// Replace link-like texts with link nodes. // // Currently restricted to http/https/ftp // 'use strict'; var Autolinker = require('autolinker'); var escapeHtml = require('../common/utils').escapeHtml; var links = []; var autolinker = new Autolinker({ stripPrefix: false, replaceFn: function (autolinker, match) { // Only collect matched strings but don't change anything. if (match.getType() === 'url') { links.push(match.getUrl()); } return false; } }); module.exports = function linkify(t, state) { var i, token, text, nodes, ln, pos, level, tokens = state.tokens; for (i = tokens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { token = tokens[i]; // Skip content of links if (token.type === 'link_close') { i--; while (tokens[i].type !== 'link_open' && tokens[i].level !== token.level) { i--; } i--; continue; } if (token.type === 'text' && (token.content.indexOf('://') || token.content.indexOf('www'))) { text = token.content; links = []; autolinker.link(text); if (!links.length) { continue; } // Now split string to nodes nodes = []; level = token.level; for (ln = 0; ln < links.length; ln++) { if (!state.parser.validateLink(links[ln])) { continue; } pos = text.indexOf(links[ln]); if (pos) { level = level; nodes.push({ type: 'text', content: text.slice(0, pos), level: level }); } nodes.push({ type: 'link_open', href: links[ln], title: '', level: level++ }); nodes.push({ type: 'text', content: escapeHtml(links[ln]), level: level }); nodes.push({ type: 'link_close', level: --level }); text = text.slice(pos + links[ln].length); } if (text.length) { nodes.push({ type: 'text', content: text, level: level }); } // replace cuttent node state.tokens = tokens = [].concat(tokens.slice(0, i), nodes, tokens.slice(i + 1)); } } };