JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Plugin } from "../../../shared/Base/Plugin";
import { slideType } from "../../../Carousel/types";
import { Fancybox } from "../../Fancybox";
export type HtmlOptionsType = {
* A body of data to be sent in the XHR request
ajax: Document | XMLHttpRequestBodyInit | null;
* If resize the iframe element to match the dimensions of the iframe page content
autoSize: boolean;
* If wait for iframe content to load before displaying
preload: boolean;
* If videos should start playing automatically after they are displayed
videoAutoplay: boolean;
* HTML5 video element template
videoTpl: string;
* Default HTML5 video format
videoFormat: string;
* Aspect ratio of the video element
videoRatio: number;
* Vimeo embedded player parameters
vimeo: {
byline: 0 | 1;
color: string;
controls: 0 | 1;
dnt: 0 | 1;
muted: 0 | 1;
* YouTube embedded player parameters
youtube: {
controls: 0 | 1;
enablejsapi: 0 | 1;
rel: 0 | 1;
fs: 0 | 1;
declare module "../../../Fancybox/options" {
interface PluginsOptionsType {
Html?: Boolean | Partial<HtmlOptionsType>;
export declare const defaultOptions: HtmlOptionsType;
export declare const contentTypes: readonly ["image", "html", "ajax", "inline", "clone", "iframe", "map", "pdf", "html5video", "youtube", "vimeo", "video"];
type contentType = typeof contentTypes[number];
declare module "../../../Carousel/types" {
interface slideType {
type?: contentType;
defaultType?: contentType;
ratio?: string | number;
videoFormat?: string;
ajax?: Document | XMLHttpRequestBodyInit | null;
xhr?: XMLHttpRequest | null;
poller?: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout>;
placeholderEl?: HTMLElement | null;
iframeEl?: HTMLIFrameElement | null;
preload?: boolean;
autoSize?: boolean;
videoId?: string;
autoplay?: boolean;
export declare class Html extends Plugin<Fancybox, HtmlOptionsType, ""> {
static defaults: HtmlOptionsType;
private onInitSlide;
private onCreateSlide;
private onRemoveSlide;
private onSelectSlide;
private onUnselectSlide;
private onDone;
private onRefresh;
private onMessage;
private loadAjaxContent;
private setInlineContent;
private setIframeContent;
private resizeIframe;
private playVideo;
private processType;
setContent(slide: slideType): void;
private setAspectRatio;
attach(): void;
detach(): void;
export {};