Markdown parser, done right. 100% CommonMark support, extensions, syntax plugins & high speed
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

254 lines
7.6 KiB

10 years ago
# markdown-it
[![Build Status](](
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> Markdown parser done right. Fast and easy to extend.
__[Live demo](
__v4.+ changed internals! Plugins need update. See [migration details](
- Supports the CommonMark spec + syntax extensions + sugar (URL autolinking, typographer).
- Configurable syntax! You can add new rules and even replace existing ones.
- High speed!
- Community-written __[plugins]( and [other packages]( on npm.
__Table of content__
- [Install](#install)
- [Usage examples](#usage-examples)
- [API](#api)
- [Syntax extensions](#syntax-extensions)
- [Benchmark](#benchmark)
- [Authors](#authors)
- [References / Thanks](#references--thanks)
- [License](#license)
## Install
10 years ago
npm install markdown-it --save
**browser (CDN):**
- [jsDeliver CDN](!markdown-it "jsDelivr CDN")
- [ CDN]( "")
## Usage examples
See also:
- __[API documentation]( - for more
info and examples.
- [Development info]( -
for plugins writers.
### Simple
// node.js, "classic" way:
var MarkdownIt = require('markdown-it'),
md = new MarkdownIt();
var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!');
// node.js, the same, but with sugar:
var md = require('markdown-it')();
var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!');
// browser without AMD, added to "window" on script load
// Note, there are no dash.
var md = window.markdownit();
var result = md.render('# markdown-it rulezz!');
Single line rendering, without paragraph wrap:
var md = require('markdown-it')();
var result = md.renderInline('__markdown-it__ rulezz!');
### Init with presets and options
(*) preset define combination of active rules and options. Can be
`"commonmark"`, `"zero"` or `"default"` (if skipped). See
[API docs]( for more details.
// commonmark mode
var md = require('markdown-it')('commonmark');
// default mode
var md = require('markdown-it')();
// enable everything
var md = require('markdown-it')({
html: true,
linkify: true,
typographer: true
// full options list (defaults)
var md = require('markdown-it')({
html: false, // Enable HTML tags in source
xhtmlOut: false, // Use '/' to close single tags (<br />).
// This is only for full CommonMark compatibility.
breaks: false, // Convert '\n' in paragraphs into <br>
langPrefix: 'language-', // CSS language prefix for fenced blocks. Can be
// useful for external highlighters.
linkify: false, // Autoconvert URL-like text to links
// Enable some language-neutral replacement + quotes beautification
typographer: false,
// Double + single quotes replacement pairs, when typographer enabled,
// and smartquotes on. Set doubles to '«»' for Russian, '„“' for German.
quotes: '“”‘’',
// Highlighter function. Should return escaped HTML,
// or '' if the source string is not changed and should be escaped externaly.
highlight: function (/*str, lang*/) { return ''; }
### Plugins load
var md = require('markdown-it')()
.use(plugin2, opts, ...)
### Syntax highlighting
Apply syntax highlighting to fenced code blocks with the `highlight` option:
var hljs = require('highlight.js') //
// Actual default values
var md = require('markdown-it')({
highlight: function (str, lang) {
if (lang && hljs.getLanguage(lang)) {
try {
return hljs.highlight(lang, str).value;
} catch (__) {}
try {
return hljs.highlightAuto(str).value;
} catch (__) {}
return ''; // use external default escaping
## API
__[API documentation](
If you are going to write plugins - take a look at
[Development info](
## Syntax extensions
Embedded (enabled by default):
- [Tables]( (GFM)
- [Strikethrough]( (GFM)
Via plugins:
- [subscript](
- [superscript](
- [footnote](
- [definition list](
- [abbreviation](
- [emoji](
- [custom container](
- [insert](
- [mark](
- ... and [others](
### Manage rules
By default all rules are enabled, but can be restricted by options. On plugin
load all it's rules are enabled automatically.
// Activate/deactivate rules, with curring
var md = require('markdown-it')()
.disable([ 'link', 'image' ])
.enable([ 'link' ])
// Enable everything
md = require('markdown-it')('full', {
html: true,
linkify: true,
typographer: true,
## Benchmark
Here is result of CommonMark spec parse at Core i5 2.4 GHz (i5-4258U):
$ benchmark/benchmark.js spec
Selected samples: (1 of 27)
> spec
Sample: spec.txt (110610 bytes)
> commonmark-reference x 68.63 ops/sec ±6.53% (72 runs sampled)
> current x 79.62 ops/sec ±3.22% (80 runs sampled)
> current-commonmark x 103 ops/sec ±1.10% (76 runs sampled)
> marked-0.3.2 x 23.14 ops/sec ±1.66% (42 runs sampled)
As you can see, `markdown-it` doesn't pay with speed for it's flexibility.
Because it's written in monomorphyc style and uses JIT inline caches effectively.
## Authors
- Alex Kocharin [github/rlidwka](
- Vitaly Puzrin [github/puzrin](
_markdown-it_ is the result of the decision of the authors who contributed to
99% of the _Remarkable_ code to move to a project with the same authorship but
new leadership (Vitaly and Alex). It's not a fork.
## References / Thanks
Big thanks to [John MacFarlane]( for his work on the
CommonMark spec and reference implementations. His work saved us a lot of time
during this project's development.
**Related Links:**
- - reference CommonMark implementations in C & JS,
also contains latest spec & online demo.
- - CommonMark forum, good place to collaborate
developers' efforts.
## License