a>**</p>
<p>**<a href="">link**</a></p>
Issue #55:
![test](foo bar)
<p>![test](foo bar)</p>
Should unescape only needed things in link destinations/titles:
<p><a href="%5Cf%5Co%5Co%3E%5C">test</a></p>
[test](foo "\\\"\b\a\r")
<p><a href="foo" title="\&quot;\b\a\r">test</a></p>
Not a closing tag
</ 123>
<p>&lt;/ 123&gt;</p>
Not a list item
Coverage. Direcctive can terminate paragraph.
Normalize link destination, but not text inside it:
<p><a href="">α%CE%B2γ%CE%B4</a></p>
Autolinks do not allow escaping:
<p><a href="">\[\</a></p>
Should not throw exception on mailformed URI
<p><a href="%25test">foo</a></p>