JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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944 B

import { DeepGet, DeepKeyOf, Listener } from "./types";
export declare class Base<OptionsType, EventsType> {
options: Partial<OptionsType>;
static version: string;
static defaults: unknown;
protected events: Map<EventsType, Array<Listener>>;
constructor(options?: Partial<OptionsType>);
setOptions(options: Partial<OptionsType>): void;
option<T extends DeepKeyOf<OptionsType>>(key: T, any): Exclude<DeepGet<OptionsType, T>, Function>;
optionFor<T extends DeepKeyOf<OptionsType>>(obj: any, key: T, fallback?: DeepGet<OptionsType, T>, any): Exclude<DeepGet<OptionsType, T>, Function>;
cn(key: string): string;
localize(str: string, params?: Array<[string, any]>): string;
on(what: EventsType | EventsType[] | "*", listener: Listener): void;
off(what: EventsType | EventsType[] | "*", listener: Listener): void;
emit(event: EventsType, ...args: any[]): void;