# Fancyapps UI Collection of task-oriented components that will make you more productive. Packed full of features that you and your clients will love. Full docs with examples: https://fancyapps.com/docs/ui/quick-start/. ## Installation ### NPM Use either `npm` or `yarn` as follows: ```bash npm install @fancyapps/ui // or yarn add @fancyapps/ui ``` Import one or more components: ```jsx import { Fancybox, Carousel, Panzoom } from "@fancyapps/ui"; ``` Import the appropriate CSS file, example: ```jsx import "@fancyapps/ui/dist/fancybox.css"; ``` ### CDN A pre-bundled scripts that contain components are available on [CDN](https://www.jsdelivr.com/package/npm/@fancyapps/ui?path=dist). > **_NOTE:_** Because Fancybox is build on top of both Carousel and Panzoom components, you only have to include `fancybox.umd.js` and all 3 components will be available through the `window` object. ```html ``` Or use ES6 import: ```html ``` Remember to include the appropriate CSS file, example: ```html ``` ## Usage ### Fancybox There are two ways to use Fancybox. #### Declarative Add a `data-fancybox` attribute to any element to enable Fancybox. Galleries are created by adding the same attribute `data-fancybox` value to multiple elements. Use `data-src` or `href` attribute to specify the source of the content. Add a `data-caption` attribute if you want to show a caption under the content. ```jsx Image ``` ```jsx Video ``` ```jsx Iframe ``` ```jsx ``` Customize options: ```js Fancybox.bind("[data-fancybox]", { // Your options go here }); ``` #### Programmatic ```js // Image gallery var gallery = [ { src: "https://lipsum.app/id/2/800x600", thumb: "https://lipsum.app/id/2/80x80", caption: "First image", }, { src: "https://lipsum.app/id/3/800x600", thumb: "https://lipsum.app/id/3/80x80", caption: "Second image", }, { src: "https://lipsum.app/id/4/800x600", thumb: "https://lipsum.app/id/4/80x80", caption: "Third image", }, ]; Fancybox.show(gallery, { // Your options go here }); // HTML element Fancybox.show([{ src: "#dialog-content", type: "inline" }]); // A copy of HTML element Fancybox.show([{ src: "#dialog-content", type: "clone" }]); // Any HTML content Fancybox.show([{ src: "

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", type: "html" }]); ``` ### Carousel Add HTML markup ```html ``` Initialise Carousel ```js const myCarousel = new Carousel(document.querySelector("#myCarousel"), { // Your options go here }); ``` Optionally, use CSS to customize container, navigation elements and slides ```css .carousel { color: #170724; --carousel-button-bg: #fff; --carousel-button-shadow: 0 2px 1px -1px rgb(0 0 0 / 20%), 0 1px 1px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 14%), 0 1px 3px 0 rgb(0 0 0 / 12%); --carousel-button-svg-width: 20px; --carousel-button-svg-height: 20px; --carousel-button-svg-stroke-width: 2.5; } .carousel__slide { display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: center; width: 80%; height: 160px; margin-right: 6px; background-color: #eee; border-radius: 6px; } ``` ### Panzoom Add HTML markup ```html
``` Initialise Panzoom ```js const myPanzoom = new Panzoom(document.querySelector("#myPanzoom"), { // Your options go here }); ``` Optionally, use CSS to customize container ```css .panzoom { width: 400px; height: 300px; } ``` ## License This is commercial software. See [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) for more info.