// GFM table, non-standard 'use strict'; function getLine(state, line) { var pos = state.bMarks[line] + state.blkIndent, max = state.eMarks[line]; return state.src.substr(pos, max - pos); } function escapedSplit(str) { var result = [], pos = 0, max = str.length, ch, escapes = 0, lastPos = 0; ch = str.charCodeAt(pos); while (pos < max) { if (ch === 0x7c/* | */ && (escapes % 2 === 0)) { result.push(str.substring(lastPos, pos)); lastPos = pos + 1; } else if (ch === 0x5c/* \ */) { escapes++; } else { escapes = 0; } ch = str.charCodeAt(++pos); } result.push(str.substring(lastPos)); return result; } module.exports = function table(state, startLine, endLine, silent) { var ch, lineText, pos, i, nextLine, rows, token, aligns, t, tableLines, tbodyLines; // should have at least three lines if (startLine + 2 > endLine) { return false; } nextLine = startLine + 1; if (state.tShift[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { return false; } // first character of the second line should be '|' or '-' pos = state.bMarks[nextLine] + state.tShift[nextLine]; if (pos >= state.eMarks[nextLine]) { return false; } ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch !== 0x7C/* | */ && ch !== 0x2D/* - */ && ch !== 0x3A/* : */) { return false; } lineText = getLine(state, startLine + 1); if (!/^[-:| ]+$/.test(lineText)) { return false; } rows = lineText.split('|'); if (rows.length < 2) { return false; } aligns = []; for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { t = rows[i].trim(); if (!t) { // allow empty columns before and after table, but not in between columns; // e.g. allow ` |---| `, disallow ` ---||--- ` if (i === 0 || i === rows.length - 1) { continue; } else { return false; } } if (!/^:?-+:?$/.test(t)) { return false; } if (t.charCodeAt(t.length - 1) === 0x3A/* : */) { aligns.push(t.charCodeAt(0) === 0x3A/* : */ ? 'center' : 'right'); } else if (t.charCodeAt(0) === 0x3A/* : */) { aligns.push('left'); } else { aligns.push(''); } } lineText = getLine(state, startLine).trim(); if (lineText.indexOf('|') === -1) { return false; } rows = escapedSplit(lineText.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '')); if (aligns.length !== rows.length) { return false; } if (silent) { return true; } token = state.push('table_open', 'table', 1); token.map = tableLines = [ startLine, 0 ]; token = state.push('thead_open', 'thead', 1); token.map = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; token = state.push('tr_open', 'tr', 1); token.map = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { token = state.push('th_open', 'th', 1); token.map = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; if (aligns[i]) { token.attrs = [ [ 'style', 'text-align:' + aligns[i] ] ]; } token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = rows[i].trim(); token.map = [ startLine, startLine + 1 ]; token.children = []; token = state.push('th_close', 'th', -1); } token = state.push('tr_close', 'tr', -1); token = state.push('thead_close', 'thead', -1); token = state.push('tbody_open', 'tbody', 1); token.map = tbodyLines = [ startLine + 2, 0 ]; for (nextLine = startLine + 2; nextLine < endLine; nextLine++) { if (state.tShift[nextLine] < state.blkIndent) { break; } lineText = getLine(state, nextLine).trim(); if (lineText.indexOf('|') === -1) { break; } rows = escapedSplit(lineText.replace(/^\||\|$/g, '')); // set number of columns to number of columns in header row rows.length = aligns.length; token = state.push('tr_open', 'tr', 1); for (i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { token = state.push('td_open', 'td', 1); if (aligns[i]) { token.attrs = [ [ 'style', 'text-align:' + aligns[i] ] ]; } token = state.push('inline', '', 0); token.content = rows[i] ? rows[i].trim() : ''; token.children = []; token = state.push('td_close', 'td', -1); } token = state.push('tr_close', 'tr', -1); } token = state.push('tbody_close', 'tbody', -1); token = state.push('table_close', 'table', -1); tableLines[1] = tbodyLines[1] = nextLine; state.line = nextLine; return true; };