JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

191 lines
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import { Component } from "../shared/Base/Component";
import { Panzoom } from "../Panzoom/Panzoom";
import { PluginsType, CarouselEventsType, slideType, pageType, userSlideType } from "./types";
import { OptionsType } from "./options";
import { States } from "./consts";
export type * from "./plugins/index";
export declare class Carousel extends Component<OptionsType, CarouselEventsType> {
static Panzoom: typeof Panzoom;
static defaults: Partial<OptionsType>;
static Plugins: PluginsType;
private bp;
private lp;
private get axis();
userOptions: Partial<OptionsType>;
userPlugins: PluginsType;
* Current state of the instance
state: States;
* Index of the currently selected page
page: number;
* Index of the previously selected page
prevPage: number | null;
* Reference to the container element
container: HTMLElement;
* Reference to the viewport element
viewport: HTMLElement | null;
* Reference to the track element
track: HTMLElement | null;
* An array containing objects associated with the carousel slides
slides: Array<slideType>;
* An array containing objects associated with the carousel pages
pages: Array<pageType>;
* Reference to the Panzoom instance
panzoom: Panzoom | null;
* A collection of indexes for slides that are currently being animated using CSS animation
inTransition: Set<number>;
* Total slide width or slide height for a vertical carousel
contentDim: number;
* Viewport width for a horizontal or height for a vertical carousel
viewportDim: number;
* True if the carousel is currently enabled
get isEnabled(): boolean;
* True if the carousel can navigate infinitely
get isInfinite(): boolean;
* True if the carousel is in RTL mode
get isRTL(): boolean;
* True if the carousel is horizontal
get isHorizontal(): boolean;
constructor(element: HTMLElement | string | null, userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType>, userPlugins?: PluginsType);
private processOptions;
private init;
private initLayout;
private initSlides;
private setInitialPage;
private setInitialPosition;
private initPanzoom;
private attachEvents;
private createPages;
private processPages;
private getPageFromIndex;
private getSlideMetrics;
private getBounds;
private repositionSlides;
private createSlideEl;
private removeSlideEl;
private transitionTo;
private manageSlideVisiblity;
private markSelectedSlides;
private flipInfiniteTrack;
private lazyLoadImg;
private lazyLoadSlide;
private onAnimationEnd;
private onDecel;
private onClick;
private onSlideTo;
private onChange;
private onRefresh;
private onScroll;
private onResize;
private onBeforeTransform;
private onEndAnimation;
* Reset carousel after initializing it, this method allows to replace options and plugins
reInit(userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType> | null, userPlugins?: PluginsType | null): void;
* Slide to page by its index with optional parameters
slideTo(pageIndex?: number | string, { friction, transition, }?: {
friction?: number;
transition?: string | false;
}): void;
* Re-center carousel
slideToClosest(opts: any): void;
* Slide to the next page
slideNext(): void;
* Slide to the previous page
slidePrev(): void;
* Stop transition effect
clearTransitions(): void;
* Create the slide(s) and add by the specified index
addSlide(index: number, what: userSlideType | Array<userSlideType>): void;
* Create slide(s) and prepend to the beginning of the carousel
prependSlide(what: userSlideType | Array<userSlideType>): void;
* Create slide(s) and add to the end of the carousel
appendSlide(what: userSlideType | Array<userSlideType>): void;
* Remove slide and DOM elements from the carousel
removeSlide(index: number): void;
* Forces to recalculate elements metrics
updateMetrics(): void;
* Get the progress of the active or selected page relative to the "center"
getProgress(index?: number, raw?: boolean, ignoreInfinite?: boolean): number;
* Set the height of the viewport to match the maximum height of the slides on the current page
setViewportHeight(): void;
* Return the index of the page containing the slide
getPageForSlide(index: number): number;
* Return all slides that are at least partially visible
getVisibleSlides(multiplier?: number): Set<slideType>;
* Get the page index for a given Panzoom position
getPageFromPosition(pos: number): {
pageIndex: number;
page: number;
* Update index of page based on Panzoom position
setPageFromPosition(): void;
* Destroy the instance
destroy(): void;