#!/usr/bin/env node /*eslint no-console:0*/ 'use strict'; var fs = require('fs'); var argparse = require('argparse'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var cli = new argparse.ArgumentParser({ prog: 'markdown-it', version: require('../package.json').version, addHelp: true }); cli.addArgument([ '--no-html' ], { help: 'Disable embedded HTML', action: 'storeTrue' }); cli.addArgument([ '-l', '--linkify' ], { help: 'Autolink text', action: 'storeTrue' }); cli.addArgument([ '-t', '--typographer' ], { help: 'Enable smartquotes and other typographic replacements', action: 'storeTrue' }); cli.addArgument([ '--trace' ], { help: 'Show stack trace on error', action: 'storeTrue' }); cli.addArgument([ 'file' ], { help: 'File to read', nargs: '?', defaultValue: '-' }); var options = cli.parseArgs(); function readFile(filename, encoding, callback) { if (options.file === '-') { // read from stdin var chunks = []; process.stdin.on('data', function(chunk) { chunks.push(chunk); }); process.stdin.on('end', function() { return callback(null, Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(encoding)); }); } else { fs.readFile(filename, encoding, callback); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// readFile(options.file, 'utf8', function (err, input) { var output, md; if (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { console.error('File not found: ' + options.file); process.exit(2); } console.error( options.trace && err.stack || err.message || String(err)); process.exit(1); } md = require('..')({ html: !options['no-html'], xhtmlOut: false, typographer: options.typographer, linkify: options.linkify }); try { output = md.render(input); } catch (e) { console.error( options.trace && e.stack || e.message || String(e)); process.exit(1); } process.stdout.write(output); process.exit(0); });