Browse Source

Dist rebuild

Vitaly Puzrin 3 years ago
  1. 283
  2. 6


@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
/*! markdown-it 12.3.2 @license MIT */
/*! markdown-it 13.0.0 @license MIT */
(function(global, factory) {
typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined" ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === "function" && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : global || self,
global.markdownit = factory());
@ -3662,13 +3662,13 @@
var arrayReplaceAt = utils.arrayReplaceAt;
function isLinkOpen(str) {
function isLinkOpen$1(str) {
return /^<a[>\s]/i.test(str);
function isLinkClose(str) {
function isLinkClose$1(str) {
return /^<\/a\s*>/i.test(str);
var linkify = function linkify(state) {
var linkify$1 = function linkify(state) {
var i, j, l, tokens, token, currentToken, nodes, ln, text, pos, lastPos, level, htmlLinkLevel, url, fullUrl, urlText, blockTokens = state.tokens, links;
if (! {
@ -3693,10 +3693,10 @@
// Skip content of html tag links
if (currentToken.type === "html_inline") {
if (isLinkOpen(currentToken.content) && htmlLinkLevel > 0) {
if (isLinkOpen$1(currentToken.content) && htmlLinkLevel > 0) {
if (isLinkClose(currentToken.content)) {
if (isLinkClose$1(currentToken.content)) {
@ -3710,6 +3710,12 @@
nodes = [];
level = currentToken.level;
lastPos = 0;
// forbid escape sequence at the start of the string,
// this avoids http\:// from being linkified as
// http:<a href="//">//</a>
if (links.length > 0 && links[0].index === 0 && i > 0 && tokens[i - 1].type === "text_special") {
links = links.slice(1);
for (ln = 0; ln < links.length; ln++) {
url = links[ln].url;
fullUrl =;
@ -3767,16 +3773,15 @@
// Simple typographic replacements
// TODO:
// - fractionals 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 -> ½, ¼, ¾
// - miltiplication 2 x 4 -> 2 × 4
// - multiplications 2 x 4 -> 2 × 4
var RARE_RE = /\+-|\.\.|\?\?\?\?|!!!!|,,|--/;
// Workaround for phantomjs - need regex without /g flag,
// or root check will fail every second time
var SCOPED_ABBR_TEST_RE = /\((c|tm|r|p)\)/i;
var SCOPED_ABBR_RE = /\((c|tm|r|p)\)/gi;
var SCOPED_ABBR_TEST_RE = /\((c|tm|r)\)/i;
var SCOPED_ABBR_RE = /\((c|tm|r)\)/gi;
c: "\xa9",
r: "\xae",
p: "\xa7",
tm: "\u2122"
function replaceFn(match, name) {
@ -3838,7 +3843,7 @@
var QUOTE_RE = /['"]/g;
var APOSTROPHE = "\u2019";
/* ’ */ function replaceAt(str, index, ch) {
return str.substr(0, index) + ch + str.substr(index + 1);
return str.slice(0, index) + ch + str.slice(index + 1);
function process_inlines(tokens, state) {
var i, token, text, t, pos, max, thisLevel, item, lastChar, nextChar, isLastPunctChar, isNextPunctChar, isLastWhiteSpace, isNextWhiteSpace, canOpen, canClose, j, isSingle, stack, openQuote, closeQuote;
@ -3997,6 +4002,34 @@
process_inlines(state.tokens[blkIdx].children, state);
// Join raw text tokens with the rest of the text
var text_join = function text_join(state) {
var j, l, tokens, curr, max, last, blockTokens = state.tokens;
for (j = 0, l = blockTokens.length; j < l; j++) {
if (blockTokens[j].type !== "inline") continue;
tokens = blockTokens[j].children;
max = tokens.length;
for (curr = 0; curr < max; curr++) {
if (tokens[curr].type === "text_special") {
tokens[curr].type = "text";
for (curr = last = 0; curr < max; curr++) {
if (tokens[curr].type === "text" && curr + 1 < max && tokens[curr + 1].type === "text") {
// collapse two adjacent text nodes
tokens[curr + 1].content = tokens[curr].content + tokens[curr + 1].content;
} else {
if (curr !== last) {
tokens[last] = tokens[curr];
if (curr !== last) {
tokens.length = last;
// Token class
* class Token
@ -4160,7 +4193,10 @@
// re-export Token class to use in core rules
StateCore.prototype.Token = token;
var state_core = StateCore;
var _rules$2 = [ [ "normalize", normalize ], [ "block", block ], [ "inline", inline ], [ "linkify", linkify ], [ "replacements", replacements ], [ "smartquotes", smartquotes ] ];
var _rules$2 = [ [ "normalize", normalize ], [ "block", block ], [ "inline", inline ], [ "linkify", linkify$1 ], [ "replacements", replacements ], [ "smartquotes", smartquotes ],
// `text_join` finds `text_special` tokens (for escape sequences)
// and joins them with the rest of the text
[ "text_join", text_join ] ];
* new Core()
**/ function Core() {
@ -4190,7 +4226,7 @@
var isSpace$a = utils.isSpace;
function getLine(state, line) {
var pos = state.bMarks[line] + state.tShift[line], max = state.eMarks[line];
return state.src.substr(pos, max - pos);
return state.src.slice(pos, max);
function escapedSplit(str) {
var result = [], pos = 0, max = str.length, ch, isEscaped = false, lastPos = 0, current = "";
@ -5750,6 +5786,44 @@
state.pos = pos;
return true;
// Process links like
// RFC3986: scheme = ALPHA *( ALPHA / DIGIT / "+" / "-" / "." )
var SCHEME_RE = /(?:^|[^a-z0-9.+-])([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*)$/i;
var linkify = function linkify(state, silent) {
var pos, max, match, proto, link, url, fullUrl, token;
if (! return false;
if (state.linkLevel > 0) return false;
pos = state.pos;
max = state.posMax;
if (pos + 3 > max) return false;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 58 /* : */) return false;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1) !== 47 /* / */) return false;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 2) !== 47 /* / */) return false;
match = state.pending.match(SCHEME_RE);
if (!match) return false;
proto = match[1];
link = - proto.length));
if (!link) return false;
url = link.url;
// disallow '*' at the end of the link (conflicts with emphasis)
url = url.replace(/\*+$/, "");
fullUrl =;
if (! return false;
if (!silent) {
state.pending = state.pending.slice(0, -proto.length);
token = state.push("link_open", "a", 1);
token.attrs = [ [ "href", fullUrl ] ];
token.markup = "linkify"; = "auto";
token = state.push("text", "", 0);
token.content =;
token = state.push("link_close", "a", -1);
token.markup = "linkify"; = "auto";
state.pos += url.length - proto.length;
return true;
var isSpace$3 = utils.isSpace;
var newline = function newline(state, silent) {
var pmax, max, ws, pos = state.pos;
@ -5795,41 +5869,46 @@
ESCAPED[ch.charCodeAt(0)] = 1;
var _escape = function escape(state, silent) {
var ch, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 92 /* \ */) {
return false;
var ch1, ch2, origStr, escapedStr, token, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 92 /* \ */) return false;
if (pos < max) {
ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos);
if (ch < 256 && ESCAPED[ch] !== 0) {
if (!silent) {
state.pending += state.src[pos];
state.pos += 2;
return true;
// '\' at the end of the inline block
if (pos >= max) return false;
ch1 = state.src.charCodeAt(pos);
if (ch1 === 10) {
if (!silent) {
state.push("hardbreak", "br", 0);
if (ch === 10) {
if (!silent) {
state.push("hardbreak", "br", 0);
// skip leading whitespaces from next line
while (pos < max) {
ch1 = state.src.charCodeAt(pos);
if (!isSpace$2(ch1)) break;
state.pos = pos;
return true;
escapedStr = state.src[pos];
if (ch1 >= 55296 && ch1 <= 56319 && pos + 1 < max) {
ch2 = state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
if (ch2 >= 56320 && ch2 <= 57343) {
escapedStr += state.src[pos + 1];
// skip leading whitespaces from next line
while (pos < max) {
ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos);
if (!isSpace$2(ch)) {
state.pos = pos;
return true;
origStr = "\\" + escapedStr;
if (!silent) {
state.pending += "\\";
token = state.push("text_special", "", 0);
if (ch1 < 256 && ESCAPED[ch1] !== 0) {
token.content = escapedStr;
} else {
token.content = origStr;
token.markup = origStr; = "escape";
state.pos = pos + 1;
return true;
// Parse backticks
@ -6184,7 +6263,9 @@
if (title) {
attrs.push([ "title", title ]);
token = state.push("link_close", "a", -1);
state.pos = pos;
@ -6371,6 +6452,12 @@
return false;
var HTML_TAG_RE = html_re.HTML_TAG_RE;
function isLinkOpen(str) {
return /^<a[>\s]/i.test(str);
function isLinkClose(str) {
return /^<\/a\s*>/i.test(str);
function isLetter(ch) {
/*eslint no-bitwise:0*/
var lc = ch | 32;
@ -6399,6 +6486,8 @@
if (!silent) {
token = state.push("html_inline", "", 0);
token.content = state.src.slice(pos, pos + match[0].length);
if (isLinkOpen(token.content)) state.linkLevel++;
if (isLinkClose(token.content)) state.linkLevel--;
state.pos += match[0].length;
return true;
@ -6409,40 +6498,39 @@
var DIGITAL_RE = /^&#((?:x[a-f0-9]{1,6}|[0-9]{1,7}));/i;
var NAMED_RE = /^&([a-z][a-z0-9]{1,31});/i;
var entity = function entity(state, silent) {
var ch, code, match, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 38 /* & */) {
return false;
if (pos + 1 < max) {
ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
if (ch === 35 /* # */) {
match = state.src.slice(pos).match(DIGITAL_RE);
if (match) {
var ch, code, match, token, pos = state.pos, max = state.posMax;
if (state.src.charCodeAt(pos) !== 38 /* & */) return false;
if (pos + 1 >= max) return false;
ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos + 1);
if (ch === 35 /* # */) {
match = state.src.slice(pos).match(DIGITAL_RE);
if (match) {
if (!silent) {
code = match[1][0].toLowerCase() === "x" ? parseInt(match[1].slice(1), 16) : parseInt(match[1], 10);
token = state.push("text_special", "", 0);
token.content = isValidEntityCode(code) ? fromCodePoint(code) : fromCodePoint(65533);
token.markup = match[0]; = "entity";
state.pos += match[0].length;
return true;
} else {
match = state.src.slice(pos).match(NAMED_RE);
if (match) {
if (has(entities, match[1])) {
if (!silent) {
code = match[1][0].toLowerCase() === "x" ? parseInt(match[1].slice(1), 16) : parseInt(match[1], 10);
state.pending += isValidEntityCode(code) ? fromCodePoint(code) : fromCodePoint(65533);
token = state.push("text_special", "", 0);
token.content = entities[match[1]];
token.markup = match[0]; = "entity";
state.pos += match[0].length;
return true;
} else {
match = state.src.slice(pos).match(NAMED_RE);
if (match) {
if (has(entities, match[1])) {
if (!silent) {
state.pending += entities[match[1]];
state.pos += match[0].length;
return true;
if (!silent) {
state.pending += "&";
return true;
return false;
// For each opening emphasis-like marker find a matching closing one
function processDelimiters(state, delimiters) {
@ -6537,7 +6625,7 @@
// Clean up tokens after emphasis and strikethrough postprocessing:
var text_collapse = function text_collapse(state) {
var fragments_join = function fragments_join(state) {
var curr, last, level = 0, tokens = state.tokens, max = state.tokens.length;
for (curr = last = 0; curr < max; curr++) {
// re-calculate levels after emphasis/strikethrough turns some text nodes
@ -6585,6 +6673,9 @@
// backtick length => last seen position
this.backticks = {};
this.backticksScanned = false;
// Counter used to disable inline linkify-it execution
// inside <a> and markdown links
this.linkLevel = 0;
// Flush pending text
@ -6677,8 +6768,16 @@
var state_inline = StateInline;
// Parser rules
var _rules = [ [ "text", text ], [ "newline", newline ], [ "escape", _escape ], [ "backticks", backticks ], [ "strikethrough", strikethrough.tokenize ], [ "emphasis", emphasis.tokenize ], [ "link", link ], [ "image", image ], [ "autolink", autolink ], [ "html_inline", html_inline ], [ "entity", entity ] ];
var _rules2 = [ [ "balance_pairs", balance_pairs ], [ "strikethrough", strikethrough.postProcess ], [ "emphasis", emphasis.postProcess ], [ "text_collapse", text_collapse ] ];
var _rules = [ [ "text", text ], [ "linkify", linkify ], [ "newline", newline ], [ "escape", _escape ], [ "backticks", backticks ], [ "strikethrough", strikethrough.tokenize ], [ "emphasis", emphasis.tokenize ], [ "link", link ], [ "image", image ], [ "autolink", autolink ], [ "html_inline", html_inline ], [ "entity", entity ] ];
// `rule2` ruleset was created specifically for emphasis/strikethrough
// post-processing and may be changed in the future.
// Don't use this for anything except pairs (plugins working with `balance_pairs`).
var _rules2 = [ [ "balance_pairs", balance_pairs ], [ "strikethrough", strikethrough.postProcess ], [ "emphasis", emphasis.postProcess ],
// rules for pairs separate '**' into its own text tokens, which may be left unused,
// rule below merges unused segments back with the rest of the text
[ "fragments_join", fragments_join ] ];
* new ParserInline()
**/ function ParserInline() {
@ -6785,6 +6884,7 @@
var parser_inline = ParserInline;
var re = function(opts) {
var re = {};
opts = opts || {};
// Use direct extract instead of `regenerate` to reduse browserified size
re.src_Any = regex$3.source;
re.src_Cc = regex$2.source;
@ -6808,8 +6908,8 @@
// Prohibit any of "@/[]()" in user/pass to avoid wrong domain fetch.
re.src_auth = "(?:(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[@/\\[\\]()]).)+@)?";
re.src_port = "(?::(?:6(?:[0-4]\\d{3}|5(?:[0-4]\\d{2}|5(?:[0-2]\\d|3[0-5])))|[1-5]?\\d{1,4}))?";
re.src_host_terminator = "(?=$|" + text_separators + "|" + re.src_ZPCc + ")(?!-|_|:\\d|\\.-|\\.(?!$|" + re.src_ZPCc + "))";
re.src_path = "(?:" + "[/?#]" + "(?:" + "(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|" + text_separators + "|[()[\\]{}.,\"'?!\\-;]).|" + "\\[(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|\\]).)*\\]|" + "\\((?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[)]).)*\\)|" + "\\{(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[}]).)*\\}|" + '\\"(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|["]).)+\\"|' + "\\'(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[']).)+\\'|" + "\\'(?=" + re.src_pseudo_letter + "|[-]).|" + // allow `I'm_king` if no pair found
re.src_host_terminator = "(?=$|" + text_separators + "|" + re.src_ZPCc + ")" + "(?!" + (opts["---"] ? "-(?!--)|" : "-|") + "_|:\\d|\\.-|\\.(?!$|" + re.src_ZPCc + "))";
re.src_path = "(?:" + "[/?#]" + "(?:" + "(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|" + text_separators + "|[()[\\]{}.,\"'?!\\-;]).|" + "\\[(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|\\]).)*\\]|" + "\\((?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[)]).)*\\)|" + "\\{(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[}]).)*\\}|" + '\\"(?:(?!' + re.src_ZCc + '|["]).)+\\"|' + "\\'(?:(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[']).)+\\'|" + "\\'(?=" + re.src_pseudo_letter + "|[-])|" + // allow `I'm_king` if no pair found
"\\.{2,}[a-zA-Z0-9%/&]|" + // google has many dots in "google search" links (#66, #81).
// github has ... in commit range links,
// Restrict to
@ -6818,10 +6918,10 @@
// - parts of file path
// - params separator
// until more examples found.
"\\.(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[.]).|" + (opts && opts["---"] ? "\\-(?!--(?:[^-]|$))(?:-*)|" : "\\-+|") + ",(?!" + re.src_ZCc + ").|" + // allow `,,,` in paths
";(?!" + re.src_ZCc + ").|" + // allow `;` if not followed by space-like char
"\\!+(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[!]).|" + // allow `!!!` in paths, but not at the end
"\\?(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[?])." + ")+" + "|\\/" + ")?";
"\\.(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[.]|$)|" + (opts["---"] ? "\\-(?!--(?:[^-]|$))(?:-*)|" : "\\-+|") + ",(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|$)|" + // allow `,,,` in paths
";(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|$)|" + // allow `;` if not followed by space-like char
"\\!+(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[!]|$)|" + // allow `!!!` in paths, but not at the end
"\\?(?!" + re.src_ZCc + "|[?]|$)" + ")+" + "|\\/" + ")?";
// Allow anything in markdown spec, forbid quote (") at the first position
// because emails enclosed in quotes are far more common
re.src_email_name = '[\\-;:&=\\+\\$,\\.a-zA-Z0-9_][\\-;:&=\\+\\$,\\"\\.a-zA-Z0-9_]*';
@ -7073,6 +7173,7 @@
// (?!_) cause 1.5x slowdown = RegExp("(^|(?!_)(?:[><\uff5c]|" + re$1.src_ZPCc + "))(" + slist + ")", "i"); = RegExp("(^|(?!_)(?:[><\uff5c]|" + re$1.src_ZPCc + "))(" + slist + ")", "ig"); = RegExp("^" +, "i"); = RegExp("(" + + ")|(" + + ")|@", "i");
// Cleanup
@ -7322,6 +7423,26 @@
return null;
* LinkifyIt#matchAtStart(text) -> Match|null
* Returns fully-formed (not fuzzy) link if it starts at the beginning
* of the string, and null otherwise.
**/ LinkifyIt.prototype.matchAtStart = function matchAtStart(text) {
// Reset scan cache
this.__text_cache__ = text;
this.__index__ = -1;
if (!text.length) return null;
var m =;
if (!m) return null;
var len = this.testSchemaAt(text, m[2], m[0].length);
if (len) {
this.__schema__ = m[2];
this.__index__ = m.index + m[1].length;
this.__last_index__ = m.index + m[0].length + len;
return createMatch(this, 0);
/** chainable
* LinkifyIt#tlds(list [, keepOld]) -> this
* - list (Array): list of tlds
@ -7814,14 +7935,14 @@
components: {
core: {
rules: [ "normalize", "block", "inline" ]
rules: [ "normalize", "block", "inline", "text_join" ]
block: {
rules: [ "paragraph" ]
inline: {
rules: [ "text" ],
rules2: [ "balance_pairs", "text_collapse" ]
rules2: [ "balance_pairs", "fragments_join" ]
@ -7855,14 +7976,14 @@
components: {
core: {
rules: [ "normalize", "block", "inline" ]
rules: [ "normalize", "block", "inline", "text_join" ]
block: {
rules: [ "blockquote", "code", "fence", "heading", "hr", "html_block", "lheading", "list", "reference", "paragraph" ]
inline: {
rules: [ "autolink", "backticks", "emphasis", "entity", "escape", "html_inline", "image", "link", "newline", "text" ],
rules2: [ "balance_pairs", "emphasis", "text_collapse" ]
rules2: [ "balance_pairs", "emphasis", "fragments_join" ]


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long