import { extend } from "../src/shared/utils/extend.js"; import { Panzoom } from "../dist/panzoom.esm.js"; const expect = chai.expect; const markupWithImage = `
`; const markupWithDiv = `
`; function createSandbox(content) { const sandbox = document.createElement("div"); = "position:fixed;top:calc(50vh - 75px);left:calc(50vw - 112px);overflow:visible;visibility:hidden;"; // "position:fixed;top:calc(50vh - 75px);left:calc(50vw - 112px);overflow:visible; outline:1px solid red;"; sandbox.innerHTML = content; document.body.appendChild(sandbox); return sandbox; } function triggerEvent(element, type, data = {}) { const event = document.createEvent("Event"); event.initEvent(type, true, true); for (const key in data) { if (data.hasOwnProperty(key)) { Object.defineProperty(event, key, { value: data[key], }); } } element.dispatchEvent(event); return event; } function delay(time = 500) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(resolve, time); }); } describe("Panzoom", function () { function createInstanceWithDiv(opts = {}) { const viewport = createSandbox(markupWithDiv).querySelector(".panzoom"); opts = extend(true, { zoom: false }, opts); return new Panzoom(viewport, opts); } async function createInstanceWithImage(opts = {}, zoomedIn = false) { const viewport = createSandbox(markupWithImage).querySelector(".panzoom"); return new Promise((resolve) => { if (zoomedIn) { opts = extend(true, {}, opts, { zoomFriction: 0.1, on: { load: (instance) => { instance.once("endAnimation", () => { resolve(instance); }); instance.toggleZoom(); }, }, }); } else { opts = extend(true, {}, opts, { on: { load: (instance) => { resolve(instance); }, }, }); } new Panzoom(viewport, opts); }); } function destroyInstance(instance) { const sandbox = instance.$container.parentNode; instance.destroy(); sandbox.parentNode.removeChild(sandbox); } it("sets content", function () { const instance = createInstanceWithDiv(); expect(instance.$content); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("fits image inside viewport while keeping its aspect ratio", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); expect(instance.$content.clientWidth).to.equal(225); expect(instance.$content.clientHeight).to.equal(150); expect(instance.$content.offsetTop).to.equal(0); expect(instance.$content.offsetLeft).to.equal(0); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("updates image dimensions and position after container resizes", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); await delay(50); instance.$ = "180px"; instance.$ = "180px"; await delay(300); const contentRect = instance.$content.getBoundingClientRect(); const containerRect = instance.$container.getBoundingClientRect(); expect(contentRect.width).to.equal(180); expect(contentRect.height).to.equal(120); expect( -; expect(contentRect.left - containerRect.left).to.equal(0); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("toggles content zoom level using `toggleZoom()`", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); let result = ""; // Scale to max zoom level result = await new Promise((resolve) => { instance.once("endAnimation", (that) => { resolve(that); }); instance.toggleZoom(); }); expect(result.transform.scale), 0.1); // Scale to fit result = await new Promise((resolve) => { instance.once("endAnimation", (that) => { resolve(that); }); instance.toggleZoom(); }); expect(result.transform.scale).to.equal(1); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("updates bounds after changing zoom level", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); let bounds = instance.getBounds(); expect(bounds.boundX).to.deep.equal({ from: 0, to: 0 }); expect(bounds.boundY).to.deep.equal({ from: 0, to: 0 }); await new Promise((resolve) => { instance.on("endAnimation", () => { resolve(); }); instance.zoomTo(2); }); bounds = { ...bounds, ...instance.getBounds() }; // Left bound will be `300 - 225` expect(bounds.boundX).to.deep.equal({ from: -75, to: 0 }); // Top bound will be `300 - 150` expect(bounds.boundY).to.deep.equal({ from: -50, to: 0 }); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("zooms to clicked coordinates", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); const clickAtXY = function (x, y) { return new Promise((resolve) => { instance.on("endAnimation", (that) => { resolve(that); }); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "click", { clientX: instance.$content.getBoundingClientRect().left + x, clientY: instance.$content.getBoundingClientRect().top + y, }); }); }; // Click top left corner const result1 = await clickAtXY(0, 0); expect(result1.$"translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px) scale(1)"); expect(result1.$"300px"); expect(result1.$"200px"); // Reset zoom level await clickAtXY(0, 0); // Click bottom right corner const result2 = await clickAtXY(225, 150); expect(result2.$"translate3d(-75px, -50px, 0px) scale(1)"); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("is draggable using pointing device", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage({}, true); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 60, clientY: y + 60, }); expect(instance.$"translate3d(-37.5px, -25px, 0px) scale(1)"); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 40, clientY: y + 60, }); await delay(250); // It should be moved expect(instance.dragOffset.x).to.equal(-20); expect(instance.dragOffset.y).to.equal(0); expect(instance.content.x), 0.5); expect(instance.content.y).to.equal(-25); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mouseup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("is draggable using touch device", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage({}, true); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$container, "touchstart", { changedTouches: [ { clientX: x + 60, clientY: y + 60, }, ], }); expect(instance.$"translate3d(-37.5px, -25px, 0px) scale(1)"); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "touchmove", { changedTouches: [ { clientX: x + 40, clientY: y + 60, }, ], }); await delay(250); // It should be moved expect(instance.dragOffset.x).to.equal(-20); expect(instance.dragOffset.y).to.equal(0); expect(instance.content.x), 0.5); expect(instance.content.y).to.equal(-25); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "touchend", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("has drag resistance", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage({}, true); const bounds = instance.getBounds(); expect(bounds.boundX).to.deep.equal({ from: -75, to: 0 }); expect(bounds.boundY).to.deep.equal({ from: -50, to: 0 }); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x, clientY: y + 50, }); await delay(); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 300, clientY: y + 50, }); // Wait for dragging animation to end await delay(); // Test drag resistance outside boundaries // ======= expect(instance.dragPosition.x) + 300) * 0.3); // Test if content is pulled back inside boundaries // ====== const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { instance.on("endAnimation", (that) => { resolve(that); }); // This will Start pull-back animation triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mouseup", {}); }); expect(result.content.x), 0.5); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can lock axis while dragging", async function () { const instance = createInstanceWithDiv({ lockAxis: "x", }); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 50, clientY: y + 50, }); await delay(); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 30, clientY: y + 30, }); // Wait for animation await delay(); expect(instance.content.x), 0.5); expect(instance.content.y); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mouseup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it('should lock on correct axis if `lockAxis:"xy"', async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithDiv({ lockAxis: "xy" }, true); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 50, clientY: y + 50, }); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 45, clientY: y + 40, }); // Wait for animation await delay(); expect(instance.content.y), 0.5); expect(instance.content.x).to.equal(0); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mouseup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("can zoom on wheel", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); expect(instance.content.width).to.equal(225); expect(instance.content.height).to.equal(150); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; const event = triggerEvent(instance.$content, "wheel", { deltaY: -1, clientX: x + 100, clientY: y + 100, }); // Wait for zoom animation await delay(); // Check if content is zoomed expect(instance.$"translate3d(-33.3333px, -33.3333px, 0px) scale(1)"); expect(instance.content.scale), 0.01); // Check if an event was prevented with e.preventDefault() expect(event.defaultPrevented); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("allows to scroll the page after reaching wheel count limit", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; let event; // It should take 5 wheel events to reach max zoom level for (let i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { event = triggerEvent(instance.$content, "wheel", { deltaY: -1, clientX: x + 80, clientY: y + 80, }); if (i === 0) { await delay(500); } expect(event.defaultPrevented); } // Check if max level is reached expect(instance.content.scale)"maxScale"), 0.01); // Simulate one event event = triggerEvent(instance.$content, "wheel", { deltaY: 1, clientX: x + 80, clientY: y + 80, }); await delay(500); // It should now be past limit expect(event.defaultPrevented); // Simulate wheel events to reach wheel count limit for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { event = triggerEvent(instance.$content, "wheel", { deltaY: 1, clientX: x + 80, clientY: y + 80, }); expect(event.defaultPrevented); } // Simulate one more event event = triggerEvent(instance.$container, "wheel", { deltaY: 1, clientX: x + 80, clientY: y + 80, }); // It should now be past limit expect(event.defaultPrevented); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("has click event", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); const result = await new Promise((resolve) => { instance.on("click", () => { resolve(true); }); let x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; let y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$content, "click", { clientX: x + 1, clientY: y + 1, }); }); expect(result); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("allows to drag if content fits, pulls back afterwards", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$content, "mousedown", { buttons: 1, clientX: x + 40, clientY: y + 40, }); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "mousemove", { clientX: x + 20, clientY: y + 20, }); // Animation would start await delay(300); expect(instance.content.x), 1); expect(instance.content.y), 1); triggerEvent(instance.$container, "mouseup", {}); // Wait for pull-back animation await delay(300); // Test if content is pulled back expect(instance.content.x), 1); expect(instance.content.y), 1); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("prevents drag if content fits and has option `panOnlyZoomed:true`", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage({ panOnlyZoomed: true, // Disable click event so it would not interfere with this test click: false, doubleClick: false, }); const x = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].left; const y = instance.$content.getClientRects()[0].top; triggerEvent(instance.$content, "pointerdown", { clientX: x + 50, clientY: y + 50, }); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "pointermove", { clientX: x + 10, clientY: y + 10, }); // Animation would start await delay(50); expect(instance.content.x); expect(instance.content.y); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "pointerup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("prevents panning outside boundaries", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); instance.panTo({ x: 10, y: 10 }); await delay(); expect(instance.content.x); expect(instance.content.y); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "pointerup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); it("allows to ignore bounds while panning", async function () { const instance = await createInstanceWithImage(); instance.panTo({ x: 10, y: 10, ignoreBounds: true }); await delay(); expect(instance.content.x); expect(instance.content.y); triggerEvent(instance.$content, "pointerup", {}); destroyInstance(instance); }); });