Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

51 lines
2.0 KiB

# Development recommendations
Prior to continue, make sure you've readed:
1. [README](
2. [API documentation](
3. [Architecture description](
## General considerations for plugins.
1. Try to understand, where your plugin rule sould be located
- Will it conflict with existing markup (by priority)?
- If yes - you need to write inline or block rule.
- If no - you can morth tokens in core chain.
- Remember, that tokens morphing in core is always more simple than writing
block / inline rules. However, block / inline rules are usually faster
- Sometime it's enougth to modify renderer only (for example, to add
header IDs or target=_blank for the links)
2. Search existing [plugins](
or [rules](,
doing something similar. It can me more simple to modify existing code,
instead of writing from scratch.
3. If you did all steps above, but still has questions - ask in
[tracker]( But, please:
- Be specific. Generic questions like "how to do plugins" and
"how to learn programming" are not accepted.
- Don't ask us to break [CommonMark]( specification.
Such things should be discussed first on [CommonMark forum](
## Notes for NPM packages
To simplify search:
- add to `package.json` keyswords `markdown-it` and `markdown-it-plugin` for plugins
- add keyword `markdown-it` for any other related packages.
## FAQ
#### I need async rule, how to do it?
Sorry. You can't do it directly. All complex parsers are sync by nature. But you
can use workarounds:
1. On parse phase, replace content by random number and store it in `env`.
2. Do async processing over collected data.
3. Render content and replace those random numbers with text
(or replace first, then render)