Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

212 lines
5.7 KiB

import { isSpace, normalizeReference } from '../common/utils.mjs'
export default function reference (state, startLine, _endLine, silent) {
let pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine]
let max = state.eMarks[startLine]
let nextLine = startLine + 1
// if it's indented more than 3 spaces, it should be a code block
if (state.sCount[startLine] - state.blkIndent >= 4) { return false }
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x5B/* [ */) { return false }
function getNextLine (nextLine) {
const endLine = state.lineMax
if (nextLine >= endLine || state.isEmpty(nextLine)) {
// empty line or end of input
return null
let isContinuation = false
// this would be a code block normally, but after paragraph
// it's considered a lazy continuation regardless of what's there
if (state.sCount[nextLine] - state.blkIndent > 3) { isContinuation = true }
// quirk for blockquotes, this line should already be checked by that rule
if (state.sCount[nextLine] < 0) { isContinuation = true }
if (!isContinuation) {
const terminatorRules ='reference')
const oldParentType = state.parentType
state.parentType = 'reference'
// Some tags can terminate paragraph without empty line.
let terminate = false
for (let i = 0, l = terminatorRules.length; i < l; i++) {
if (terminatorRules[i](state, nextLine, endLine, true)) {
terminate = true
state.parentType = oldParentType
if (terminate) {
// terminated by another block
return null
const pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]
const max = state.eMarks[nextLine]
// max + 1 explicitly includes the newline
return state.src.slice(pos, max + 1)
let str = state.src.slice(pos, max + 1)
max = str.length
let labelEnd = -1
for (pos = 1; pos < max; pos++) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(pos)
if (ch === 0x5B /* [ */) {
return false
} else if (ch === 0x5D /* ] */) {
labelEnd = pos
} else if (ch === 0x0A /* \n */) {
const lineContent = getNextLine(nextLine)
if (lineContent !== null) {
str += lineContent
max = str.length
} else if (ch === 0x5C /* \ */) {
if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x0A) {
const lineContent = getNextLine(nextLine)
if (lineContent !== null) {
str += lineContent
max = str.length
if (labelEnd < 0 || str.charCodeAt(labelEnd + 1) !== 0x3A/* : */) { return false }
// [label]: destination 'title'
// ^^^ skip optional whitespace here
for (pos = labelEnd + 2; pos < max; pos++) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(pos)
if (ch === 0x0A) {
const lineContent = getNextLine(nextLine)
if (lineContent !== null) {
str += lineContent
max = str.length
} else if (isSpace(ch)) {
/* eslint no-empty:0 */
} else {
// [label]: destination 'title'
// ^^^^^^^^^^^ parse this
const destRes =, pos, max)
if (!destRes.ok) { return false }
const href =
if (! { return false }
pos = destRes.pos
// save cursor state, we could require to rollback later
const destEndPos = pos
const destEndLineNo = nextLine
// [label]: destination 'title'
// ^^^ skipping those spaces
const start = pos
for (; pos < max; pos++) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(pos)
if (ch === 0x0A) {
const lineContent = getNextLine(nextLine)
if (lineContent !== null) {
str += lineContent
max = str.length
} else if (isSpace(ch)) {
/* eslint no-empty:0 */
} else {
// [label]: destination 'title'
// ^^^^^^^ parse this
let titleRes =, pos, max)
while (titleRes.can_continue) {
const lineContent = getNextLine(nextLine)
if (lineContent === null) break
str += lineContent
pos = max
max = str.length
titleRes =, pos, max, titleRes)
let title
if (pos < max && start !== pos && titleRes.ok) {
title = titleRes.str
pos = titleRes.pos
} else {
title = ''
pos = destEndPos
nextLine = destEndLineNo
// skip trailing spaces until the rest of the line
while (pos < max) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(pos)
if (!isSpace(ch)) { break }
if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x0A) {
if (title) {
// garbage at the end of the line after title,
// but it could still be a valid reference if we roll back
title = ''
pos = destEndPos
nextLine = destEndLineNo
while (pos < max) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(pos)
if (!isSpace(ch)) { break }
if (pos < max && str.charCodeAt(pos) !== 0x0A) {
// garbage at the end of the line
return false
const label = normalizeReference(str.slice(1, labelEnd))
if (!label) {
// CommonMark 0.20 disallows empty labels
return false
// Reference can not terminate anything. This check is for safety only.
/* istanbul ignore if */
if (silent) { return true }
if (typeof state.env.references === 'undefined') {
state.env.references = {}
if (typeof state.env.references[label] === 'undefined') {
state.env.references[label] = { title, href }
state.line = nextLine
return true