JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

214 lines
6.7 KiB

import { OptionsType } from "./options";
import { EventsType, PluginsType } from "./types";
import { States, SlideStates } from "./consts";
import { Component } from "../shared/Base/Component";
import { Carousel } from "../Carousel/Carousel";
import { slideType, userSlideType } from "../Carousel/types";
declare module "../Carousel/types" {
interface slideType {
src?: string | HTMLElement;
width?: number | "auto";
height?: number | "auto";
downloadSrc?: string;
filter?: string;
id?: string;
display?: string;
error?: string;
caption?: string;
contentEl?: HTMLElement;
captionEl?: HTMLElement;
spinnerEl?: HTMLElement;
closeBtnEl?: HTMLElement;
triggerEl?: HTMLElement;
thumbEl?: HTMLImageElement;
thumbElSrc?: string;
poster?: string;
state?: SlideStates;
export declare class Fancybox extends Component<OptionsType, EventsType> {
static version: string;
static defaults: Partial<OptionsType>;
static Plugins: PluginsType;
static openers: Map<HTMLElement, Map<string, Partial<OptionsType>>>;
private userSlides;
private userPlugins;
private idle;
private idleTimer;
private clickTimer;
private prevWheelTime;
private ignoreFocusChange;
state: States;
id: number | string;
container: HTMLElement | null;
footer: HTMLElement | null;
caption: HTMLElement | null;
carousel: Carousel | null;
lastFocus: HTMLElement | null;
prevMouseMoveEvent: MouseEvent | undefined;
fsAPI: {
request: (el: Element) => Promise<void>;
exit: () => Promise<void> | undefined;
isFullscreen: () => boolean;
} | undefined;
get isIdle(): boolean;
get isCompact(): boolean;
constructor(userSlides?: Array<userSlideType>, userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType>, userPlugins?: PluginsType);
private init;
private initLayout;
private initCarousel;
private attachEvents;
private detachEvents;
private onClick;
private onWheel;
private onKeydown;
private onResize;
private onFocus;
private onMousemove;
private onVisibilityChange;
private manageCloseBtn;
private manageCaption;
* Make sure the element, that has the focus, is inside the container
checkFocus(): void;
* Place focus on the first focusable element inside current slide
focus(event?: FocusEvent): void;
* Slide carousel to the next page
next(): void;
* Slide carousel to the previous page
prev(): void;
* Slide carousel to page by its index with optional parameters
jumpTo(...args: any): void;
* Check if there is another instance on top of this one
isTopmost(): boolean;
animate(element?: HTMLElement | null, className?: string, callback?: () => void | null): void;
stop(element: HTMLElement): void;
* Set new content for the given slide
setContent(slide: slideType, html?: string | HTMLElement, shouldReveal?: boolean): void;
revealContent(slide: slideType, showClass?: string | false): void;
done(slide: slideType): void;
* Check if the given slide is the current slide in the carousel
isCurrentSlide(slide: slideType): boolean;
* Check if the given slide is opening slide
isOpeningSlide(slide: slideType): boolean;
* Show loading icon inside given slide
showLoading(slide: slideType): void;
* Hide loading icon inside given slide
hideLoading(slide: slideType): void;
* Show error message for given slide
setError(slide: slideType, message: string): void;
* Clear content for given slide
clearContent(slide: slideType): void;
* Retrieve current carousel slide
getSlide(): slideType | undefined;
* Initiate closing
close(event?: Event, hideClass?: string | false): void;
* Clear idle state timer
clearIdle(): void;
* Activate idle state
setIdle(now?: boolean): void;
* Deactivate idle state
endIdle(): void;
* Reset idle state timer
resetIdle(): void;
* Toggle idle state
toggleIdle(): void;
* Toggle full-screen mode
toggleFullscreen(): void;
* Check if the instance is being closed or already destroyed
isClosing(): boolean;
private proceedClose;
* Destroy the instance
destroy(): void;
* Add a click handler that launches Fancybox after clicking on items that match the provided selector
static bind(selector: string, userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType>): void;
* Add a click handler to the given container that launches Fancybox after clicking items that match the provided selector
static bind(container: HTMLElement | null, selector: string, userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType>): void;
* Remove selector from the list of selectors that triggers Fancybox
static unbind(selector: string): void;
* Remove all or one selector from the list of selectors that triggers Fancybox for the given container
static unbind(container: HTMLElement | null, selector?: string): void;
* Immediately destroy all instances (without closing animation) and clean up
static destroy(): void;
static fromEvent(event: MouseEvent): Fancybox;
static fromNodes(nodes: Array<HTMLElement>, options: Partial<OptionsType>): Fancybox;
* Retrieve instance by identifier or the top most instance, if identifier is not provided
static getInstance(id?: number): Fancybox | null;
* Retrieve reference to the current slide of the highest active Fancybox instance
static getSlide(): slideType | null;
* Create new Fancybox instance with provided options
static show(slides?: Array<userSlideType>, options?: Partial<OptionsType>): Fancybox;
* Slide carousel of the current instance to the next page
static next(): void;
* Slide carousel of the current instance to the previous page
static prev(): void;
* Close all or topmost currently active instance
static close(all?: boolean, ...args: any): void;