// Horizontal rule 'use strict'; module.exports = function hr(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var marker, cnt, ch, token, pos = state.bMarks[startLine] + state.tShift[startLine], max = state.eMarks[startLine]; marker = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); // Check hr marker if (marker !== 0x2A/* * */ && marker !== 0x2D/* - */ && marker !== 0x5F/* _ */) { return false; } // markers can be mixed with spaces, but there should be at least 3 one cnt = 1; while (pos < max) { ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos++); if (ch !== marker && ch !== 0x20/* space */) { return false; } if (ch === marker) { cnt++; } } if (cnt < 3) { return false; } if (silent) { return true; } state.line = startLine + 1; token = state.push('hr', 'hr', 0); token.map = [ startLine, state.line ]; token.markup = Array(cnt + 1).join(String.fromCharCode(marker)); return true; };