#!/usr/bin/env node /* eslint no-console:0 */ // Fixtures generator from commonmark specs. Split spec to working / not working // examples, or show total stat. import fs from 'node:fs' import argparse from 'argparse' import markdownit from '../index.mjs' const cli = new argparse.ArgumentParser({ add_help: true }) cli.add_argument('type', { help: 'type of examples to filter', nargs: '?', choices: ['good', 'bad'] }) cli.add_argument('-s', '--spec', { help: 'spec file to read', default: new URL('../test/fixtures/commonmark/spec.txt', import.meta.url) }) cli.add_argument('-o', '--output', { help: 'output file, stdout if not set', default: '-' }) const options = cli.parse_args() function normalize (text) { return text.replace(/<blockquote>\n<\/blockquote>/g, '<blockquote></blockquote>') } function readFile (filename, encoding, callback) { if (options.file === '-') { // read from stdin const chunks = [] process.stdin.on('data', function (chunk) { chunks.push(chunk) }) process.stdin.on('end', function () { return callback(null, Buffer.concat(chunks).toString(encoding)) }) } else { fs.readFile(filename, encoding, callback) } } readFile(options.spec, 'utf8', function (error, input) { const good = [] const bad = [] const markdown = markdownit('commonmark') if (error) { if (error.code === 'ENOENT') { process.stderr.write('File not found: ' + options.spec) process.exit(2) } process.stderr.write(error.stack || error.message || String(error)) process.exit(1) } input = input.replace(/→/g, '\t') markdown.parse(input, {}) .filter(function (token) { return token.tag === 'code' && token.info.trim() === 'example' }) .forEach(function (token) { const arr = token.content.split(/^\.\s*?$/m, 2) const md = arr[0] const html = arr[1].replace(/^\n/, '') const result = { md, html, line: token.map[0], err: '' } if (markdown.render(md) === normalize(html)) { good.push(result) } else { result.err = markdown.render(md) bad.push(result) } }) const out = [] if (!options.type) { out.push(`CM spec stat: passed samples - ${good.length}, failed samples - ${bad.length}`) } else { const data = options.type === 'good' ? good : bad data.forEach(function (sample) { out.push( '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\n' + `src line: ${sample.line}\n\n.\n${sample.md}.\n${sample.html}.\n` ) if (sample.err) { out.push(`error:\n\n${sample.err}\n`) } }) } if (options.output !== '-') fs.writeFileSync(options.output, out.join('\n')) else console.log(out.join('\n')) process.exit(0) })