// For each opening emphasis-like marker find a matching closing one // 'use strict'; function processDelimiters(state, delimiters) { var closerIdx, openerIdx, closer, opener, minOpenerIdx, newMinOpenerIdx, isOddMatch, lastJump, openersBottom = {}, max = delimiters.length; for (closerIdx = 0; closerIdx < max; closerIdx++) { closer = delimiters[closerIdx]; // Length is only used for emphasis-specific "rule of 3", // if it's not defined (in strikethrough or 3rd party plugins), // we can default it to 0 to disable those checks. // closer.length = closer.length || 0; if (!closer.close) continue; // Previously calculated lower bounds (previous fails) // for each marker and each delimiter length modulo 3. if (!openersBottom.hasOwnProperty(closer.marker)) { openersBottom[closer.marker] = [ -1, -1, -1 ]; } minOpenerIdx = openersBottom[closer.marker][closer.length % 3]; openerIdx = closerIdx - closer.jump - 1; newMinOpenerIdx = openerIdx; for (; openerIdx > minOpenerIdx; openerIdx -= opener.jump + 1) { opener = delimiters[openerIdx]; if (opener.marker !== closer.marker) continue; if (opener.open && opener.end < 0) { isOddMatch = false; // from spec: // // If one of the delimiters can both open and close emphasis, then the // sum of the lengths of the delimiter runs containing the opening and // closing delimiters must not be a multiple of 3 unless both lengths // are multiples of 3. // if (opener.close || closer.open) { if ((opener.length + closer.length) % 3 === 0) { if (opener.length % 3 !== 0 || closer.length % 3 !== 0) { isOddMatch = true; } } } if (!isOddMatch) { // If previous delimiter cannot be an opener, we can safely skip // the entire sequence in future checks. This is required to make // sure algorithm has linear complexity (see *_*_*_*_*_... case). // lastJump = openerIdx > 0 && !delimiters[openerIdx - 1].open ? delimiters[openerIdx - 1].jump + 1 : 0; closer.jump = closerIdx - openerIdx + lastJump; closer.open = false; opener.end = closerIdx; opener.jump = lastJump; opener.close = false; newMinOpenerIdx = -1; break; } } } if (newMinOpenerIdx !== -1) { // If match for this delimiter run failed, we want to set lower bound for // future lookups. This is required to make sure algorithm has linear // complexity. // // See details here: // https://github.com/commonmark/cmark/issues/178#issuecomment-270417442 // openersBottom[closer.marker][(closer.length || 0) % 3] = newMinOpenerIdx; } } } module.exports = function link_pairs(state) { var curr, tokens_meta = state.tokens_meta, max = state.tokens_meta.length; processDelimiters(state, state.delimiters); for (curr = 0; curr < max; curr++) { if (tokens_meta[curr] && tokens_meta[curr].delimiters) { processDelimiters(state, tokens_meta[curr].delimiters); } } };