name: "\U0001F41E Bug report" description: Create a report to help us improve labels: ["bug: pending triage"] body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | ":warning: **Please provide a link to a live sample/demo to get a quick and accurate response!**" - type: textarea id: bug-description attributes: label: Describe the bug description: A clear and concise description of what the bug is. placeholder: Bug description validations: required: true - type: textarea id: reproduction attributes: label: Reproduction description: Steps to reproduce the behavior. placeholder: Reproduction validations: required: true - type: textarea id: additional-context attributes: label: Additional context description: Add any other context or screenshots about the bug report here. - type: checkboxes id: checkboxes attributes: label: Validations description: Before submitting the issue, please make sure you do the following options: - label: Read the [docs]( required: true - label: Check that there isn't already an issue that reports the same bug to avoid creating a duplicate. required: true