JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { Events } from "./types";
import { Fancybox } from "./Fancybox";
import { slideType } from "../Carousel/types";
import { OptionsType as CarouselOptionsType } from "../Carousel/options";
import { ClickAction as PanzoomClickAction } from "../Panzoom/types";
export interface PluginsOptionsType {
export type ClickAction = PanzoomClickAction | "close" | "next" | "prev";
export type keyboardAction = "close" | "next" | "prev";
export type keyboardType = {
Escape: keyboardAction;
Delete: keyboardAction;
Backspace: keyboardAction;
PageUp: keyboardAction;
PageDown: keyboardAction;
ArrowUp: keyboardAction;
ArrowDown: keyboardAction;
ArrowRight: keyboardAction;
ArrowLeft: keyboardAction;
export interface ComponentOptionsType {
* Should backdrop and UI elements fade in/out on start/close
animated: boolean;
* Set focus on first focusable element after displaying content
autoFocus: boolean;
* Change caption per slide
caption?: string | ((instance: Fancybox, slide: slideType, caption?: string) => string);
* Optional object to extend options for main Carousel
Carousel: Partial<CarouselOptionsType>;
* If true, a close button will be created above the content
closeButton: "auto" | boolean;
* If true, only one caption element will be used for all slides
commonCaption: boolean;
* If compact mode needs to be activated
compact: boolean | ((instance: Fancybox) => boolean);
* Default content type
defaultType: "image" | "iframe" | "video" | "inline" | "html";
* The default value of the CSS `display` property for hidden inline elements
defaultDisplay: "block" | "flex" | string;
* Enable drag-to-close gesture - drag content up/down to close instance
dragToClose: boolean;
* If Fancybox should start in full-scren mode
Fullscreen: {
autoStart: boolean;
* If true, all matching elements will be grouped together in one group
groupAll: boolean;
* The name of the attribute used for grouping
groupAttr: string;
* Class name to be applied to the content to hide it.
* Note: If you disable image zoom, this class name will be used to run the image hide animation.
hideClass: string | false;
* If browser scrollbar should be hidden
hideScrollbar: boolean;
* Custom `id` for the instance
id?: number | string;
* Timeout in milliseconds after which to activate idle mode
idle: number | false;
* Keyboard events
keyboard: keyboardType;
* Custom class name for the container
mainClass?: string;
* Element where container is appended
* Note. If no element is specified, container is appended to the `document.body`
parentEl?: HTMLElement | null;
* Set focus back to trigger element after closing Fancybox
placeFocusBack: boolean;
* Change source per slide
src?: string | HTMLElement | ((instance: Fancybox, slide: slideType) => string | HTMLElement);
* Class name to be applied to the content to reveal it.
* Note: If you disable image zoom, this class name will be used to run the image reveal animation.
showClass: string | false;
* Index of active slide on the start
startIndex: number;
* Trap focus inside Fancybox
trapFocus: boolean;
width?: "auto" | number | ((instance: Fancybox, slide: slideType) => "auto" | number);
height?: "auto" | number | ((instance: Fancybox, slide: slideType) => "auto" | number);
contentClick: ClickAction | ((any?: any) => ClickAction | void);
contentDblClick: ClickAction | ((any?: any) => ClickAction | void);
backdropClick: ClickAction | ((any?: any) => ClickAction | void);
on?: Partial<Events>;
l10n?: Record<string, string>;
tpl: {
closeButton?: string;
main?: string;
* Mouse wheel event listener
wheel: "zoom" | "pan" | "close" | "slide" | false | ((instance: Fancybox, event: MouseEvent) => "zoom" | "pan" | "close" | "slide" | false);
event?: MouseEvent | undefined;
trigger?: HTMLElement | null;
delegate?: HTMLElement | null;
Hash?: any;
Html?: any;
Images?: any;
Slideshow?: any;
Thumbs?: any;
Toolbar?: any;
export declare const defaultOptions: ComponentOptionsType;
export type OptionsType = PluginsOptionsType & ComponentOptionsType;