import { Carousel } from "../dist/carousel.esm.js"; const expect = chai.expect; const defaultMarkup = ` `; function createSandbox(content) { const sandbox = document.createElement("div"); = "position:fixed;top:0;left:0;width:200px;overflow:visible;visibility:hidden;"; sandbox.innerHTML = content; document.body.appendChild(sandbox); return sandbox; } function triggerEvent(element, type, data = {}) { const event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(type, true, true); for (const key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Object.defineProperty(event, key, { value: data[key], }); } } element.dispatchEvent(event); return event; } function delay(time = 500) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, time); }); } describe("Carousel", function () { function createInstance(opts = {}) { const { markup = defaultMarkup } = opts; const element = createSandbox(markup).querySelector(".carousel"); return new Carousel(element, opts); } function destroyInstance(instance) { const sandbox = instance.$container.parentNode; instance.destroy(); sandbox.parentNode.removeChild(sandbox); } it("should initialise", function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(instance); expect(instance.$container); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("should calculate viewport and track dimensions", function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(instance.Panzoom.viewport.width); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.width); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("should calculate position and size of each page", function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(instance.pages)"array"); expect(instance.pages.length); let left = -40; for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { expect(instance.pages[i].width); expect(instance.pages[i].left); left += 120; } destroyInstance(instance); }); it("should calculate position and size of each slide", function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(instance.slides)"array"); expect(instance.slides.length); let left = 0; for (let i = 0; i < 7; i++) { expect(instance.slides[i].width); expect(instance.slides[i].left); left += 120; } destroyInstance(instance); }); it("should handle custom sized slides", function () { const instance = createInstance(); instance.slides[0].$["flex-basis"] = "80%"; // These two slides will now fit into one page by default, // so the total number of pages will be 6 instance.slides[1].$["flex-basis"] = "40%"; instance.slides[2].$["flex-basis"] = "40%"; instance.updateMetrics(); expect(instance.pages.length); expect(instance.pages[0].width); expect(instance.pages[0].left); expect(instance.pages[1].width); expect(instance.pages[1].left); expect(instance.slides.length); expect(instance.slides[0].width); expect(instance.slides[0].left); expect(instance.slides[1].width); expect(instance.slides[1].left); expect(instance.slides[2].width); expect(instance.slides[2].left); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can have custom initial page", function () { const instance = createInstance({ initialPage: 5, }); // Check page no. expect(; // Check if carousel has correct position const left = instance.pages[5].left; expect(left).to.equal(560); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(left * -1); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can slide to next page (throttled)", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(; instance.slideNext(); expect(; instance.slideNext(); expect(; await delay(300); instance.slideNext(); expect(; await delay(1500); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(-200); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can slide to previous page", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ initialPage: 2, }); expect(; instance.slidePrev(); expect(; await delay(1500); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(-80); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("flips slides when sliding infinite carousel forward to the end", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ initialPage: 5, }); instance.slideNext(); expect(; await delay(1500); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(160); expect(instance.slides[5].$"-840px"); expect(instance.slides[6].$"-840px"); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("flips slides when sliding infinite carousel backward from the end", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); instance.slideTo(6, { friction: 0 }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(160); expect(instance.slides[5].$"-840px"); expect(instance.slides[6].$"-840px"); instance.slidePrev(); expect(; await delay(1500); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(-560); expect(instance.slides[5].$""); expect(instance.slides[6].$""); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can slide to custom page", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(; instance.slideTo(5); expect(; await delay(1500); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x), 0.5); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can slide to custom page with custom friction", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(; instance.slideTo(5, { friction: 0.3, }); expect(; await delay(200); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(-560); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can slide to closest page", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(; instance.Panzoom.panTo({ x: -360, friction: 0.2 }); await delay(250); instance.slideToClosest({ friction: 0.3, }); expect(; await delay(200); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(-320); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("will automatically update metrics after resizing wrapping element", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); await delay(50); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.width).to.equal(840); expect(instance.slides[6].width).to.equal(120); expect(instance.slides[6].left).to.equal(720); instance.$ = "600px"; await delay(350); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.width).to.equal(2520); expect(instance.slides[6].width).to.equal(360); expect(instance.slides[6].left).to.equal(2160); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("will toggle navigation after resizing wrapping element", async function () { const sandbox = createSandbox(''); const mainElement = sandbox.querySelector(".carousel"); = "600px"; const instance = new Carousel(mainElement, { slides: [{ html: "main #0" }, { html: "main #2" }, { html: "main #3" }], }); expect(sandbox.querySelector(".carousel__nav")); await delay(50); = "400px"; await delay(350); expect(sandbox.querySelector(".carousel__nav")); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("will toggle dots after resizing wrapping element", async function () { const sandbox = createSandbox(''); const mainElement = sandbox.querySelector(".carousel"); = "600px"; const instance = new Carousel(mainElement, { slides: [{ html: "main #0" }, { html: "main #2" }, { html: "main #3" }], }); expect(sandbox.querySelector(".carousel__dots")); await delay(50); = "400px"; await delay(300); expect(sandbox.querySelector(".carousel__dots")); expect(sandbox.querySelector(".carousel__dots").children.length).to.equal(2); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can find page from x position", async function () { const instance = createInstance(); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(0)).to.deep.equal([0, 0]); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(250)).to.deep.equal([2, 2]); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(550)).to.deep.equal([5, 5]); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(650)).to.deep.equal([6, 6]); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(750)).to.deep.equal([0, 7]); expect(instance.getPageFromPosition(-100)).to.deep.equal([0, 0]); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can be customized: (center : true, infinite: true)", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ center: true, infinite: true, }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(40); instance.slidePrev(); await delay(1500); expect(; expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(160); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can be customized: (center : true, infinite: false, fill: true)", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ center: true, infinite: false, fill: true, }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(0); instance.slidePrev(); await delay(1500); expect(; expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(0); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can be customized: (center : true, infinite: false, fill: false)", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ center: true, infinite: false, fill: false, }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(40); instance.slidePrev(); await delay(1500); expect(; expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(40); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can be customized: (center : false, infinite: true)", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ center: false, infinite: true, }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(0); instance.slidePrev(); await delay(1500); expect(; expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(120); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can be customized: (center : false, infinite: false)", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ center: false, infinite: false, }); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(0); instance.slidePrev(); await delay(1500); expect(; expect(instance.Panzoom.content.x).to.equal(0); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("supports virtual slides", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ markup: '', slides: [{ html: "#0" }, { html: "#2" }, { html: "#3" }], }); expect(instance.pages.length).to.equal(3); expect(instance.Panzoom.content.width).to.equal(360); expect(instance.slides[0].width).to.equal(120); expect(instance.slides[0].left).to.equal(0); expect(instance.slides[2].width).to.equal(120); expect(instance.slides[2].left).to.equal(240); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can sync two instances", async function () { const sandbox = createSandbox(''); const mainElement = sandbox.querySelector(".carousel"); const navElement = sandbox.querySelector(".nav"); const main = new Carousel(mainElement, { slides: [{ html: "main #0" }, { html: "main #2" }, { html: "main #3" }], initialPage: 1, }); const nav = new Carousel(navElement, { slides: [{ html: "nav #0" }, { html: "nav #2" }, { html: "nav #3" }], Sync: { target: main, }, }); expect(; expect(; main.slideNext(); expect(; expect(; nav.destroy(); destroyInstance(main); }); it("can sync two instances - click to select", async function () { const sandbox = createSandbox(''); const mainElement = sandbox.querySelector(".carousel"); const navElement = sandbox.querySelector(".nav"); const main = new Carousel(mainElement, { slides: [{ html: "main #0" }, { html: "main #1" }, { html: "main #2" }], }); const nav = new Carousel(navElement, { slides: [{ html: "nav #0" }, { html: "nav #1" }, { html: "nav #2" }], Sync: { target: main, }, }); expect(; expect(; nav.Panzoom.panTo({ x: -128, friction: 0.1 }); await delay(150); triggerEvent(nav.slides[1].$el, "click", {}); expect(; expect(; nav.destroy(); destroyInstance(main); }); it("selects closest page after free drag", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ dragFree: true, Navigation: false, }); const x = instance.Panzoom.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.Panzoom.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 150, clientY: y + 50, }); triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 50, clientY: y + 50, }); await delay(300); triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mouseup", {}); expect(; destroyInstance(instance); }); it("determines the end of the animation", async function () { let called = 0; const instance = createInstance({ dragFree: true, Navigation: false, }); instance.on("Panzoom.endAnimation", () => { called++; }); const x = instance.Panzoom.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.Panzoom.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 150, clientY: y + 50, }); triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 50, clientY: y + 50, }); await delay(300); triggerEvent(instance.Panzoom.$container, "mouseup", {}); expect(; await delay(1000); expect(called).to.equal(1); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("supports lazy loading", async function () { const instance = createInstance({ markup: ``, }); let nodes = [...instance.$track.querySelectorAll("[data-lazy-src]")]; expect(nodes.length).to.equal(5); expect(nodes[0].src).to.equal(""); expect(nodes[1].src).to.equal(""); expect(nodes[2].src).to.equal(""); expect(nodes[3].src).to.equal(""); expect(nodes[4].src).to.equal(""); destroyInstance(instance); }); });