JavaScript UI component library, includes the latest Fancybox
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354 lines
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import { Component } from "../shared/Base/Component";
import { PluginsType, EventsType, Bounds, MatrixValues, ZoomOptions } from "./types";
import { States } from "./consts";
import { OptionsType } from "./options";
export declare class Panzoom extends Component<OptionsType, EventsType> {
static defaults: Partial<OptionsType>;
static Plugins: PluginsType;
private pointerTracker;
private resizeObserver;
private updateTimer;
private clickTimer;
private rAF;
private isTicking;
private friction;
private ignoreBounds;
private isBouncingX;
private isBouncingY;
private clicks;
private trackingPoints;
private pwt;
private cwd;
private pmme;
* Current state of the instance
state: States;
* True if the user is currently dragging
isDragging: boolean;
* Reference to the container element
container: HTMLElement;
* Reference to the content element
content: HTMLElement | HTMLImageElement | HTMLPictureElement;
* Reference to the loading indicator element
spinner: HTMLElement | null;
* Container dimensions.
* `innerWidth` & `innerHeight` values are width/height without padding.
containerRect: {
width: number;
height: number;
innerWidth: number;
innerHeight: number;
* Content dimensions and position relative to parent.
* `width` & `height` values are in current scale.
contentRect: {
top: number;
right: number;
bottom: number;
left: number;
fullWidth: number;
fullHeight: number;
fitWidth: number;
fitHeight: number;
width: number;
height: number;
* Initial position of the drag
dragStart: {
x: number;
y: number;
top: number;
left: number;
time: number;
* Current position of the drag
dragOffset: {
x: number;
y: number;
time: number;
* Transformation matrix values that define current x/y position and scale
current: MatrixValues;
* Transformation matrix values that define the x/y position and scale of the end of the current animation
target: MatrixValues;
* The velocity of each transformation matrix value
velocity: MatrixValues;
* Axis that is currently locked
lockedAxis: false | "x" | "y";
* True if the user is on a touch device
get isTouchDevice(): boolean;
get isMobile(): boolean;
* Current pan mode - `mousemove` or `drag`
get panMode(): "drag" | "mousemove";
* If the content can be dragged when it fits into the container
get panOnlyZoomed(): boolean | ((...any: any) => boolean | "auto");
* True if the content has any boundaries
get isInfinite(): boolean | "x" | "y";
* At what angle the content is rotated
get angle(): number;
* At what angle the content is rotated at the end of the current animation
get targetAngle(): number;
* At what scale the content is scaled
get scale(): number;
* At what scale the content is scaled at the end of the current animation
get targetScale(): number;
* Minimum scale level
get minScale(): number;
* At what scale the content will be at full width and height (1 to 1)
get fullScale(): number;
* Maximum scale level given the `maxScale` option
get maxScale(): number;
* At what scale the content will cover the container
get coverScale(): number;
* True if the content is currently animated and the scale level is changing
get isScaling(): boolean;
* True if the content (image) has not finished loading
get isContentLoading(): boolean;
* True if the animation is complete and the content fits within the bounds
get isResting(): boolean;
constructor(container: HTMLElement | null, userOptions?: Partial<OptionsType>, userPlugins?: PluginsType);
private initContent;
private onLoad;
private onError;
* Initialize the resize observer
attachObserver(): void;
* Remove the resize observer
detachObserver(): void;
* Enable click, wheel, mousemove and all touch events
attachEvents(): void;
* Remove click, wheel, mouse movement and all touch events
detachEvents(): void;
private animate;
private setTargetForce;
private checkBounds;
private clampTargetBounds;
private calculateContentDim;
private setEdgeForce;
private enable;
private onClick;
private addTrackingPoint;
private onPointerDown;
private onPointerMove;
private onPointerUp;
private startDecelAnim;
private onWheel;
private onMouseMove;
private onKeydown;
private onResize;
private setTransform;
* Calculate dimensions of contents and container
updateMetrics(silently?: boolean): void;
* Get information about current content boundaries
getBounds(): Bounds;
* Enable or disable controls depending on the current size of the content
updateControls(): void;
* Pan content to selected position and scale, use `friction` to control duration
panTo({ x, y, scale, friction, angle, originX, originY, flipX, flipY, ignoreBounds, }: {
x?: number;
y?: number;
scale?: number;
friction?: number;
angle?: number;
originX?: number;
originY?: number;
flipX?: boolean;
flipY?: boolean;
ignoreBounds?: boolean;
}): void;
* Relatively change position, scale, or angle of content, and flip content horizontally or vertically
applyChange({ panX, panY, scale, angle, originX, originY, friction, flipX, flipY, ignoreBounds, bounce, }: {
panX?: number;
panY?: number;
scale?: number;
angle?: number;
originX?: number;
originY?: number;
friction?: number;
flipX?: boolean;
flipY?: boolean;
ignoreBounds?: boolean;
bounce?: boolean;
}): void;
* Stop animation and optionally set target values to the current values (or vice versa)
stop(freeze?: "current" | "target" | false): void;
* Request an animation frame to check if the content position or scale needs to be changed based on the target values or if the content is out of bounds
requestTick(): void;
* Update the current position based on the mouse move event
panWithMouse(event: MouseEvent, friction?: number): void;
* Update the current scale based on the mouse scroll event
zoomWithWheel(event: WheelEvent): void;
* Check if the content can be scaled up
canZoomIn(): boolean;
* Check if the content can be scaled down
canZoomOut(): boolean;
* Increase scale level
zoomIn(scale?: number, opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Reduce scale level
zoomOut(scale?: number, opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Change the scale level so that the content fits inside the container
zoomToFit(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Change the scale level so that the content covers the container
zoomToCover(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Change the scale level so that the content has full width and height (e.g, on a 1-to-1 scale)
zoomToFull(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Change the scale level to maximum
zoomToMax(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Toggle `full` scale level: `fit` -> `full` -> `fit`
toggleZoom(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Toggle scale level: `fit` -> `max` -> `fit`
toggleMax(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Toggle scale level: `fit` -> `cover` -> `fit`
toggleCover(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Iterate scale level: `fit` -> `full` -> `max` -> `fit`
iterateZoom(opts?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Scale the content to a specific step or level.
* Note: Origin `[0,0]` is in the center, because content has CSS `transform-origin: center center;`
zoomTo(zoomLevel?: number | "fit" | "cover" | "full" | "max" | "next", { friction, originX, originY, event, }?: ZoomOptions): void;
* Rotate the content counterclockwise
rotateCCW(): void;
* Rotate the content clockwise
rotateCW(): void;
* Flip content horizontally
flipX(): void;
* Flip content vertically
flipY(): void;
* Change the scale level so that the content fits the container horizontally
fitX(): void;
* Change the scale level so that the content fits the container vertically
fitY(): void;
* Toggle full screen mode
toggleFS(): void;
* Get transformation matrix values
getMatrix(source?: MatrixValues): DOMMatrix;
* Reset all transformations AND animate to the original position
reset(friction?: number): void;
* Destroy the instance
destroy(): void;