JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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export interface slideType {
html: string;
el: HTMLElement | null;
isDom: boolean;
class: string;
index: number;
dim: number;
gap: number;
pos: number;
transition: string | false;
thumb?: string | HTMLImageElement;
thumbSrc?: string;
thumbElSrc?: string;
thumbEl?: HTMLImageElement;
import { Constructor } from "../shared/Base/types";
import { Plugin } from "../shared/Base/Plugin";
import { Carousel } from "./Carousel";
export type PluginsType = Record<string, Constructor<Plugin<Carousel, any, any>>>;
export type userSlideType = String | HTMLElement | Partial<slideType>;
export type pageType = {
index: number;
slides: Array<slideType>;
dim: number;
pos: number;
import { ComponentEventsType } from "../shared/Base/types";
import { EventsType as PanzoomEventsType } from "../Panzoom/types";
export type CarouselEventsType = ComponentEventsType
* Initialization has started, plugins have been added
| "init"
* The layout is initialized
| "initLayout"
* A slide object is created
| "initSlide"
* All slides have objects created
| "initSlides"
* A corresponding DOM element is created for the slide
| "createSlide"
* The element corresponding to the slide is removed from the DOM
| "removeSlide"
* Slide is marked as being on the active page
| "selectSlide"
* Slide is no longer on the active page
| "unselectSlide"
* Initialization has been completed
| "ready"
* Carousel metrics have been updated
| "refresh"
* The active page of the carousel is changed
| "change"
* Single click event has been detected
| "click"
* The image is lazy loaded
| "load"
* The slide change animation has finished
| "settle" | `Panzoom.${PanzoomEventsType}`;
export type Events = Record<CarouselEventsType, (...args: any[]) => void>;